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Chapter 765 Opportunity (Part 2)

The Dinghai Navy is an army that is more like the Jin Army than the Jin Army. Its strengths are just like what Wu Lin, the general of the Song Dynasty, said about the Jurchens in their heyday: cavalry, perseverance, heavy armor, and missing bows.

However, in the past two years, the proportion of cavalry in the navy has actually declined.

Controlling the northeastern hinterland and the grasslands behind the Monan Mountains, there are a very large number of horses. However, horses that are raised on the grasslands need to go through a considerable training process to become qualified war horses. The Dinghai navy is not like the Mongols, who naturally have dozens of horses on hand.

Ten thousand shepherds are not making rapid progress in this regard.

On the other hand, Ding Haijun’s financial tension is not fake. Since the end of last year, Ding Haijun has been working hard to make money through various channels. For example, Monan is selling cattle and sheep, relying on the millions of people in Zhongdu City.

A large amount of consumption power was absorbed into the flocks. However, the money could not be turned into armaments, because they quickly turned into cattle and were distributed to the military households and shady households that were constantly being resettled in Shandong and Hebei, just like filling a bottomless pit.

The Monan grassland spent too much energy on cattle and sheep, and the war horses still relied on the original output of the northeastern hinterland. Compared with the number of Dinghai navy soldiers, which had more than tripled, the war horses were completely unable to keep up.

Furthermore, this time the navy was sent south, and all the grain and fodder used depended on the savings of more than half a year. Guo Ning wanted to unify the Jin Kingdom, and was not here to plunder grain and plunder. He must not allow his cavalry to chew the grain fields, causing the Nanjing Road

The people just plainly hate our own side. This puts a huge amount of pressure on logistics that is hard to estimate.

Therefore, in addition to the two hundred scout cavalry, if you want to organize manpower to explore the battlefield situation, you have to mobilize it from other troops. Usually the commander-in-chief will first mobilize the cavalry of his headquarters. Like Guo Ning's casual sentence, all the generals present will be mobilized.

The four hundred cavalry under his command show that he has extremely strong control over the generals and the army.

Just when the generals were preparing to go back for mobilization, there was a rapid sound of horse hooves outside the Chinese army tent.

Ni Yi had been in the army for a long time and gradually accumulated experience. From a long distance away, he could hear the familiar ringing of bells: "Lord, this is a group of people I sent to the far post in the south. The leader is Bai Bai from Caozhou.

Liu Nu, I immediately used the eight-hundred-mile emergency ring bell, as there is something important."

"Let them come!"

Ni took a big step and walked outside the Chinese army's tent, pursing his lips and making a whistle.

All the generals in the tent stood up to take a look, and in a blink of an eye, they saw the soldiers on guard outside the tent dispersed one after another. At the camp gate, under a red flag that rustled in the wind, five or six cavalrymen rode in.

They were all dressed in ordinary people's clothes, some looked like farmers, some looked like hawkers. When they ran closer, those with sharp eyes saw that the leading cavalryman was holding a small red flag high, with the flag painted on it.

A black dragon bird graphic.

The scout cavalry pays attention to concealment and travels through the battlefield, and must be extremely strict. Unless the general specifically requests it before the two armies meet, they will not participate in large-scale battles, let alone run with great fanfare. But the scout in front of him immediately hung up his bell and held it in his hand.

He also deliberately took out the Iron Dragon Bird Flag, which represents the status of Duke Zhou's personal guard, to ensure that there are no obstacles along the way, indicating that something big is really going on!

The generals were shocked and suspicious when they saw the scouts and cavalry dismounting from their horses. They all knelt down in front of Guo Ning and said, "See the Duke."

"It's been hard work driving back and forth for several days in this poisonous sun."

Guo Ning returned to the table and took out a plate with wild fruits: "I just got a few fruits, which are sour and sweet to clear my mouth. Come on, you guys can share a portion and taste them fresh."

The scout leader named Bai Liunu took the fruit plate, bowed to Guo Ning and thanked him, and then said: "To inform the Duke, I led a sentry to Chenzhou last night and caught two tongues on the road. They were from Chenzhou."

The defense envoy Lu Ziyu and the Caizhou defense envoy Wanyan Fozhu sent urgent messengers to Kaifeng."

According to Guo Ning's military plan, he personally led his troops to attack Kaifeng. It was Monk Luo and the Taishan troops of the Hongcoat Army who were responsible for stabilizing the back road and expanding the flanks to deter the Jin army in Hao, Su, Shou and Si states.

But if Bai Liunu was not mistaken, Deng's Chenzhou and Caizhou, which were located to the west of Haozhou and connected with the Tang Dynasty, could not withstand it. It was Monk Luo's partial division that used fierce troops, or Shi Qing, Hao Ding, Xia

In order to show off their merits in front of the new master, everyone in the group fought extra aggressively?

Guo Ning thought in his mind and asked easily:

"Chen Zhou, Cai Zhou are in an emergency? Master Huifeng, Shi Qing, Hao Ding, and Xia Quan, are they moving so fast?"

"My lord, those who threaten Chenzhou and Caizhou are not our people." Bai Liunu took out the robbed letter from his arms and held it up with both hands: "It's the Song army."

"Song Army? How could there be a Song Army?"

All the generals in the tent were puzzled. Someone laughed and said, "Could it be that they are salt thieves who have received official titles from the Song Dynasty? They often move with two to three hundred people. Maybe they are more courageous now."

Before this deployment of troops, the Kaifeng imperial court sent a large number of troops south to plunder. In the direction of Huainan of the Song Dynasty, which is adjacent to Kaifeng, Xu Jun, the commander of the Jiankang Prefecture garrisoned troops, had previously fought against Wanyan Xielie's soldiers and horses.

One regiment, and several other captains of the Kaifeng imperial court, were also entangled by the red coat army's southward movement, known as the Loyalty Army in the Song Dynasty.

In addition, Wanyan Saibu's troops in Hao, Su, Shou, and Si were dealt with by Monk Luo. Wanyan Yoke's troops in Tang, Deng and other states had previously gone deep into the Song Dynasty to threaten Zaoyang, Xiangyang, etc.

Man, the two families have been really fighting each other.

It was precisely because most of the main forces of the Kaifeng court were entangled with the Song people that Guo Ning was given the opportunity to make a surprise attack.

In the view of the civil and military personnel of Dinghai Navy, including Guo Ning, once it was discovered that Kaifeng Mansion was threatened, the Kaifeng imperial court's southward troops would naturally rush back to help. However, the Song people had always been weak, but they may not have the courage to pursue them, let alone go deep into the Jin Dynasty.

Within the country.

Did the Song people mentioned by the scout cavalry fall from the sky out of thin air?

On the land border between the Song and Jin countries, smuggling merchants and salt traders were very rampant. In order to cause trouble for each other, the two families often granted certain low-level military positions to the salt traders' private soldiers. That's why the soldiers suspected that it was

Bai Liunu and other scouts made a mistake.

But after reading the letter asking for help, Guo Ning frowned.

He handed the letter to Han Xuan and walked back and forth twice in the middle of the army.

"The Baomo Pavilion of the Song Dynasty is waiting to be controlled. The Jinghu system is set up. Zhao Fang followed the emperor's order and led 20,000 elite troops to the north. He had defeated the Tang Dynasty. Deng. His two front generals were the Jingxi Road Soldiers and Horses.

Jurisdiction, Zaoyang Army Jiedushi Meng Zongzheng and deputy commander of troops and horses Hu Zaixing. These two are famous generals in the Southern Dynasties. They have captured Yancheng and are advancing on Kaifeng!"

There was a commotion among the generals in the tent.

And Guo Ning returned to the table, swept away the excess pen and ink, looked at the array carefully, and couldn't help laughing: "Okay, okay, it's worthy of being the Song Dynasty that has been at odds with Jin for hundreds of years, and it's worthy of being in control of the Song Dynasty, and holding the emperor in the palm of his hand."

The powerful official Shi Miyuan! This army came so quickly... I actually underestimated them!"

This chapter has been completed!
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