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Chapter 493: Sending Troops (Part 2)

 Hey! Listen!

This Mongolian's status is not ordinary. He is a coward! His status is the same as that of a thousand households in Mongolia! But what did he call me politely?

Prince Zhang! Are you finally recognizing my status as Prince Linhai?

Mu Huali never showed such respect to me in Dading Prefecture. The Mongolian Khan is more discerning!

It seems that the repeated evasion of the Mongolian orders these days is still very useful. At least, the Mongolians already know that they cannot do without our help.

After all, the territory of the Mongols is in the grasslands, not in the Central Plains! It is easy for them to send out troops to plunder once or twice, but it is difficult to really gain a foothold. When Mu Huali came here, he could only find a way to rely on the Khitans, and Zhebie was so fierce.

If people act rashly, the result will be death.

No timid rat can rise in this kind of world, and everyone must have full confidence in their own strength. Thinking of this, Zhang Jing subconsciously puffed up his chest and assumed the prestige of a county king.

Then he suddenly felt that something was wrong. The Mongols had always been as rough and domineering as wild beasts. The ordinary soldiers looked at people with their nostrils and shouted at local generals and marshals to kill them. How could they ever be so polite?

When you treat others with courtesy, you must ask for something. What do they want to do? If they want to arrange military affairs, then we have to see what price they offer!

The Mongolian coward Xue Gui in front of him waited expressionlessly for a moment, and then said: "Prince Zhang, the Great Khan has invited you!"

Zhang Zhi, who was behind him, pushed his brother.

"Okay, okay, please lead the way!"

Zhang Jing suddenly came back to his senses, followed the timid Xue Gui for a few steps, turned around and said to Zhang Zhi: "Take your brothers and find a place sheltered from the wind to rest for a while and wait for me to come back."

Next to the road where the army was marching, there was a highland. The strong wind completely removed the snow from the surface of the highland, exposing the sandy and gravel ground. A dozen strong Mongolian warriors wanted to drive thick iron nails here and kill Oruduo.

stood up, but apparently failed.

So they could only hold up the white felt and leopard skin on the windward side of the highland, and then fasten it around their waists with ropes, trying their best to look like a small camp. Rows of officers and messengers gathered around the camp.

They are here to protect their coach from the wind and rain, and secondly, they are always ready to deliver military orders.

But in this climate, their efforts were ineffective.

As a result of the slight obstruction of the strong wind, Genghis Khan and his cronies were all covered in snow, so much so that the pointed "Hulubuqi" snow hats became hemispherical, which looked a bit funny.

Zhang Jing followed one of the guards and hurried forward. He squinted his eyes for a while before confirming that one of the people was Genghis Khan. The people lying on the left and right were all his familiar partners who were active in various places on Beijing Road.

The leader of the Han army.

He quickly took off his leather hat, put his belt on his shoulders, and then knelt on one knee beside his companion.

Genghis Khan always stared at the terrain made of wood and stones in front of him. He occasionally talked to the strong Muhuali beside him and ignored him.

According to Mongolian rules, the visitors were not allowed to speak before the Great Khan ordered them to speak.

Zhang Jing opened his mouth and decided to wait a little longer.

He waited for a long time in the cold wind blowing. Several times he wanted to get up and leave, but he was intimidated by Genghis Khan's majesty and afraid of the fierce and cowardly Xue Jie around him who would pounce on him and kill him, so he did not dare to kill him.

Ideas put into practice.

But the feeling of kneeling on the ground like this is too painful.

Zhang Jing and other powerful figures have always lived a good life, and even the local Han people generally have a higher living standard than the Hu people. Although Jinzhou and other places are cold, people have houses, pits, and can make charcoal fires. As long as they are not

The kind of poor guy who deserves to be frozen to death, winter is not too difficult. It's not like the grassland, where there is ice and snow across the tent. Heavy snow falls at every turn, burying livestock for hundreds of miles in the snow and freezing to death.


Damn, these Mongolians must be used to the hardships on the grasslands, but they are still very comfortable here in the wind and snow? But I... I am about to freeze into ice!

Zhang Jing reluctantly persisted. He felt that his legs were almost numb. At first, he had to tense up and maintain a kneeling posture, but after a while, even if he relaxed, his blood and flesh would freeze.

It turned into a hard ice cube, continue to kneel?

When he was about to die, Zhang Jing heard the sound of his companion's upper and lower teeth clashing together. He squinted his eyes and looked left and right, only to see Shi Tianying kneeling on the other side. This guy who seemed to be favored by Genghis Khan was now also

It was so cold that my face turned blue.

Until a dozen local powerful people braved the wind and snow and rushed from all over to gather together. Genghis Khan waved and said a few words in a deep voice.

Zhang Jing and others hurried to the front, but several of them rolled to the ground as soon as they moved because their feet were numb from the cold, and they had to be pulled by their companions to move.

The feeling of having a dozen or so people huddled together was not bad, at least it was a little warmer.

The recently trusted Khitan general Shi Mo also looked around at them first, imitating Genghis Khan's tone and said: "All the troops below Zhang Jing are under the command of Tuohulan Chelibi. You must arrive in Chengzhou in ten days and cut off Gai.

The state determines the route for the navy to move north, and then..."

Before he finished speaking, Zhang Jing's face almost collapsed: "Ten days?"

"What? Marshal Zhang thinks there is a problem?" Shi Mo also asked first.

"That's a distance of more than 450 miles. Even if the weather is fine, it will take sixteen days to ride a fast horse on the post road!" Zhang Jing couldn't help shouting.

After he said this sentence, he realized that he was being rude, and he knelt down and kowtowed to Genghis Khan. He stood up and said, "You can't do it for ten days. Besides, we can't fight when we get to Chengzhou!"

Shi Mo also sneered: "General Zhebie only spent five days on these four hundred and fifty miles, and then he also captured Liaoyang Mansion and Shenzhou one after another!"

"So Zhefa..."

As soon as he said this sentence, several companions pulled Zhang Jing back half a step, asking him to hold back his words.

Next, everyone was silent.

Genghis Khan was still sitting cross-legged on the carpet, staring at the terrain made of stones and wooden blocks in front of him, occasionally saying a few words to Mu Huali, as if he didn't care about the entanglements of these Han'er subordinates.

The wind howled, and everyone felt colder and colder. Shi Mo was a little impatient at first. He patted the snow on his sleeves and said with a evil smile: "Who dares to violate the decision of the Great Khan?"

Zhang Jing lowered his head and gritted his teeth.

Of course, the Great Khan of Mongolia is a ruthless character. Since everyone has voted for Mongolia, no one dares to go against the Great Khan. But if the Great Khan insists on letting everyone freeze to death and die of exhaustion during the long journey, then everyone has to think about it.

Don’t you have to find another way out!

He knew that more than a dozen companions around him were looking at him, hoping that when he came out and Shi Mo would deal with it first, it was best to respond to the Khan's order. But his whole body was cold and his forehead was sweating, so he only dared to

I just thought about it and didn't dare to do anything seriously.

Seeing the awkward situation, someone suddenly stepped out of the queue and prostrated.

"Great Khan, General Muhuali, General Shimo, I have something to say."

It was Shi Tianying who came out. He exerted all his strength and his voice was full of energy and extremely loud, overwhelming the sound of the wind and snow.

Genghis Khan looked up at him with interest.

Shi Mo also frowned first and said only one word: "Speak!"

"Great Khan, the noble soul of General Jebie returned to the embrace of Changshengtian, and many Mongolian warriors followed him and flew to high heaven. It was caused by the Jin Army in Liaodong, named Ding Haijun.

.However, if the Great Khan wants to avenge General Jebe, will the lives of one Jurchen army be enough?"

"What's the meaning?"

"I heard that ever since what happened to Bahai Khan, Mongolia has had an undying hatred with the Kingdom of Jin. The death of General Jebie has made this hatred even deeper. No matter how many ant-like Jurchens die from this kind of hatred,

It’s not enough for revenge.”

Shi Tianying took two steps forward on his knees and said loudly: "I think we should capture the Jurchen emperor and the Jurchen nobles and adults as soon as possible! There are more people in Zhongdu than the wild horses, and there are

There are more people than a swarm of locusts. We use red-hot iron sticks to brand their foreheads, and let their blood be crushed out by the iron cart, just like the river flowing! Isn't that very happy?"

"The dirty wild duck injured the Khan's bird. How dare you stop the Khan from taking revenge?"

Shi Mo also became furious first, raised his hand and struck Shi Tianying on the back with a whip, breaking his fur coat into pieces, and blood and flesh splattered out.

Seeing that everyone was silent and Shi Mo was waiting to crack his whip again, Genghis Khan suddenly stood up.

"You mean, we go to Zhongdu?"

Shi Mo also immediately stepped back half a step to serve as Genghis Khan's interpreter.

Shi Tianying raised his head and said: "Great Khan, we should go to Zhongdu!"

This chapter has been completed!
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