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Chapter 599: Loyalty (Part 2)

 The frantic running of soldiers and civilians in Zhongdu City was spreading towards the city gates. The area around the palace had become a little quieter. At this time, the emperor's wild shouts suddenly burst out from high places.

It can be heard everywhere.

This damn man deserves to be an emperor. He is well-maintained and full of vitality!

Zhang Rou was not far in front of the emperor. His ears were buzzing for a while, and the only thing that filled his mind was this sigh.

The emperor's high-pitched shouts echoed in the night sky, full of misery and madness.

As a warrior who has experienced hundreds of battles and risen from the wilderness, Zhang Rou is used to hearing the low roars suppressed in the chest to burst out with power, the gasps inspired by the pain of killing, and the roars that have been suppressed for so long by the harsh military regulations that they burst out completely.

, and it is definitely not this kind of irrational ghost crying and wolf howling.

Such wailing in vain exposed the emperor's weakness and cowardice. When he shouted, Monk Wanyan Chen was stunned. Several Suzhi guards wearing helmets and armor rushed up from the city gate, seeing the emperor so crazy.

, also showed a stunned expression.

The first person to react was Monk Wanyan Chen.

He jumped on his feet and said: "Please stop shouting, Your Majesty!"

Zhang Rou hurriedly took a few steps forward. He bowed slightly and tried to say a few words to the emperor.

As he got closer, the emperor screamed even more fiercely.

"Traitor! You are all traitors! You are conspiring to harm me, right? I am surrounded by ruthless traitors!"

Zhang Rou's face turned cold.

The emperor was certainly not a lunatic or a fool. The reason why he was like this was because he was too scared when something happened suddenly. It was also because he never believed in Zhang Rou and was always wary of Zhang Rou.

Generally speaking, whatever power an emperor relies on to come to power will continue to rely on which power to govern. It was based on this principle that Zhang Rourou and Miao Daorun were willing to help the emperor bloodbath the powerful princes in Zhongdu.

However, after the emperor came to power, he realized that the rough Han people in Hebei Province were not the same as the nobles in the court. After all, Dajin was a Jurchen regime, and the Han people who could live in the court were at most Confucian officials, but they were by no means the same.

There may be a general who leads the army. Therefore, he immediately alienated Miao and Zhang, constantly rejecting and suppressing them.

Today, there is another riot in Zhongdu. The troops of Shuhu Gaoqi and the Mongols have already swept through half of the city. As a result, the emperor's first reaction when he saw Zhang Rou was that there was something wrong with Zhang Rou and Zhang Rou wanted to

If Zhang Rou rebels, it will be detrimental to herself.

Did the emperor guess wrong? It cannot be said that he was wrong.

The problem is that such a sharp reaction and huge shock really slapped Zhang Rou in the face, tearing to pieces the most basic courtesy and tolerance between him and the Dajin court.

The emperor doesn't know what he wants, so what should I worry about? Zhang Rou sneered and stretched out her hand, intending to wake up the emperor.

There was a strong wind behind him, and Monk Wanyan Chen rushed forward.

The young man's movements were unusually vigorous. Even though he was wearing heavy armor, he was jumping like a civet cat. He suddenly jumped forward and knocked the emperor over, and even covered the emperor's mouth.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty, this humble minister deserves death, so let him go! But stop shouting! If this continues, the Mongolian sentries will surely hear you, and everyone will be dead!"

Monk Wanyan Chen persuaded repeatedly, but the emperor only whined and shouted, and kept struggling and twisting, out of control, like a giant maggot rolling. Monk Wanyan Chen changed from persuasion to pleading, from pleading to intimidation, in the blink of an eye

I was sweating profusely, and my words were so anxious that I was crying.

Zhang Rou looked at the ugly situation in front of her with contempt, turned around, and said to the two attendants: "Why don't you go and help? If your emperor shouts a few more times, he will summon all the Mongolians in the city.


After saying that, he turned around and walked away, taking a few steps down to the city gate.

Under the city gate, Wanyan Xilie's face was full of bitterness. He was willing to act together with Zhang Rou, but he really had to do so. But as soon as the emperor saw Zhang Rou, he said that there was a traitor who wanted to harm him, so who was the traitor? Zhang Rou was

Traitor, does it count to allow Zhang Rou to see the emperor's full face?

The emperor was a very suspicious person. Wanyan Xielie had often followed Shuhu Gaoqi's trusted officer Wanyan Phosphorus in the past, but failed to see Shuhu Gaoqi's conspiracy. He was already a little worried about whether he would be betrayed by the emperor in the future.

Remember the grudge. Now the emperor is here again...

Wanyan Xielie didn't know whether to scold Zhang Rou angrily or pour out bitterness to Zhang Rou.

The two looked at each other and were about to issue orders to their subordinates. There was the sound of footsteps behind them, and Monk Wanyan Chen stuffed the emperor's mouth with his lapel, tied the emperor's limbs with ropes, put him on his shoulders and carried him down.

He kept saying: "Your Majesty, Your Majesty, there is nothing I can do! No matter what, it is better than falling into the hands of the Mongols!"

Wanyan's slanted face turned even more ugly. He squeezed out a sentence through his teeth: "Get out of the city quickly!"

Zhang Rou also shouted: "Don't wait any longer, let's go to Huichengmen immediately."

Everyone responded in unison, mounting their horses or running. Wanyan Xielie and his subordinates were surrounded in the middle of the team.

When the team ran westward along Zhangyimen Street for more than two hundred steps and then turned north, the sound of dense footsteps was heard from the south of Huichengmen Street.

It was already the darkest moment of the day. Although there were fires burning in many places in the city, emitting red light, it was not as clear as during the day. Zhang Rou squinted her eyes and looked back for a while, then

Distinguish the things that are getting closer and closer. It is the flashing light on the armor, the white breath spurting from the nostrils of the horses when they run, and pairs of gray fierce eyes!

It is obvious that the emperor went crazy and really attracted the enemy!

Half of the people in the queue couldn't help but curse angrily. After cursing, they shouted again and again: "Go, go, go!"

The pursuers began to shoot arrows, and after the crashing sound of bowstrings, there was a whizzing sound of arrows piercing the air.

Zhang Rou's war horse was a new one, and there was a shield hanging on the saddle. He quickly raised the shield and covered himself behind him.

The shield had just stood up when it made a muffled sound.

The arrow hit the shield just right, and the arrow cluster penetrated directly into the wooden row, and the thumb-sized arrow tip emerged from the other side of the shield.

The arrows fired at night were not very accurate. Only two or three of Zhang Rou's companions were hit by the arrows, and they continued running with a groan. At this time, there was no need to urge them, everyone spread their legs and ran with all their strength.

The enemies who were chasing after Zhang Rou continued to fire arrows. Among them, there must be Al Jinchi of the Mongols, and the elite subordinates of Shuhu Gaoqi. When they first started firing arrows, there were more than a dozen arrows in a row.

, in the blink of an eye, maybe there were more pursuers, or maybe more people took out their bows and arrows while running, and threw them at Zhang Rou, Wanyan Xielie and others.

Zhang Rou and others ran for hundreds or dozens of steps, and the arrows fired densely passed over their heads several times and stuck diagonally on the ground less than a few dozen steps away, as if a tree suddenly grew on the ground.

From dead grass.

The group of people were both on foot and cavalry, and the pursuers were almost all cavalry. They were getting closer and closer, and when they were more than ten or twenty steps away, the arrows could already be shot accurately. Blood instantly aroused in the queue.

Flowers and screams kept coming and going.

Following this batch of arrows were melee weapons thrown by the enemy.

Several soldiers were hit in the limbs by arrows. Their movements were a little slow, and their heads were hit by objects such as meteor hammers or blues. Their skulls were smashed on the spot, and everything above the neck was turned into pulp.

"Commander, you go first! Let's cut off the rear!" Some soldiers shouted, taking the initiative to turn their horses back or turn around and stand still. However, the surging pursuers in the dark instantly approached them and engulfed them, and they made horrifying shouts.

, fought with all their strength, but the shouts immediately disappeared, replaced by groans and dying cries.

Zhang Rou's forehead was bursting with veins, but she did not stop riding her horse. Just as Wanyan Xielie in front of him was also riding hard, galloping towards Huichengmen, which was getting closer and closer in front. Monk Wanyan Chen saw his pursuers approaching,

He suddenly threw the bundled emperor to his brother: "You go! I will stop the enemy!"

Wanyan Xielie was unprepared and almost missed the emperor. He yelled: "Why are you so crazy!"

Just as Wanyan was cursing obliquely, the clanging sound of armor came from in front of them. This sound frightened everyone. They reined in their horses almost in despair, preparing to face a deadly fight with enemies on both sides.

The next moment, the soldiers, like beasts made of fine iron, passed Zhang Rou and others and rushed toward the pursuers.

Zhang Rou watched a fat figure running at the front, surrounded by rows and rows of companions holding iron shields and sophisticated weapons. These soldiers of the Ding Navy roared and charged at the Mongolian Qingqi and Shuhu who were chasing after them.

The crossbowmen under Gao Qi ran straight into it.

It’s really exciting to write and post every day:)

This chapter has been completed!
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