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Chapter 849 Familiarity

"I'm not crazy. I do this for my own reasons."

Hu Ju had a blank expression on his face and said slowly: "Back then, the Prime Minister punished Han to eliminate disasters, so he was not helpless in the country. But because of this, the Prime Minister was extremely wary of accidents, so he used only trusted people to control him. The closer he is to the people, the better the world will be.

The more scholars there are, the easier it is to blame the prime minister. If the prime minister cannot bear the blame, he will inevitably drive away his cronies. And the fewer cronies there are, the more specialized they will be."

"For example, I, Mr. Hu, am considered a close confidant of the Prime Minister, right? My grandfather and father were demoted because they advocated resistance to the Jin Dynasty. It was Shi Xianggong's respected relatives who pardoned them when he was Prime Minister, so that my Hu family could see the light again. Later,

When I was supervising the affairs of Qingyuan Mansion and photographing Xiangshan County, I had quite a lot of contacts with Shi Xiang, who was studying at home.

, has always been responsible for contacting Ying Chunzhi, Li Jue and other Jianghuai leaders."

"As a result, the situation in the north became too fast, and Prime Minister Shi could not reap the benefits in the north, so he lost interest in Chunzhi, Li Jue and others. He asked me to be the magistrate of Fuzhou and asked me to supervise the infiltration of northerners. In fact, the real

The purpose is for me to sit in Fujian and use the large number of Fujian scholars who support Ying Chunzhi and Li Jue to resist the northern merchants or fleets on Fuzhou Road."

"As a result, just as I was about to set off, Ying Chunzhi died, Li Jue became a mere commander, and the situation in Huaidong also changed. So the prime minister no longer had any intention of confronting the north. Not to mention Li Jue and him

The township party, even me, a descendant of the main war faction, was abandoned by him because as soon as I showed up, some people in the government and the public recalled the affiliation of Huaidong. The situation was too embarrassing. In order to avoid embarrassment,

Of course I just don’t show up."

"In the blink of an eye, two years have passed. Those of you who stayed with the Prime Minister have made money, have been promoted in official positions, and have become more powerful. There are also people like Zhang Liangneng who are not among the people close to the Prime Minister. Just because

He is very generous and you try your best to say good things for him. After returning to the court, it is inevitable that the censor Zhongcheng will participate in the political affairs and know the political affairs!"

"What about me? And Nie Zishu, who was thrown to Sichuan to work as an envoy?"

"In the past two years, three years, and four years, every step has been slow, and every step has been slow!"

"Why should I, Hu Ju and Hu Zhongfang, suffer such a loss?"

"I use some special means to create something on the sea, and then I can use this as an excuse to ask the Prime Minister for money, food and material support. Then I train the navy in Fujian and seize the benefits of the sea for the Song Dynasty. What's the point?

Isn’t that right?”

"I also have relatives and old friends around me. I am in Fujian and I also want to win over people. These people also want to make a fortune at sea. How can I stop them and not find a way for them?"

Xuan Zhen couldn't help but slapped the table: "Is it aggrieved to have you serve as magistrate for a few years? You incited the pirates to cause trouble, and how many ships did we lose? How many people? How much money? You can't lose these losses in a hundred years.

You can’t make it back! Have you ever settled this account? Do you know whose meal you are eating and whose bowl you are ruining?”

"Why are you anxious? Among the lost ships, yours was Xuanzhen's, right? Is it the ship carrying spices that was robbed in Weitou? You are promoting industry to compete for profits with the people! When you talk like this, do you think I am

Don’t you dare to impeach you?”

Both of their voices rose, and suddenly they both sighed.

They are all people who read the books of sages, so why is this so important? Opening and closing your mouth is all about benefits and money. Isn’t it shameless?

After all, during the two hundred years since the founding of the Song Dynasty, the annual income was roughly constant, and the number of scholar-bureaucrats playing in the pond of the Song Dynasty was also roughly constant.

Since these two things are constant, the scholar-bureaucrats can usually barely maintain their dignity when they compete with each other. Except for rare occasions, such as assassinations and coups in front of the prime minister, fish in the pond must swim gracefully and pay attention to the joy of swimming.

However, with the sudden boom in maritime trade, millions of economic interests emerged, and the political interests related to the sea gradually became clear. Along with this, many things that should have been stable have changed.

becomes increasingly unstable.

Because all the fish swimming leisurely in the deep pool were alarmed, their eyes were shining, and they all started to flap and fight desperately. Because if you don’t fight, other fish will fight; other fish

If the fish eat too much, you will have less; if all the other fish have eaten, you will have nothing!

Besides, someone wrote a poem before that the floating clouds in the sky are like white clothes.

, He has changed like a gray dog. Who knows how long this big ball of bait can be eaten? If it is a little slower, he will never be able to eat it in the future. Wouldn't it be even more uncomfortable?

How can I bear this?

So everyone showed their magical powers, their movements became bigger and bigger, and their eating looks became more and more ugly; then they used overt and covert methods together; so the old rules were broken one after another, even those around Shi Xiang, who had the most interests in the entire Song Dynasty

Among a group of rich people, there will also be unscrupulous people.

From Hu Ju's point of view, it is natural for Shi Xiang to eat the meat himself and the people around him to chew the bones. But I, Hu Zhongfang, could also take my turn to chew the bones, so why did I become the soup drinker? Including Xuan Zhen

, how many of you dare to say that you did not intentionally or unintentionally prevent me from taking the bite I deserve?

You are all so unkind, why do you have the face to talk to me?

The two of them sat face to face in silence for a while with fierce faces.

After all, Hu Ju felt guilty. His fear for his family's future and his awe of historical figures made his desire for profit gradually fade away.

He sighed and said: "In the past two years, I have buried many hidden lines and stakes in the sea. Even though I was killed by Shi Tianni, there are still many left. If I use them well, I can unite thousands of fugitives.

As a disciple, Shi Xiang will definitely need it. In addition, from the previous plunders, I got a benefit of two to three hundred thousand yuan. I will give half of these benefits to you, and the remaining half will be dedicated to Shi Xiang. How about it?


Xuan Zhen pondered for a moment and said in a low voice: "Zhong Fang, this matter has caused quite a stir. Your behavior has harmed the interests of officials and gentry all along the coast!"

Hu Ju said angrily: "Am I responsible for making such a big fuss? It's clearly the thieves from the Ding Navy who are taking the opportunity to cause trouble! Besides, what do they dare to do? Do they dare to touch Shi Xiang's people?"

Xuan Zhen shook his head: "After all, the Prime Minister of the Song Dynasty was an important official of the Song Dynasty who came from the same level and was enterprising. He was not the kind of powerful official who covered the sky with one hand and regarded the emperor as nothing! Zhong Fang, you just said it, the closer the Prime Minister is to the people he employs, the easier it will be for the world to be a scholar.

Blame it on the Prime Minister. The Prime Minister cannot bear the blame and will inevitably drive away his close associates."

"What do you mean? Are you trying to scare me?" Hu Ju's face became even more ugly.

While the two men were quarreling with each other, in a large guesthouse next to the government office, a group of people had prepared their horses, packed their luggage, and were slowly walking out.

The leader was a bright-eyed young man dressed as a merchant. He had a dark face, bulging cheekbones, and a beard on his temples and chin. His face was full of weathered color, revealing a maturity that was not commensurate with his age.

There are several people behind him, all of them are strong and capable, and the horses are all strong and good at walking.

Passing through several doors along the way, the servants all knew the young man and all said hello with a smile.

The guards all knew that this group of people came from Lizhou East Road, holding in their hands a certificate issued by Xingyuan Mansion and a dental plaque issued by Nie Zishu, the envoy of Sichuan Province. They had been here for two or three months.

I visited many shipyards, ports and water villages and inquired about many trivial matters.

For example, what is the price of sea-going ships, what is the process of ship manufacturing, what are the bulk goods of maritime trade, the turnover time, how much manpower is used, and what is the input and output of the Song Dynasty in this. As the topic unfolded, he continued

I often ask how far the Northern Zhou Dynasty has been in the past two years, how much investment Da Zhou has made on the sea, what kind of goods sell best in Da Zhou, how strict the management of Da Zhou's fleet is, and how energetic the crew is.

How, and so on, and so on.

Some people wondered why the young man asked these questions. He explained that he was working as a frontline for the wealthy businessmen in central Sichuan, which involved huge amounts of money. He had to keep an eye on the general trend of the world, so he had to ask detailed questions. Because

Every time he visited, he gave generous benefits, so over time, everyone welcomed him.

These days, pirates are causing trouble, and the coastal areas are not very peaceful. This group of people is also very courageous. They still visit everywhere and have killed several thieves who robbed the road.

However, looking at their current appearance, this visit from afar is about to come to an end?

A servant asked in a particularly familiar manner: "My dear officer, where are you going this time? To the shipyard in the south of the city? To the shipping department in Quanzhou? Or..."

He looked at how the group was dressed: "Are you going to go on a long journey?"

The young man patted the package on the horse behind him and said politely: "Hey

After being disturbed for a long time, it’s almost time to go back and recover!”

"Do you want to go back to Xingyuan Mansion? This journey must be easy!" The servant felt a little regretful, thinking that such generous guests were rare.

"Go back to Xingyuan Mansion first, and then we may have to walk a long way." The young man spoke with a mix of accents from all over the world, as if the accents of Sichuan and Shaanxi are heavier, and the pronunciation is a bit strange.

Because he comes from the northern border of the Song Dynasty, many of the guards around this young man are of foreign races. Their hairstyles look like Dangxiang Qiang, or other tribes or Tatars, and their faces and arms are naked.

There are many scars on his body. The guards don’t speak Chinese well, so they just wait in silence.

When the servant thought about it, Xingyuan Mansion was already separated by thousands of mountains and rivers. It couldn't be further away. Hearing that the young man wanted to leave again, he couldn't help laughing and said: "After leaving Xingyuan Mansion, it is still far away."

How far can we go?"

The young man also laughed: "Yes, yes. If you want to do things, you have to endure hardships. It takes thousands of miles to walk!"

Where was that place thousands of miles away? The servant had no idea of ​​it in his mind. He just thought the young man was bragging and laughed.

After chatting, the young people walked out of the house and walked slowly along the street. They happened to pass by Shi Tianni and his party who were blocking in front of the Zhizhou Yamen.

Some subordinates felt keenly that the momentum exerted by Shi Tianni and others was no small matter.

He wanted to look back, but the young man whispered: "Don't look back, just keep walking slowly."

Hearing his serious words, everyone shuddered slightly. The young man added, "Don't touch the handle of the knife either."

Leading the horses, they walked leisurely through Li Xu and passed through Yixing Gate; when they reached an area with open streets and fewer pedestrians, everyone got on their horses. As soon as they got on their horses, everyone felt like a tiger with wings, full of energy and relaxed expression.


The young man looked back and saw the huge crowd of people on the street, enough to block any sight, and then he breathed a sigh of relief.

He chuckled and said: "What a coincidence, Ding Haijun's hand has also reached out to Fuzhou in the Song Dynasty, and he is so unscrupulous! The person who just blocked the state government office was a famous sect in Zhongdu that Father Khan conquered when he went south.

Commander Shi Tianni. He has tens of thousands of troops under his command. He is very good at fighting and has many meritorious deeds. He was once awarded the right deputy marshal who also defeated the Mongolian Uluth, and was awarded the Golden Tiger Talisman... He has seen mine."

The subordinate snorted coldly: "He is just a traitor who has fallen with the wind! He will die sooner or later."

"Don't underestimate them!"

The young man raised his voice slightly, then lowered it again:

"When the wolf pack grows large, the young male wolf will challenge the alpha wolf at any time, and will inevitably join other wolves. What is worthy of criticism? If we talk about traitors, Guo Ning of Ding Haijun is Da Jin.

He is a traitor to the country, haven't I suffered a big loss at his hands? Until now, what can we do against him?"

While they were talking, a maritime merchant passed by the cavalry, and the language they used was very interesting. Some words were obviously not Han language, and some words with a Yan accent were mixed in. However, Fuzhou City

It is common to see businessmen from Jiaozhi, Champa, Srivijaya, and even Juchaan, Dashi and other countries in this country. There are countless people with accents from the north and the south. Everyone is not surprised, but they can't understand a word they say.

When the young people and the group left the city, Shi Tianni was in a daze.

He vaguely felt that in his field of vision, the face of an old acquaintance flashed past, but he could not remember who it was.

It’s strange. Could it be that His Majesty also sent someone else to go south to Fuzhou? After looking at the faces of familiar colleagues in Zhongdu, Beijing and other places, it seems that none of them are...

When he was about to think hard for a result, Xuan Zhen rolled up his sleeves and came out of the state office. He nodded slightly to Shi Tianni and said, "The explanation that should be given to your lord will be given to you soon."

Shi Tianni put aside his temporary doubts and saluted Xuan Zhen: "Thank you."

This chapter has been completed!
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