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Chapter 566: Deception (Part 2)

 After shouting this, Shi Ji suddenly became bald and suddenly felt panicked for some reason. Fatigue and nervousness made him thump and kneel down in front of Genghis Khan.

Among Genghis Khan's cronies, Shiji Hutuhu was famous for being good at impartial punishment and resolving conflicts. Therefore, after the establishment of the Great Mongol Kingdom, he was appointed by Genghis Khan as Dazharu Huchi, also known as the Great Judge. Litigation, enfeoffment, etc., once the decision is made, no one else can change it.

But he was dissatisfied with being a judge. He thought that his fortitude and daring to fight were no less than those of Borhu and his companions such as Qu Chu, which was enough to make contributions on the battlefield. Therefore, he followed Genghis Khan closely when he went south and won the command of yesterday. Opportunity to take the lead.

Shiji Hutuhu grasped this opportunity very well, and he made no mistakes in his command.

The tactics he used were the most standard tactics used by the Mongols to deal with the Jin Army's infantry formations. Previously, according to Genghis Khan's instructions, he and Mu Huali carefully analyzed the Ding Navy's several combat experiences and found that they were best at using iron pagoda cavalry. Charge into battle. Therefore, in yesterday's battle, he deliberately accelerated the pace of continuous attacks in order to lead the situation into chaos and melee, without giving the navy any room for cavalry clashes.

As a result, Ding Haijun took out strange weapons that were rarely seen before and gave the Mongolian army a defeat.

Seeing the tragic situation at that time, Shi Ji suddenly went bald and beat his chest and cried out in pain. He plucked out his beard to boost his morale. Then he charged personally and led his team to defeat the Jurchens on the stone hill, trying to find a chance to make a comeback on the flank. .But that was not considered a success. The Jurchens were defeated and even their leaders were captured, but Ding Haijun remained unmoved.

As a result, the blame for this defeat fell completely on Shiji Hutuhu's head. Such a huge loss almost required Shiji Hutuhu to pay for it with his own life. Even though Shiji Hutuhu had once Obtained Genghis Khan's promise of immortality for nine crimes, but it was always hard to escape a flogging.

When he withdrew his troops yesterday, it was already dark at night, and Genghis Khan did not make any judgment on the defeat. Shi Ji Hu Bald Hu covered his head in a smelly wool felt cloth, fearing that he would hear the whispers of his companions around him and that he would come into contact with them. The look of contempt.

After tossing and turning all night, before dawn, he suddenly had new hope.

Perhaps there will be some special trends in the navy that can be exploited by our army? For example, is it possible that they, like other Jurchen armies, celebrate with joy every time they win, so that the military formation is not in order?

With strong expectations, Shi Ji Hu Tu Hu took his people out early to scout out and reached the vicinity of Ding Haijun's military camp. He chased and fought with Ding Haijun's scouts several times. In the end, although he never glimpsed the details of Ding Haijun, However, he succeeded in catching a few Alixi who were alone and asked about this important news.

"Fifty thousand reinforcements? Decisive battle?"

The great shaman Huoerchi was lifting the sheepskin at the top of Genghis Khan's tent. When he heard these two words, his hands trembled, and the dust on the skin fell down, almost spreading on the Khan's face.

Genghis Khan raised his head to look at the sky, then looked at Shi Ji Hu Bald Hu and Huo Er Chi.

He snorted coldly and cursed: "What's so surprising about this? First light the fire and bring the pancakes and mutton! I'll wait until I'm full! Who is Sugulchi on duty? Give me my new robe

Bring it!"

Huo'erchi quickly took out his fire sickle to light a fire. He suddenly climbed up, holding the dry bark in both hands. When the bonfire was lit, Bao'erchi and his friends came in from the outside and set up the mutton.

A large soup pot containing bones; the Suguerchi held robes and put them on Genghis Khan.

Only Huoerchi picked up a piece of mutton blade from the hot soup pot and took two bites. Then he shook his braid and retreated to the corner of the tent, picked up the tambourine and muttered something.

Genghis Khan devoured his meal and asked, "How did you get the news about the 50,000 reinforcements?"

"I captured two Ali Xi from Ding Haijun and one from Quchu. The three were interrogated separately and the same results were obtained. It is said that this is what Guo Ning said to the generals in the big tent last night.

, the following soldiers and horses gathered in Shandong, they set out five days ago and are heading north along the Cao River."

"The thousand-man team that came out of Qu is responsible for sentinels. The one who should go south is his subordinate Duo'er... What news can Duo'er report?"

"Not yet. However, Qu Chu sent another team of Na Ke'er to investigate southward."

Genghis Khan rubbed his rosy face, and his rough palms made a rustling sound.

Yesterday's battle, Genghis Khan watched the whole process. He knew very well that even if he personally commanded it, it would not be stronger than losing the battle. The navy's military formation is strict, the soldiers are tenacious, the weapons, especially

The power of the weapons that made a loud noise when thrown was far more powerful than any army Genghis Khan had ever seen before.

Such an army with thousands of people can defeat the ordinary thousands of Mongolian families several times in a row. With 10,000 people, it can inflict heavy losses on Mongolia's most elite Qixue army in a field battle. What if there are tens of thousands of people?

?50,000 regular navy troops came to Zhongdu, how to deal with it?

Genghis Khan glanced at Shi Jihu Tuhu, and saw shock, wavering and the fear he tried to hide on his face. Genghis Khan thought that with the invincibility of the Mongolian army, he would never be in the face of the Mongolian warriors again.

I saw this look on my face.

If 50,000 reinforcements really arrive, it will be impossible for Qie Xue's army to cope with it alone. The troops of Shi Tianying and others are a mob compared to Ding Haijun, and they are unreliable. I'm afraid, Qie Xue's army will have to retreat for a while, and then

Coordinate the Wanggu tribe north of Qingbaikou to go south; or, let Muhuali's troops take action.

Even so, there is no guarantee that Zhongdu will be captured as expected this time! The navy's 50,000 reinforcements will be what a big trouble!

Thinking of this, Genghis Khan found with some regret that he had not thought of taking action before the reinforcements arrived, defeating the Ding navy in front of him in one fell swoop, and seizing the initiative.

Obviously when setting off from the Chrysostom camp, the entire army firmly believed that they could destroy the Ding navy in one fell swoop and avenge Zhebie. After only one day, did even I, Temujin, subconsciously give up on this idea?

Genghis Khan laughed at himself, smiled, and said to Shiji, "This is a lie!"


"Ding Haijun has a branch of Zhigu Village on the seaside. Shi Tianying said that the strength is about seven or eight thousand. I guess he exaggerated because he couldn't take Zhigu Village. However, it is possible that it is between three thousand and five thousand.

The Ding navy also had another unit in Gaizhou, Liaodong. When they fought against Zhebie, they also dispatched thousands of people."

Genghis Khan had a piece of mutton in his mouth, chewing it all the time, and his voice seemed slurred. This year, although he is still strong and strong, his teeth are worse than before. Originally, when he opened his mouth, a piece of mutton with the tendons and skin went into his belly, but now he has to

Have some patience.

"Why did they divide their troops into these two places? Is it because they have too many troops?"

Shi Ji suddenly thought about it and shook his head repeatedly: "The soldiers and horses in those two places want to attract our power away from the Central Capital! The Ding Navy has insufficient troops, so they made such complicated arrangements.


The more limited the force, the more aggressive it is to launch multiple battlefields to mobilize the enemy. This is the Mongolian method of warfare, so it is easy for them to see the implications of the Ding Navy's actions.

"The equipment and training level of the Ding Navy are much higher than that of the ordinary Jin Army. Therefore, ten thousand people here are more difficult to deal with than a hundred thousand Jin Army. But to support such elites and support them to fight far away from home will consume a huge amount of money.

.The land in Ding Haijun’s hands is only one Shandong Road and half of Tokyo Road. How many soldiers can it support? Although I have never been to Shandong, I think that even if it is richer than Zhongdu Road and Hebei Road, it is not as rich as ten

That makes twice as much sense!”

Genghis Khan clasped his fingers and said with certainty:

"In the hands of the navy, there will not be more than 30,000 elite soldiers capable of fighting! They simply cannot send 50,000 soldiers!"

"The Khan is saying..."

"The Ding Navy doesn't have that many people available! Even if they still have some troops, they have to stay in Shandong to guard against the Jurchens. It's impossible for the whole army to go north to fight us! This news is false, and it was Guo Ning who deliberately released it.


"The soldiers of Ding Haijun were ordered to scare us?" Shi Ji stood up suddenly and said, "I'll kill them!"


Genghis Khan finally swallowed a large piece of mutton. He waved his hand to stop the loss of luck and asked: "Besides the rumors of reinforcements, what else did the prisoners say?"

"Yes, yes. They also said that starting from last night, Ding Haijun has sent out all the troops with light cavalry. It is said that Guo Ning sent an order to cover the battlefield and not allow us to explore its base camp."

"Oh? Is this true?"

"Qu Chu said the same thing. His subordinate Al Jinchi has fought several times with Ding Haijun's light cavalry since last night, and more than twenty people were killed and injured. I was detouring around Liangxiang County in the early morning, and I really felt that Ding Haijun's

The number of exploring horses is extremely large, at least three times the usual number."

After a pause, Shi Ji Hu Bald Hu said with some shame: "My Na Ke'er tried their best, but they couldn't completely avoid Ding Haijun's cavalry, so they only captured a few Ali Xilai... If we capture one or two

How can I ask more details about a cavalry military academy?"

Genghis Khan got up and walked a few steps in the tent.

"While releasing false news that reinforcements are coming, you are also trying your best to cover the surrounding area of ​​the base camp to prevent us from approaching for inspection? Huh?"

Genghis Khan suddenly thought of a possibility.

Shi Ji's bald eyes also brightened.

"Great Khan, yesterday we captured Pusan ​​Anzhen, the leader of the Hebei army, and the Jurchens' troops were immediately routed. Pusan ​​Anzhen is the Xuanfu envoy of Hebei, and I heard that he has a high prestige. I think if this news reaches

Hebei and the whole of Hebei will also be in chaos. The Ding Navy's base is in Shandong, and they crossed the entire Hebei before arriving to fight around Zhongdu. Once Hebei is shaken, their food routes and retreat will immediately have problems!"

"go on!"

"So, with Hebei changing at any time, Ding Haijun no longer cares about Zhongdu! For their own safety, they must ensure control of the military states along the Cao River. This is real territory and real benefits.

, is more worthy of their investment of troops than Zhongdu, where the Jurchen court is located!"

At this point, Shi Ji suddenly turned bald and suddenly turned red, and shouted: "The navy is going to retreat! They are going to run away!"

This chapter has been completed!
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