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Chapter 504 Warrior (Part 1)

The soldier who was accused of peeing his pants in battle shouted dissatisfied: "You guys usually say that you are envious of the hundreds of acres of land owned by Ding Navy officers, but you still keep your mouth shut. Even if I, Li Dongmai, lack a little courage, I will not be able to do it."

Isn’t it even worth it? You guys are looking down on people!"

"Shut up! Shut up!" Several soldiers came up and dragged Li Dongmai away.

A junior officer pretended to glance at Hou Zhongxin unintentionally, but Hou Zhongxin still looked ahead expressionlessly.

The junior officers and their companions whispered, and they all felt that this official from Song Dynasty was very calm, and maybe he was really a big shot.

In fact, this kind of facial expression was the basic quality of an official in the Southern Dynasty. Hou Zhongxin's heart was filled with shock. It would not be an exaggeration to say that it was a stormy sea.

Although Hou Zhongxin is an envoy, the situation in the Kingdom of Jin has been too chaotic in the past few years. Zhen Dexiu only walked around the border and dared to brag about the situation in Jin when he came back. In fact, Lin'an was traveling up and down, and no one could figure out what happened.

What? Hou Zhongxin could only speculate on the situation of the Jin Kingdom in the Northern Dynasty based on his understanding of the Song Kingdom in the Southern Dynasty. Therefore, he did not originally pay attention to King Qin's soldiers and horses in Shandong.

The so-called court summoning soldiers from all over the world sounds majestic.

In fact, the officials of the Song Dynasty in the Southern Dynasties knew how miserable a court would be when it fell to this point. What was the Kaifeng court like during the Jingkang period? During the Jianyan period, in Yangzhou, Jiankang, Hangzhou, Yuezhou, etc.

The appearance of Emperor Gaozong and his ministers who have been tossed around has not been forgotten by everyone.

At that time, the armies of the King of Qin seemed to be huge, and most of them collapsed in the face of powerful enemies. Even if there were heroes, they were subject to many difficulties and were unable to save the day. Some of the armies of the King of Qin were in trouble and suddenly fell into disgrace.

They became rebels and rebels. Hou Zhongxin also knew about those things.

At that time, Dai Jin, with unimaginable bravery and cruelty, killed the Song Dynasty and abandoned thousands of miles of country and billions of people. Now that the world is in a cycle, Dai Jin is also threatened by powerful enemies from the north.

The capital of the country was exposed to the enemy's troops, and began to get sick urgently and seek medical treatment, hoping that all places would be diligent in serving the king.

This situation, in Hou Zhongxin's eyes, even made him feel a little secretly happy, so much so that the hardships he experienced bumping around on the sea were nothing compared to it.

But now, Hou Zhongxin suddenly discovered something special.

The Shandong Ding Navy under the rule of Jin Dynasty was powerful enough to repeatedly defeat powerful enemies in the north; and this army was obviously different from any army of the Jin or Song Dynasties.

Even the Jin people here in Zhigu Village know that these soldiers of Shandong Dinghai Navy actually have land! Each of these soldiers has land! Moreover, it is as much as one hundred acres! They also have shade houses!

This is a serious and proud warrior!

No wonder they could rival the Mongols and defeat hundreds of thousands of red-coated troops with such ease.

No wonder these soldiers looked arrogant.

I'm afraid they are not comparable to the humble Qiu Ba of the Song Dynasty, nor are they the shaved-headed lot soldiers of the Jin Kingdom who were forced by the Jurchens to fill ravines.

These people all have permanent property, and their status is obviously higher than ordinary people. They are the soldiers of the Western Wei Dynasty, the Northern Zhou Dynasty and the Tang Dynasty! They may even be the soldiers of the vassal town in the late Tang Dynasty!

If his subordinates are like this, then what kind of person will Guo Ning be? How many soldiers and horses like this do he have under his command? How much territory does he have to support such soldiers and horses? Can he implement a completely different policy from Daikin on his own territory?

How much authority does he have regarding the strategy of raising troops?

When Hou Zhongxin heard Guo Ning's name before, he thought that this person might be Wang Bolong, Han Chang, Li Qiong or the like. Now that he thinks about it, he may be more than an ordinary brave general... Maybe he has to rely on Han Derang?

Good guy, a group of us set out from Huaidong and traveled along the sea. We had little contact with places, but we almost missed such an important person!

In Hou Zhongxin's sight, the Jin Kingdom's Zhigu Village, all under the command of Gu Alihe, was walking around the camp with an officer nodding and bending.

The officer was about thirty years old, with dark complexion, but a very calm demeanor. He wore two straight knives at his waist. Jiagu Alihe chatted with him for a few words, saw Hou Zhongxin's figure, and pointed

Looking at Hou Zhongxin, he said a few words to the officer.

The officer's eyes were fixed on him, neither humble nor overbearing, and he raised his hand. The distance between the two was not far away, and Hou Zhongxin noticed that there was a huge and terrifying scar on the back of his right hand. He was obviously a soldier who had been in the army and had fought hard battles.


Hou Zhongxin subconsciously nodded slightly in return.

Jiagu Alihe shook his head full of sweat and ran over with his two fat legs swung like windmills: "Deputy Envoy Hou, this is Chen Ran, the commander of the army under the command of Ambassador Guo Xuan of Shandong. He is Ding Haijun.

The big shot! You two, do you want to meet me?"

Hou Zhongxin walked all the way here because he originally wanted to meet the leader of the Ding Navy.

In his perception, he was an outstanding military attache. He led troops in Sichuan, Huaihe and Huaihe Rivers, and fought against the Jin Army during the Kaixi Year. In addition to military service, he also read books, and he was considered to be both civil and military. Now,

Holding the false title of Lizhou Observer and carrying out orders in front of the Privy Council, he can be regarded as a capable person in the Song Dynasty. If he works hard for a few years, he may not be able to become the commander-in-chief of a party... With such experience and talent, let's go and find out.

It's easy to get the lowdown on the local military officials of the Jin Kingdom.

But at this moment, he suddenly hesitated.

He felt that he did not understand the details of Ding Haijun at all. If he talked about it rashly, would he show cowardice? Would it make the people of Ding Haijun look down on the Song Dynasty?

He had rich military experience, but because of this, he even had the absurd idea that the majesty of the Song Dynasty would be of little use in front of such a true warrior.

Such soldiers, and even such an army, will only respect the truly strong.

Just look at the eyes of those soldiers and you will know it!

Hou Zhongxin felt that he needed to adjust his emotions, and it was best to discuss it with Ding Zhan to avoid things going wrong.

"Uh... let's not do it for now. You go and tell this Chen Qianha, just say that you are tired from crossing the sea, so I can't bother you. You might as well see me tomorrow or the day after tomorrow when we go together."

Hou Zhongxin no longer dared to underestimate the Ding Navy. When the two armies set off the next day, the performance of the Ding Navy continued to shock the Song envoys.

Their total strength was no more than a thousand, and the military supplies shipped by ship were as large as an army of five thousand people. However, they advanced by land and water, and their speed upstream along the Lu River was astonishingly fast, as if they were moving from top to bottom.

There is no scruple or fear at all.

As the team moved further and further north, after passing through the destroyed Wuqing County, they encountered the Mongolian army more and more often.

In the large deserts east of Lushui, a large number of rangers try to approach the fleet every day. With Ding Zhan's literary eyes, he can only see that all the enemies are fierce and unusual. But Hou Zhongxin understands

, they are not only fierce and fierce, but also a well-trained army.

The officers of the Ding Navy said that these were not serious Mongolian troops, but grassland tribes that relied on Mongolia, or the Jin Kingdom's northern frontier defenders who surrendered to Mongolia.

Faced with the enemy's attack, the Dinghai navy continued to move away from the river with roughly the same size of troops, going deep into the deserted beaches, and launched a crisscross battle with the enemy.

On several occasions, the enemy troops with nearly a thousand troops broke through to the vicinity of the fleet. On several occasions, enemy troops in large areas were wiped out. The Dinghai navy, which had returned from withdrawing its troops, placed the recruited refugee people on the ships and carried out the killings.

The enemy's heads were piled up by the river, forming a piling up in the capital.

This kind of continuous and repeated battles can easily make people tired and relaxed, but the officers and soldiers of the Ding Navy seem to be accustomed to the intensity of the war. Their skillful coordination of infantry and cavalry, and cover with bows and arrows, have never performed abnormally, showing

Full of tenacity and fighting spirit.

The two armies fighting along the way were all strong soldiers. When they were about to reach Lu County in Tongzhou, even Ding Yan clearly felt that such an army was probably not comparable to the troops of the Song Dynasty's Huaidong system.

So he became more and more cautious. Every day he urged the three sections of the regiment to strengthen their defenses, and also urged the leader of the army to prepare the soldiers and the strong men recruited along the way. The purpose was still the same as before, which was to be on guard.

The Mongols must also be on guard against the arrogant and powerful generals of the Ding Navy.

Hou Zhongxin, on the other hand, was frequently sent out to investigate:

How many of the troops in the northern frontier of the Jin Kingdom surrendered to the Mongols? Are the Mongols more ferocious than these armies? How many elite soldiers and horses are there in the Ding Navy? Your Guo Ning and Guo Xuan

What is the status of an envoy in the Dajin court?

"Haha..." Chen Ran wiped the dust from his face and said, "Brother Hou, this cannot be explained clearly in a few words."

Hou Zhongxin had become quite familiar with Chen Ran in the past few days. The two of them did not talk about their respective official positions, but only talked about their age.

"You see, the county seat and Shuiguan in Miaoyin County have also been destroyed. The imperial garrison has shrunk to Lu County, Tongzhou. We are still thirty miles away from Lu County, Tongzhou. Only when we get there can we join the imperial people."

"That's good!" Hou Zhongxin said: "Your army has helped us a lot. When we get there, well, after we get to Zhongdu, we will definitely thank you in front of the Emperor of Daijin."

"Haha...it doesn't have to be like this."

This chapter has been completed!
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