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Chapter 521 Siege (Part 2)

Tian Xiong is not a general with scheming skills, and neither is Chen Ran, but the attack and defense around a solid stronghold have been the same since ancient times.

Chen Ran and Tian Xiong had read quite a few pages of the masterpieces of Chen Gui, a famous defender of the Southern Dynasties and a native of Mizhou, in the military academy in Ding Haijun.

Guo Ning, who was reading books with them, once said that when Chen Gui defended Shunchang, he was able to catch Dai Jin's army off guard. The key was not only the defense of the city itself, but also the fact that Liu Qi, who guarded Shunchang with Chen Gui, was a famous general in the Southern Dynasties and was extremely daring to fight.


As soon as they found a convenient place to go, Liu Qi's troops immediately sent out troops to fight, often using elite troops to barrack the camp, so that the attackers could not rest day and night. Not only were they exhausted, but they also did not dare to rashly approach the city wall and build a stronghold.

In the final analysis, a defense is a defense, and only by being able to attack can you defend well. Previously, Liaohai used a small number of troops to guard Gaizhou, but it was able to start with a night attack and besiege and kill the famous Mongolian general Zhebie. This is a record that everyone envies!

In the past few days, Chen Ran tried several times to launch small-scale disruptive operations against the enemy by relying on the salt marshes, wetlands, and shrubs around Zhigu Village. However, the number of enemy troops was too great, and the camp was well defended.

I have never been able to achieve any decent results.

However, as the enemy continued to build such large-scale camps and giant siege equipment, the psychological pressure on the defending officers and soldiers increased day by day.

This kind of pressure urgently needs to be relieved. The soldiers must know that we have a way and can defend it. We must achieve some results!

For this reason, kung fu is not limited to the battlefield.

Although the troops in Zhigu Village are small, they are united. Although there are many enemies pressing on the border, there are too many elements that can be exploited.

Early morning.

The torches on the edge of the camp swayed in the night wind, like sleepless beasts with their eyes open.

It was the fifth watch at this time, and the sky was getting dark, and the warm weather made it easier for the sentries to fall asleep. Liang Hu limped slightly and walked along the muddy road that had started to turn after the thaw to the wooden fence in a remote area outside the camp.

After walking for a while, he stopped and patted the sleeping sentries to wake them up.

All the commanders who served in the army along the Beijing Road were eager to follow Genghis Khan and achieve meritorious service, and they were generally not stingy in promoting people.

Liang Hu has been in the army for many years and has never been an official. Unexpectedly, he injured his thigh that day and became a prisoner of the black army. However, he was quickly promoted because of his rich military experience. Last month, he participated in the battle to capture Qingbaikou.

, made some achievements, and now he is the leader of fifty people.

This promotion does not make Liang Hu particularly happy. Fortunately, with his status, it is not his turn to deal with the Mongols. Moreover, since he has eaten the food of Prince Shi and Marshal Shi, he has to work hard and at least do the basic things at hand.

The thing is, this is the iron law for soldiers to sign up for the army and eat food.

Therefore, with his usual diligent nature, he worked hard on the trivial tasks of patrolling and sentry duty.

However, in the past few days, the Dinghai navy on the opposite side has not launched any decent raids. They have just kept gathering, arranging fleets, and stepping up the construction of forts. They appear to be holding on and waiting for changes. They have not even penetrated the expected night raids.

Happened several times.

Therefore, the ordinary soldiers who were originally very energetic gradually became arrogant and arrogant. They felt that their own side had such a huge advantage and frightened the enemy so much that they did not dare to move.

There began to be disdain for Ding Haijun in the military camp. Some soldiers claimed that Ding Haijun was just a bunch of elite soldiers from the northern border of the imperial court, so they appeared more ferocious, but in fact they could not bear much losses.

Otherwise, why did he use subordinate tribes when he fought with General Zhebie in Liaodong? Why are you hiding in Zhigu Village now and not daring to go out to fight?

If we train our troops well, we will always have the upper hand with the strength of our numbers. In the future, we will follow the Mongolian army into Shandong and seize the territory of the navy. That will be very beautiful.

Whenever he heard such nonsense from his companions, Liang Hu walked away in silence. He knew how brave the Ding navy officers were, how well-equipped and well-trained they were, and he could vaguely guess that this way

What kind of political power does the army rely on?

Ding Haijun definitely relies not only on the background of the veterans. On the contrary, it is impossible for our companions to be allocated land.

The generals at the top hope that the soldiers will be hungry and bitten all the time. Sitting back and watching the soldiers looting while attacking the city is the greatest benefit they can give. The land will only be in the hands of the nobles, and the soldiers are just dogs. Dogs must have

Dog consciousness.

So if you really want to expect any benefits, you might as well bring your weapons and join the Dinghai Navy... It's a pity that the strength of the two armies is too different. The advantage on the battlefield is indeed our own. If you join us at this time, you will most likely be sent to the battlefield to cushion the sword.

, it seems like you don’t know how to live or die.

As for why Ding Haijun in Zhigu Village didn't move... there must be a special plot. But as a mere brand leader, all Liang Hu could do was urge his subordinates to fulfill their duties. The rest was up to fate.

Liang Hu finished patrolling the fence that his subordinates were responsible for, and was about to go back to his tent to rest. Suddenly he saw a light and shadow moving in the direction of the fence a little far away. The person in charge of that fence was not Liang Hu, but a brand owner named Wang. He and Wang

Liang Hu and Liang Hu were both kidnapped into the Black Army after the fall of Pingzhou, so they had a good relationship. Liang Hu subconsciously took a few more steps to see what was going on.

"Lao Wang! Lao Wang!"

Liang Hu walked for a while and gave two soft drinks. The lights along the way were as usual, but he didn't see the sentry who should be here, let alone Lao Wang. He couldn't help but tremble in his heart, and immediately pulled out the straight knife in his hand. At the same time,

He whispered to a soldier following behind him: "Go back and report that something is wrong here."

The soldier listened to Liang Hu's words, but did not move. Instead, he raised his hand and pointed: "Look outside, isn't that Lao Wang and the others are back?"

Hearing this, Liang Hu quickly raised his head and looked outside. In the pre-dawn sky, he could vaguely see the sign leader named Wang and a row of more than ten soldiers walking back from the wilderness where light and darkness were intertwined. As he walked,

, and they were talking about something.

"It's Lao Wang and the others, that's right. Maybe they have gone too far to look for sentries in the morning? Or maybe it would be more convenient to go to the forest over there together? Captain, let's go back." The soldiers accompanying him said relaxedly.

Liang Hu became more and more nervous: "Go back quickly and report as I said!"

The soldier saw Liang Hu's expression and hurriedly bent down and ran back. Liang Hu led the remaining two people and continued to move forward along the wooden fence. Because the chosen path was close to the shadow of the fence, and it was the other party.

The group of people had a blind spot. When Lao Wang and others came in through the gap in the fence, they were only three or four feet away from Liang Hu.

The robes and armor of the group were in the standard style of the Black Army, but at least half of them had their helmet brim lowered, making it difficult to see their faces. On the contrary, the voices of those people could be heard clearly. As they walked, Old Wang said

: "I can only send you through the wooden fence, and there are at least three checkpoints behind it before you can get close to those catapults and ladders. You have to find a way on your own..."

Sure enough, it was a small group of Dinghai navy that had sneaked in!

If they let this go, they will definitely cause a big mess in the camp! Many people will definitely die!

Liang Hu lifted the straight knife upside down, walked lightly, touched the sides of several men at the back of the queue, and chopped off their pockets with the knife.

Only a muffled groan was heard, and before those people could react, Liang Hu swung his sword like a windmill, first cutting down one person, and then forcing the other person to retreat. The soldiers who came with him also rushed towards them.


Lao Wang, who was leading the way, turned around in fear. When he saw Liang Hu jumping out to kill him, he shouted repeatedly: "Lao Liang, don't do this! Listen to me! I'm doing this all for..."

Before he finished speaking, Liang Hu suddenly heard the sound of arrow clusters breaking through the wind. Looking back, he saw that his two soldiers had fallen to the ground, and an arrow was deeply embedded in their backs.

It turned out that there was another person following at the end of the queue. When this person realized that something was wrong, he immediately opened his bow and shot, killing two of Liang Hu's soldiers immediately!

Liang Hu cursed a few words, picked up the straight knife in his hand and threw it at the man holding the bow.

This chapter has been completed!
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