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Chapter 694: Going South (Part 2)

His snoring was so quiet that the big shots in the hall who were busy debating could not hear him. He was shy.

But all the colleagues around him heard it. Some people really couldn't listen anymore. They reached out across the table and touched Jia She's shoulder: "Brother Jichuan, brother Jichuan, what are you doing! Don't seek death!"

Jia She was suddenly awakened. He turned his head and looked left and right. Without paying attention, a few coins in his hand fell to the ground and rolled on the stone slab, making a crisp sound.

Jia She jumped up immediately. His robe sleeves were stretched like a crane, and he rushed forward, holding a few coins in his hand again. When everyone was sitting dumbfounded, this action was too conspicuous.

All the petty officials he had made friends with were sweating for him.

The three big shots above must have seen his sudden movement, but no one said anything. So Jia She calmly returned to his seat, and not long after, he started snoring again.

Did this guy do this on purpose?

Several officials around him were surprised and confused, and they couldn't understand what Jia She was doing. But Jia She's downcast face showed only a slight sneer.

When Jia She was young, he worked for ten years to clear his father's grievances. After he was thirty, he finally became an official. Because he did not follow the proper path of the imperial examination, he spent more than ten years in a small border county, acting as a coward and a shy person.

After more than ten years, although he has not forgotten his ambition, he has become much more realistic. In his eyes, if people have troubles in this world, they can only stem from two things: one is no money, and the other is lack of power.

Therefore, in his actions over the years, he has become more and more focused on two goals: the first priority is to make money, and the second priority is to be promoted.

Whether it is making money or getting promoted, if you want to be stable and comfortable, there is a common secret, which is to have a clear vision, seek advantages and avoid disadvantages. You can work for the superiors, but you must not be involved in the whirlpool of political confrontations between the big shots; you must be on the chessboard.

You must hold on to your position tightly, and you must not easily serve as a chess piece for others, let alone tie yourself to a certain chess piece.

Cui Yu is a true gentleman, so he becomes the cold player in the chess game.

He was independent of the influence of Shi Xiang in the court, and naturally gathered a group of supporters by virtue of his status as a Confucian master. Shi Xiang seemed to have given him an official position, mainly because he hoped to use Cui Yu's reputation to establish his reputation.

Despite his reputation as a wise man, he actually did not regard him as a useful person at all.

Li Jue was the representative of Fuzhou and Mingzhou scholars at court. This prince had always had a tough stance towards the Jin Kingdom. He had repeatedly advocated the abolition of annual coins and the severing of diplomatic relations with the Jin Kingdom. During his tenure, he was particularly keen on reorganizing the army and practicing martial arts, as if he would achieve great results.

.But Jia She could see clearly that this man was actually an idler with a bleak future.

He was always at odds with Shi Xiang in the court, and he flattered Shi Xiang crazily during daily official business and private dealings. Perhaps he himself felt that this kind of behavior could suit both ends, but in fact, Shi Xiang had specially set aside it for a long time.

.The only function is to be mentioned specifically when the relationship between the Song and Jin Dynasties was tense, to show that Shi Xiang had foresight and had long been determined to break with the Jin Dynasty.

Li Jue is an idle son, but Ying Chunzhi is even more miserable. He can be said to be an abandoned son. He is shy.

After this man, who knew Chuzhou and was the economic and strategic envoy of Jingdong, took office, he tried to lure the red-coated troops on the east and west routes of Shandong today, contacted the navy fleet of Dinghai Navy the next day, and the day after tomorrow secretly went to the territory of the Kingdom of Jin, north of Huaiyin County.

He sent troops to Qinghekou, intending to create a fait accompli for the expansion of territory.

But in fact, he was just sent by the real big shots in the court to test things. If the things he did were successful, it would naturally be the result of strategizing by the superiors. If he failed, it would be because Ying Chunzhi hoped to be rewarded and do things for the country.

, not only will you lose your official position, but you may also lose your head.

Jia She felt that there were still fierce and powerful ministers in the Jin Kingdom, so they were not weak and could be bullied, and Ying Chun would most likely be defeated.

These three people were all Jia She's bosses, and Jia She had done things for them respectively.

He came forward for Cui Yu and appeased the merchants and trackers along the canal, thereby ensuring local stability; for Li Jue, he contacted the guard of Sizhou Guanchang in the Kingdom of Jin and helped to find out the details of Nanjing Road in the Kingdom of Jin;

Ying Chunzhi made an appointment to meet with the leaders of the fleet of the Ding Navy, and made many promises to certain leaders on Ying Chunzhi's behalf, giving him thousands of dollars in heavy bribes in one go.

I've done things well for them, but I can't tie them too seriously. At this moment, Shi Xiang, who is living in the city, should also have heard of my reputation, Jia Jichuan, so I should escape from Huaidong.

Let’s see what a bright future we can have there.

The amount of money he has accumulated in his hands in the past few months is huge. Even if some of it is gradually dispersed, the remaining money is enough to be able to bribe many people and make many friends. Of course, the network of contacts bought with money is not reliable, but as long as he follows the trend,

But if you ask someone for a small recommendation at a critical moment, you can jump over the dragon gate, become a bigger official, and make more money!

Compared with this, what is there to love about the quagmire of Huaidong?

For some reason, Jia She has always been a little uneasy these days, as if something trouble is about to happen. Three days ago, spies came from the north, saying that there were signs of the Jin army gathering in Shandong. He smelled a dangerous atmosphere, and became more and more worried.

He was eager to leave Chuzhou. In the past few days, he jumped up and down, deliberately acting inappropriately, just to make some important person jump and kick him back to Lin'an.

It's a pity that these three are indeed famous and capable ministers of this dynasty. They all have extraordinary bearings, and no one has raised their eyebrows yet.

Just as Jia She was thinking of this, a group of messengers from outside the hall rushed back on flying horses. Everyone's hair was covered with dust, and some people's trouser legs were stained with blood. It was not the result of fighting, but the result of riding horses at high speed, and their legs were torn by the saddle.


"How come so many people came back at the same time?"

"Did the Jin army from the north really move south?"

All the officials in the hall were shocked and asked questions one after another, and there was a lot of noise and shyness.

"It's true! It's really going south!" The messengers replied repeatedly: "We saw it with our own eyes!"

"Reporting to Xuexian Cui and Li Xuanfu, the troops of the Shandong Jin Army set out from Qushan in Haizhou and continued southward. They passed Shuoxiang Lake three days ago!"

"The Jin Army continued to move south and suddenly appeared on the north bank of Lianshui two days ago!"

"Yesterday evening, thousands of cavalry suddenly raided Qinghekou. Hundreds of our people stationed at Qinghekou were caught off guard and fled immediately!"

"The main force of the Jin Army is heading straight to Chuzhou day and night!"

Cui Yu shouted and asked: "Have you ever found out the strength of the Jin army?"

"There are at least two thousand cavalry in the front, and the main force behind is over ten thousand, and the momentum is huge! Chuzhou is in danger!" Shy

"Huaiyin is in danger! Lianshui is also in danger! The Jin army is divided into three groups, heading west to Huaiyin and besieging Lianshui!"

There was a chaos in the hall, and both civil and military officials were eclipsed.

Cui Yu glared at Li Jue and Ying Chunzhi, opened his mouth, and finally restrained himself from continuing to curse. He quickly walked down to the front of the hall and grabbed a messenger who came to report: "The leader of the Jin Army is the general.


"Thousands of cavalry are in the vanguard, under the banner of Yan Ning. The main force is behind, and the leader is Monk Luo who is stationed in Yidu. There are also many generals accompanying them. From the looks of it, the deputy general is Jinan Yin Chang."

The reputation of these generals has also been heard by Chuzhou civil and military officials, and they know that all of them are strong generals who started their careers with Guo Ning, the Ding navy. As expected, these people are all reckless and powerful men, and they have no chance of being a national general.

He is very prudent and behaves without any scruples! Sure enough, everyone in the Ding Navy, as Sui Wang Wanyan Shouxu said over there in Nanjing, is a bunch of lunatics and a group of strong thieves!

The military situation was urgent, and Li Jue also looked shaken.

However, Ying Chunzhi calmed down and said in a deep voice: "It is autumn and winter when the water is dry, so it will not be difficult for the enemy to cross the river. Once they cross the river, they will be less than ten miles away from my Chuzhou city. I will immediately arrange to defend the city. Everyone

There is no need to accompany me in the city. Please return to your respective stations as soon as possible. If you can remember to arrange rescue forces, I will be very kind!" said shyly.

As soon as these words came out, everyone agreed, even Cui Yu nodded slightly, somewhat admiring Ying Chunzhi's courage.

Jia She, however, would not delay in showing off. When he heard that the Jin army was marching south, everyone in the hall was in chaos, and he took advantage of this opportunity, holding up his robe and feet, and ran out without moving.

The people outside asked one after another: "This official...this county magistrate, who among you has decided to pay attention? The Jin people in the north are really going south? Isn't that a rumor? Are we peace? Are we fighting? Are we defending?

Are you leaving?"

Jia She had no time to care.

He led his own horse, whipped his whip, and led a few men out of the south gate of Chuzhou and headed straight for Baoying County.

As he rode his horse, he admired his foresight. Fortunately, in Baoying County, all the luggage and money had been packed, and the vehicles and horses were ready, so nothing was delayed! Even the city had been repaired.

...I must be worthy of the people in this city!



This chapter has been completed!
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