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Chapter 577 Victory or Defeat (Part 1)

 Determine the middle section of the naval march.

More than a dozen large vehicles were lined up end to end, forming a crooked ring.

Not long after Qiu Huiluo led a group of men forward, he was overtaken by the Mongols. Some of the Mongolian cavalry outflanked, some rushed through, and some ran around to disrupt, and they immediately cut his men into pieces. He In the beginning, we could use vehicles to defend ourselves, but now we can only barely focus on the immediate situation.

A group of archers were leaning out from the roof of the cart and shooting arrows.

Qiu Huiluo squatted on the carriage, looked up at the movements of the archers, and cursed with satisfaction: "These stupid savages are really not afraid of death!"

The few archers closest to him were all wild Jurchens recruited from Liaodong last year, including one with yellow hair.

When the Great Jin Dynasty rose and deployed troops in the territory, they recruited a large number of these simple and brave wild men who ignored life and death as pioneers. Because of their outstanding achievements and their courage to fight against powerful enemies, they also received a special title, called "Hard Army".

However, after the success of the Jin Kingdom, the Jurchens enjoyed their own wealth and no longer paid attention to these poor relatives. Today, many wild Jurchens have been recruited by the Ding Navy to fight in the war.

When it comes to riding and archery skills, these savages do have some unique strengths. The men of the wild Jurchens have been practicing archery since they were children. The ability to go deep into the mountains and forests to hunt alone is a sign of adulthood. Their mastery of bows and arrows , generally better than Haner.

Qiu Huiluo listened carefully, and from the roar of the horses galloping outside, he could distinguish the screams of many knights falling from their horses. He shouted: "Well done! After the battle, each man has a pig's leg. I'll treat him when he returns to Shandong!"

Before he finished speaking, no less than forty or fifty arrows flew in from the outside world. Each arrow was fast and accurate, and the force was surprisingly strong. Right in front of Qiu Huiluo, his own archer was shot over almost instantly. Most of it was like a row of wheat being knocked down by a sickle. The yellow-haired archer had an arrow on his face and one on his neck. He fell with a clang in front of Qiu Huiluo, blood pouring from the huge wound on his face. It came out and flowed down through the gaps in the car panels.

Qiu Huiluo subconsciously looked at where the blood was flowing, and then jumped up.

He looked through the gap and saw a dark figure moving under the car. The Mongols used the cavalry as a cover and actually planned to crawl in under the car!

"There are Tatars!" He roared twice, pulled out a straight knife and stabbed into the gap.

Many of their companions followed suit, and some of them leaned over and stabbed them flatly with their spears. Five or six of the Mongolians who tried to climb into the car formation were immediately stabbed to death, while the rest escaped in embarrassment using their hands and feet.

But there was also a soldier in the Dinghai Navy who was unlucky. His ankle was swung in two by the Mongolians under the car. He immediately rolled on the ground and screamed while holding his white calf bones, and blood was spilled everywhere.

However, this scream did not attract Qiu Huiluo's special attention. Qiu Huiluo's ears were filled with all kinds of sounds.

He snatched a pair of bows and arrows from the dead man's hand and started shooting randomly. He saw fighting everywhere. The soldiers under his command fought back desperately under the impact of the Mongolian cavalry, roaring desperately. Most of the soldiers were fighting while shooting.

As we retreated toward the Lugou River in the east, some people were already standing in the river. A few small car formations that had barely formed a formation also began to have gaps.

There was a sudden noise at the back of the car formation, and marching commander Zhang Xin rushed over with several soldiers covered in blood.

"Mr. Qiu! Hasn't the envoy sent an order yet?"

"Just pass the order, and in this situation, a hundred soldiers who gave the order will die on the way."

Qiu Huiluo chuckled twice: "But it's almost over!"

"What's so fast? Why is it so fast?"

"Whether you win or lose this battle, Lao Zhang, you will know soon!"

The front section of the marching column.

The soldiers around Wang Shixian were already in pieces. His own arm was scratched by an extremely sharp scimitar, which opened a long wound and was bleeding profusely, but he didn't feel any particular pain.

He held the knife in his hand and allowed his concubine to help bandage it. He turned around to see a straight knife next to him, stabbing Chu Cai with a vigilant look on his face.

At the most chaotic moment just now, a group of Mongolian cavalry tore the Dinghai fleet where Chucai was at into two halves. Zhang Lin's back was grazed by a Mongolian scimitar, and now he was in so much pain that he could not move.

Yi La Chucai personally faced off against a Mongolian. Taking advantage of his height and strength, he fought with him twice, but luckily he did not die. He only said that the tiger's mouth is still numb, and he feels unable to hold the knife.

Steady, something will definitely go wrong the next time you fight.

"Ahem, Mr. Jin Qing, you'd better stand back. If you make any mistakes, Guo Liulang will not forgive me."

Yi La Chucai gritted his teeth and said: "If the Mongols charge one or two more times, it will be difficult for the soldiers in front to support them. When the time comes, it will be better to have one more person fighting than one less person."

"If they can withstand it, my subordinates can definitely withstand it. But the Mongols... may not have time to charge one or two more times." Wang Shixian said calmly and authentically.

Compared with the terrifying roars of the surrounding Mongolian cavalry, Wang Shixian's voice was hoarse and low, with little momentum. But his voice was firmer, as if the small area controlled by him and hundreds of subordinates always wanted to collapse.

, but always persist.

At first, Yizai Chucai thought Wang Shixian was encouraging him out of thin air, so he just let out a long sigh, held the straight knife tighter, and then heard the second half of the words.

"What? How do you say this? Lao Wang! Brother Zhong Ming! What did you say? You mean, the envoy will soon see the outcome?"

Yizai Chucai kept asking questions, and then looked at the flying flag representing the Ding Navy in the distance.

After looking at it twice, he turned to Wang Shixian: "Brother Zhongming! The envoy is charging again!"

"I know. Zhang Hui's people have already followed." Wang Shixian agreed casually. He took a few steps forward and watched the Mongols' movements intently. Suddenly he noticed a light cavalry suddenly appeared from the side, so he called his bodyguard over.


"Could it be that the missionary can defeat the Mongols in one fell swoop?"

Yila Chucai encouraged himself with joy, but felt lack of confidence.

He estimated that he would have to ask a veteran like Wang Shixian carefully about the specific details of the battlefield fighting. Just as he took a step forward, his vision suddenly went dark, and then someone pushed him down hard and made him squat.

It was several swordsmen and shieldmen who raised their large shields at the same time to protect the attacking Chucai.

As soon as the shield was raised, arrows were shot at it, and countless people outside shouted: "Coming up, coming up! Hold on!"

Most of the Ding navy officers on the battlefield have been caught in a chaotic battle and are struggling to hold on. The Mongolian cavalry roared back and forth among the scattered Ding navy officers, like black tides surging back and forth, and like finally discovering fat prey in the desert.

The wolves pounced viciously and repeatedly.

If we only look at these places, the Mongolian army has already won.

They had defeated the Dangxiang army and the Jurchen army countless times before, and this was always the case when they gained the upper hand. The development of the battle was completely on the route most familiar to the Mongols, with the balance of victory constantly tilting towards the Mongols.

, they seem to have seen the final scene of chasing the defeated soldiers and killing them wantonly. That will come soon, maybe one moment, two moments at most.

But there are also many Mongols who are not so sure of victory.

For example, the group of cavalry led by Zhabal Huo Zhe.

In this battle, Genghis Khan divided his troops into two. Half of them were led by Shiji Hutulu and launched a flank attack. The other half were still under the white banner, blocking Ding Haijun's escape route to Yijin Pass in Bazhou.

Among these half, two thousand-man troops had already suffered heavy casualties under the power of the iron artillery, and had actually collapsed.

This loss was even more tragic than the Battle of Liangxiang three days ago. Zhabal Huo Zha could almost guess that violent turmoil would break out among many tribes on the grassland. With so many Mongolian tribes, not all of them would be able to survive.

I would like to have an all-conquering sweat on my head, but the cowardice of the sweat will be severely damaged, which will immediately arouse the restlessness of careerists.

But this is all for the future. The situation in front of him already makes Zha Balhuo want to vomit blood.

Ding Haijun is coming!

These enemy troops are all brave and tenacious, and they are powerful enemies that require the full concentration of Mongolian warriors to deal with them. However, they can deal with them with swords, guns, and arrows. Their iron artillery that explodes and fires, how can anyone deal with it?


The iron artillery was originally a weapon for defending the city. Zabal Fireman saw it when he followed Genghis Khan to attack Zhongxing Prefecture in Xixia and Datong Prefecture in Xijing, Jin Dynasty. It is indeed extremely powerful. But occasionally throwing out one or two words can affect the entire battle.

The impact is very limited.

Who would have thought that the Ding Navy would bring so many of them with them and even use them in large numbers during field battles?

There is absolutely no way to resist this thing!

No matter what kind of warrior you are, you will die in one hit, no matter how fine the armor is. The best result is that the enemy who threw the weapon will also be killed, and everyone will die in pieces.

Those lunatics in Ding Haijun had already used it once. The scene made Zha Balhuo's heart tremble with fear, knowing that they really were not afraid of death.

That means Ding Haijun is likely to use it a second or third time. Who among our own warriors is willing to take the lead in taking that hit?

The Ding navy is now rushing forward with wild shouts. Maybe at some point an iron cannon will fly out to clear the way. Who among our own warriors is willing to take the lead?

Without turning around, Zhabal Huo Zhe knew that the commanders and centurions beside him all had ugly expressions.

But if Ding Haijun's charge cannot be stopped...

Genghis Khan himself is right behind!

Genghis Khan should still have two thousand-man troops of cowards beside him, but now at least most of them are still wading in the swamp of Triangle Lake. If these madmen from the Dinghai Navy throw iron artillery in front of the Great Khan, who can resist?

This chapter has been completed!
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