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Chapter 814 Tiger Skin (Part 2)

According to the records in the book, the Song officials who asked to see Guo Ning were Zhao Fang and Xuan Zhen.

At this time, except for a part of the Song army still stationed in the Nanxunmen and Yuanqiu areas and vaguely confronting the Dinghai navy officers, most of them had returned to their original camp, dozens of miles away from Kaifeng.

These two people were the leaders of the Song army's repeated battles, which resulted in a large number of deaths in the Dinghai navy. They had only brought dozens of followers to roam around the city. They were really courageous.

However, the officers of Ding Haijun did not give them a good look. The places they wanted to visit, such as Fanyan Mansion, Longde Palace, and even Daxiangguo Temple, were all under military control and could not be entered, but could only be viewed from a distance.

The two of them felt that these early relics were overturned and had no sense of restoration. They also wanted to go to the palace to collect the relics from Bianliang in Tokyo during the Song Dynasty, so they sent people to spread the message. Firstly, they intended to plead with Guo Ning in person for permission. Secondly,

I also want to eliminate misunderstandings between the two parties through direct communication.

In the evening, an envoy from the Ding Navy came over and said that Duke Zhou was busy with official duties and would discuss military and political matters with all parties overnight. If the Song envoy was interested, he could wait at the Xingjiao Temple where Duke Zhou stayed. If Duke Zhou was free, he would meet

Meet at the end.

Zhao Fang and Xuan Zhen did not dare to neglect and went immediately.

As a result, we had to wait all night, and made several inquiries, but they were all delayed by Guo Ning. They couldn't be rude, so they had to sit in the guest room in neat clothes all night, not daring to make a single move.

Lean back on the desk and take a nap.

Zhao Fang initially thought that Guo Ning was angry with Song Jun's repeated actions and the Prime Minister's conspiracy, so he specially arranged to meet at this time to tease his old bones. It turned out that Zhou Guogong was really busy with official duties. He was across the courtyard.

Peeking out the door, I saw civil and military officials passing by.

A young man dressed in high-ranking official uniforms walked past the gate of the courtyard where Zhao Fang was. He took several officials with him, all holding heavy files, some of which were loaded on carts, and were heading to another area.

We walked into a brightly lit courtyard. It seemed that there were not only many things at hand, but also urgent ones.

It wasn't until the sky dimmed that Guo Ning sent his attendants to summon him.

As he was about to set off, Zhao Fang suddenly thought of something else.

He is a general guarding the frontier, and he has been in high officialdom for decades, so he is very cautious. He can make many decisions on the situation before getting explicit permission from Xing Zheng, but he is not suitable for diplomatic contact with Guo Ning.

What's more, facing the rapidly rising power of Ding Haijun, there are too many things that are difficult to understand as to what attitude the Song Dynasty's court, the Song Dynasty's prime ministers and even the Song Dynasty officials held, and whether they regarded it as an enemy or a friend.

, it is possible that some things cannot be known to outsiders at all.

So Zhao Fang waited with Xuan Zhen in the guest house all night, but in the end, he did not attend the meeting with Xuan Zhen.

This decision seemed right, because when Xuan Zhen returned the next morning, he looked extremely tired. On the contrary, Zhao Fang managed to doze off for half an hour and was able to lead Xuan Zhen and slowly walk out of Xingjiao Temple.


At the turn of summer and autumn, it dawned early. In the early morning, the soldiers who had fought hard yesterday gradually woke up. From the temples and houses taken over by soldiers on both sides of the street, the shouts of soldiers practicing gradually came from.

After fighting a big battle, the army would rest for a period of time. There would be no order to get up in the morning, and there would be no need to line up for training. Zhao Fang also already knew that there was no such thing as requiring regular soldiers to participate in hard labor in the Ding Navy. In this regard, they adhered to

According to the custom of the Jurchen army, in addition to the main army, a large number of Alixi, that is, auxiliary soldiers, are retained. The auxiliary soldiers will do various chores. Now the main army only needs to eat and sleep, build up physical strength, and recover from injuries.

their main tasks.

The sound of wheels grinding against the ground could be heard at the corner of the street. That was the auxiliary soldiers loading food in carts and sending it to their own camps.

In every courtyard, there are auxiliary soldiers cooking and living. But these carts are filled with meat, and a lot of spices are put into it when cooking. Zhao Fang can smell the strong aroma from a long distance away, so it should be

It was the result of the Ding Navy's looting of many nobles yesterday, including spices and meat.

Obviously, although the Nanjing court's food reserves were almost at their lowest, the high-ranking nobles in the city had hidden many good things, so that the Ding navy officers who had cleaned the city were able to have a feast.

It is estimated that the soldiers will enjoy it very comfortably in the past few days.

For warriors who have been training and fighting all year round, this kind of relief after victory is the most pleasant. After a great victory, countless enemies were killed, the enemy's capital was captured, and the enemy's regime was destroyed. Such a great victory,

Its significance is not limited to military matters. Every soldier knows that this will definitely lead to the establishment of the king of Zhou Guogong later, and it will definitely be accompanied by a large number of rewards.

Of course, it would be even more pleasant if he survived and could enjoy the upcoming reward.

Zhao Fang and Xuan Zhen stood in the middle of the road. They saw a soldier waving his weapon casually, flexing his muscles and practicing a few times, and couldn't help but start singing. Then someone catered to him and sang together. Sometimes they

What was sung was a military song, but sometimes it was changed to some kind of ditty with a funny tune, which made others laugh.

Zhao Fang looked around on both sides of the street and saw that the faces of the soldiers were not good, even gloomy.

That must be because Paoze's brother or good friend died in yesterday's battle.

Zhao Fang is very familiar with this mood. The mood of these soldiers will remain low for a long time, and they are irritable and irritable. They can easily become the cause of trouble in the army and may even cause the camp to roar. Therefore, it is also very important to suppress and monitor these people.


But then he saw that some naval officers came to comfort them and said something gesticulating, which actually made these officers nod their heads.

Zhao Fang took a few steps closer to listen to what a certain officer said.

The accent of northerners is very different from that of southerners. Fortunately, this officer is just an ordinary junior officer at the grassroots level. His eloquence is not very good, and his repeated words are quite simple. So Zhao Fang guessed and understood several paragraphs.

The general meaning is that this war is not a trivial matter. The war dead will definitely be enshrined in the Hall of Heroes and will be cared for from generation to generation. The person who refuses to do anything for them is the old god of the Quanzhen Sect. In addition, the homes of the war dead will be

If you are exempt from taxes, you will be given land, and your children will be eligible to go to school.

How can orphans and widowers cope with these things? Military families have to help each other when they have nothing to do. Since you have a deep friendship with the war dead, you should step forward to support them!

It is better for you to take good care of your good brother's family than to show it to everyone with a stern face! If you can continue to make meritorious deeds and be rewarded, you can take better care of them!

When the officer spoke later, his tone was serious, as if he had given the soldier an important task. The soldier's complexion gradually improved with the officer's words. He patted his chest and assured the officer that he would take good care of him and do something.


If you think about it carefully, these words are not incomprehensible to Zhao Fang. The Song Dynasty also had various pensions for fallen soldiers. But most of them were given to generals. Most ordinary soldiers died when they died. If they died, their families could not take care of themselves.

If you save, the most you can do is to get support from the lawsuit in accordance with the standards of a widower and a widower, so as not to starve to death.

Zhao Fang often used money to help the families of soldiers and soldiers who were living in hardship, which was a rare act of kindness. How could it be like Ding Haijun, where every ordinary soldier could discuss such high-level posthumous affairs, and then actually have a way to deal with it?


Zhao Fang's expression became more and more serious. He walked slowly along the road, watching more and more soldiers waking up and going out of the courtyard to visit; watching them eat and drink, and then habitually picked up weapons and practiced

Think twice, and then remember that you can rest today.

Some of the soldiers who had finally relaxed were sitting and chatting at the entrance of the courtyard. Some climbed to the top of the courtyard wall and looked at the tall and low buildings in the distance. Then they heard the singing of their former companions and sang along with them.

When Zhao Fang walked near Duanmen, the sound of singing and cheering woke up thousands of people, and the joy spread to more people.

During the night before, the soldiers had not been freed from the fatigue of the battle. Until this time, they cheered and jumped. Many people threw their helmets into the air, which then caused the officers to laugh and curse. They held their swords and guns high.

, the swords and guns were like jungles swaying in the wind, and the blades of the swords and guns shone coldly under the early morning mist; they were dancing with flags, and the flags were flying high, just like people's moods.

Occasionally, a messenger would ride to a certain courtyard and issue orders to the soldiers stationed here. The cheering soldiers immediately packed up their weapons and luggage without any delay.

Zhao Fang suddenly couldn't restrain his curiosity and asked Xuan Zhen in a low voice: "What did you and Zhou Guogong talk about last night?"

Xuan Zhen smiled bitterly: "Where did last night come from? We just finished talking, and it's already morning!"

Along the way, Xuanzai didn't speak. He felt very tired, and he believed that his face was not good-looking. Just walking along the street, his back and waist were sore and a little numb.

He is really not young anymore. Running from south to north and back again in the past two months has consumed so much energy that the belt on his stomach can be tightened more than three times now.

Xuan Zhen often recalled that when he was young, he used to read and compose every day and night, never letting go of the scroll, constantly thinking about how to get ahead, show off his talents, and finally achieve his current status.

Then, success and fame come, glory and wealth come, but when I turn around, I find that my back is hunched, my hair is white, there are more wrinkles on my face, my energy is not half as good as when I was young, and I feel dizzy after being slightly tired.

Most of the people in the imperial court of the Song Dynasty were just like me. In fact, the Song Dynasty itself was as exhausted as I was.

Think about how energetic the Duke of Zhou Guo Ning was last night. Think about the officials who controlled the key passes of the city overnight, established military strongholds, and counted the people and property. The number was more than a hundred. Look at the cheering soldiers at this time.

Guo Ning has more than one hundred thousand soldiers like this?

Each of them is full of fighting spirit and ambition! So after they gathered together and established a political power, their expansion momentum was like riding the wind, destroying the Kingdom of Jin like a torrent!

At that time, the civil and military officials of the Song Dynasty said that there were billions of Han people in the North, but there were no heroes. If there were, why not die and destroy Jin? Now the heroes of the North have risen, and Jin can be destroyed in just a flip of a palm. So, this man

What is the hero's attitude towards the Song Dynasty, and how should the Song Dynasty respond?

This is what Xuanzhen wanted to find out when he asked to see Guo Ning.

Xuan Zhen stopped and looked at Zhao Fang.

He said slowly and authentically: "Yesterday, I wanted to discuss with Zhou Guogong the division of Tang, Deng, Ying, Cai and other states on the pretext of collecting old Song Dynasty objects in the imperial city, and whether there was any cooperation between the two families in Longshang, northern Sichuan.

Maybe. Duke Zhou didn't pay attention to what I said, but he asked me to convey a request to Mr. Shi."

"What request?"

"Zhou Guogong said that since the move of Zuo in Song Dynasty, the Jurchens and Beidi have entered the main domain. This is not a manpower, but a gift from heaven. Now the destiny cycle, he started from the end, swept Yunshuo, encompassed Qilu, and now pacified Dinghe

Huai, Qin and Gong will be attacked. At this situation, he has elite soldiers who can control strings and arrows, and he has the majesty of thousands of people. It is inevitable to take advantage of the situation to replace Dajin. However, he is modest and has little cultural education.

He studied classics and history, fearing that his omissions would be laughed at by future generations. So he asked, if he followed the rules of Yao and Shun and inherited the imperial line of the Jin Dynasty through abdication, could the Song Dynasty send officials north to celebrate the new dynasty?

Zhao Jian, will you also assist in completing the abdication ceremony?"

Zhao Fang frowned: "Are you asking us to rush forward and hold up his new dynasty?"

"Without our intervention, Daikin would definitely be doomed."

Xuan Zhen said with a bitter smile: "His surname is Guo, and he also takes Zhou as his country name. Outsiders will inevitably think that this newly built Zhou Dynasty has any connection with Guo Wei's later Zhou Dynasty. If he really announced that he would inherit the later Zhou Dynasty, and use the Song Dynasty as the usurper

If he reverses the dynasty, there will be big trouble between the two families! On the contrary... Ahem, if we send people to participate in the process of his abdication, it will be like the assistance between brothers. Since we are a country of brothers, what will happen in the future?

It’s easy to communicate about things.”

"A country of brothers? Is this what Guo Ning said personally?"

"He didn't say it directly, but that's what he meant. In addition, he didn't ask us to take the initiative to send people to celebrate, but would arrange for envoys to come to Lin'an respectfully to pay tribute to the court and officials first, and then,

Invite me, a famous scholar from the Song Dynasty, to give lectures in Zhongdu."

"That makes sense."

Zhao Fang nodded: "I don't know who the messenger will be. I think it must be the important minister under Guo Ning's command, right?"

Both of these two people have dealt with Ding Haijun, but they are really not familiar with Guo Ning's temperament of hating pretense. In Guo Ning's opinion, Ding Haijun's envoy has already been in Lin'an, so why do they need to send extra people?

Ten days later.

Outside Lin'an City, on the banks of the Shangtang River, in the Banjing Pavilion, which was specially designed for envoys to live, Li Yun washed his face seriously, combed his short beard under his chin, and then changed into a serious official uniform. He took a mirror and looked at himself, feeling that the mirror

Zhongren is really a spirited young man.

After adjusting his clothes for the last time, Li Yun walked out slowly with square steps.

Previously, when he was in Lin'an, he was accompanied by Ding Yan and Hou Zhongxin as escorts. But now, the people who were the first to greet him outside Banjing Hall were replaced by Shi Miyuan's confidants.

Xue Ji became a bachelor of Duanming Palace.

Behind Xue Ji, hundreds of people bowed and saluted.

This scene startled Li Yun. He couldn't help but murmured:

"In the past two years, I have been running around with the tiger skin as a banner. Now, the tiger skin has become more and more majestic. It actually makes me a little nervous. I feel like I am the best among monkeys!"

This chapter has been completed!
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