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Chapter 831 Glory (Part 1)

In the eyes of merchants, Yangzhou City is a trade and transportation hub for Southeast Asia and Zhoufu Department Store. In the eyes of generals, it is a choke point on the Yangtze River and the Huaihe River. When the Jin army crossed the Yangtze River and returned to the north, they all left behind

A Bohai general named Da Wei was appointed as the capital of Yangzhou, with the intention of occupying this place for a long time.

Therefore, the city defense of Yangzhou City has always been tight and there are many troops stationed there. For example, a considerable number of the Wufeng, Wuding, and elite armies of the Zhenjiang Dutong Division are stationed here. There are also large-scale military units in Yangzijin and Guazhoudu outside the city.

The fortress and supporting docks are where large warships belonging to the Tangwan Navy of the Ma Army are docked daily.

Under such circumstances, Yang You was able to mobilize hundreds of warriors to sneak into the city in batches, and his methods were really good. This man was able to get through the door of the Prime Minister of the Song Dynasty, and he jumped from a poor northerner to the commander of the new army.

He had some real skills. But even if he could enter the city, in order to hide his whereabouts, he had to concentrate his manpower in several adjacent houses.

Hundreds of people stood in a dense crowd, crowded together. A few soldiers without armor simply stood on the millstone in the courtyard, and there were four or five people sitting around the edge of the well.

Yang You was suddenly shot to death, which immediately caused everyone in the courtyard to panic. When someone in the crowd suddenly drew a knife and started slashing, the situation in the courtyard instantly fell into madness.

The dense crowd crowded together. Some people were afraid that the sword would fall on them, so they pushed back with all their strength. As a result, several people behind were knocked into a rolling gourd, and Yang You's body was pushed aside. Some people drew their swords to defend themselves.

However, he accidentally injured his companions, causing more people to draw swords and attack each other.

Someone in the crowd cried miserably: "What are you doing? Are you all crazy?"

The first group of people to attack did not respond. They cut open space around them in the crowd, gathered in one place, and continued to slaughter. The archers who shot Yang You to death also drew out their short knives and fought with them.

Gathered together in one place to fight.

This group of people originally planned to storm Jia She's mansion, all of them heavily armed, but at this moment the crowd was so crowded that there was no room for them to even swing their swords. Since the party that suddenly attacked had the upper hand, the fighting skills of the second party

He has no room to use his experience and battlefield experience, and can only watch the enemy charging at him like a surging wave.

The people on the outermost layer tried to resist and were immediately killed. It was revealed that the people on the inner layer were in a hurry and were unable to form a formation. In the blink of an eye, they were gone to hell. The bodies of people on the layer after layer continued to lie on the ground, like a bloody cabbage, being torn apart.

Remove layers of cabbage leaves.

Someone in the crowd finally woke up and shouted: "Climb over the wall! Climb over the wall and get out!"

As soon as these words were spoken, hundreds of people crowded behind the east wall of the courtyard. Those with strong skills had already grabbed the top of the wall with both hands and pulled themselves up. However, when their bodies were pulled up high, their whole bodies became stiff again.

Many other people didn't pay attention to him at all. They didn't have time to climb over the wall, and they rushed into the wall. The shabby house where such a poor guy lived couldn't be strong, so after two collisions, it collapsed suddenly.

Smoke and dust rose up, and the road to another courtyard next door opened, and Yang You's subordinates ran away in joy. A familiar voice came from outside the blocked field of vision. The voice was exactly the same as when Yang You was shot to death.

It is the trembling sound of hundreds of strong bowstrings.

The dozens of people who rushed to the front immediately fell to the ground wailing, and the people behind them ran out of the smoke-shrouded area without hesitation, and stopped instantly.

In the courtyard next door, there were already people forming a formation, watching eagerly.

This operation of sneaking into Yangzhou was supposed to be a secret among secrets. Every link was carefully considered and all kinds of dangers were carefully eliminated. Even after arriving in Yangzhou, hidden sentries were placed around the house where everyone gathered to ensure that no one was there.

can be discovered.

But now the situation is like this. It is obvious that the enemy has not only discovered Yang You's headquarters long ago, bribed or killed the sentinels outside in advance, but also quietly made no noise when Yang You tried his best to subdue Li Jue and Ying Chunzhi.

The troops were deployed outside the courtyard!

There are so many people and horses waiting in the east courtyard, and there must be people and horses setting up nets on the north, south and west sides. At least two thousand people, maybe more.

Who has such a motive? Who would deliberately deal with the Zhongyi Army? Who could mobilize so many people with the acquiescence of Song officials, troops, and local figures outside the city?

Among the officers and soldiers of the Loyalty Army who rushed out of the smoke, there was a veteran general who was over fifty years old. In his early years, he was a wandering witch doctor.

Li Siwen, the grand master who followed the Red Coat Army, had some knowledge and reputation in the Red Coat Army. Seeing that he was in a desperate situation, he stepped out from the crowd and shouted: "Who is the friend who entertained us today? My family has already been in charge of the government.

If he is dead, do you still want to kill him to death?"

Someone in the military formation opposite sneered: "You must be too old to see clearly because of your old eyesight? The one who entertains you is an old friend from Shandong!"

The veteran was shocked when he heard the local accent. He suddenly took a few steps forward, and sure enough, he saw several familiar faces in the array opposite.

He took a few steps forward regardless and rubbed his eyes: "You are the Fourth Lady's soldiers! How come the Fourth Lady is here?"

The military formation was silent, but the killing in the courtyard behind them continued, and the smell of blood floated in the wind, making people choke.

The veteran shouted again in a trembling voice: "Stop killing! Where is the fourth lady? I want to talk to her!"

Deep in the military formation, Yang Miaozhen heard the hoarse shouts, moved his steps slightly, and stood still again.

The female general who was so powerful in Shandong back then had only been in Huainan for two years after the defeat of the Red Coat Army.

In the past two years, in order to maintain the survival of so many people in the Red Coat Army and to maintain the continued existence of this group, she has taken on too many responsibilities and faced too many problems. Many problems have never been solved, and she has to work in the cracks.

She struggled to hold on. At this moment, her face had a more weathered look, and she looked more mature than the girl two years ago, and the eyes she stared at in front of the formation were even more cold and unusual.

The veteran general had some connections in the Red Coat Army. When he was begging for help, several of Yang Miaozhen’s subordinates

But Yang Miaozhen was not moved at all.

On that day, Yang An'er died, and the power of the Red Coat Army fell apart instantly. Yang Miaozhen and Yang You took the heads of their old factions and went south. Liu Erzu, Zhan Hui, Fang Guosan and others established their own territory. In fact, there was nothing right or wrong. In Yang Miaozhen's case,

In their eyes, the reason why Liu Quan and Guo Yao'er supported a woman like her was not necessarily out of loyalty, but they just couldn't accept Yang You's violent and rough style.

After the two families gathered together to go south, on the one hand they had to cope with the various demands of the officialdom of the Song Dynasty, and on the other hand they inevitably clashed with the Shanshui Village in Huainan. However, each of the two families had their own means of establishing a foothold, and the chosen place to stay was Chu.

The two states, both in Zhenzhou, are not adjacent to each other. At first, the subordinates of the two families cared about their friendship and had occasional contacts with each other, and even helped each other on several occasions.

But as Yang You began to work under Shi Miyuan's family, he got more money and food, and the official position he got was frightening. Since he was rich and famous, he naturally began to compete for influence in the old Red Coat Army. Immediately, the two families secretly

The wrestling continued and the fighting became more and more fierce. Starting from the beginning of this year, Yang You completely took away the money and food of the Chuzhou Zhongyi Army, and even launched a merciless killing of the subordinates of the Chuzhou Zhongyi Army.

Yang Miaozhen had no effective help in the officialdom, so he could only deal with it passively. More than 20 of his subordinates were killed successively, and more than 2,000 capable men were taken away by Yang You in four or five trips, almost occupying all the places Yang Miaozhen had in Chuzhou.

Control one-third of the troops.

The important generals under Yang Miaozhen were furious at that time. They gathered their troops and wanted to send troops to Zhenzhou to fight Yang You or death. However, Yang Miaozhen arrived after hearing the news and forcibly suppressed their revenge.

Most of these generals had followed Yang An'er for a long time, and usually regarded Yang Miaozhen as their junior. Although they were friendly, they did not necessarily respect her judgment. When Yang Miaozhen stopped their actions, they felt both unsatisfied and dissatisfied, and complained frequently.

It was not until this moment that the generals realized that Yang Miaozhen had laid such a killing plan despite seemingly doing nothing.

Yang Miaozhen was silent, and the general did not dare to ask questions.

After a while, I heard Yang Miaozhen whisper: "Yang You is a controller after all. Since he is dead, he must take some of his head to explain to outsiders! These people are Yang You's best friends and cronies, and many of them have something to do with it.

If you have passed the blood of your fellow red-coated soldiers, you would not have been brought to Yangzhou City!"

The generals looked at each other, and someone asked: "What does the fourth lady mean..."

"Kill them all!" Yang Miaozhen scolded.

A general was startled and retorted subconsciously: "Kill them all? That's us..."

The surrounding companions shook their heads violently to stop,

More people rushed back to their own teams solemnly and gave orders.

The brutal fighting broke out again, and screams and shouts resounded through half of Yangzhou city. A few miles away, on the mountain terrace of Jia She's home, a group of merchants looked nervous. Some of them had wine glasses in their hands, and all the drinks were flowing.

It was spilled, and some people's eyes were wandering around, looking for a way out in an emergency.

Jia She sat still and said with a smile: "Don't be nervous. We have been in Huainan for hundreds of years during the Song Dynasty. We have encountered hundreds of deserters, thieves, water pirates, salt sellers, and tea merchants in various places, and we have already experienced a lot. In front of us.

These little robbers will be wiped out in an instant."

The merchants calmed down in shock and asked again: "But I don't know, who is causing the chaos? Who is quelling the chaos?"

"Jia has been doing some introspection at home these days and has not heard anything going on outside the window. How can he know the identity of the person who caused the trouble?"

Jia She asked in surprise.

The merchants were about to respond when they heard Jia She continue: "I only know that those thieves are holding hostage Li Jue, the Jianghuai envoy, and Ying Chunzhi, the Huaidong economic and strategic envoy."

Someone asked in surprise: "What? The thieves kidnapped those two people? If anything happens to them...won't they be in big trouble?"

Some people were more alert and immediately hesitated: "Those two are usually stationed in Chuzhou and Jiankang Prefecture. Why did they come to our Yangzhou for nothing?"

Jia She comforted them: "Well, the officials of the imperial court are running around for the sake of the imperial court. What should they think about? These two came to Yangzhou naturally to quell the chaos. If they die to quell the chaos, they will die.

Glory! If they are not dead, they would be just witnesses!"

This chapter has been completed!
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