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Chapter 795: Sudden Fire (Part 1)

.,Jie Yuan!

As soon as Hou Zhi's words came out, the followers were instantly surprised.

Use seven thousand people to kill Guo Ning?

The thief who brought trouble to the Jin Dynasty thought that the Song people had surrendered and that the Jin army had no remaining strength. He was directing and allocating men from the front. Even the famous iron bone flower was hanging on the side of the saddle, and he had already jumped off the horse.

, stepped onto a ruins in three or two steps and looked at the fire situation.

This person is really frivolous! At this time, there is no need for 7,000 people. As long as 70 archers shoot a rain of arrows, they can shoot this guy alive into a steaming sesame cake. Each grain of sesame represents a branch.

The hole made by the missing arrow!

Once Guo Ning dies, the situation in the world will be reset at this moment!

In addition to being surprised, everyone was inevitably frightened.

After all, Guo Ning is the most terrifying traitor since the founding of the Kingdom of Jin. No matter how scattered his troops are, there are always capable followers around him. It seems that a fierce and fierce battle will break out soon!

These few followers were still following Hou Zhi up to this point, which can be called loyal, but even they did not dare to stay here after witnessing the majesty of the Dinghai navy's cavalry.

Immediately everyone said: "Mr. sir, let's leave quickly!"

Perhaps because they felt that everything was about to be settled, their shouts became slightly louder, which just happened to overwhelm the roar of flames and reached the ears of Guo Ning and others.

"My lord, there are some noisy people over there, surrounding a man in official robes. I'm afraid this man is a figure in the Kaifeng court. I'm going to catch him!" Ni Yi said eagerly.

Guo Ning glanced at him and ignored him, but only looked at the fire scene and listened attentively.

Dong Jin then knew that after controlling the situation in Nanxunmen, Guo Ning's thoughts were no longer on military affairs.

Even if the imperial court of Kaifeng is too close, they can go straight to the inner city and grab the sweet fruits by bypassing the fire scene; even from the perspective of military affairs, the top priority is to rely on Nanxun Gate to expand to various gates in the outer city. But Guo Guo

Ning was too lazy to pay attention to those comrades who were in the fire scene.

The location where Guo Ning is at the moment is looking at a mound to the north of the street pavilion. Due to the wind direction, he is occasionally disturbed by smoke from fires, as well as gray-white or black debris. Red sparks are carried into the air by the fire and then dispersed.

It was so low that the surrounding environment was somewhat unclear.

People would cough constantly under such smoke, and horses would easily become frightened. He stared at it for a while, and his eyes became swollen, painful, and red from the smoke, so he listened intently in order to get the answer.

Movements in some fire scenes.

The fire deep in Nanxunmen Street seems to be getting more intense and spreading outwards. This street was also known as the prosperous Imperial Street in the former Song Dynasty. Behind the building materials piled up on both sides of the road, there are still

There are a few architectural remains from the Imperial Academy, Imperial College and Martial Arts School in the Song Dynasty.

Now these buildings are burning one after another. Some wooden boards or bamboo materials burst under the flames, making a crackling sound. There are also beams and columns that have been in disrepair and tilted and collapsed after violent burning, driving the floors supported by the beams and columns.

Or bricks and tiles clattering to the ground.

These sounds mixed together to form a strange roar, and then mixed with the sound of wind caused by the fire, they formed a dull buzzing sound.

Standing at a high place now, this is all Guo Ning can hear and see. Someone previously reported that they saw human figures deep in the fire scene, but Guo Ning tried his best to look and listen, but found no sign.

Could it be that the fire was so intense that everyone was burned to death?

This is impossible!

Li Ting himself is a good soldier, and all of his subordinates are experienced. The fire scene is so huge that there may not be any gaps to escape, let alone room to avoid the fire. Besides, there are thousands of people.

How could people and so many war horses be trapped inside?

Li Ting is really... really annoying!

The more Guo Ning thought about it, the more anxious he became.

At this time, Dong Jin was leading his men to intimidate the generals of the Song army, and ordered the Song people to speed up the delivery of water bags.

In such hot weather, when people stand still under the sun, they are covered in hot sweat. They have to drink water to replenish their water. As a result, so many soldiers have their water bags taken away by the navy knights in a vicious manner. Many people

Full of resentment, complaining one after another.

Dong Jin originally wanted to draw a knife to threaten him, but was persuaded by his companions. Instead, he took some money and distributed it, which worked wonders. Many Song soldiers got money and their faces immediately looked better.

The strange thing is that there are some Song troops who have always been very cooperative. Perhaps these people originally lacked the will to be enemies of Ding Haijun, and they had some favorable impressions of the Han warriors who were rising in the north. Or maybe the Song people had a unique way of judging the situation.

Soon after many people got angry, they gradually discovered that the fault was not with the Navy, but because their bosses had too many new ideas.

On the contrary, at this moment, Ding Haijun did not continue to fight after entering the city. Instead, he tried his best to put out the fire and save people, which made these Song Army soldiers who also came from the lowest level feel a bit friendly.

Of course, on the surface, everyone was under the guise of obeying Grandpa Zhao's orders. These people mobilized large trucks from their own army to transport grain and fodder supplies, loaded them with wooden boxes and barrels, and found a road leading to Xuantai from the city.

The road in the direction of the bridge speeds up water delivery a lot.

A group of Song troops pushing a vehicle filled with water was creaking past Guo Ning. Suddenly the wooden wheels were embedded in the tangled ruts, and the whole vehicle came to a sudden halt. The young officer immediately leaned down and tried to lift the vehicle with all his strength.

The shaft of the car was moving, but the body of the car was filled with buckets and water tanks. How heavy it was? The faces of the four or five soldiers of the Song Dynasty turned red. Only the water surface swayed slightly, but the body of the car did not move at all.

Guo Ning quickly came down from the Qiu Ruins and walked to the Song soldiers to help him move. He was much stronger than ordinary people. He yelled and exerted his strength, and the whole cart swayed again and again, but he wanted to escape.

The driving rut is still a bit worse.

Guo Ning cursed, took off his helmet and threw it on the car board, steam rising from his head.

How could the attendants dare to let Duke Zhou do such rough work while being surrounded by Song people whose enemies and friends were unknown? More than ten people rushed up together, and Guo Ning shouted: "Don't be busy, everyone has their hands on the carriage! Listen to my order, and we will come together."

Work harder! One, two, three!"

Together with the attendants, more than twenty strong men shouted together and violently lifted the entire cart. The Song officer leaned down, pulled the wheel hard, and shouted in a moment: "Okay!"

The vehicle dropped a few inches, and now the wheel hubs landed in the correct rut. The attendants said: "Everyone, if you are tired, hurry up and go ahead!"

They walked a few steps, and Guo Ning caught up with them: "Wait a minute, I'll go with you."

The attendants rushed up to stop him, but Guo Ning had already scooped up water with his helmet and poured it on himself.

"Let's go, don't delay."

The young Song Army officer wiped the cigarette ashes on his face and said with an apologetic smile: "This, ahem, this general, we are only responsible for delivering the water a hundred steps ahead, and then we have to turn back to the Huimin River and then to the fire scene.

We won’t go into the depths.”

"It's okay." Guo Ning started pushing the cart: "You guys are busy with your business! After a hundred steps, I'll go on my own."

Just as the group was about to take off, Dong Jin urged his horses from the outside and rushed forward.

"My lord! On the other side of the Guanqiao bridge, there are Li Ting's subordinates coming down the river, highlighting the scene of the fire!"

Guo Ning was overjoyed: "How many people are there?"

"Thirty or forty people! Including Li Ting's personal soldier Hu Zhonggui. But..."

"But what?"

Dong Jin leaned into Guo Ning's ear and said, "Hu Zhonggui, as well as the others, have been severely burned. They are no longer human. I'm afraid they won't survive long."

The personal commander is like this, but where is Li Ting himself?

Veins appeared on Guo Ning's hand, which was holding the car board.

"Leave Zhao Fang, Xuan Zhen and others under Ni Yi's care. You pick a group of brave people to set out from Guanqiao and go up the Huimin River to explore! You tell the soldiers that this is to save our own family.

Brother, act quickly, I’m very grateful!”

"Yes!" Dong Jin got on his horse and leaned over again: "My lord, what about you?"

"I'd better go deeper from here and search along the route of Li Ting's troops."

When Dong Jin was about to give some advice, Guo Ning patted his horse hard: "Go!"

The war horse was on the edge of the fire. If it hadn't been well-trained, it would have run away in panic. At this moment, the horse's butt was struck by Guo Ning, and it ran away neighing.

Guo Ning and his party, as well as the large truck filled with water, continued to move forward.

Seeing their backs blocked by smoke and staying on the edge of the road, Hou Zhi, who was too angry to express his anger, couldn't help laughing. He covered his face with tears as he laughed: "This person is Zhou Guogong Guo Ning."

!Look, this person is really so frivolous!"

This chapter has been completed!
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