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Chapter 808: No Kill (Part 2)

Three or four miles away from Wanyan Congtan and others, an officer came back on horseback and shouted to Guo Zhongyuan: "Commander Jie, do you want to order all the ministries to speed up the pursuit?"

Guo Zhongyuan thought for a while and said in a deep voice: "No need, just advance slowly... They can't escape. Next, block the road, cover the battlefield, and notify Zhao Jue's troops. They will be responsible."

Soon after the flag was sent out, Zhao Jue's troops moved.

In an instant, groups of light cavalry riding horses appeared in the distance of the battlefield. These cavalry were slightly different from the navy's standard cavalry horses. The weapons and equipment they carried were obviously much simpler, and most of them were shirtless, with their arms rolled around their waists.

Wearing a furry fur coat.

The leader looked in the direction of Guo Zhongyuan and other generals for a while, bowed slightly to signal. Then he took out an ox horn and blew it a few times, and then led the team to the edge of the battlefield.

To the ears of laymen, the sound of the trumpet is scattered, but to the ears of the officers of the navy, it is a long and short sound that clearly reports the number of troops and the main direction of dispatch.

Several officers laughed and said, "This Tatar is familiar with our drum and horn rules?"

"Look at the flag, it's Zhang Shao's subordinates. After Zhang Shao was transferred to Northern Xinjiang, he summoned a group of Wanggu people to Jinlianchuan. They served in Changzhou in their early years and fought with Dajin's army. There are still some of his subordinates

, it’s the Zou army that surrendered on Beijing Road… That group of people are more familiar with the rules and regulations of the army.”

"Come to think of it, these are all fierce and brave men. Zhang Shao ate these two pieces of fat and has been shaking a lot recently... I guess he will be impatient by now."

Seeing that the overall situation has been decided, everyone is in a good mood, and their words are full of jokes. They also know that Guo Zhongyuan will not compete with others for credit, and since Zhao Jue's troops have been dispatched, they can really rest.

The large number of servant tribal cavalry under Zhao Jue were the general reserve of the Ding Navy. This powerful army never participated in the battle after crossing Fengqiu, and was completely a spectator.

Despite the chaos in Lincaiguan and Kaifeng City, Zhao Jue just continuously dispatched his foreign cavalry to spread out the front on both wings and cross the continuous sandy land, slopes and swamps to the north and west of Kaifeng City.

There are more than 5,000 Wanggu and Zu people who have gone through rounds of reorganization and training since they joined the Dinghai Navy last year. Now they are all eager to make meritorious deeds. Thousands of them are like wolves and tigers, howling and shouting, eager to go into battle immediately.

Fighting. It is not easy to control these savages.

After Zhao Jue came out of Zhenjin Mountain, he ran the army strictly and put in a lot of effort. Even so, he even beat two thornheads to death with an iron whip before the battle to scare the rest.

At this moment, the tribal cavalry, who had been suffocated to the point of impatient, finally got permission to move. As the officers gave orders, the cavalry formations in a wide range shrank inward at the same time. Thousands of cavalry moved from loose to tight, just like a large

The net fell slowly towards Kaifeng.

When they were seen by Guo Zhongyuan and others, no one could escape from this big net.

Seeing the cavalry from the northern Xinjiang tribes appearing, the flag and drum orders of the Dinghai Navy Corps were immediately issued, and all the troops began to shrink their ranks.

When the soldiers left, they left behind a grassland stained with blood, both human blood and the blood of war horses. There were also many scattered Jin Army soldiers who had fled a short distance and were outflanked. They just stayed where they were and did not escape.

.Everyone knows that the energy and spirit of these Jurchens are completely exhausted.

What the navy officers brought back were their comrades injured during the pursuit, as well as the bodies of several war dead.

At this time, the Jurchens still had sporadic resistance. Although the Dinghai navy officers immediately launched brutal revenge, they could not help but admire them.

The fight was hearty and hearty, and the navy was determined to win, but it was not easy. Guo Zhongyuan's headquarters alone fought against the enemy for more than 20 rounds, and more than ten lieutenants died in the battle.

As a battle-hardened warrior, he was furious during the battle. After the fight was over, everyone admitted that those Jurchens were heroes after all.

Many people say that the opponents we are fighting today are really a hundred times stronger than those idiots and trash in the imperial army back then. If the Jurchens were so ruthless in Zhongdu, they would not necessarily be fighting against the Mongols.

At a disadvantage. And it is obvious that only the Jurchens who were born at the bottom and were also squeezed by the imperial court could maintain such tenacity.

Duke Zhou's intention was to wear down the hard core among these Jurchens as much as possible. However, after the fighting reached this level, the core generals of the Jurchens had only a hundred or so kittens and puppies left.

But it doesn’t have to be.

Guo Zhongyuan is an extremely smart person. He can think of many things without Guo Ning asking.

Just like the scene before us, after all, it was impossible for Duke Zhou to kill all the Jurchens.

On the one hand, there are tens of millions of Jurchens all over the Central Plains, and they have to keep a few ferocious dogs to manage and deal with them. When necessary, they can also be used to bear their bad reputations.

On the other hand, if the Jurchens in the Central Plains were too suppressed, the Jin Kingdom's xuanfu envoys and marshals who commanded many barbaric tribes in the northeastern hinterland would inevitably lack a little balance.

Guo Zhongyuan thought for a while and sent a message to Zhao Jue's headquarters: "Just drive them back, don't kill them again."

Of course, he is not the superior of those tribal cavalry. This order can be obeyed almost 10%, but there is no need to force it.

Fighting such a battle, completely wiping out the last force of the Jurchen people, and destroying the Jurchen de facto court, this experience can be boasted for several years. To be honest, in Guo Zhongyuan's view, this record is better than defeating Genghis Khan in Hebei

Even more brilliant. Even though he had always been reserved, he couldn't help stroking his beard contentedly at this moment.

At this time, Wanyan Congtan was waiting for the general to bring back Monk Wanyan Chen.

But suddenly he saw his trusted subordinates, the marching commander Wanyan Daoge and the soldiers and horses Tikong Guo Yong, returning from the north with a few scouts and cavalry. Guo Yong's face turned pale and he wanted to speak, but Wanyan Daoge stopped him.

I caught him and approached Wanyan Congtan:

"Ding Haijun dispatched a large group of cavalry to surround the entire battlefield...at least 10,000 cavalry!"

"Ten thousand riders?"

Wanyan Congtan took a breath of air. He stared and shouted subconsciously: "How is that possible? If we really need a force of 10,000 cavalry, why don't they use Lincaiguan?"

Brother Wanyan Dao lowered his head and said nothing.

Not to mention the reserve force of 10,000 cavalry, even Duke Guo Ning of Zhou himself escaped from Lincaiguan and went to Kaifeng. It can be seen that this fierce battle with Wanyan Congtan's troops was under the calm control of Ding Haijun from beginning to end.


Now that the battlefield has been defeated and the country's capital has been lost, the overall situation has been decided. It is decided that the navy will deploy reserve forces to clean up the battlefield. Is this difficult to accept?

Guo Yong took a half step forward with his troops in mind: "Marshal, the emperor is dead, we should make a decision!"

What a rude thing to say! Wanyan Congtan's figure trembled slightly. He stared and looked at Guo Yong fiercely.

Guo Yong hesitated for a moment, and when he was about to speak again, Wanyan shouted at him to shut up.

Turning around, Wanyan Congtan said to the followers beside him: "Follow me, I have to meet Monk Wanyan Chen."

Wanyan Daoge and Guo Yong took the remaining cavalry and stayed where they were, watching their marshal leave in a hurry.

The two people knew that the emperor's death had not been long ago, but they were both indifferent at the moment, and no one showed any grief. It seemed that they no longer paid attention to the emperor and the imperial lineage of Dajin.

After all, they had just experienced a fierce battle that the Jurchens had not seen in decades, and suffered more than 30% to 40% casualties. On the battlefield, after experiencing too many life-and-death struggles in a short period of time, people will be immersed in this murderous atmosphere.

Some people will become angry, while others will become indifferent and abnormal.

The emperor was a good emperor, but he was dead. What does it mean for a dead emperor to be good or bad? The soldiers are just following the inertia inherited from fighting on the battlefield and want to continue to survive. Other than that, they don't care at all.

The problem is that the ship of the Kingdom of Jin sank, and it was too difficult for the people on the ship to survive.

Even the general who leads thousands of troops to fight is only floating on the sea at this time. He can only find a thin wooden board in front of his eyes, and he may not be able to see further than others.

In the eyes of Wanyan Congtan at this moment, Monk Wanyan Chen is just such a thin wooden board. Yi Lapua controls Monk Wanyan Chen, and maybe at some point, he can use this to get involved with Wanyan Xielie.


Wanyan Xielie's status in Ding Haijun is still unknown, and his words may not have much weight, but no matter how thin the board is, it is still a board, and it is better than being completely helpless.

Looking at Wanyan Congtan's stooped back, Guo Yong sneered: "The marshal is still too shameless."

Brother Wanyan Dao listened attentively and said solemnly: "The fighting on the battlefield has stopped. There is nothing wrong with the marshal trying to save some face for everyone."

The fighting on the battlefield has indeed stopped completely, which means that the war in the true sense is over.

The sounds of fighting or fighting that can be heard now are all taking place in the huge city under the sunset. They are all Jurchens making a fuss in their own homes, Jurchens taking advantage of the fire, Jurchens trying to escape from the city, trying to show their sincerity An Ran

The surrendered Jurchens are fighting each other.

This situation was so disgusting that several people sighed.

After sighing, they looked at each other and found that they were all acquaintances. They were Wanyan Congtan, Yila Pua, Wanyan Chen monk, and Zhechong Captain Jia Guze who appeared out of nowhere.

After a hard day's battle with Ding Haijun, these were the only Jin Army officers with enough weight left. Several generals called each other and looked at each other, while Monk Wanyan Chen sighed and continued to be in a daze.

He was thinking that the city looked like this, perhaps because the Jurchens rarely read Han'er's books and were not influenced by loyalty to the emperor and patriotism. But he immediately thought that in terms of being well-read in both civil and military affairs, he was far inferior to his brother.

Yan Xielie, but what did his brother do?

Thinking of this, he became more and more frustrated.

Even more frustrating is the situation outside Kaifeng.

At this time, the organizational structure is still maintained, and the number of Jurchens accompanying their respective generals will not exceed five or six hundred. The ones who gradually pressed into the inner circle and drove the fleeing Jurchens back to their original places were the cavalry of the Zan Army who were originally loyal to the Jurchens.


Perhaps what happened next was a fight between the Zou army and the Jurchens? It was ridiculous. At the end of this tragic battle, those who killed and were killed were actually all subjects of the Kingdom of Jin.

Once everyone is done fighting each other, the Kingdom of Jin will be finished.

No, not only the Great Jin Kingdom, but also the Jurchens were finished after such a fight.

Monk Wanyan Chen noticed the way Yilapua looked at him. At first, it seemed like he was looking at an enemy who must be killed quickly, but as more and more officers came over and talked to Yilapua, Yilapua began to look at him.

Ah's face became more and more kind, and finally he became a little cautious.

What this strange situation represented, Monk Wanyan Chen quickly understood. He wanted to curse, but he felt a fire in his chest, burning all the way to his throat and head, as if it wanted to dry up the blood and burn his body.

Turned into ashes.

He wanted to pick up weapons and kill the wavering people in front of him, and he wanted to lead his comrades to continue fighting against the enemy; at least he wanted a heroic ending so that he could face his ancestors after death.

However, he was too tired. His physical strength was completely exhausted. The blood loss and the loss of body water under the scorching sun made his legs tremble just standing. He never thought that he would be so weak.

level, but now he really has no strength... Or maybe it's because he is desperate and can't squeeze out any strength?

The strong sense of grief, anger and shame made Monk Wanyan Chen hug his head and curl up on the ground, crying.

The people around him were sitting or standing blankly, like wooden statues.

Not long after, an officer from the navy rode a war horse and slowly crossed the battlefield to the nearby area.

The gathered Jurchens got out of the way, allowing him to reach the center of the crowd without any hindrance. He looked around and shouted loudly: "Has anyone seen an officer named Monk Wanyan Chen? Hand over this man and spare your life."


The Jurchen people suddenly came to life, and everyone rushed to shout: "Monk Wanyan Chen is here! He is fine! He is fine!"

This chapter has been completed!
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