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Chapter 855 Father and Son (Part 2)

"Jurchen, stand up. {What? You don't know yet|.Read.COM, read the chapter without mistakes|Hurry up and google it}"

Adhesion Zhongshan stood up as he was told, and Genghis Khan passed the tip of his whip over his head. Seeing him trembling all over and sweating profusely, he felt a little funny.

Mongolian warriors would never be so timid.

Of course, not all Central Plains soldiers in the Mongolian army are like this. For example, Liu Bolin's grandson Liu Heima was very bold and willing to learn the Mongolian living habits, so he got the nickname Ye Ke Tu Li, which means big mirror.

And Guo Baoyu, he is a tough guy, very worthy of admiration.

But when they met Genghis Khan, they all looked frightened and frightened, which was very different from their resolute and decisive appearance on the battlefield. That Khwarazmian Hajib was just a liar who showed off his skills with words, and he still said nothing to the Great Khan. Dare to say a few flat words, but the people from the Central Plains will never do this.

If you think about it carefully, this is really a common feature of the people who surrendered from the Central Plains. Like the Adhesion Mountains, they absolutely respect their superiors no matter how capable they are. And in their eyes, Genghis Khan is not the most powerful conqueror among the Mongols. , but like the emperor of the Central Plains, there is no reason to argue, he should naturally occupy a high position and win the loyalty of everyone.

Genghis Khan even felt that even after his death and a loser sat on the throne of the Great Khan, these people would still be respectful and honest and obedient.

Even if the Great Khan of Mongolia becomes an unworthy descendant who will not be eaten by cows even if wrapped in grass, or will not be eaten by dogs even if wrapped in grease, these people will still maintain the dignity of being able to defeat the Mongol Uluse.

Genghis Khan used to think that such an idea was stupid.

The Great Jin Kingdom was filled with such stupid people that talented people could not become emperors, but wasted one after another. So the Jurchens who ruled the Great Jin Kingdom looked like fools to the prairie heroes who respected the strong. The stunned yellow sheep was killed so easily.

But in the past two years, Genghis Khan's thoughts changed. He began to understand the Kingdom of Jin.

Even the best herdsmen cannot stay vigilant forever, there will always be times when they relax. With the prestige of Genghis Khan, in order to drive the masses and use his arms like fingers, he must be alert at all times. Even so, there will be A madman like Jochi who was hijacked by others and blatantly disobeyed orders.

Therefore, it is always better for the conquered to be weak. Or it cannot be called weak, but it is natural to understand the rules. Only when you understand the rules can you willingly occupy the position of obedience and be driven by the noble. Just like those who give Daru flowers to various places. Just like Chi's idea of ​​surrendering people from the Central Plains, and the mountains of adhesion in front of them, even if they have their own interests, they will not openly oppose the Great Khan.

Therefore, their leader Tuo Lei was never as bold as Jochi, and he never blatantly violated Genghis Khan's will. Even if Genghis Khan deprived him of everything, he never complained at all!

After weighing the two sides...it seems that no matter how you look at it, Tuo Lei is more loyal and more sensible.

The question is, what kind of rules did these people from the Central Plains enforce? What did they use to restrain themselves? The routine that Tuo Lei did in various parts of the river at that time should have been very perfect. Unfortunately, Genghis Khan directly acted in anger. I just dismantled all the arrangements of the tow mine and did not study it carefully.

Now think about it, most of the decisions people make when they are angry are wrong.

Who said that the country of the Mongols must be governed according to the old system of the Mongols? What a joke, before I, Temujin, called me Khan and founded the country, there was no system at all on the grasslands! The so-called old system of the Mongols was all created by me

, then the whole system has only been implemented for about ten years!

When the power of the Mongols was limited to the grasslands, these systems were enough. But when the Mongols crossed the river, covered thousands of miles of territory, and prepared to fight with the powerful enemies in the east, these systems needed to be changed. What's the problem? Yes

The system I have established, am I going to be restricted by these systems?

Chagatai and Ogodei both talk nice. In fact, like Jochi, they are all being coerced by others with their own interests. They turn around and push me to drive away my beloved son!

Back then, I led the Mongols to fight and plunder everywhere on the grassland, and everyone was willing to listen to me. Now what I need is not just to feed those Nayans.

I must strictly control this vast conquered land and implement my orders without compromise to everyone!

I want everyone to be like Tuo Lei, Guo Baoyu, Nian Nian Zhongshan and others. Even if they have the ability and ideas, they must obey orders honestly!

I have to squeeze out enough supplies and troops from this land, and then lead them back to the eastern part of the grassland, into the Central Plains, and smash the Dinghai navy regime! Only in this way can we re-establish Genghis Khan's invincible prestige and establish a never-easy

great cause!

In this case, the methods of governance and education used by the Central Plains people must be useful.

"Jurchen, you dare to dissuade me when I am angry, that's good."

Genghis Khan stared at Lianhe Mountain and said solemnly: "Because of your dissuasion, I will not pursue Jochi's crime for the time being. However, I will issue another order to ask him to come and join us. If he shirks the second time, he will only die.


"The Great Khan's mind is as broad as the sea, Cheng Nai..."

In the middle of what Nianhe Zhongshan was saying, he was interrupted by Genghis Khan: "I will give you another task. Go to the east, find my son Tuo Lei, and ask him to come back. I have something to ask him."

For Genghis Khan, the most painful thing in the world was to be forced to compromise. Even if he made a compromise to his son Jochi after weighing the pros and cons. After killing Jochi's envoy, although he suppressed his appearance

Anger, the fire in my heart is still boiling.

So after saying this, he didn't bother to see the joy of gluing the mountains together, so he turned his horse and left.

But for some unknown reason, Adhesion Chongshan suddenly caught up from behind and shouted: "Khan, I have something to say!"

This despicable Jurchen, for some reason today, teased me again and again! If he says a word that does not suit my opinion, I will kill him immediately! I will pour molten gold and silver into his vagina.


Genghis Khan turned back coldly.

But they saw Nianhe Zhongshan kneeling down and saying in a trembling voice: "Please forgive me, the Great Khan, for this villain's death penalty... Just three days ago, one of the fourth prince's sons had returned and took something with him. The fourth prince said,

If the Great Khan mentioned him, it must be because he was troubled by something and thought of what he did in the river. I will immediately take something like this and show it to the Great Khan."


"Yes, it's a painting... Khan, but I don't have it with me... No, no, it's with me, but it's not here now. I mean, forgive me, Khan, I mean, all my salutes are on camels

There's that painting on my back, too." Lian Zhongshan spoke nervously and incoherently.

"Go get it."

Genghis Khan stretched out his hand and pointed. The two guards left with the mountain, and then turned back for a moment.

Nian Zhongshan held the scroll in his hands and handed it to Su Wei, who opened it carefully.

"When the fourth prince sent Na Ke'er back, he had already arrived at the Qingyuan Mansion in the Southern Dynasty of the Central Plains. He said that he got a painting from the fleeing Jurchens in the Qinlong area of ​​the Central Plains. It depicts the Emperor of the Central Plains on a patrol.

A guard of honor. Someone specially sent it to show the Great Khan."

Genghis Khan stared at the groups of vehicles, flags, drums, soldiers, cavalry, and attendants on the painting. He estimated that there might not be five or six thousand people. This was really beyond his imagination.

He closed his eyes slightly and simulated such a majestic power in his mind. Compared with the solemn scene of the Mongolian cavalry crossing the grassland, this ceremony was of course nothing more than paper, but other than that, it had an unforgettable atmosphere.


When he was young, Temujin was frightened by this kind of power, so he hurriedly became the "Zhawu Tihuli" appointed by the Jin Kingdom and sold his life for the Jurchens for several years.

"When I was young, I once saw the king of the Jin Kingdom patrolling the grassland. The scale was extremely grand, not even one-tenth of what is shown in this picture. Do you think this is the guard of honor used by the emperor of the Central Plains when he went on patrol?"

"Yes. The fourth prince said that this was the ceremonial guard used by the emperor of the Central Plains more than a hundred years ago, and the scale of the tuli was reduced. In fact, the number of ceremonial guards used by the emperor was more than 20,000. Therefore, wherever he went, thousands of people worshiped him.

Everyone knows the superiority and inferiority of superiors and inferiors."

"Is there superiority or inferiority?"

"Yes, the fourth prince said that the emperors of the Central Plains are all mediocre and incompetent people, but they can command hundreds of millions of people because they rely on the system and power to let everyone know the superiority and inferiority. Then Guo Ning also used

This method is used to govern the people. The Great Khan's talent is thousands of times better than that of the Emperor of the Central Plains, but Guo Ning is a formidable enemy. Since we want to decide the outcome with him... they can do it, and we have to do it; they have great influence on people's hearts.

We must learn to control ourselves.”

Genghis Khan stared at the mountains of glue.

Nian Zhongshan felt that his whole body was about to go limp, but he had to finish what Tuo Lei told him to say: "The fourth prince also said... He is still exploring the specific strategy for fighting Guo Ning, the Ding navy, but it will be big."

When Khan rides his horse eastward, he will not be absent no matter what, and he will definitely wash away the shame of that year."

"Interesting, interesting."

After a long while, Genghis Khan said in a deep voice: "You don't want to be Bichachi anymore. You and Yelvtuhua can temporarily serve as Kahuluhuachi by my side. Your mission is to seize the opportunity in this summer and autumn."

During this time, we will arrange a powerful Khuril stage here so that everyone in the Qinchak grasslands, rivers, Khorasan and other places can see the majesty of the Mongols!"

Adhesion Chongshan was overjoyed and prostrated: "Thank you, Khan! I will do my best."

After a pause, he asked again: "But where is the fourth prince..."

"You don't have to look for it. Since Tuo Lei can arrange for you to do this, he will come back when it's time to come back!"

When Genghis Khan thought of this, he felt that Tuo Lei had stayed by his side for too long and had understood his father's thoughts so well that he was able to plot against him. He was a little angry, but suddenly he was happy for his son's intelligence and wisdom, so he laughed loudly.

laugh it out.

This chapter has been completed!
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