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Chapter 796: Sudden Fire (Part 2)

Guo Ning paid no attention to the idle people on the roadside. He smoked and burst into flames, and in an instant he was a hundred steps deep into the fire.

Such a fire must have been carefully calculated in advance, and a huge amount of igniting objects must be arranged and ignited at the same time by capable hands. The current scale of the fire has expanded to more than two miles to the left and right of Nanxunmen Street, covering two large areas of the city.

The vegetable fields inside have only slowed down a bit.

God knows why the officials in Kaifeng City are so bold. If such a fire is not controlled, half of the outer city will be burned down! The Jurchen nobles are huddled in the inner city, and they really don’t take the people living scattered in the outer city seriously.

Human right?

It's really funny to say that before Guo Ning entered the city, he was thinking about killing people, but when he got here, he had to be busy rescuing people. After all, Li Ting's troops' sudden advance was due to Guo Ning's order. He couldn't watch Li Ting wait.

The soldiers were not destroyed by the fire, and they could not act as recklessly as those Jurchens who broke the pots and smashed them!

As his status gets higher and higher, Guo Ning becomes more and more accustomed to bloody and ruthless methods. However, in any case, he is not a cold-blooded politician, let alone an ambitious man who thinks about glory and wealth. Instead, he always stands with the leaders.

Warriors together.

A martial artist has a martial artist's stance, and there are things that a martial artist must do!

He got closer to the fire scene and watched carefully. The fire spreading from Nanxunmen Street no longer looked like a winding wall of fire, but more like a huge, living fire, being pushed around wantonly according to his own will.


Under the blazing sunshine, the red color of the flames is inconspicuous. Only when the thick smoke clouds rise and block the sun, can you see the red tongues of fire, constantly devouring abandoned houses, dilapidated tents, and even piles of wood and bricks everywhere.


As the flames flickered, heat continued to generate, attacking the people who were scurrying around the edge of the fire like ants.

The water Guo Ning poured on his forehead and hair was quickly blown dry by the hot wind. The high temperature of the air made his skin feel scorched and his eyes stung. More sweat soon poured into his eyes, and the surface layer of sweat

He was immediately covered by black and gray smoke floating in the air, leaving black marks on his face.

At this time, a group of naval officers were busy urging their war horses to knock down all the houses near the fire on both sides of the road, and then tied the wood with ropes to drag them away to prevent the fire from spreading. Occasionally, people cried and shouted to stop them, but they were ignored.

Use polite threats to drive them away.

Looking towards the center of the fire scene, there are several queues extending continuously. Each queue is composed of more than a hundred people. Each person stands a few feet apart, relaying buckets of water transported by vehicles into the fire scene and splashing it everywhere.

However, this manpower is simply insignificant compared to the rolling flames, and their results in putting out the fire and saving people are also insignificant.

They went no more than ten feet deep into the fire scene and dragged out more than ten people from the smoking ruins. Unfortunately, almost everyone they rescued was dying.

Some soldiers still had breath in their mouths and noses, but their body limbs were burned like coke. Even the armor on their bodies was still emitting high heat. The palms of the rescuers were immediately scalded when they touched it. Some soldiers were burned to the point of being burned.

When he was dragged away from the fire, he kept roaring. The roar was heartbreaking, because most of his face, including his eyes, nose and facial features, were almost like wax, burned and melted!

With such injuries, there is almost no hope of survival; any idea of ​​rescuing them will only make them suffer for some time.

This situation is also torture for the soldiers who launched the rescue.

The officer leading the team stared at the horrific bodies, vaguely recognizing these people as his familiar comrades, and his eyes almost started to bleed.

"How dare you set fire to this bitch...kill them! I'm going to kill them!"

The officer kept shouting, but he didn't know who he wanted to kill and how to kill him. He tossed and cursed a few words, and then poured a bucket of water on himself.

He pointed to a direction in the fire scene that was blocked by piles of wood, and shouted hoarsely: "There! There! Just now I heard clearly that someone was asking for help! There must be living people over there! And there are quite a few of them! I'll rush once.

, try to find them, you follow me and prepare to pour more water on me!"

"General, are you going to charge again?" Several soldiers looked at the blisters on their bodies, and they all looked embarrassed.

They all stared fiercely, and when they were about to yell and scold, Guo Ning stepped forward without hesitation.

He took several skin bags filled with water from the hands of the soldiers around him and carried them on his shoulders. He also tore off a pair of cloth strips from the sleeves of his robe and covered his mouth and nose. Then he said: "Lead the way, let's charge!"

As the fireworks filled the air, he felt that the voice that spoke did not sound like that of his own subordinates, but he could not care less. He shouted "Hello" and immediately charged forward, followed closely by Guo Ning, two figures one after the other.

After a few flashes, it disappeared behind the fireworks.

The attendants did not expect that Guo Ning would feel inadequate when he arrived here, and would personally brave the fire to save people!

"My lord! Don't be so rash!" More than a dozen attendants exclaimed and rushed into the fire scene one after another.

The soldiers around were shocked: "What? The Duke entered the scene of the fire? Is that man just now our Duke Zhou?"

These are all pro-army officers directly under Guo Ning. They practice martial arts in the same training ground as Guo Ning on a daily basis. How could they not recognize Guo Ning without looking up or down? They were just obscured by the smoke and dust, and they were so flustered at the edge of the fire that they didn't pay attention at all.

Just go and see it!

At this moment, when they heard the attendants exclaiming, the soldiers reacted immediately and felt that they were dizzy and blind.

Two soldiers who dared not advance because they were blistered beat their chests and slapped their heads on the ground, making their foreheads ring loudly: "It's my fault, why do you let the prince of the country take such a risk!"

The next moment, more people poured water on themselves, and then rushed into the fire. Many people rushed while choking and shouting: "Go to the right! The Duke is going to the right, we are going to the right."

Follow me!"

The officers and soldiers of the Song Army who arrived here pushing the water transport vehicle were almost dumbfounded when they saw this situation of risking their lives and forgetting their own lives.

The Southern Dynasties had their own heroes, and the Song Army also had many heroes who were not afraid of death. But who would have thought that the heroes of the Northern Kingdom were like this? How could a military and political leader who was just a few feet away from wearing a yellow robe and changing dynasties achieve this level?

Earlier, Guo Ning jumped down from Qiuxu to help lift the vehicle. Everyone thought he was a certain general in the Ding Navy. They thought this general was very approachable and seemed easy to deal with. I really didn't expect that he was Guo Ning! More

Unexpectedly, he didn't stop when he reached the forefront, and suddenly plunged into the fire!

When the Song army went north this time, it was not without private discussions about the rise of the Ding Navy. Since the founding of the Song Dynasty, the Song Dynasty had advocated culture and suppressed military affairs, and the soldiers were affected by the ethos. When it was mentioned that Guo Ningqi, the Duke of Zhou, had retired from the army, he was somewhat affectionate and somewhat admired, but more importantly

Mostly, according to the Song people's habits, they couldn't help but despise the lower-level warriors.

Especially after Guo Ning personally led his troops into Kaifeng, many people were in awe of his bravery, but on the other hand, they felt that this person was really too arrogant and bold, and he was not like a human being, and something would happen sooner or later.

But at this moment, all the contempt of the Song army officers and soldiers disappeared, and their admiration increased tenfold.

It has been said a thousand times, but it is not as good as seeing it with one's own eyes. Guo Ning was able to personally fight for the rescue of his own soldiers. For such a leader, you may say that he seeks death or is frivolous, but from the standpoint of an ordinary soldier, how can you say that he is seeking death?

How can you not admire him? The officers of the navy are so blessed. How can we not be envious of having such a commander-in-chief? Is such a commander-in-chief worthy of the soldiers' death?

This chapter has been completed!
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