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Chapter 72 Pillars (Part 2)

In the quiet room of Taiji Palace, several people chatted for a while and stopped talking.

Du Shisheng sat motionless.

Guo Ning took a piece of cake from the cloth bag around his waist and ate it slowly. There was a teapot and cup in front of the futon, but no one was pouring water for tea, so Guo Ning fetched it for himself without any courtesy, and made a fuss.

Drinking it steadily, I almost finished a pot of high-quality tea.

Since the food supply at the Xijunhe camp was guaranteed, Guo Ning spent more time than usual on martial arts training. As a result, his appetite became larger and his physique became noticeably stronger.

Ni Yi was still standing behind Guo Ning.

Being able to follow Guo Ning to the legendary capital city of Dajin and see the prosperous and magnificent scenes and those superior people was something Ni Yi could never imagine in his dreams. So he was extra solemn and solemn, standing behind Guo Ning

His posture is always upright.

Guo Ning's recent daily training with his followers included standing in a military posture. But the training had just begun and there were no results yet, so Ni Yi stood with his chest out and his belly up until now, and he began to feel soreness in his legs. He had to shake his body slightly.

, sometimes put the focus on the right leg, and sometimes change to the left leg.

Zhao Jue retreated to a corner of the quiet room, leaning against the wall and resting with his arms around him.

From his position, he could look through the west window lattice to the depths of the corridor where Chong Xuanzi left, and looking in the other direction, he could look out through the east window lattice to the small courtyard outside. These are many

Zhao Jue is actually stronger than Ni Yi in terms of instincts that can only be developed after fighting for the first time.

About half an hour later, across the high wall outside the quiet room, the sound of many people walking around suddenly came. In the meantime, there were also a few Taoists who were persuading the pilgrims in a friendly manner. The meaning behind the words was that there were noble people offering incense and they should not mingle with others.

Wait to back away.

Not long after, Zhao Jue whispered: "Here we come!"

At this time, there was a rapid sound of footsteps hitting the ground in the corridor. Suddenly, the door opened, and more than ten guard warriors wearing purple collared narrow-sleeved clothes, sewn with black gauze soft belts, and carrying long swords at their waists rushed in.


Zhao Jue and Ni Yi were on alert at the same time.

The next moment, Chong Xuanzi stepped inside, shook his fly whisk, and said seriously: "The boss is here!"

Du Shisheng's shoulders swayed, and he was about to prostrate himself, but saw Guo Ning standing up straight.

"Guo Langjun! Guo Langjun!" Du Shisheng thought that Guo Ning was not familiar with etiquette, so he called out twice in a low voice: "Tu Dan Youcheng is here!"

Guo Ning slowly put half of the cake back into his bag, patted the crumbs on his hands, and wiped his mouth.

He was still standing upright.

Du Shisheng was stunned.

Since arriving at the Xijunhe camp, he has served as a teacher for Guo Ning's followers. He preaches and teaches students in the side hall opposite Guo Ning's daily office. In his spare time between giving lectures and preparing lessons, he secretly observed Guo Ning, and noticed that this young man looked like

He is gentle, but in fact he acts decisively and never succumbs to the influence of outsiders. He can be described as extremely unruly.

But Du Shisheng vaguely felt that that kind of unruliness was not born out of ignorance and recklessness. Therefore, he took it for granted that when Guo Ning arrived in Zhongdu and met the important people as he wished, he would always recognize the order of superiority and inferiority and bow down at the right time.

Who would have thought that Guo Ning would be so stubborn?

No, this is no longer stubborn, is it stupid? Is it crazy?

Don't bring your methods that are rampant in the wilderness to the Central Capital!

How is this any different from the nonsense I talked about on the streets of Zhongdu? No, no, after all, I was so angry that my blood rushed to my head. The subsequent result can be regarded as benevolence.

Guo Ning, what are you trying to do? Chizhan Sagai's head has been chopped off by you, you have no way out! What are you going to do now? If you offend Tu Danyi again, I'm afraid...

Du Shisheng was waiting to persuade him again, but he heard that the surroundings of the quiet room were already silent.

At the same time, with the sound of his cane hitting the ground, an old man with gray hair and gray hair dressed as a Han Confucian scholar slowly walked in. His eyes turned to Du Shisheng's face, and then he turned towards Guo Ning.

According to the system in the early days of the Kingdom, straight women were not allowed to change their surnames to Han surnames or learn the attire of the Southerners, and those who violated the rule would be punished with eighty sticks and be classified as permanent. Today, this system has ceased to exist in name only, but high-ranking Jurchen officials who thoroughly follow Han attire should be

There are only a handful of dynasties.

Guo Ning knew that this was Tu Shanyi, the right prime minister of the Jin Dynasty.

He nodded slightly and said, "Guo Ning of Changzhou has met Tu Shan Youcheng."

Before he finished speaking, a guard warrior stepped out of the queue, pointed his halberd and shouted: "How dare you, a common man in the countryside, be so rude?"

"Who are you?" Guo Ning asked.

"I am trying to win over Guan Wugu to discuss the matter quickly!" the guard warrior said proudly.

"Three days ago, I just killed a guard of ten thousand households, and sixty-four of my own men sent by Wanyan Zuocheng to accompany him." Guo Ning said softly: "How dare you say one more word to a mere liaison officer?

I will kill you immediately."

The officer in charge was furious, and with a "clang" sound, he drew out a section of his long knife.

Guo Ning only looked at him with a sneer.

The officer's movements faltered, and he did not dare to draw the sword out of its sheath.

"Haha..." Tu Danyi couldn't help laughing.

The Guo Ning in front of him is truly a man who has experienced bloody battles. He can roar like a tiger with just a few words. On the contrary, the officials around him are either close followers of the Tushan clan or Xuanwu among the Jurchens.

Low-level military officials like Chang Xing are good at arranging ceremonial guards in Zhongdu City and doing chores for welcoming people and sending them off. If they have to show off in front of a real ruthless person, wouldn't they be humiliating themselves?

He waved his hand, and the officials looked unwilling, but they all had to retreat, leaving only Chong Xuanzi and a few attendants.

At this time, the clever waiter saw that there was only a futon in the room, so he hurried outside and brought in tables and chairs.

Tu Danyi sat down at the head of the table and said slowly: "With such a sharp edge, he is worthy of being a warrior who charges on the battlefield. He is really young and energetic, which is good. But, you Guo Liulang have already offended Wanyan Zuocheng, if you offend me again

, is it unwise?”

"Offended?" Guo Ning looked deeply at Tu Danyi.

Although this veteran minister from three dynasties has an old face and some cloudy eyes, his demeanor is extremely calm, and he really looks like the minister who was the pillar of the imperial court in Guo Ning's imagination. Listening to his tone, there is no anger, but he seems to be asking questions calmly.

Guo Ning pondered for a moment: "Those of us were mostly garrisons from Chang, Huan, and Fuzhou, and we retreated to Hebei after a bloody battle. In the past few years, I have watched my hometown where I have been operating for decades being burned to the ground.

The relatives of the tribe were lost in the grassland, like dogs and sheep, reduced to the blood of wild beasts. They watched the liver and brains of their comrades being wiped out on the battlefield, and finally they were reduced to the lakes and valleys of Hebei, almost becoming aliens. To say that I am offended, I often think that it is

Didn't the soldiers and people of the three states offend anyone in the imperial court, so they had to suffer so much?"

Chong Xuanzi laughed dryly, and when he was about to interrupt, Guo Ning raised his voice and continued:

"If so, then which big shot in the court did we offend so much that he wanted to harm us like this? If not..." Guo Ning looked straight at Tu Danyi with a frosty face: "We are in such a situation,

You haven't even killed an official in rebellion yet, and you've already given the court enough face, so do you still care who you offend?"

Tu Shanyi sighed.

"In that case, what does Guo Liulang want to do when he comes to Zhongdu?"

Guo Ning's purpose in coming to Zhongdu was naturally to get through Tu Shanyi's connections and force him to use his influence in the court, or to slightly suppress Wanyan Gang's blind actions; or to stir up some troubles in other places and win over

Delay Wanyan Gang's pace of unifying local areas.

Its actual purpose was to gain as much time as possible to reorganize its forces before the Mongols invaded in a large scale, and finally took advantage of the inevitable chaos to march eastward to Shandong and become a rebel as quickly as possible.

But there is no need to say this to Tu Shan Yiming.

Guo Ning bowed slightly and said simply: "I want to see if the imperial court can accommodate people and whether the imperial court can employ people."

"Just take a look?"

"Just take a look."


This chapter has been completed!
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