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Chapter 673: Crab and Turtle (Part 2)

"How's the situation?" Dip

Several people in the darkroom asked questions.

Pusanna replied with a cold face: "Yang Chengzhi is ignoring us!"

"How many times should you go and invite me? Didn't I say last time that he fell in love with the daughter of a jailer on the east side of Ximagou Bridge? Call him out and drink with him!"

"This guy is just soft-hearted. He will never seriously talk to us! Don't waste your energy!"

Several people in the room asked again: "Where is Li Chunfu?"

"The same thing!" Pusannatan said angrily: "I pretend to be crazy and stupid day by day, can't they see it? These people are in important positions and are as clever as ghosts! They are deliberately avoiding me! What about you? Who have you contacted again?"

"If you can't explain clearly, how can you impress others? If you talk too much, it will make people laugh in vain."

"That is to say, there is no result."

Several people in the room remained silent, acknowledging it.

An aging voice in the darkness asked: "What are Guo Liu's arrangements for military affairs?"

"Li Ting from Hebei Road is busy wiping out the water strongholds and gangsters along the Yuhe River. His soldiers and horses cannot be drawn. One of Qiu Huiluo and Zhao Jue is at Juyongguan and the other is at Xuande. The troops of various departments are being reorganized and drawn from them. They After all, facing the grassland, we must first be busy distributing military camps and rebuilding fortresses in various places. Not long ago, the newly conquered Mongolian tribes tried to riot, so the troops had their own tasks and it was difficult to mobilize them. In addition, the people of Jing'an went to Daomaguan five times. Patrolling the Ling area, his troops are spread all over the mountains and are always scattered. As for the Beijing Road, most of them are facing off against the Dajin army and horses in the northeast..."

Someone in the corner of the room sneered.

"Although the group in the northeastern hinterland are all Jurchens, they may not be embarrassed to be regarded as Dajin's army horses. They take the money given by Guo Liu and eat Guo Liu's food. Even if they take some measures, they will not do anything. He is just trying to get more benefits from Guo Liu."

These words made people very unhappy. The person who originally spoke paused and raised his voice: "In this way, Shi Tianying, Xueta Lahai, Yelu Kechou Baer and others who are confronting them may not be able to As Guo Ning's subordinates, they are just watching the changes in the current situation. They deliberately put on the posture of spending the winter on the grassland. Who knows if they are not trying to escape the reorganization of Ding Haijun? "Zhen

Pushanna suddenly cheered up: "So, these people can still be won over?"

The old voice in the darkness coughed and said impatiently: "Continue talking about military affairs."

"Yes Yes."

The man from before thought for a moment and continued to report: "As for Zhongdu Road, there are currently more than 14,000 soldiers stationed in the three camps of Jinkou River, Zhahe, and Qinghe. Among them, Guo Ning's headquarters has more than 5,000 soldiers. There are more than 4,000 brave men selected from the surrendered troops. These men and horses take turns to enter the city to guard, one rotation every three days, with 4,600 people in each class. In addition, Guo Ning's capital marshal's house has a daily garrison of elite retinues. thousand."

"How are these 5,600 people distributed?"

"Marshal, please look at this. This is the distribution of soldiers and the patrol route map."

The person who reported the report was well prepared and presented the blueprint with both hands. A waiter took it and moved it to a dark place. The old man known as the "Marshal" stretched out his skinny wrist, took it and unfolded it.

In the dark corner, he didn't know what he saw clearly. After a while, the old man asked again: "Who is in charge of city defense?"

"The people nominally responsible for city defense are Wang Shixian and Zhao Jue. However, Zhao Jue has been stationed at Juyongguan. Recently, there are rumors that Wang Shixian will also be in charge of the Dinghai fleet, so today there are a group of fleet captains and watermen. Come to Zhongdu and wait for his reception. Tomorrow he will take his headquarters to Zhigu Village to reward the remaining sailors and is expected to return in five days."

"So, after Wang Shixian left Zhongdu, who specifically focused on defense?"

"It's Dong Jin, the leader of Guo Ning's bodyguard, and Xu Jin, who is also in charge of the Zhongdu Police Patrol Court."

"A young boy in his infancy, a gangster living in the rough."


Silence returned to the room. Because many people gathered in the small room, the windows and doors were closed, and it was extremely hot for a while.

Someone finally couldn't help it anymore and shouted loudly: "Marshal, do it!"

The old man in the darkness smiled hoarsely and asked, "What are you doing?"

"What the general wants to say has been said countless times. Marshal, we should take action immediately and kill Guo Liu! Take the central capital! When the Mongols besieged the city, we had no way to kill Guo Liu. Is there nothing we can do now? The solution? The Mongols have left and will not come back for three to five years, so what worries do we have?"

The speaker couldn't hold back his emotions, and his voice became louder. When he stood up and walked under the light, everyone saw that this man was the man who cooperated with many merchants and wealthy people in the city when the Mongolian army besieged the city. , intending to open the Huicheng Gate and let the people flee, the commander of the Wuwei Army sent a deputy to the east of the capital to accuse He Shilie Heshou.

Later, Monk Luo's troops captured Huicheng Gate, and General He Shilie expressed his cooperation without any resistance. Later, when Ding Haijun entered the city in large numbers, he did not make any obstruction.

After Guo Ning established the Capital Marshal's Mansion, he gave preferential treatment to the original figures in the court and did not deliberately suppress them. Therefore, He Shilie and Heshou still accused him in front of his armed guards and the deputy commander in the east of the capital. All the soldiers below were transferred, leaving only dozens of close followers.

But at this moment, dozens of such people have gathered together. These people are almost the only Jurchen generals left after the Battle of Zhongdu. Although their military strength has been deprived, if they have the desperate intention of defeating everyone, they can still defeat them. Can muster considerable strength. Dip

What's even more frightening is that Heshi Lieheshou, who is considered to be more willing to cooperate among the Jurchens, now wants to kill Guo Ning and take back the central capital, but so many people around him don't look strange at all, as if that's it. Discussed many times.

The old man shook his head: "Stop talking, the time has not come yet. Guo Ning is a rare and capable general in this generation. Just rely on you trash, even if a hundred of them come together, they will not be his opponent, let alone shake the situation in Zhongdu."

These words made all the Jurchen generals furious.

"It is precisely because we are not Guo Ning's opponent that we must seize the opportunity to act! In the past two months, Zhongdu's military strength has been gradually decreasing. If we suddenly attack now, all Guo Liu can rely on is the Marshal's Mansion. There are a thousand people! And Wang Shixian, who is in charge of city defense, will leave tomorrow, so the two deputies left behind are of little use!"

The old man poked his rickety figure out of the shadows and said sternly: "I told you, the time has not come yet!"

"When will the time come?" Heshi Lieheshou said impatiently: "Keep waiting until the Tatar Khan marches thousands of miles westward, and Guo Liu's elite soldiers and generals deployed outside can take back the central capital? Wait until Guo Liu... The marshal of the capital is becoming more and more popular, and even the Jurchens in the city admire him? When Guo Liu completely steals the power of the court, will he wear a yellow robe and completely overthrow our Jin Dynasty? "

Hearing what he said, the people around him were all furious, and some even choked: "Old Pusan, as the marshal of the Kingdom of Jin, you must be a little loyal to the emperor! Your nephew Pusan ​​Anzhen "You were betrayed by Guo Ning, don't you feel resentful?" Zhen

This old man is Pu Sanduan, the right deputy marshal of the Capital Marshal's Mansion, who was given permission by Guo Ning to rest at home because of his old age and frailty.

Pusanduan was the right-guard general when Zhang Zong came to the throne. He was the envoy to the Northeast. During the Taihe period, he established a province in Nanjing and served as the deputy commander of the army that defeated the Song Dynasty. Later, he served as Pingzhang political affairs minister, Zuo prime minister, and Du marshal. Now he Although he is old, he is still the leader of the Jurchens in Zhongdu City.

Pusanduan sighed deeply: "Don't say any more. I won't agree to waste the last bit of the Jurchens' strength before the time comes. Besides, doing so will greatly hinder the emperor. You know..."

In the middle of speaking, he suddenly stopped talking and listened.

"Marshal, what are you listening to?"


Pu Sanduan listened for a long time and said slowly: "Someone is playing the piano."

"What does the cat and the dog playing the piano have to do with us? Marshal, we have to explain the business clearly!"

"This is a report from an old friend, you don't understand." Pusanduan pointed to a few close associates around him: "Go and find out, there should be something big happening in Zhongdu, and this big thing... also affects the business that you are thinking about. help."



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