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Chapter 536: True Chapter (Part 2)

"De Gang, what's wrong with you?"

Du Shisheng came up and helped Zhang Rou.

Zhang Rou opened his mouth, but his throat was choked and he couldn't make a sound. In the past half day, he had been extremely nervous ever since he learned that the Mongols were entrenched in the Jinkou River camp, and the level of tension continued to change with the situation.

It went through several ups and downs, and finally crushed him.

If Guo Ning and Pu San Anzhen are defeated, what will the Central Capital do?

The soldiers and civilians in the city were so frightened when they saw the smoke and dust of the Mongolian army. If the Mongolian army killed Guo Ning and Pu San Anzhen, and then took their heads to threaten Kaicheng... what would happen? Don't say

The emperor and the marshal who are in charge of the city may not be able to keep their minds calm!

After one battle, the situation will collapse!

Several years passed through Zhang Rou's mind instantly. Du Shisheng asked twice in succession, but he did not answer.

On the contrary, Miao Daorun was a little more stable.

He took a few steps, held Zhang Rou's left arm, and then lowered his voice to Du Shisheng: "Mr. Jinzhi, don't make any noise. Those cavalrymen are Huo'erchi who are cowardly of Xue's army!"

"Huo'erchi? So what?" Du Shisheng asked casually.

"The Qixue Army is the bodyguard of the Mongolian Great Khan, and among them Huo'erchi is the most elite. A total of thousands of cavalry always accompany the Great Khan! Look, Mr. Jinzhi, there are at least two hundred people walking around the city right now.

Huo'erchi, then, who gave them the order in that cavalry team going south?"

The smile on Du Shisheng's face faded instantly, and he understood.

"The Mongol Khan? Where is the Mongol Khan?"

Miao Daorun nodded heavily.

The battlefield is always in chaos. Today's Zhongdu City is isolated from the Mongolian army, and it is like being blind and deaf. If you want to understand the real situation, you can only infer from some small details, and the inference can be accurate.

, that’s because you have a keen sense of smell, and if you make a wrong inference, you’re being stupid.

Miao Daorun and Zhang Rou had a keen sense of smell, and this time, their judgment was absolutely correct.

Those Huo'erchi were indeed members of Genghis Khan's Qixue Army. The reason why they were sent to monitor Zhongdu was because the person who could give them orders was the one who could defeat the establishment of Mongol Uluth.

The invincible Genghis Khan himself is at the Jinkou River camp.

Previously, the navy sent capable personnel to contact Du Shisheng and brought Guo Ning's personal letter. In the letter, Guo Ning explained in detail his own arrangements around Zhongdu, including fighting along the Lu River to attract the Mongolian army.

Attention, including tens of thousands of people disguised as civilian husbands, but Pusan ​​Anzhen did not notice it.

However, Guo Ning's letter even mentioned his own preparations for a sudden encounter with the enemy, but did not mention the possibility of the elite Mongolian army setting off from the military stronghold close to Zhongdu to raid Liangxiang.

Then, Guo Ning could not have imagined that Genghis Khan would be here.

No one could have imagined that Genghis Khan would be here.

The Mongolian army's military operations around Zhongdu have always been based on the auxiliary troops on Beijing Road. The Mongolian army headquarters has never really appeared. Some people think that the Mongolian army headquarters should be along the Lu River, preparing to deal with the Dinghai navy at sea.

Threat, some people think that the Mongolian army headquarters should be east of Yuyang in Jizhou, so that Genghis Khan can coordinate and command the entire war situation.

But who would have thought that the Mongolian army would camp at Jinkou River?

The fighting between the two sides on Zhongdu Road has lasted for more than a month. The fighting was so fierce, the casualties were so heavy, and Genghis Khan's troops and horses were right under the nose of Zhongdu City? What stupid thing was Shuhu Gaoqi doing? What was going on in his mind

What are you planning! Was he deceived, or was he pretending to be crazy?

Du Shisheng couldn't imagine what the headquarters of the Mongolian army led by Genghis Khan would be like, but it must be the most brave and skilled group in the Mongolian army. And such a group of Mongolian elites are now aiming at the servant An Zhenhe

Guo Ning is gone!

Can Pusan ​​Anzhen and Guo Ning confront Genghis Khan head-on?

Du Shisheng didn't even dare to think about this issue.

Defeating Tuolei and killing Zhebie were indeed brilliant achievements, but who was Genghis Khan? He integrated the entire grassland into a whole, swept across the northern frontier of the Jin Dynasty in the past few years, and brought hundreds of thousands of people to the Jin Dynasty.

Even millions of soldiers and horses were killed until the blood flowed, and most of the territory of Dajin was dyed red with blood!

"Mr. Jinzhi, don't panic. Although the situation is dangerous, Guo Liulang does not have no chance."

Du Shisheng suddenly cheered up: "Oh? General Miao, what do you have to say?"

"What the Mongolian army uses is actually still the old routine of encircling a point for reinforcements. But this time their starting point is too hidden, so the distance of the raid is very short, which is surprising. But in the eyes of the Mongols, as long as they defeat the Hebei Army

, all the grain, baggage, civilians, mules, horses and livestock, don’t they all belong to them? Therefore, their main target must be Hebei Meng’an, who has scattered Anzhen, to defeat the army, not Guo Xuanshi who pretends to be baggage.



"If Ambassador Guo Xuan seizes the opportunity of Pusan ​​Anzhen being attacked and retreats in time, he will definitely have a chance to escape! The next step is to resist the Mongolian army and pursue it. I heard that Ambassador Guo retreated from northern Xinjiang into Hebei

, repelling countless Mongolian pursuers along the way. He must have great experience in this!"

"Not bad!"

Du Shisheng shook the dull-looking Zhang Rou vigorously: "Degang, what do you think?"

"Ah? What?"

Several people continued to speculate, but they did not know that Miao Daorun's inference was completely wrong.

The cavalry of the Mongolian Army Headquarters poured out from the Jinkou River Camp and rushed across the wilderness at an extremely fast speed. If the smoke and dust stirred up by tens of thousands of iron hooves were like clouds, then the galloping posture of the cavalry was like a torrent or a waterfall.

A huge number of cavalry and an even greater number of war horses naturally spread out over a broad front during the galloping process. All the cavalry teams kept running. They crossed the increasingly green fields, crossed abandoned farmland, villages, and crossed

Occasionally appearing river valleys and hills, crossing wide or narrow, winding roads, it does not slow down no matter what kind of terrain it is.

They are like dozens of torrents rushing in one direction, sometimes colliding with each other, sometimes blending with each other, and sometimes spreading out naturally, seemingly chaotic but showing a unique order and even rhythm.

The military flags they hold include white Sulu battle flags, black or blue flags embroidered with stars of various sizes, and flags simply tied to a whole sheep or yak bone, with stone powder applied on bows and arrows, wild beasts or birds of prey.

Small flags like this. Countless flags are fluttering in the wind in the swirling dust, as if they are stirring with the smoke in the sky.

The tallest among these flags is the nine-pin white banner that represents the location of Genghis Khan.

Genghis Khan was under the white paper as usual.

He used his strong arms to ride the horse freely, and casually said to the guards around him: "Tell Shiji Hutulu not to worry about the Jurchens on the stone hillock. Jurchens are like yellow sheep and sika deer. Their greatest ability is

Escape. The target of a good hunter should be the wild beasts on the grassland and the hungry tigers in the mountains... This time, we want to avenge Zhebie and kill Guo Ning!"

This chapter has been completed!
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