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Chapter 707: Overturn (Part 2)

The staff following Xu Ding were very familiar with the ship: "This ship has a single mast, with oil silk on the left and right sides. It is the most common Tongzhou-style ship in the Ding Navy fleet. Although the captain is not much more than

A hundred feet tall, if you put it in a pool, it looks like a huge thing." Dou

"That's right. To the north of this pool, there is a swamp connected with Lushui. I heard that in order to sail the boat into the pool of the Imperial College before the weather freezes, Chen Ran from the Pro-Military Department used hundreds of trackers to move the boat in the swamp.

The road was paved in it, which took a lot of work. The reason for this is that Zhou Guogong needs the ice to be cut out at any time in the pond where the ships are parked, so that he can practice in the winter."

The staff member looked stern: "Could it be that Duke Zhou intends to use his troops at sea?"

"That's not the case... When you came here, you should have heard that many leaders and subordinates in the naval fleet of Dinghai Navy were bribed by the Song people with ecstasy soup, and then they took advantage of the Jurchens in Zhongdu to cause rebellion.

Are you going to assassinate Duke Zhou?"

"Cough cough, cough cough..."

The staff member coughed twice, subconsciously looked back at the other companions, and then slightly raised the hood with the wind out of the edge to look at Xu Ding's expression. It turned out that this person was Jia She.

It was Jia She who pulled the strings and led to the rebellion of the leader of the Ding navy fleet. He had something in his mind and panicked for a moment. After looking at it twice, he guessed that Xu Ding was speaking unintentionally and casually mentioned: "This...I am indeed

I’ve heard of it.”

"After that incident, Zhou Guogong re-established the operating rules for the fleet directly under the jurisdiction of the navy. The most important one is that after the crew members obtain a position equivalent to that of a general or above in the army, they must gather their families in Tianjin

They were resettled in one of four places: Yidu Prefecture, Fuzhou, and Laizhou. At the same time, all crew members, including Gang Shou, were divided into three squads. According to the instructions of the military government, each squad took turns to board the ship and go to sea, and disembark in order.

To rest and recuperate, ships are no longer allowed, and people wander around all year round, doing whatever they want without the orders of the Marshal's Mansion."

Jia She nodded: "In this way, Chief Gang and the crew will be treated as regular naval officers and managed according to the method of controlling soldiers. On every ship, there will no longer be Chief Gang's confidants; Chief Gang, the subordinates

If they want to respond to the solicitation of outsiders, there will be many eyes watching on their own ships. And if the military government takes action at sea, they can also use their hands and fingers like commanding soldiers and horses on land, and there is no longer the risk of losing control. But..."

"But what..."

"But in this case, are the number of ships enough? Can the number of sailors and crews be enough to support three shifts?"

"Haha, let's not worry about the ship. Brother Jichuan, look at the ship, are there many people gathered on it, some climbing the mast, some throwing ropes and sails, and some fighting with each other?

Among those people, half are veterans who have experienced many hardships at sea, and half are newbies recently recruited from local and various departments. They are all specially trained at the newly established naval academy north of Xin'an Hainan, and their successors will soon become members of the Gang.

The leader, the person who leads the subordinates.”

Jia She frowned and thought for a while: "In other words, there are courses for training gang leaders in this Imperial Academy. But what does it mean? Prime Minister, I really don't know the meaning of it... The people of the sea are brave and fierce, and they can be used by knights.

Qi, the heroes in the army are brave and generous. They all studied in the Imperial College. Ahem, Duke Zhou really doesn’t care about the country’s cultural heritage..."

"There are five hundred warriors in the Imperial College, including sailors from the sea, veterans guarding the border in northern Xinjiang, and aliens from the northeast who are central to the heart. There are also soldiers who, with their extraordinary bravery half a year ago, were promoted from pawns to generals in one breath.

.There are five hundred scholars in the Imperial College, including us, the children of old ministers of the Jin Dynasty, the children of soldiers who died in the Ding Navy, and the young Jurchen nobles who sincerely contribute to the new dynasty..."

Xu Ding made a big circle with his hands: "All these people will be taught and tempered here. Here, there are few distinctions between civil and military, sea and land, and even few distinctions between Han and Jurchen; everyone has

They can choose the path they really want to take based on their own strengths. At the same time, they will naturally gather under the command of Duke Zhou and fight for the future of Duke Zhou!"

Jia She looked thoughtful, knowing that what Xu Ding said was undoubtedly true.

This kind of approach is simply unimaginable in the eyes of a Southern Dynasty person like him. But in the eyes of people from the Great Jin Dynasty, it is not particularly deviant.

After all, the northern Han people were used to seeing foreigners using force to establish their country. Anyway, when the Liao Dynasty and the Jin Dynasty were rising, there was no cultural context to speak of. In this case, Zhou Guogong didn't need those, so what?

Duke Zhou needs his subordinates to be both civil and military. Isn't that in line with the strong and decisive ethos of the founding of the country?

The Imperial Academy in front of us was the place where Zhou Guogong broke up the countless mountains under his command one by one and then twisted them back into a ball. It was the place where he trained the disciples of the future emperor, and it was also the place where the personnel planning of the new dynasty was decided for decades.

The routine here is clearly contrary to the Southern Song Dynasty, and it is completely different from the political approach of the Jin Dynasty in the past few decades. The scholars produced here, even if they want to be civil servants, are forced to be imbued with martial arts, which is different from the ordinary

The scholar is not the same thing.

They do not need to consider such frivolous things as context, but only need to consider the strong brand of Ding Haijun on their bodies. With this brand, they embarked on the upward path of Ding Haijun, and from then on they must unite with Zhou Guogong

.Only when Zhou Guogong’s regime flourishes, can the ascending channel always exist, and can their interests and future be always protected.

"Actually, if you think about it carefully, this is really a good idea."

Xu Ding laughed easily: "I just relied on my father's protection to steal my status as a Jinshi. In fact, I know nothing about poetry and Confucian classics. I am only good at practical things. If you do practical things, you will make mistakes, and if you make mistakes, you will be criticized.

, being criticized by others will bring you notoriety. But people like me are the ones who can be used by Duke Zhou... Since Duke Zhou is willing to use me, I will naturally be loyal to Duke Zhou."

Jia She pondered for a moment and smiled.

While the two were chatting, they slowly rode their horses closer to the pool. Because they were so busy chatting, they didn't notice how many soldiers were on guard around the pool. The people fighting on the warships in the pool were not ordinary students.

A skinny man, covered in heat and sweating, crossed his bare legs on the mast and looked down. After watching for a while, he slowly slid down, then stretched out his arms and grabbed the swaying sail rope.

The next moment, he jumped down along the sail rope, as fast as lightning, and finally took advantage of an enemy's unpreparedness and kicked him in the vest.

The enemy was proficient in martial arts and extremely strong. With a short stick in his hand, he had just knocked down many warriors around him. Just when he was looking majestic, he didn't expect a heavy blow to fall from the sky. He suddenly became unsteady and staggered forward.

.At this time, the boat was hit by the wind again and suddenly tilted sideways. He lost his footing and finally fell over.

Dozens of people on the boat cheered in unison: "It's overturned, it's overturned! We've overturned Marshal Guo!"



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