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Chapter 605: Scroll (Part 2)

 The guard leader beside Mu Huali asked: "Captain Ten Thousand, what should we do?"

A few of the bravest Tiji slaves were shouting with swords in front, forcing the fleeing cavalry to separate on both sides. However, they looked back at Mu Huali from time to time, wanting to urge him to make a decision as soon as possible, but they did not dare to speak.

Mu Huali's dark complexion turned paler and paler, his beard was trembling, and even the hand holding the reins was trembling.

That's not because of fear, but because of the excitement caused by high tension.

After all, Muhuali was the head of ten thousand households on the left wing of the Great Mongolia, and the chief of the four heroes under Genghis Khan. The situation was so bad that he came to his senses. Seeing so many Mongolian cavalry who once prided themselves on being brave and fierce running wildly, they were

Overwhelmed by fear, he first felt humiliated and angry, and then felt relieved again.

If Muhuali had known the news of Genghis Khan's defeat, he would have immediately withdrawn his troops and returned north, and none of this would have happened.

That was a very safe way. Mu Huali did not do that, but he did not regret it. Genghis Khan went from being the son of a defeated leader of the Qiyan tribe to becoming the Great Khan of the entire grassland. It was not safe. To achieve great things, he must win.

A powerful enemy must dare to think and fight.

Muhuali tried hard, and almost succeeded. The Mongols were already very skilled at carving up, controlling, and driving troops to surrender. As long as he was given another day, no, half a day, he relied on the four

The military strength of thousands of households can stabilize Zhongdu.

He even had no worries about food at all, because if there were too many people eating food, all he had to do was kill them all. This was a very simple method, and I don't know why the Jurchens didn't use it.

It was only because Ding Haijun arrived too early and his methods were so underhanded that his plan suffered a serious setback. Mu Huali looked around and saw that only the most loyal Na Ke'er and Ti were still with him.

His own slaves, as well as several directly subordinate centurions, tried their best to get closer, but the total number did not exceed a hundred.

But Mu Huali feels that there is still a chance.

When Ding Haijun surrounded Bai Yan and approached step by step, he could see clearly that only a few of the cavalry following Guo Ning were wearing Ding Navy standard military uniforms and armor. Most of them were wearing different uniforms.

Armor, different colors, and even several acquaintances of Mu Huali among them.

Shi Tianni, the leader of the Qingyue Army, Yelu Kechoubal, the leader of the Khitan Army on Linhuangfu Road, and another one hiding behind was Li Shouzheng, the leader of the Peking Road Township Army who was supposed to be stationed in Anci.

These people had all flattered Mu Huali in front of him. Even if they were burned to ashes, Mu Huali could still recognize these faces. Since they appeared next to Guo Ning, they proved one thing.

That was Guo Ning's Dinghai Navy Headquarters, which suffered heavy casualties during the battle with Genghis Khan. When they entered the city, they seemed to be powerful, but in fact they were all supported by those wild dogs who were used to watching the wind and were not well-raised!

The troops that I, Mu Huali, gathered in Zhongdu were all rubbish. It was indeed my overthinking to count on them before. But Guo Ning really thought that Zhongdu could be pacified with these wild dogs? These things, and the people in Zhongdu,

What is the essential difference between tens of thousands of surrendered troops?

With the defeat of Genghis Khan ahead of us, I, Mu Huali, no longer dare to say that I can defeat Ding Haijun. But it is not difficult at all to hold off these wild dogs and buy time to reorganize the team!

"Captain Ten Thousands, the enemy cavalry is starting to charge forward!" the leader of the guard shouted again.

"Babatour, you lead twenty men to break off the rear and hold off the enemy's pursuit until all of you are killed." Muhuali ordered in a deep voice.

"Captain Ten Thousands, take care!" The leader of the guard said nothing more and led his men to turn around.

Mu Huali immediately led his men into the current of people and horses and ran back.

After running for hundreds of steps, he approached Mu Huali's place at Longjin Bridge. Seeing that he was not far from the palace of the Kingdom of Jin, Mu Huali said again: "Shi Mo is the first, you go to the palace immediately to see Shu Hu again."

Gao Qi, tell him the current situation truthfully...Well, if you want to be polite and humble, let's agree that the navy will enter the city with a thousand men. When the Mongols hear that the Great Khan has been defeated, they will immediately disperse! Ask him to find a way to meet the enemy!"

"This..." Shi Mo couldn't understand it at all: "Captain Ten Thousands, what does this mean?"

"Go quickly!" Mu Huali shouted.

Shi Mo didn't dare to disobey, and quickly turned his horse around.

Mu Huali continued: "Emubu, the people under your command who have been grazing around Fengzhou and Datong Prefecture can all speak Chinese, right?"

"That's right!"

"Hurry up and lead your men to the roads and alleys in the north of the city, shouting along the streets, making the noise louder... and say that the navy will enter the city to rebel and will kill all the Jurchens in the city!"

Omubu thought for a while and said happily: "Captain Ten Thousands, this is a great idea. I will go immediately!"

"Duo'er!" Mu Huali called again.

Duo'er, who described herself as a powerful person, only responded: "I'm here!"

"Right now, the city is in chaos and the troops are in disarray, but you have worked so hard to go to the north. I want you to find a way to send a message to the Jurchen emperor for me... just say, sweating profusely

Die, I, Mu Huali, have no desire to fight and am about to leave the city to graze on the grasslands. Should the capital be given to Shuhu Gaoqi or Guo Ning? The emperor should think clearly for himself!"

"As you command!"

Duo'er just galloped her horse, ran out for a few steps, then circled back: "The head of ten thousand households..."

"What's wrong?"

"Is the Great Khan dead or alive? The head in the hands of the navy..."

Mu Huali replied in a deep voice: "That's a lie! The Great Khan just suffered a slight setback on the battlefield. He is alive and well and nothing has happened to him! But don't tell the Jurchen emperor!"

Duo'er only showed a relieved look: "Then I'll go there!"

This man galloped away on horseback. His riding skills were excellent. He lay on the horse's back, as if he was weightless and about to fly.

The rest of the people quickly asked: "Captain, what about us? What should we do?"

Mu Huali looked back and whipped the horse hard: "Idiot, let's run away! Wherever there is chaos, run away!"

Shi Mo, who was sent to the palace city of Zhongdu, also galloped wildly among the palace buildings where dead bodies were scattered. Several times he bumped into a small officer under Shuhu Gaoqi, but he could not ask Shuhu Gaoqi. He was so anxious that he wanted to chop him to death with a knife.

He rushed through Da'anmen from Qianbu Corridor, then took a long circle to Yucao Pond, then turned back from Yuhuamen, and rushed into the sixteenth place where the emperor's concubines lived. When he got there, he finally saw Shuhu Gao More than a thousand soldiers from Qi's headquarters were stationed together.

When he finally bumped into Shuhu Gaoqi, Marshal Du was lying with a tired face, surrounded by pink legs and jade arms. Both of his eye circles were black, but he didn't know what kind of tiger and wolf medicine he had taken. It stood tall. And inside the palace, beside the bed, there were actually musicians plucking the strings and playing the music, playing the silk strings in his ears to cheer him up.

The officer who brought Shi Mo here first was a little embarrassed and called out repeatedly: "King Yan! King Yan!"

After shouting several times, Shuhu Gaoqi finally came to his senses: "Huh? What, what's the matter?"

Shi Mo also knelt down first and gave a great salute to Shuhu Gaoqi that he had never given before. Then he told everything about the battle situation in the city, and finally kowtowed: "My ten thousand captain can't control the troops for a while. , please also ask the King of Yan to send troops to help!"

After hearing these words, Shuhu Gaoqi was startled at first, so much so that he said softly: "Mom, the navy is entering the city? You can't stop it, how can I stop it? This is so painful. also!"

But he was not a fool after all. After thinking about it, he noticed the key: "Guo Ning just brought more than a thousand people?"

Shi Mo also had a bitter look on his face: "Guo Ning's headquarters suffered heavy losses, so now there are only more than a thousand people around him, and they are still rash people who are fighting in various places. It is true that our troops suddenly collapsed, otherwise it would not have been possible …”

Shuhu Gaoqi chuckled, came up and patted Shi Moye on the shoulder: "You rest here, I'll go out and take a look before talking!"

Shi Moye was about to refuse first, but several soldiers came up like wolves and tigers, pressing Shi Moye's shoulders and asking him to sit still and not move.

And Shuhu Gaoqi strode out and shouted to his subordinates.

Before Shi Moye, another centurion Omubu led the team to run wildly and shout, but it took no brainer. According to common sense, the Mongols had just let go of the fight in the city, and then shouted to determine the navy to come in the second round. The massacre was really absurd. But in the past two years, the navy was indeed extremely feared by the imperial court and regarded as a traitor. Some Jurchens knew this in their hearts. So after the Mongols shouted like this, It really aroused the reactions of many real girls.

Although most of the Jurchens in Zhongdu were weak and timid, they did not dare to confront Ding Haijun. However, when Shi Tianni and others' subordinates continued to go deep into Zhongdu and began to recruit surrendered troops, they bumped into surrendered soldiers several times and rushed away. scattered situation.

After all, Guo Ning's troops only had more than a thousand cavalry. They left hundreds of people to guard Fengyi Gate, and then pursued the Mongols in the direction of their escape. It was not possible to collect and surrender troops along the way, so they gradually felt that their troops were stretched thin. They arrived near Longjin Bridge. Soon, they ran into the soldiers of Shuhu Gaoqi who came out of the palace city.

Shuhu Gaoqi and his men probably took advantage of the palace city, so they broke the pot. Thousands of soldiers rushed to kill them regardless of what they were doing, and the momentum was not small. Li

The troops of the guard station were approaching the front line and immediately engaged in a chaotic battle with those vicious soldiers.

Shi Tianni hurriedly returned to Guo Ning, with sweat on his forehead: "Envoy, although the Mongols have escaped, the capital is really in chaos, and the magic tiger Gao Qi suddenly came out again! We... our troops are a bit insufficient.

!If you go deeper into the city, your strength will be weak. If the Mongols stabilize their position and come back..."

Guo Ning smiled and said calmly: "Brother Hefu, don't worry, our troops are sufficient. Shuhu Gaoqi is struggling to his death, and the Mongols can't hold their ground!"


Shi Tianni was confused for a moment.

This chapter has been completed!
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