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Chapter 552 Dumb Fight (Part 2)

In that big dream, Guo Ning saw many things that he could not imagine in his life, including weapons. Therefore, after he settled in Shandong, he always attached great importance to the research of gunpowder weapons. Unfortunately, the results were not significant, and he was also responsible for these affairs. The Ordnance Department's prosecution of Zhang Shengzhi was also a bit frustrating.

It’s not that Zhang Shengzhi didn’t try his best, but that many of the requirements put forward by Guo Ning are beyond what Ding Haijun can currently bear. For example, how to use hundreds of kilograms of copper to make a tube, ignite it, and use gunpowder to push the stone projectile to fly. At first thought, , a musket that was probably derived from the Song people in the Southern Dynasties, and was very powerful. However, the Ordnance Department tried it twice and found that it did not have such superb copper-casting technology. In the end, it cast the copper into private money and took it to Liaodong for use.

Even the simplest thing Guo Ning said was a small iron artillery that soldiers could carry with them and throw explosions. In the end, they were not successfully manufactured. The power of gunpowder was always limited. The iron artillery was small in size and could only be used to hear the sound. Children were playing around. When throwing, the flying distance was a little farther, and the fuse used to make the fire broke easily. As for the mechanism for making flint fire, the Ordnance Department tried many times, but the results were all failures.

In the end, what really worked on the battlefield were still the same old two: a large amount of gunpowder to blow up the city wall, and a small amount of gunpowder to defend the city wall. The Ordnance Department has accumulated some experience in the manufacture and maintenance of iron artillery. Starting in the second half of last year, it has successively A large number of iron artillery pieces were provided to Erfu and Erzhenzhou on Shandong East Road to defend the city.

But as long as the prerequisites are met, the weapon used to defend the city can also become a weapon in the field.

Guo Ning went north this time and brought a group of iron artillery with him. When he commanded the soldiers to fight with the Mongolian army, he deliberately deployed the chariot formation inside the Ding Haijun queue, and lined up the infantry outside to fight fiercely with the Mongolian cavalry... …At that time, we were ready to use the iron artillery.

This arrangement was possible not because of Guo Ning's clever calculation, but because he and his subordinates were well versed in the Mongolian tactics.

The Mongols were accustomed to harassing, dragging, and interfering. When they launched an attack, they were like steel knives cutting back and forth, causing the enemy to fall into chaos. The seemingly slow response of the Ding navy was indeed taken advantage of by the Mongolian cavalry.

While the Ding Navy paid a considerable price, the elite troops of the Qie Xue Army seized the few gaps in the military formation and launched a rapid penetration.

However, those cavalry who successfully penetrated and broke into the military formation could not penetrate the military formation and execute the next penetration. Halfway through, they would be blocked by a chain of car formations.

The vehicle array is a dead object. Once it is laid, it cannot move again unless the chains are released. The Mongols can completely circumvent it. Therefore, the Mongols' movement is delayed only for a short moment.

But that's enough.

The front team was sluggish, but the rear team was still galloping like the wind; when the two sides touched, they instantly gathered into a group.

What is the difference between the Mongolian cavalry gathered outside the car formation and the enemies who invade the city? They are both targets that are most conducive to the power of iron artillery.

The sound of a hundred iron artillery explosions shook the eardrums of Wang Shixian, Qiu Huiluo and others. Outside the car formation, the scene of the Mongolian cavalry could only be described as miserable.

This simplest gunpowder weapon exploded in the dense Mongolian cavalry, and the impact was really terrifying. Many of the Mongolians closest to the impact point of the iron artillery were overturned by this violent force, including their men and horses. , and many people fell down on the spot, bleeding from the corners of their mouths, ears and nose, and could no longer struggle.

Those who were hit by the fragments flying from the iron cannon were even more miserable. The fragments hit the face, and their heads were immediately smashed; their arms flew out on the spot after being sliced ​​off; their stomachs were cut open, and their internal organs poured out.

Even the most ferocious cavalrymen of the Xue Army panicked and screamed wildly when they were suddenly faced with such a scene. The horses under their crotches, even though they had been on the battlefield for a long time, were bolder and calmer than ordinary horses, but they had never heard of such a situation. Roar? Horses' hearing and sense of smell are much more sensitive than humans. After the roar, the pungent smell permeates the air, causing these horses to immediately lose control and start barking and jumping wildly.

The car formation was long and covered by the power of iron artillery. There were also a large number of Mongolian cavalry. They also began to run away without restraint. They were the cowardly Xue army. They were the bravest among the Mongols and the most trusted by Genghis Khan. However, no one can watch a war horse being overturned or a partner's face being smashed, and then continue fighting calmly.

In the process of face-to-face fighting, it is natural to kill the enemy with swords and arrows, or to be killed by the enemy's swords and arrows. The Immortal God will bless the warriors who died in battle, allowing them to live forever in the most fertile grassland and enjoy The fattest herds, the most beautiful women. So the Mongols are not afraid of death at all, and can still fight even in the worst environment.

But what would be the result of being killed by such a weird thing?

No one knows! The shamans have never mentioned it, not even the Tongtian witch Kuokuo Chu of that year!

The cavalry of the Xue Army began to run around. Many people's minds were completely confused. They were controlled by fear and panic.

In their ranks, the most outstanding Batu'ers and the Nak'ers who controlled the troops on behalf of the nobles were also running around. Even the Mongolian nobles who were slightly behind during the charge had to rein in their horses urgently. , trying to find an opportunity to escape.

There were only a handful of cavalrymen who were not affected by the iron artillery and were particularly alert and bold. They immediately shouted loudly: "This is what the golden dog threw from behind the car formation! Hurry up and shoot them to death. Don't let them throw it again!" "

There were too few people to respond to them. Dozens of people drew their bows and fired arrows into the car formation, which was completely useless.

At this time, outside the Dinghai Navy's array, horns sounded suddenly in several places.

It may be that Shiji suddenly felt that the situation was not good and blew the horn to retreat quickly, or it may be that Genghis Khan from further behind was urging the subsequent cavalry to immediately come forward to cover.

The sounds of these horns may seem similar, but in fact they have different sounds, representing different levels of command. The Mongolians have been accustomed to hearing them while hunting since childhood, and can easily distinguish the differences and coordinate skillfully according to the horn sounds.

But at this time, the cavalrymen who were deeply in confusion were still buzzing in their ears and their minds were still dizzy. They lost the ability to distinguish, and then became even more confused. Some cavalrymen began to speed up their horses, planning to follow their original ideas. They bypassed the car formation and continued to intersperse. Some cavalrymen retreated directly, trying to rush out from the front formation that had broken through once. In the blink of an eye, they not only lost their formation, but also lost their command sequence. People and horses ran around everywhere, crisscrossing the canine teeth.

The first to be unlucky were the Mongols who planned to break through the front line in reverse direction.

It was less than half a stick of incense before they succeeded in crossing, but they suddenly changed from fierce killers to people running away in panic.

Zhang Xin reacted quickly. The moment everyone was stunned after the iron artillery explosion, he had already given a stern order: "The first three rows of soldiers will form a team! Once the team is formed, just hold me to death and stop moving! Those in the back two rows, follow me. kill!"

Several generals also responded, and there were shouts and shouts in the queue.

"Don't move in the first three rows! Stop right there! Others turn to line up and follow me!"

"You idiots, I told you to hold on and hold on, but the Mongols broke through! I've been completely humiliated by you! Now follow me, kill a few more for me, and atone for your sins!"

"Stop talking nonsense, the Mongols are in chaos! They are in chaos! Let's go up quickly and kill, kill, kill!"

A large number of soldiers followed the officer and roared angrily.

This chapter has been completed!
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