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Chapter 574 Dare to Die (Part 1)

 The Mongols are a nation on horseback and a true war nation. When countless grassland tribes united under the banner of Genghis Khan, they no longer had internal friction and focused all their energy on two things.

One is war, and the other is preparation for war. They are eager to absorb anything that is conducive to war at every moment.

Guo Ning witnessed with his own eyes how they transformed from barbarians shooting bone arrows into war machines armed to the teeth within ten years. He also saw in his dream that the Mongols absorbed the war skills of countless conquered peoples, so when They conquered vast lands and occupied most of the known world, while also reaching the pinnacle of the art of war and civilization.

This terrible enemy seemed to have a special acumen in everything related to war. So Guo Ning also knew that once the Mongols saw the power of gunpowder weapons, they would be extremely wary of them.

In Liangxiang County, the Mongols were absolutely unwilling to see the situation of setting up a formation and waiting for the Mongols to come and die. The reason why they strived for a chaotic war was to avoid the iron artillery from showing off its power again.

But can it really be avoided?

Guo Ning's Ordnance Department test site located in the barren mountains southeast of Laizhou has indeed been unable to produce a small iron artillery piece that is easy to carry and can be thrown far. But can a twenty-kilogram iron artillery piece be completely useless in field battles?

A trained strongman can wear armor and carry an iron cannon as fast as flying. After approaching the enemy's position, the strongman will throw the iron cannon to kill the enemy. It is good to be able to throw the iron cannon three to four feet, even if it is two A distance of three feet is enough to cause huge damage in an instant.

Since Guo Ning expected that the Mongols would intercept them from the front, he had already deployed all his personal guards to the front line. And those at the front of the marching line were not the soldiers responsible for killing and breaking through, but the strong men responsible for throwing iron artillery.

In the past six months, they had trained for this many times. Guo Ning still felt that it was not enough, so he arranged for Zhao Jue to lead soldiers to cover him before the battle. The Mongols must suffer another huge loss!

They succeeded!

The next moment, Guo Ning shouted loudly and charged into the battle.

As the art of war goes, when the situation is strong, the cowardly are brave, and when the situation fails, the brave are cowardly. The guards used their lives to throw iron artillery, and they used their lives to create this upper hand. How could Guo Ning miss it?

To this day, he is the leader of millions of soldiers and civilians in Shandong, a terrifying warlord feared by the Jin Dynasty, and an ambitious rebel who is expected by countless subordinates. But in his own eyes, Guo Liulang of Wushabao in Changzhou, First of all, he is a fierce warrior.

Guo Ning is not very good at political power, and he lacks the patience to win over people. But he knows very clearly that to make a future in this world, he must rely on force; to have force, soldiers must dare to die; to have soldiers dare to die, They have to let them see the blood stained on the general's body!

In fact, in the Ding Navy, some people have secretly complained about Guo Ning's frivolity recently. Some people tried to warn Guo Ning face to face to be cautious and not to take risks easily. Guo Ning listened carefully and put it behind him.

He is a hero on horseback, a hero in fighting. If warriors can be used as minions to take risks and attack enemies, Guo Ning himself is his sharpest minions, the most ferocious minions among the hundreds of thousands of soldiers in the Ding Navy. !

Guo Ning suddenly ran into the Mongolian cavalry group.

The black smoke produced by the explosion of the iron artillery mixed with the dust kicked up by the horses' hooves, forming a choking yellow mist. In the smoke, the shadows of men and horses were dangling. Guo Ning didn't bother to look carefully. He squinted his eyes and gathered his strength. With all his strength, he would hit any cavalry shadow coming from the opposite direction with his iron bone flower.

Wherever Tieguduo goes, there is a muffled "bang" sound, which means that the Mongolian iron helmets were smashed and their heads exploded; there is a "clicking" sound, which means that the Mongolian weapons or arms were broken; occasionally There was a loud "clang" sound. It was Batu'er, an outstanding warrior in the Mongolian army, who was evenly matched with Guo Ning.

Guo Ning showed no signs of fighting and continued to urge his horse forward.

Sometimes there were more than a dozen cavalrymen behind him, and sometimes there was only one Ni Yi left, panting like an ox, holding the military flag high.

Not long after, Batu'er, who was left behind by Guo Ning, screamed and became silent.

Ni Yi grinned widely: "Everyone has caught up!"

When the general charges, how dare his subordinates fall behind? Whose food do you eat? Whose land do you get? Who are you fighting against? Are you still worthy of being a human being if you stop for a moment?

"Forward forward forward!"

Almost all the Ding navy officers ignored the threat from the flanks. They shouted wildly, or urged their horses, or ran forward.

The Dinghai navy switched directly from the marching column to the forward attack. The number of soldiers entering the battlefield was small at first, and then groups of ten, twenty, and fifty people continued to rush up. They had no queue at all, like boiling water It flows freely, or it is more appropriate to say that it is magma. Because wherever the magma passes, it immediately becomes a dead place, just as the Ding navy swarmed in, slashing with swords, shooting with bows and arrows, and even urging their horses to trample and collide.

Everyone is shouting, everyone is running, everyone is fighting!

The battlefield was empty, and the density of Mongolian knights was not as high as that gathered outside the car formation three days ago. After the iron artillery explosion, it looked like dozens or hundreds of black smoke billowing, and broken human bodies flew across the air. In fact, the Mongolians were directly bombed. The number of people killed and injured was less than last time.

But on the entire front, all the Mongols were in great panic and confusion.

If iron artillery can only be used for defense, then the Mongols still have the advantage of riding and galloping. At worst, they should be more careful when attacking the city and driving more waves of slaves to die. But now, Ding Haijun actually used it in the attack Got this kind of weapon?

So many Dinghai soldiers were shouting wildly and charging in a chaotic manner. The Mongols originally thought that at this time, with their natural barbarism and ferocity, they would be able to gain the upper hand. But who knew what would happen in mid-air? Will an iron cannon fall down?

According to the shamans on the grassland, dying without bleeding can prevent the soul of the deceased from flowing out, and is the best way to die; dying from wounds in a fight is slightly inferior; but if you are blown to pieces by an iron artillery cannon, your body will not survive after death. What will happen to the soul?

Thinking of this terrible prospect, no matter how rough and arrogant the barbarian is, he cannot help but be afraid. No matter how brave Batuer is, as long as he is not a madman, he will not like to die in pieces.

And they also discovered at the same time that the soldiers of Ding Haijun were not afraid of death at all.

The Dinghai navy soldiers carrying iron artillery were inevitably blown to pieces. Many of them had their armor shattered and fell to the ground, vomiting blood and unable to get up. But the only few who could move, they He was actually laughing and continuing to charge forward with his companions!

This impact on the Mongols was simply more powerful than the explosion of iron artillery.

The soldiers of the Mongolian army are indeed fierce and dare to die, and the more Mongolians come from a cold and miserable land, the more they ignore life and death like wild beasts. Relying on this trait, they have overwhelmed countless enemies on the battlefield. However, they dare not die. It means that they will take the initiative to die. The so-called daring to die is actually to let the enemy die. In the final analysis, it is just a means of fighting the enemy.

As for the soldiers of Xue's army, they were even different from ordinary Mongolian soldiers.

The Qixues were all close ministers of the Great Khan. They represented the authority of the Khan abroad and received preferential treatment. Genghis Khan personally announced that if thousands of households outside the country fight with the Great Khan Qershe, the Qianhu will be guilty! With the development of the Mongolian regime, Expansion, these cowards all have a golden future!

Do the cowards really dare to die?

The Tiers have equipment and excellent fighting skills that far exceed those of ordinary Mongolian soldiers. They also know that behind the scenes is Genghis Khan's sight. Whether they perform well or poorly in front of the Khan is not only related to themselves, but also to the future of the entire tribe. .

They are the most trustworthy arms around the Great Khan and the strongest army on the grasslands; they have overwhelmed the enemy countless times and crushed all obstacles in front of Genghis Khan.

But at the moment of choosing between life and death, will they choose to die without hesitation?

Even if they can do it, so what?

The soldiers of the Ding Navy have already done it before their eyes! Look at the soldiers throwing iron cannons who are willing to kill the enemy at their own risk. Look at the momentum of the enemies roaring and charging. The Mongolian army is "daring to die" in two How else can we overwhelm them with words?

The more experienced people are in combat, the more they can understand that the officers and soldiers of the Ding Navy are at least as brave as the Mongols, and they have no problem dragging the Mongols to die together... They originally wanted to drag the Mongols to die together!

The Mongols have not encountered such a situation for a long time.

They thought they were going to be overwhelmed, but they suddenly encountered a powerful enemy that was not to say more fierce, but at least equally powerful. This huge contrast made it difficult for them to adjust for a while, and a vague sense of fear suddenly hit the hearts of many people, becoming increasingly difficult to contain. .For the proud and confident cowards, this sense of fear brings intense stimulation and makes them even more frantic.

This chapter has been completed!
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