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Chapter 531 Long Wait (Part 1)

Hearing Wu Lin's reply and scolding, both officers were angry, but they had no way to answer.

Just when he was about to say a few words, Wu Lin responded with a change of tone: "Or, this is not the meaning of the soldiers, but the meaning of Marshal Shuhu Gaoqi?"

At the time of the coup in Zhongdu, Shuhu Gaoqi commanded the foreign army, while Pusan ​​Anzhen was the direct commander of the Gongwei army and commanded the powerful army. Later Pusan ​​Anzhen went out to try to control the local military affairs, while Shuhu Gaoqi

Focusing their energy on Zhongdu City, the two of them can be said to be on the same page.

When Shuhu Gaoqi was a boy, he fought bravely in the war with the Song Dynasty in the Southern Dynasty and made many meritorious deeds. When he was stationed in Qinzhou, he was not only good at fighting, but also read and explained things, and he was also famous among the Shu people. Later he was ordered to move troops to guard

When he was stationed in Jinshan in Zhongdu, he was also very popular among the people and was used by scholars. At that time, many people thought that he was one of the few people in the Jin Kingdom who knew military skills after the veteran generals of the previous generation had withered.

Qi is the marshal, everyone thinks it is very suitable.

But who would have thought that after Shuhu Gaoqi entered the center, he seemed to have changed as a person, suddenly transforming from a resolute warrior into a politician with no integrity.

I heard that not long ago, in order to please the emperor, Shuhu Gaoqi even personally paid attention to whether the mutton the emperor ate was plump. And when Pusan ​​Anzhen was reorganizing Meng'an in Hebei to conquer the army, many people in the court did not know the so-called criticism.

There is a shadow of Shuhu Gaoqi looming behind them.

A dignified marshal puts his mind on these things and is unwilling to even think about it, let alone fight.

And if the marshal is like this, why do he demand so many officers under him?

The two officers were silent for a moment, and Wu Lin responded and pressed the question: "Is this what the emperor means?"

This is even more impossible to answer.

Since the emperor came to the throne, he has been very addicted to granting officials and making wishes. In addition, because of the endless wars, in order to motivate the soldiers, the imperial court had to grant the generals empty names to announce the edicts. Xu Zhi regarded the merits as merit and dismissed them. Therefore, the things that continued in Zhongdu,

It has not stopped in the past two years, but the fact that there are more generals does not mean that the army's combat effectiveness is strong. In the past two years, it can even be said that the level of the army has continued to decline.

The last time the Mongols invaded, the emperor had just ascended the throne and was eager to show that he was different from his predecessor, the Jin Emperor, and he had some ambitions to make great achievements.

So he frequently urged the troops in Zhongdu and even the generals around Zhongdu to go out and resist the war. He also sent many officials to recruit brave people in various places, fought several battles with the Mongols, and even dispatched militiamen to recapture Juyong Pass.

The idea of ​​​​blocking the Mongols in the interior of the Central Plains.

However, perhaps because his own military ability was not outstanding, perhaps because all the civil and military officials in Zhongdu were busy with their own personal agendas, or perhaps because of lack of human vision, every attempt by the emperor in the field failed.

The damage, the damage to the army is beyond imagination.

After two disastrous defeats at Yehuling and Migukou, the basic strength of the Jin army was already insufficient. The soldiers and horses gathered in Zhongdu at that time were already the last combatable troops under the direct control of the imperial court. However, because the emperor was too impatient, these relatively

Experienced middle-level and grassroots officers, more talented backbones, and more courageous soldiers died in large numbers during a series of failures.

The emperor's response was to work harder to seal officials and sign troops in order to maintain a huge military strength. But everyone understood that the emperor was in vain to maintain momentum, but did not have the ability to train elite soldiers, and the army was becoming more and more rotten.

This is the result.

At this moment, Zhongdu is already facing extreme danger.

Not to mention anything else, the last time Zhongdu was besieged for more than five months, four to five out of ten soldiers and civilians in Zhongdu starved to death, and the people exchanged their children for food. This time the Mongolian army came again, and tens of thousands of surrendered troops on the Beijing Road came to help.

It was easy to attack the city along the way. Seeing the huge Zhongdu Road, more than a dozen military prefectures, dozens of cities, and countless key passes changed hands one by one, leaving only the two isolated cities of Zhongdu and Tongzhou.

More than ten days ago, the Lushui channel was blocked, and hundreds of thousands of soldiers and civilians were trapped in the city. Officials were searching for private savings everywhere, and wealthy merchants were hoarding them. Seeing that the situation was becoming more embarrassing day by day, and the products on the market were

The price of food has soared a hundred times! Thinking of the tragic situation last time, the soldiers and civilians in the city were all panic-stricken, so much so that mutinies and civil uprisings occurred one after another every day.

In this situation, Pusan ​​Anzhen personally went out to protect the huge amount of food and crops. As a result, Zhongdu City couldn't even send troops to respond! Don't dare!

There is no need to deny that the journey from Liangxiang to Daxingfu in Zhongdu is a flat plain with no undulating terrain, so it is very dangerous. But in the final analysis, it is only about fifty miles, a day's journey!

Hebei Xuanfu envoy Pusan ​​Anzhen drove here from Yijin Pass in Bazhou, which had been operating for a long time, for these grains and supplies. It was a full 170 miles away. Along the way, he continuously attacked several cities controlled by the Mongolian affiliated army. Isn't this dangerous?


Not to mention, while Guo Ning, the envoy of Xuanfu in Shandong, fought fiercely with the Mongolian army in Zhigu Village, he sent tens of thousands of men to squeeze out tens of thousands of grain and fodder from his own treasury, traveling from Shandong to no less than 700 miles!

Who would have thought that the soldiers and horses of the Zhongdu court would not even dare to take the risk of a journey of more than fifty miles!

Why did Daikin become so decadent? It was in vain that all the hard work of the public officials was wasted!

The more Wu Lin thought about it, the angrier he became. He wanted to clench his fists and beat the two messengers in front of him, but he really thought that he could not beat these warriors. He breathed heavily for a while, and finally pointed his halberd at the two of them and cursed.

He said: "My envoy will leave tomorrow and return to Hebei tomorrow! No matter what you do!"

Wu Linda was also from a famous Jurchen family. He was married to the royal family and married the Queen Shangzhu. He himself was related to Queen Sejong Zhaode and started his career by serving in the imperial family. He served successively as the director of the Shangshi Bureau and the supervisor.

As a censor, with this status, he will not be tied down in the marshal's mansion of Shuhu Gaoqi.

After yelling twice, he walked away.

The two officers were stunned. Du Shisheng laughed twice, turned around and left.

Du Shisheng hurriedly walked outside the Marshal's Mansion, and his carriage turned out from the side lane. When he was about to board the carriage, he saw Wu Lin Dao pacing back and forth in the empty space in front of the door, the anger still on his face.

He stood in front of Du Shisheng in a few steps and said in a deep voice: "There is something wrong with this matter!"

"how to say?"

"What your missionary brought is food!"

Wu Linda and Ji pointed at the edge of the empty field. At the foot of a wall there were several refugees who were as skinny as evil ghosts: "Right now in Zhongdu, food is life! Whoever can find food is the savior of everyone."

, he is the great hero of the imperial court! But Shuhu Gaoqi didn’t dare to send troops? Why didn’t he dare to send troops? There must be something evil in this!”

Du Shisheng took back his foot on the shaft of the carriage and listened to Wu Lin's reply and continued to shout: "The two people who gave us orders are Wanyan Phosphorus, Commander-in-Chief of the Right Wing of the Armed Guards, and Wanyan Xie, Commander-in-Chief of the Internal Affairs Bureau.

Lie. Of these two people, one is Shuhu Gaoqi's arm, and the other is the emperor's confidant. So I say, this may not be Shuhu Gaoqi's intention. The emperor himself is also timid! Why are they afraid that this will happen?

There must be a ghost in this!"

There is no need for Wu Lin to emphasize this repeatedly. Anyone who is not a fool can see it.

Du Shisheng remembered that just ten months ago, Chen Ran was supervising the grain ship and heading north along the Caohe River from Zhigu Village. Wanyan Luo and Wanyan Xielie aggressively led the Jingqi to intercept and severely prevent the foreign troops.

Entering Zhongdu. How long had it passed before the imperial court did not dare to send even a single soldier out?

What makes them afraid of being like this?

Du Shisheng's mind suddenly changed.

But he and Wu Lin replied that they were not the same people, so they just nodded, got in the car and left.

The carriage turned around Sheng'an Temple and walked towards Kaiyang Dongfang for a while. When it reached an intersection with few pedestrians, the carriage curtain was suddenly lifted by someone, and someone stepped inside and said hurriedly: "Guo Liulang is sending a baggage here at this time."

, isn’t it like a sheep entering a tiger’s mouth? Send a message quickly and tell them to leave quickly!”

Du Shisheng did not answer, but the vehicle continued south.

After passing two intersections and turning around a charcoal farm, the curtain of the carriage was opened again. Someone stepped into the carriage and said: "Let Guo Liulang's people outside the city leave quickly! The Mongolian army is in the north of Jinkou.

River Camp!”

This chapter has been completed!
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