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Chapter 756 Rain War (Part 2)

Zhang Peng woke up.

He was very busy last night, because the army will march into the decisive battle tomorrow, and junior officers like him have been preparing for more than an hour. In the past, this kind of thing was based on experience, but now it has become a written regulation in the military.

The stipulated content, such as preparing weapons, armor and stomach, boosting the morale of the soldiers, etc., waits until the soldiers have gone to sleep, and the generals of each department will lead the troops and lieutenants to patrol the camp, and they can only go back to the camp to sleep until late at night.

The good thing is that Zhang Peng, Lao Liu, and their subordinates are scheduled to be the main forward force in the battle with Wanyan Heda tomorrow, so they don't have to be on guard duty and can sleep peacefully.

Zhang Peng was in his early twenties, the age when he wanted to eat and sleep. Before the emergency concentration of the army, he had just gotten married in his hometown in Shandong, marrying a girl from the Wu family who raised horses in Guanqiao Town, whom he had known for a long time.


Young couples are newly married, so they naturally have the joy of being married. Moreover, in summer, it is common for them to wear thin clothes and not get off the bed for a day or two. Even after rushing back to the army in response to military orders, Zhang Peng was always sleepy.

So for him, sleeping late is not a problem, and having to fight the next day is not a problem, but the feeling of not being able to sleep at all and being woken up in the middle of the night is too annoying.

Especially now, when I woke up from the gentle land in my dream, my ears were filled with the roar of rain falling on the tent. The weeds and firewood under me were already soaked, and my back was cold.

Zhang Peng was about to curse immediately, but in the next moment, he smelled an alluring aroma of meat and vaguely saw someone shaking a piece of meat in front of him.

Old Liu's voice said in the side: "Try it, how is the craftsmanship?"

Zhang Peng and Lao Liu were old partners. After they furthered their studies at the military academy, they were both assigned to serve under Li Ting. However, Zhang Peng became a general and Lao Liu became a lieutenant under Zhang Peng.

The relationship between superiors and subordinates has changed, but the friendship between the two has not changed. Zhang Peng has always trusted this old guy and regards him as his elder in his heart, so he immediately opened his mouth and bit him.

He pulled off a piece, chewed it twice in his mouth, and replied vaguely: "Is this the meat of Shui Lao Crow? Well, the smell of blood is strong, and you have to sprinkle salt after roasting, which makes it taste bad. In addition, next time you roast it, use

Put the lid of the pot upstream to block the wind so that the smoke does not disperse quickly and the taste is better."

As soon as he finished speaking, Old Liu said proudly: "Is that what I said? When it comes to cooking, you all are really good at cooking. You won't make any mistakes even if you sleep on the lake."

Several other people in the tent said: "I admire you."

Someone took a few copper coins from his belt and gave them to others.

While they were laughing and joking, the shouts of the officers outside were heard in the fierce wind and rain: "Prepare for enemy attack! Don't move rashly, don't make noise, anyone who disobeys the order will be killed!"

Zhang Peng suddenly woke up: "Enemy attack? Enemy attack? Are you still making fun of me?"

Old Liu replied: "I heard that Wanyan Heda led his troops and took advantage of the wind and rain to come over. I just said that it is five miles away from the camp. Calculating the time, it is only about two or three hundred steps now."

"Why didn't you call me earlier!" Zhang Peng cursed and jumped up.

"There is an order from above that all ministries must not act rashly. The enemy should be brought in to fight. Don't worry, I have ordered everyone around us to be careful and prepare for battle. You are wearing armor at the moment. Once you have finished wearing it, we will fight."

Zhang Peng immediately took the armor and stomach, quickly put it on, and asked Meng to come up and help tie the leather ribbon.

Holding the helmet in both hands, he remembered something and said quickly: "Let everyone eat a few mouthfuls of dry food quickly. The more food in your stomach, the more strength you will have."

"I've told you, don't worry, I'm eating right now!" Lao Liu replied easily.

Zhang Peng squinted his eyes and looked around. There happened to be a burst of lightning walking in the air. The light passed through the gaps in the tent, allowing him to see his companions eating rice balls and scones. The servant who was wearing armor for him was eating rice balls and scones in his mouth. He took a piece of meat.

Lao Liu has been in the army longer than Zhang Peng. He really doesn't need to give orders for these small things. Lao Liu will naturally remind the soldiers. Zhang Peng nodded to Lao Liu, hung the short knife on his waist, and held the straight knife in his hand. inside, and then open the tent a little.

The military tents in each capital are scattered in a ring shape, roughly surrounding the fire pond. Each capital is also surrounded by the jurisdiction of various ministries, forming an irregular ring shape. The capital where Zhang Peng is located is close to the southwest edge of the entire military camp. It is very likely that they will be the first to collide with enemy troops attacking at night.

At this moment, every tent was in normal condition, but the tents were opened one after another, and some people stuck their heads out despite the pouring rain, using the dim light to look at the movements of their companions around them.

The roar of rainwater falling to the ground seemed to be louder than before. Zhang Peng could not hear any instructions from the ordering soldiers, nor could he see the figures of the ordering soldiers. This was the case in every camp, but each camp remained quiet.

In the process of continuous reorganization of the army, experienced veterans are almost always promoted. These people are the toughest backbone of an army, ensuring that the army does not panic at any time.

According to Li Ting, his army was the first among the military governors under Guo Ning to achieve grassroots officer training. In this regard, Monk Luo and Zhao Jue were far behind. Every officer under the military governor of the Ying Navy Every general and every lieutenant has gone through hardships in the military academy. No matter what they learned, at least the drills for dealing with various situations are all memorized by heart.

It was obvious that Marshal Li wanted to put the enemy close and kill them all at once, so he gave the order not to move rashly.

Then don't move rashly, the whole military camp is very quiet.

Even if the tremors on the ground were getting closer and closer, even if the roar of footsteps overwhelmed the thunder, thousands of people roared near the camp, like ferocious beasts gathering in a group and about to bite. Despite the terrible call before, the military camp remained quiet.

Zhang Peng turned back to the tent, reached out and shook the wooden wedge used to fix the corner of the tent twice, and pulled it out of the mud with force.

This action made Lao Liu's eyes light up. He whispered to his companions to loosen all the other wedges. Under the strong wind and heavy rain, the tent was not fixed and immediately began to shake. Fortunately, several people worked together to secure it. Hold on tight.

The next moment, there was a roar of killing.

The Juma arrayed at the edge of the camp was suddenly overthrown, and countless people rushed into the camp. The sounds of swords and axes chopping at doors, and the sounds of arrows flying through the air were drowned out by the sound of wind and rain!

Zhang Peng half-bent over, exposing his arms outside the tent, keeping his palms pressed down. In fact, in the dark night, the soldiers in the surrounding tents could not see his gesture, but this was clearly stated in the drill. Whatever was asked of him, he did it to the letter.

Two arrows pierced through the tent, and some soldiers in the tent groaned. Then, the dense figures of the enemy suddenly broke through the rain curtain. Someone waved a long knife, slashed a hole in the tent, and tried to jump into the tent.

Kill inside.

At the same time as this man jumped in, the whistle that Zhang Peng had been waiting for also sounded. It was made by a copper whistle, which was very sharp. It could be heard from several miles away in an open area. Such whistles continued to sound, which represented that Li

Ting issued a battle order to the Chinese army.

Zhang Peng waved his hand abruptly.


Lao Liu and several of his companions shouted loudly and exerted their strength to lift up the entire tent, which had lost its wedge. The gray-white tarpaulin of the tent fluttered, like a ghost with claws and teeth, pressing back on the approaching enemy. Immediately, everyone stepped forward,

Stabbing with swords and guns.

There were at least seven or eight enemies under the tent, and they were screaming incessantly. Especially the enemy who just tried to jump into the tent was stabbed more than a dozen times by two Dinghai navy soldiers, and his body was covered with blood.

The cloth is sprayed with water and then washed away by heavy rain.

"Follow me!" Zhang Peng stepped over the tent without hesitation, stepping forward on the twitching and struggling body below.

Another bolt of lightning flashed, leaving shaky branches in half of the sky, as if the thick clouds were torn apart. The sky seemed a little brighter than before, and the clouds in the east faded slightly, revealing a bit of fish belly white.

Zhang Peng didn't care to look up at the sky. He only saw a group of people roaring and rushing towards him on the road between the camps.

These people have no flags, no queues, and they don't seem to hear the golden drums that convey orders. Many of them are naked to the waist, stepping on the mud with bare feet, and their hair is disheveled like ghosts. They don't seem to have any consideration for the proper distribution of physical strength.

Just rushing forward like crazy.

These are Wanyan Heda's subordinates. They look nothing like the economic masters of the Great Jin Kingdom, but more like the rebels who emerged one after another in Hebei, Shandong and other places in the early years.

They marched for twenty miles in this kind of weather and finally launched a surprise attack in the early morning, which shows their courage. They were really risking their lives. If their sentries and cavalry were not reliable, they would not suffer big losses!

The tent set up by Zhang Peng and others was right next to the road, so their actions attracted the attention of many enemies. A dozen people separated from the surging queue and rushed towards Zhang Peng and others.

There were about twenty people on both sides, violently clashing with each other on the roadside.

Man against man, knife against knife, killing sound against killing sound, flesh and blood sprayed out.

Zhang Peng roared and waved the straight knife in his hand. The straight knife collided with a scimitar, making a clanging sound. The huge force of the combined slash knocked an advancing enemy back.

Zhang Peng stepped forward, and just as he was about to cut again, a spear was stabbed from the side. Zhang Peng stepped aside and swung in the direction of the spear. He seemed to feel his wrist vibrate, and the hot blood flowed.

flowing on his arms.

He turned around quickly and saw an enemy soldier screaming and staggering to the ground, blood spurting out from his shoulder. The spear and the arm attached to the spear also fell to the ground.

"Everyone, be careful!" Someone yelled from behind.

Zhang Peng subconsciously crossed the straight knife, supported the back of the knife with his arm and faced it outward. He was lucky, and he blocked the long knife that was coming from another place. The blades on both sides rubbed violently, making a tooth-ache-inducing sound of metal interlacing.


The rain was so heavy that even though the handle of the knife had been tied with hemp rope beforehand, it was still a bit slippery. Zhang Peng felt that he could no longer hold it. He hurriedly used his shoulders to push away the enemy, and took two steps back. His feet snapped.

Splashing water.

At the same time, the soldier who was yelling in warning had his eyes widened. He lowered his head and saw that his stomach was penetrated by a short spear.

The person holding the short spear was a very young enemy soldier. He looked to be in his teens. His face was very childish and sickly pale. The young man held a short spear that pierced through the human body and pushed the dying enemy back.

He pushed hard and kept shouting: "I killed a bandit! Did you see it? I got a lot of money! A bucket of food!"

The shouting suddenly stopped, and half of the boy's head was chopped off by a Ding navy soldier who grabbed him from behind.

The soldiers yelled angrily: "If you don't want to be a human being, do you have to be the Jurchens' dogs? You are the thieves!"

This chapter has been completed!
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