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Chapter 726: Take action (Part 2)

Hearing what Guo Ning said, all the teenagers burst into laughter.

Everyone knows that no matter how bad Guo Ning's handwriting is, after all, he has practiced a lot in grading official documents on a daily basis. To ordinary people, it seems that the horizontal and vertical lines are straight and sharp, and his writing is sharp and less restrained. They all think that his handwriting is just like the person he is, and some flattering people even praise him as being in a class of his own.

However, when the military school was first established, Guo Ning wrote the textbooks himself and narrated them to everyone every day. The students generally remember that the situation at that time was written by the marshal of the capital. This is Guo Ning, who is now the Duke of Zhou, and his friends from the old department.

You don't have to take your talk to build a relationship seriously.

The first group of young men who were named as Guo Ning's disciples have gone their own way now. Some have become mid-level officers, some have begun to familiarize themselves with government affairs in yamen, and some have talents other than military and political affairs. Guo Ning also has feelings for them.

Special arrangements.

For example, Aduo, a Bohai native who is particularly fond of various miscellaneous studies, has now become the supervisor of Qushan Shipyard, responsible for building new ships for the navy together with the master craftsmen hired with large sums of money from the Southern Dynasty.

The mountains and seas in Haizhou are connected, and there are many good harbors. In particular, Qushan Mountain is a chain of mountains, which corresponds to Yuntai Mountain standing in the sea. It is both a good harbor and a fortress guarding the mountains and seas. In the early years, Wei Sheng, a native of Suqian, raised troops in Shanyang.

Taking this place as a stronghold and surrendering to the Song Dynasty, King Hailing defeated it with tens of thousands of boatmen, so the old sites of the naval camp and shipyard remain to this day.

Since the end of last year, Guo Ning has reorganized the navy and has gradually abandoned the old Tongzhou-style single-masted ships and introduced designs by famous craftsmen from the Southern Dynasties. However, shipyards are easy to expand, skilled shipbuilding craftsmen are rare, and there is less wood that can be used on sea-going ships.

Even the wood used to fill the mortise and tenon gaps was better produced in the Southern Dynasties.

Therefore, the shipyards in Tianjin and Gaizhou could only start slowly, while the shipyards in Haizhou developed very quickly due to the convenient communication with the Southern Dynasties and the ease of attracting manpower.

In this regard, A Duo has made great contributions.

As for Xu Zhuer and other young men, their seniority in the military school is one year lower than that of Ado. They are scheduled to join the shipyard after June this year and become Ado's colleagues, so they have to adapt to the environment in advance.

When these young people saw the scale of the Qushan Shipyard, saw the layers of timber purchased with huge sums of money from the southern part of the Song Dynasty, and saw the gradually improving blueprints of seagoing ships, they naturally had a lot of expectations in their hearts.

At this time, Guo Ning suddenly came here, and everyone was even more happy. When Guo Ning opened his mouth, it was just a joke, and the original tension caused by the disparity in status was gone. They all came together to talk about what they had seen and boast about their recent achievements.


There were also people who behaved really poorly and couldn't help but bite their tongues. As a result, Guo Ning dragged them over, held their necks with their elbows, and beat them on the top of their heads until they begged for mercy.

Guo Ning visited Haizhou this time, and he was surrounded by light cavalry and simple servants.

Although his status is getting higher and higher, he doesn't like the feeling of being deep in the nine-fold cloud, and he is often worried that his eyes and ears are obscured. Therefore, when he has a little leisure time in military and political matters in the Duke of Zhou's mansion, he brings two to three hundred retinues with him.

Traveling around and exploring, sometimes traveling hundreds of miles in a day.

Even so, this side of Haizhou is the border after all, and big figures like Guo Ning rarely come. Officials stationed in the local area and the stationed generals suddenly received the news, and they were inevitably worried that they had made some mistakes and were caught by Zhou Guogong. They acted consciously.

People who are capable and have made great achievements always want to show off in front of Duke Zhou.

If you can seize the opportunity at this time, it is different from flattering in front of other bosses. You may be following the dragon!

It was because of Xu Zhuer's young mind that he concentrated on carving his big sea ship on the stone wall. During the time when Guo Ning stopped to watch, many people arrived one after another, and more and more people gathered.

Not only civil and military people came, but also local tycoons from far away, wealthy businessmen stationed at the port, ship owners, etc., also gathered around Guo Ning and the teenagers, forming an increasingly tight crowd.

Circle. Seeing that Duke Zhou was in a good mood, everyone smiled.

Since the navy took control of Haizhou, the trade between the local area and the Southern Dynasties has been prosperous, and many merchants have made a fortune. Among the merchants gathered outside at this time, many were from the Southern Dynasties, who lived here to run business.

After the Marshal's Mansion began to build navy barracks and shipyards, it also led to local prosperity. The local people had been in poverty for many years and usually relied on fishing across the sea to support their families. After the Ding navy officers settled in, not only did their catch have big buyers, but also

You can also make money by working hard in response to the recruitment.

There are so many advantages: the local people have a very close relationship with Ding Haijun, so they are willing to come to flatter him.

Many people outside the large circle couldn't hear what Guo Ning and the teenagers said. Anyway, when they saw the teenagers laughing, they thought it was not a bad thing and they kept laughing along with them.

Before Guo Ning paid attention to them, his attendants noticed that several local officials had grabbed the staff and came to give them orders. He hurried over and said, Duke Zhou will only see the shipyard and the military camp next. Don't organize a crowd to greet them, let alone arrange anything vain.

If the content is discovered, you will be severely punished. Don’t make mistakes.

The local officials were nodding their heads, the sound of hoofbeats sounded in the distance, and a messenger rode straight into the inner circle to deliver a letter.

When Guo Ning opened it and took a look, his expression immediately changed.

The attendant next to him asked: "What is the prince worried about?"

Guo Ning was so angry that he sighed loudly: "The puppet emperor of Kaifeng raised his troops and went south to fight with the Song Dynasty! From Jinghu to Huaixi, the battlefield spread for hundreds of miles. There were no less than 100,000 troops on both sides, and they were killed in rivers of blood.


When these words came out, everyone outside immediately became uproar.

The local people just paid it off, and the merchants were always well-informed. There had been vague rumors a few days before that Kaifeng was raising troops to go south. At that time, everyone thought it was a common minor conflict on the border between the two countries.

This kind of conflict is naturally invisible to the central court of the two countries. In fact, it involves smuggling interests, or bandits and water bandits who cross the border to plunder, and they continue almost every year. As long as the scale of the troops is not large and the two countries are not involved.

The regular troops on both sides pretended to be deaf and dumb.

But according to Guo Ning, the conflict actually got bigger? It really turned into a war?

Is it because Kaifeng is so poor that it's crazy, or is Lin'an being hijacked by some high-profile lunatic? Wouldn't it be better to let the two sides stop?

A merchant in luxurious robes bravely asked: "Dong Zhou, is this true?"

Guo Ning waved the letter and asked: "How can this be false? The envoy from the Song Dynasty is called Xuan Zhen, and he has already taken a sea ship to Zhongdu to beg me, Da Jin, to seek justice!"

"Zhou Guogong, the two Huaihe Rivers are one. If the war continues, not to mention Haizhou, those of us who are merchants will also be affected. I am afraid that our business will not be able to sustain... Since the Song Dynasty wants to be fair, we will quickly give him justice."

Let him be fair! The key is not to fight and not to affect the people in Huaidong who live and work in peace and contentment!"

The merchant was considered a prominent figure in Haizhou, and he was not very afraid when he saw local officials. At this moment, he was worried about the war, so he inevitably shouted a few words.

After he finished shouting, he found that Guo Ning suddenly raised his eyes and glanced at him.

Only then did he remember that the seemingly ordinary young man in front of him was actually a murderous and warlike tycoon with a notorious reputation, and thousands of lives were lost under his command.

The Duke of Zhou was chatting and laughing amiably with his cronies. Could it be that he was also polite to outsiders? What does the government of the navy have to do with me, a merchant who sells tea? I have only lived a peaceful life for a year, and I have a lot of bad money in my pocket.

Do you dare to give advice to Duke Zhou? Do you think there are too many heads on your neck?

Suddenly he was shocked and frightened, and his mind went blank. When he reacted, his legs were weak and he fell to the ground, while the crowd that had originally gathered around him dispersed.

Guo Ning was silent for a moment.

Everyone waited with bated breath.

After a while, Guo Ning said with emotion: "Everyone, although I, Guo, have been in the army since childhood, I have never been a fighter in my life, but I am good at resolving fights. What's more, the people have been suffering from successive disasters in recent years. It will be even more difficult if there is another war.

!I will rush back to Zhongdu overnight to meet with the envoys of the Southern Dynasty to discuss a way to quell the war... To take a step back, no matter what, I will never allow the Shandong territory to be involved in the war. You can let it go.

One hundred hearts!”

Everyone heard this, some praised, some boasted, and they all said that with Zhou Guogong taking action, everyone must be relieved. Some people looked happy, guessing that the current business would not be greatly affected, and maybe they had found the right context.

They can also make a lot of money. Some people leave immediately, planning to take their family members from Huainan to Haizhou for refuge.

The gathering crowd suddenly dispersed, and a war horse was fetched from the crowd. Guo Ning got on his horse and galloped away.

After galloping for several miles, he asked: "Is that okay? I'm afraid it's a bit too hard?"

Xu Jin replied respectfully from the side: "I have selected this group of merchants in advance. They all have families and businesses in Huainan, and each of them is most afraid of war. Since my lord has said this, they themselves will

He will add fuel to the fire and turn a three-point statement into a ten-point statement, so that no one can believe it."

"I'm afraid that with so many mountains and rivers and military states in between, the news won't spread fast enough..."

"There is a hidden secret from Kaifeng in Haizhou City. Li Yun specially forwarded it to us and asked us to keep it. They have channels for rapid communication with Kaifeng. If they set off tonight on a quick horse, the news will be available within five days at most.

To Kaifeng."

Guo Ning nodded: "Zhongdu also has to make a big fanfare to welcome Xuanzhen as a response...Zhongdu also has a hidden line from Kaifeng. It is probably easier for them to send a message than Haizhou."

As for Zhongdu, the Recording Department made some omissions and was severely reprimanded by Guo Ning. Xu Jin solemnly said: "Lord, don't worry, that group of people are all under control. If the message delivery is a little slow, my people will step in to take over."

They grind their pens!"


The cavalry ran north for several miles, and the main road branched into one branch. The main trunk of the road continued northward, running through the hinterland of Shandong; the other branch headed west, close to Yizhou and toward Cangshan Mountain, because west and north of Cangshan Mountain are all red.

This is the place where Liu Erzu and other tribes of the Yong Army have been entrenched for a long time. This road is rarely traveled by people and there are many wives and wives.

Guo Ning turned his horse here and galloped westward.

This chapter has been completed!
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