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Chapter 842: Pirates (Part 2)

Of course, the military reports about the southern pirates were not received on the spot.

According to Guo Ning's expectations, maritime trade is now one of the important financial resources of the Great Zhou Dynasty, and may even be the most important financial resource in the future. Therefore, there is more than one Zhou Keshan from Qingyuan Mansion who is responsible for daily management. For more than a month, every time there is a

In case of shipwrecks, special reports were sent to the north without any delay.

Instead, he and Li Yun teamed up on the spot. Out of an idea, the effect was very good. It really aroused the emotions of the soldiers, especially the emotions of generals such as Shi Tianni.

Guo Ning's method of treating people comes from the army.

An army of 100 people and an army of 1,000 people meet on a narrow road, and the two sides fight. Having more people may not necessarily win, because how to use troops is the key to victory. Only when every soldier is placed in a suitable position can the army have combat effectiveness. Otherwise, the army will have combat effectiveness.

There are many people in vain, only to die.

Now that his status is high, planning and employing people are gradually more important than specific troops, but the principles of both are still the same.

Since ancient times, the same rice has fed all kinds of people. Guo Ning's first group of defeated soldiers had similar experiences and backgrounds. Each of them was good and foolish, each with his own strengths and weaknesses. What's more, as the king of a country, he ruled over hundreds of millions of people.

Zhao, two hundred thousand Pixiu?

It is very necessary to make targeted arrangements for different subordinates with different backgrounds.

For example, generals such as Shi Tianni, Li Shouzheng, Yelu Kechou Baer, ​​etc. are all powerful local tycoons, and they also have the ability to lead troops in battle. If the chaos in the world continues, each of them can rise up and become the leader of a place.

of princes.

But they all had a good sense of smell, and they all defected to Guo Ning at the right time. After a year or two, their local power has increased unabated, their status in the military is not low, and they have real power in their hands. Yes.

It is foreseeable that ten or twenty years later, they will continue to deepen their efforts and their influence will only be greater.

How should Guo Ning, as the Emperor of the Great Zhou Dynasty, deal with the existence of such a group of people, or a large group of people?

If left unchecked, such out-of-control military aristocrats would be a danger to the country; if they followed the example of the Song Dynasty and released their military power over a glass of wine and respected culture and education from then on, it would be a waste of their military talents.

If they are suppressed with harsh punishments, there are many people in the army who are in a similar situation to them, such as Miao Daorun, Zhang Rou, Jing Anmin, etc., what will they think? Then they will almost certainly be considered as a dead end.

If you do this, it will cause turmoil in the army.

In the eyes of the warriors, the Great Zhou Dynasty was a political power obtained by the warriors who sacrificed their lives and fought hard. It is only natural that the soldiers rely on this regime to gain profits. After all, the emperor needs the army to work for his life! After all, those terrible black Tatars can't guarantee it.

When will you come back!

Under other regimes, it would be almost impossible to properly solve the problem.

But Guo Ning feels that the Dazhou he built can do it.

Yelu Chucai once praised that Guo Ning's talents were given by God. Guo Ning himself knew that talents were nothing; the understanding of the world people lived in was what was given by God. His vision was limited to the Jin Dynasty and the Song Dynasty.

After all, it is different from the state of looking at the world.

After the generals left happily, Guo Ning sat still.

After a while, Ni Yi led Shi Tianni back.

Shi Tianni saluted respectfully: "Your Majesty, do you have any other instructions?"

Guo Ning smiled and signaled: "Hefu, come, please sit down."

Shi Tianni is a smart man.

After Guo Ning defeated Genghis Khan, he surrendered many generals who had fought for the Mongols. Among so many generals, Shi Tianni was the strongest, most powerful, and most famous in the local area. After that, Guo Ning first used him in Jinshan, and then

Using him in Songshan, Wuping, Huihe and other places on Beijing Road, Shi Tianni was able to use both soft and hard tactics to clear away the unsatisfied and restore governance wherever he went.

But every time when he recounted his achievements, the other generals would blush and argue, but Shi Tianni never participated. Some people laughed at him because of this, saying that when he was young, he claimed that if he had millions of people, he could easily get fame; now,

If we keep retreating humbly, I'm afraid there will only be 10,000 Qingyue troops left by the time we die.

After hearing this, Shi Tianni was not angry at the criticism. Instead, he withdrew some additional benefits and relied on his popularity to repeatedly persuade to calm down the conflicts among his colleagues.

You must know that this kind of competition for merit and rewards is the most difficult to deal with. Guo Ning's rise is too fast, and the generals need to be treated with mercy. However, many factions in the army still exist on various hills. Once Guo Ning intervenes, he will not be able to deal with it.

If you are cautious, you may be considered unfair and favor one over another.

Shi Tianni is really capable of relieving Guo Ning's worries in this regard. Although Guo Ning will not receive a reward for this, he is paying more and more attention to him.

Hence the individual summons at this moment.

"Hefu thinks the soldiers are willing to go south? Will the soldiers be afraid of the storm on the sea?"

"Your Majesty, I dare not say anything about the situation of others. Some of my subordinates are elite men who are willing to die. Many of them have robbed homes and homes in their early years, and they are not that kind of people. Since the country has been fine this year, everyone has already been itchy.

I just wish I didn’t have the opportunity to serve His Majesty. As for the storm on the sea... people who make money are not afraid, but it’s not like people who are used to killing and robbing are afraid, right?"

Guo Ning patted Shi Tianni on the shoulder, stared at him, and said in a deep voice: "This matter... the difficulty is not in the fighting. It cannot be ignored. I am not worried if ordinary subordinates go."

Shi Tianni did not hesitate: "That's easy, I will lead the team myself."

"It seems too much trouble for Hefu to go in person? A while ago, there was a proposal from the Central Government to transfer you to the position of Jinzhou Linhaijiedu and deputy commander of the army and horses at Beijing Road. Once you go, I am afraid that your military position will be promoted, and we will have to discuss it again.


"How can you be troubled if you work hard on the king's affairs? If you can follow your majesty to build a country, why worry about losing fame and fortune?"

Guo Ning laughed.

Just now, he and Li Yun were working together to stir up emotions. There were smart people among the generals present, and they should be able to guess a thing or two about Guo Ning's intentions.

Isn't it possible that the trading company itself can't find the manpower to solve the problem of pirates? It's obvious that Guo Ning wants to use this as an excuse to project power to the south. At the same time, Guo Ning doesn't want the local snakes under his command to always work locally.

, I want them to go see distant places and gain insights.

At the beginning of the Great Zhou Dynasty, when all the civil and military ministers were in high spirits, no one thought that the emperor's ascension to the throne would be the end of the war. If they could pay attention to Xiangnan early, it would be a good opportunity to make contributions. From another perspective, this would also be a reflection of their talents.

, an affirmation of their status in the Great Zhou Dynasty.

Even so, after all, they are far away from each other by the vast sea. These leading generals now have titles. Unlike the bachelors of the past, they may not be able to send out three or five groups of subordinates to explore the situation and fight for a few times before setting off in person.

This makes it even more obvious that Shi Tianni is brave enough to do his job.

Guo Ning stood up, took the map, and spread out the book: "Hefu, come and see. The Song Dynasty in the south has thousands of plans and has been cutting off maritime interests for hundreds of years. There are also wealthy merchants from hundreds of countries on the sea, with great wealth and power. The so-called pirates,

They are just marionettes competing for carrion among huge forces. The Song people were unwilling to deal with these marionettes, so they pushed the problem into our hands. Now, I want people to exterminate the pirates, but the target is not just the pirates.

I have an idea..."

The two discussed for a long time, and the next day, Guo Ning returned to Zhongdu.

Early winter, Fuzhou.

Under the setting sun, the blue sea surface shimmers with golden light, which complements the clear sky in the distance and almost merges into one piece.

The seagull hovered in the sky for a long time, finally dropped its height, and folded its wings on the top of the sail of a lucky boat. The lucky boat sailed slowly into the North Port of Minjiang River, slowly passed under the Jinshan Temple Tower, and gradually approached the shipyard gate.

After Wang Erbai and others killed Wang Ziqing, they rushed back to Qingyuan Mansion to report. Zhou Keshan left them to rest on the island for half a month, and then asked them to seize the last trade wind and pick up a group of northern troops.

People go to Fuzhou.

This is the fourth time Wang Erbai has come to Fuzhou, but this is the first time he has sailed south alone without a southern ship to lead the team. Fortunately, the sailors have not practiced in vain in the past few months, and they remember the route very well.

, the ship is empty and there is no danger of running aground.

At this time, he was sitting on the bow of the ship, looking leisurely into the distance. The leader behind him led a dozen sailors to climb up and down the inspection cables, and led a few people at the front to carry the empty buckets onto the deck.

The busiest person was Zhiku, who was running around urging the crew to hand over the weapons that were too conspicuous around them and hide them under the cabin.

Fuzhou is not a maritime trade port officially approved by the Song Dynasty in the Southern Dynasties, so there are no patrol ships from the Municipal Shipping Department at the port. Most of the nearby inspection departments are aware of the situation and dare not block ships bound for Shanghai. But the crew members themselves have to be more cautious, there is no need

It's embarrassing.

The crew was busy, and the passengers also went on the deck one after another, overlooking the scenery of Fuzhou.

These passengers claimed to be merchants and dressed up as seafarers, but they had no hint of maritime merchants in their bodies. Wang Erbai could tell at a glance. These people were generally tall and strong, and half of them were a little bow-legged.

Caused by riding horses.

They were also obviously not used to the narrow aisles on the deck. They kicked up cables and sails at every turn. They felt cramped no matter how they walked. When they stood on the side of the ship, they inevitably staggered around.

Not to mention that everyone carries a variety of sophisticated weapons. As the bow of the ship, Wang Erbai has a few good weapons in his hands, but none of them can compare with the weapons they carry.

But it doesn't matter, Zhou Daguan has said hello, they are absolutely reliable. That Shi Dalang went south on His Majesty's secret order, and everyone in the trading company must give their full assistance.

Wang Erbai stood still holding on to the side of the ship and raised his hand to signal: "Look, Shi Dalang, behind that is the shipyard where we ordered this ship. A dark crowd of people gathered on the shore to take advantage of the high tide to launch the new ship.

The ceremony to welcome the wind, oh, there are at least five hundred people beating gongs and drums! What is being launched is a real big ship!"

The shipyard that Wang Erbai pointed out was the largest that Shi Tianni had ever seen in his life. There were seven or eight pontoons connecting several ponds and sluices.

At this time, many people on the pontoon cheered, and a sluice slowly opened. With a violent roar, sea water suddenly poured into the pond, and a large ship with a total weight of 2,000 yuan was suddenly lifted.

If a giant boat of this size was used as a military ship, it could carry 500 soldiers and require 150 crew members to maneuver it smoothly. It would be like a city on the sea.

At this time, the sea water was turbulent, and the huge bow of the ship was undulating, suddenly crashing into the sea, and then being lifted up by the waves. On both sides of the giant boat, there was a huge dragon eye as a decoration, and each dragon eye was enough for one person.

How high it is, painted bright red, protruding from the side of the ship. As the ship rises and falls violently, the dragon's eyes seem to come alive, as if the entire ship is also shaking its head and tail, and is about to fly through the waves.

Shi Tianni stared at the big ship for a long time. Because both sides were heaving, he suddenly wanted to vomit. That was because he was seasick. It was inevitable for northerners to go sailing for the first time.

He has almost gotten used to it, and the situation is much better than that of his subordinates who are still lying in the cabin. One of his subordinates was a fat man with big shoulders and round waist before going south, but now he is skin and bones. He has to thank the ship's doctor for this.

Otherwise, you will really die.

His stomach became more and more turbulent, and he was holding back the discomfort. Shi Tianni simply leaned out to the sea outside and vomited twice.

Wang Erbai glanced at it and said worriedly: "Shi Dalang, did you vomit out your intestines?"

Shi Tianni said angrily: "Where are these my intestines? It's the sea intestines I just ate! Didn't you fry that big pot? Did you forget?"

"It's always right to ask more. If what you vomit is really rotten intestines, the ship's doctor will be able to provide first aid."

Dr. Chen was coming out of the cabin. He only heard how his intestines were doing and how the first aid was going. He was surprised, came over to take a look, and then rolled his eyes at Wang Erbai.

This chapter has been completed!
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