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Chapter 670 Fish and Shrimp (Part 2)

The person who should be responsible for delivering the order today is Zha La Yi'er, the son of Xue Laduo's smear campaign, and the chief of Qian Xue Qianren, A'erhesa'er.

As soon as Genghis Khan finished speaking, he took a tiger-head copper bell from his companion, hung it on his horse's neck, and then galloped forward with his whip. When the knights in his direction heard the crisp ringing of the bell, they all moved their horses to give way.

The Tao is like a wave breaking apart.

More than 20 years ago, A'erhesa'er followed his father and supported Temujin of the Beggar's tribe as Khan in Qinghai. He was one of Genghis Khan's closest supporters and the closest attendant who was most familiar with Genghis Khan's thoughts.


Therefore, Ah'erhai knew very well what kind of military orders should be delivered and how.

While riding his horse, he composed a ballad of Genghis Khan's words and sang loudly.

The loud singing echoed in the continuous cavalry queue, causing the cavalry to cheer.

Before long, the cavalrymen sang melodious tunes with hoarse voices.

Simple tunes came and went, repeated over and over again, and gradually merged into one. Thousands of Mongolian warriors, whether from the Hetajin tribe, the Sargerti tribe, the Zhaolieti tribe, even the Baitatar tribe and the forest people

Tribes, no matter how different their accents are or what kind of singing they are used to, the tunes and lyrics they sing become the same in the end.

Thousands of people sang in unison as the horses rose and fell:

"Capture the enemy and let them die in front of your eyes. If they dare to escape, break their hamstrings! Slash the enemy and make them suffer. If they dare to resist, cut their hearts into pieces!"

Such pre-war singing can easily arouse the bloody spirit of soldiers; as the tune gradually becomes louder and incorporates the sound of roaring iron hoofs and the clanking of armor, both the song itself and the singing knight begin to exude violent murderous aura.


Genghis Khan listened to the music with satisfaction and occasionally hummed a few lines along with it. As the weather gradually got warmer, the wilderness outside Zhongdu City was somewhat similar to the grassland scenery. The scene of everyone singing in unison under the sun made him feel very happy.

For thousands of years, herders on the plateau have sang ancient tunes like this, migrating back and forth between meadows, deserts and seas. This migration is either to find places with rich water and grass, or to avoid terrible black disasters.

and the White Disaster. In the process of migration, countless tribes attacked and slaughtered, using the blood of generations to water the land on the plateau.

The rules on the plateau have always been like this, no matter which powerful tribe unified the grassland, they could not change it. Only Genghis Khan changed everything.

Since the establishment of the Great Mongol Kingdom, there have been no independent tribes on the grasslands, only thousands of households that obey the orders of the Great Khan. And all people, no matter what they were called before, now have only one common name, and that is Mongolians

.They sang common songs, were organized under unified command, and fought against the enemies designated by the Great Khan.

Genghis Khan had suffered defeats since he started his army, but defeats on the battlefield could not stop him from unifying the various Mongolian ministries, and battles outside the battlefield were the key to victory.

The same goes for Dingjun Guo Ning.

In the past ten months, Genghis Khan summoned no less than twenty surrenders and prisoners, and carefully inquired about Guo Ning's story.

Most people only say that Guo Ning is brave and good at fighting. In fact, in this troubled world, there are thousands of brave and good fighting people. Even if they are valuable, they are just tools for heroes.

Genghis Khan got his answer from many scattered fragments. He was very sure that Guo Ning was not just an opponent worthy of attention on the battlefield, but a young Genghis Khan. Behind Guo Ning was an emerging country that looked like a great Mongolia.

Political power. Guo Ning himself is the core and soul of this political power.

Guo Ning's integration of Liaodong, Shandong, and Zhongdu is just like Genghis Khan's integration of the grasslands.

After understanding this, it is not difficult to determine Guo Ning's movements on the battlefield.

If a political power wants to develop rapidly, it must not deviate from the center of struggle.

At that time, Genghis Khan, no matter how strong or weak he was, was always active in the forefront of the struggle for supremacy among the powerful Mongolian tribes. By marrying Anda with Gur Khan and having Batori Khan as his adoptive father, he directly participated in or led the fight for Merqi.

After the destruction of powerful tribes such as the Ti tribe and the Tatar tribe, they finally turned back and killed Gur Khan and Tuoli Khan and annexed their power.

Nowadays, Guo Ning's Dinghai navy can suddenly rise, and the experience is the same. Although Guo Ning started out as a small soldier in exile, he has participated in the political struggle between the left and right prime ministers of the Kingdom of Jin, the coup of the new emperor's accession to the throne, and even the Liaodong far away from the sea.

If the Xuanfu envoy rebels, he will also cross the sea to fight.

It is precisely because of the benefits gained from this series of actions that the strength of the Ding Navy has rapidly expanded.

In this case, now that many forces are gathering in Zhongdu, how can Guo Ning be absent?

Genghis Khan's subordinates have recently become many Han Chinese. They have a very reasonable saying: if you are rowing in a turbulent river, if you cannot move forward, you must retreat.

Leaders of emerging forces such as Guo Ning faced the same situation, and so did Genghis Khan.

Therefore, Guo Ning will definitely come to Zhongdu.

Moreover, Genghis Khan concluded that Guo Ning would never follow Shi Tianying's guess and fight fiercely with the Mongolian troops along the Lu River.

As the lifeline of Zhongdu, the Lushui Passage certainly has its own unique importance, but in many battles in the past, no matter how complicated the situation, Guo Ning was able to put the true strength of the Ding Navy into the really key places every time.

On the Zhongdu Road in front of us, where is the real key?

Even if you call a fool, he will be able to answer straightforwardly. The key lies in Zhongdu itself.

Therefore, Genghis Khan agreed to Shi Tianying's plan, allowing the Black Army, the Khitan Army, and the Bohai Navy to besiege Zhigu Village, cut off the Lushui Channel, and make an all-out gesture to cut off the grain and fodder supplies in Zhongdu. However, he himself was not at the Lushui River at all.

Delayed for one day, we transferred to the north of Zhongdu very early.

It is not difficult at all to hide this transfer from the Jin Army's sentinels.

Not to mention that after the Jin army was suppressed in Zhongdu and Tongzhou, it became increasingly difficult to mobilize scouts to go out. Even if the main force of the Mongolian army was discovered by the scouts, they would only treat it as an army to attack dangerous passes such as Juyong Pass and Qingbaikou.


After entering the Jinkouhe camp, everything became easier.

Shuhu Gaoqi, who was in charge of the defense of Zhongdu at this time, was an old rival who had fought fiercely with the Mongolian army when Jinshan Province was still in existence. What kind of person was Shuhu Gaoqi, Yelu Ahai, Shimo Ming'an, etc.

Jiangren had already introduced to Genghis Khan in detail that such goods were like corpses about to rot in the tomb. All he prayed for was that his corpse would rot and stink slower.

Therefore, the change of hands of Jinkouhe Camp was not a problem at all for Shuhu Gaoqi. In order to make this problem not a problem in the eyes of others, he would even use all means to directly smooth it out in the Jin Kingdom's court.


After resting for a few days at the Jinkou River Camp, Genghis Khan received news that Shandong had mobilized a large baggage team and was escorted northward by the Jurchen Army from Hebei. He immediately understood the mystery.

There was no need for hesitation or further exploration. The same instinct as a hero allowed Genghis Khan to naturally think of going to the same place as Guo Ning.

That's not a baggage team! The so-called baggage force is just a pretense to appease other warlords. It is the main force of the navy that intends to support Zhongdu!

Guo Ning is here.

The young opponent who has been causing trouble for the Mongols in the past few years is here.

The next thing is very simple. Long-distance cavalry, decisive victory in field battles, soldiers against soldiers, generals, heroes and heroes!

This chapter has been completed!
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