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Chapter 857 Nervous (Part 2)

When the Jin Dynasty was strong, the boundary trench defense line set up in northern Xinjiang reached as far as 1,500 miles north of Huining Mansion in Shangjing. It consisted of 422 passes, barriers and forts, exceeding 2,700 miles.

Made up of side walls inside.

If you think of it as a giant holding a chain and covering the grassland; then, on the east side of the grassland, the boundary trench defense line starts from Taizhou, where the Northeast Road Zhaozhao Division is based, and extends westward to three branches across the high mountains. It is the giant's

Right arm.

Directly south of the grassland, the continuous border wall forts extend from the southwest road to Fengzhou and Jingzhou, which belong to the Zhaotou Division, and extend to the northeast for thousands of miles, passing through the Jiujiuquan grassland and reaching the volcano named "Zhaotaolehan" deep in the grassland.

This is the giant's left arm.

Jinshan, the area from Xuandezhou to Angjiluo is the head of the giant.

Around this huge frontier military defense system, the Jin Kingdom successively invested an astronomical amount of manpower and material resources, and fought wars with the Mongols for decades. When the Jin Kingdom was first founded, important ministers Wanyan Zongpan, Wanyan Zongbi, and Zhang Zongchao

Famous ministers such as Jiagu Qingchen, Wanyan Xiang, Wanyan Zonghao and others all once fell into the quagmire of fighting in northern Xinjiang.

Changes in the military and political strength of human governments are almost worthless in the face of thousands of years of ethnic group distribution and hundreds of millions of years of natural environmental differences. The more the Central Plains court invests in the grasslands, the more they will constrain their own power to move.

If not, it will arouse the common hatred of countless tribes on the grassland. Therefore, when Genghis Khan launched the Western Expedition, he was not worried at all that his hometown, the Mongolian Plateau, would change hands.

But he really didn't expect that after the establishment of the Great Zhou Kingdom, there was no intention to restore this defense system. Han'er's army controlled the area from Jinshan to Angjiluo, but it did not continue to penetrate deeper, nor did it conduct large-scale restoration and reconstruction.

It still looked like a frontier fortress, but instead it started doing business with the thousands of Mongolian families who stayed behind in the grasslands in a strict manner.

For a Mongolian household like Yeligasi, business is indispensable and is the foundation of his life.

After all, the Mongolian nation itself is not a unified entity. The original Mongolia actually refers specifically to tribes such as Qiyan, Zhada, and Taichiwu, which are the so-called Nilon Mongols. With the rise of Genghis Khan, the Uliang Heti, Hongji La, and other tribes also

The Qiles and other tribes also successively called themselves Mongolia, forming the so-called Dieerleqin Mongolia.

These two groups are the core of the grassland people at present, which is what the Central Plains court calls the Black Tartars. However, the number of Black Tartars does not account for the majority on the grasslands. In addition to the Black Tartars, there are also the Zha La Yi'er Tribe and the Miao Tribe.

The Erqi Tribe, the Tataer Tribe and other Bai Tatar tribes; besides the Bai Tatar tribes, there are forest people who make a living by hunting and fishing; in addition, there are tribes such as the Naiman Tribe, the Kele Tribe, and the Wanggu Tribe, whose customs are more in line with Turks

, and communication with people outside the grassland is also more frequent.

These tribes themselves are not a tight whole, but there are countless small tribes underneath them, which can be subdivided into three or five tents.

After Genghis Khan established the Great Mongolian Kingdom, he forcibly dispersed countless tribes and kneaded them back into a single piece. Relying on the huge wealth obtained from plunder, he shaped thousands of Nayan people who obeyed the Khan's orders into the new ruling class on the grassland.


But as Genghis Khan launched his Western Expedition, the thousands of families who stayed on the grasslands all faced counterattacks from the old tribal leaders. The thousands of families used to rely on Genghis Khan, but now they have to rely on their own strength to stabilize their status, and they must take both hard and soft measures.

The hard methods are nothing more than various murders and raids. This is a story that has been happening on the grassland for thousands of years. Everyone is tired of watching it. The soft methods, such as rewards and bribes, require real materials. In order to obtain the materials , and had to make exchanges with southern Han'er.

Yeli Yasi is such a Thousand Households. His own military strength has been completely destroyed in Zhongdu. He relies on gathering a group of scattered herdsmen who are surviving after being massacred by Genghis Khan in the past few years to maintain Thousand Households. status.

If he wants to reward his men, he has to constantly bring out tea, cloth, medicinal materials and even various luxury accessories. Where do these things come from?

If he wants to continue to maintain military deterrence, he must have swords, bows, arrows, and armor. These are all consumables. Where can they be supplied?

In the early years, the Mongols went south and plundered tens of thousands of craftsmen from the Central Plains court. These craftsmen were able to produce some makeshift gadgets. However, when the Great Khan went to the west, he took away most of the craftsmen, leaving only a handful of craftsmen. All of them are in the hands of the Great Khan's younger brother Belgutai and the prison princess Alahaibeji. Where can I get an ordinary Qianhu Na Yanfenrun?

It is known that Yeligasi is a poor man who is in urgent need of money everywhere. It is also known that Yeligasi controls a huge salt field. Officials from the Central Plains court stationed in northern Xinjiang have come forward to propose to him that he restore the salt field and sell salt... …

There is no need to think about the outcome at all.

No matter how much Yeli Yasi upheld the pride of the Mongols, they had to transform themselves into a profit-making businessman. And because his horses were sharp and sharp, he often drove all the disobedient Mongolian tribesmen to the salt fields, working day and night. He worked hard labor, so the output of his salt farm was quite large, and the quality of the salt bricks he produced was widely praised.

Since the restart of the salt farm, Yeligasi has successively started a tea and felt fabric business. He can even get some of the weapons that are strictly prohibited from being sold to the grasslands from special channels. As compensation, Yeligasi also occasionally conveys some News, such as which family the Mongols who recently plundered and settled the Han people belonged to, and where the camp was located.

Soon after this kind of news is passed on, the corresponding Mongolians will be dispatched by the Ding Navy to dispatch light cavalry and long-distance drives. After that, in order to express their gratitude, the Ding Navy will promise to give slightly more goods to Yeliyasi.

The more business you do, the more benefits you get, the things become more and more complicated, and there are more and more invisible transactions. Mongolian people are generally rough-tempered, and many specific operations are full of loopholes.

According to common sense, Yeli Yasi should promote a Han slave to take charge of this business.

No matter how much the Mongols despise the Han people, they generally know that the people in the Central Plains are smarter than the people on the grasslands, and the tribes cannot live without the Han people if they want to be comfortable.

But these businesses are not suitable for publicity, especially the extremely confidential exchange of interests between the two parties. No matter what the considerations are, they must not be left to ordinary Han slaves.

So Yeli Ya wanted to follow the customs on the grassland and find himself a wife who was good at dealing with business affairs. It was Li Zuoming who came from Dading Prefecture in Beijing, and asked Mrs. Li to manage the business on his behalf. .

Of course, he did not expect that the business would continue to grow in the next two years, so much so that Mrs. Li became a little arrogant and dared to force Yeli Yasi to deceive the Khan's agent who stayed in the grassland.

This is so ignorant.

Yeli Yasi promised not to tell the messenger from Belgutai, but he was very confused in his heart.

He had always felt that he was absolutely loyal to the Great Khan.

One day, the Great Khan returned from thousands of miles away and announced that he would launch another war against the Central Plains. Yeli Yasi responded immediately and without hesitation slashed the scimitar to the heads and necks of his business partners and drank the blood of those Han'er.


Now, although the Great Khan has not returned yet, Belgutai Nayan and Princess Jianguo represent the Great Khan? They should know everything, how can I hide it? Even if they want to take this away from me, Li Yasi

A piece of fat, how can I stop it?

Yeli Yasi was born in the Red Army of Mu Huali's Wu Tou Xia Tan Ma. Before that, he was a soldier of the Hongji tribe. He had met Bor Tie Ke Dun. So he knew the situation on the grassland very well in the past few years.

Yes, I will never overestimate the integrity of those noble people.

You definitely can't hide something! If a noble person from above really asks about some things in person, it will be a big deal and it will be hard to deal with!

As soon as he made up his mind, a Nak'er hurried over and reported: "The envoy from Nayan in Belgutai is asking when he can see Qianhu... The envoy was accompanied by more than a hundred cavalry who were all shouting, we are afraid.

Can’t stop it!”

There are not many more than a hundred cavalry, but if they are placed near Yeli Yasi's tent and suddenly cause trouble, it will be difficult to deal with it. Yeli Yasi said repeatedly: "What's the hurry? Tell him that I'm back and I'll be there soon."

See you soon!"

Saying this, Yeli Yasi was a little nervous and his face turned pale. He walked around in the tent a few times and then said: "I won't talk about this matter, and I can't hide it. After all, I am the minister of the Great Khan.

, Everything in my hand was given by the Great Khan...I'd better say it!"

"you dare!"

Mrs. Li immediately thought of her rouge, gouache, and hairpin rings. She thought that she would not be able to use the high-end goods shipped from the Song Dynasty in the Southern Dynasties, so she would have to make do with what the Zhongdu Company produced. She thought of marrying into such a barbaric place and spending every day in it.

All the benefits gained from enduring the filthy environment of using horse dung to make a fire were all gone, and she was heartbroken.

She said in a sharp voice: "That's mine! No one can steal it..."

The next moment, Mrs. Li was slapped on the face, spinning her around several times. The teeth in her mouth flew high, and she fell down in a corner of the tent.

Yeli Yasi left the tent and hurried towards the area where the messenger rested.

This slap made Mrs. Li completely stunned.

She is a poor woman, otherwise she would not have fallen into prostitution. The life in the past few years from Beijing to the grasslands has been so ups and downs that it is unbearable. What's more, I don't know how much tenderness and sweetness I have paid to this black Tatar.

, but in exchange for such a harsh slap?

Pain, panic, anger, and grievances were constantly surging in her heart, making her almost unsure of what to do next. She fell to the ground motionless, her eyes blank. Because her face was swollen, drool dripped from the corners of her mouth.

I didn't even bother to wipe it.

I don’t know how long it took, but the light and shadow in the tent flickered, indicating that Li Yasi was back.

Mrs. Li still hadn't come to her senses, but her qualities were still there and she started crying subconsciously.

Yeli Yasi walked to Mrs. Li and knelt down, sighing.

"Beelgutai Nayan has known about the salt pond for a long time. They all know it, but they didn't ask before. The Great Khan is indeed paying attention to the things on the grassland again. The nobles will cheer up and reorganize the manpower of various ministries.

In preparation for the Great Khan's call. So everything in Yanchi will still be under my control in the future, but a large part of the income must be exchanged for weapons and armor!"

"I'm dreaming..."

Mrs. Li cried and said: "Weapons and armor are all owned by the Zhou government. You took some privately and just returned them. How can you buy and sell in large quantities? Isn't this crazy? Those who met you in Yanchi are all Zhou Dynasties."

Officials! Do you think they are ordinary businessmen?"

"I know they are officials from the Great Zhou Dynasty! But I can't tell the envoy from Belgutai!"

Yeli Yasi continued to sigh: "Once I say it, won't it prove that I have been in contact with officials of the Zhou Kingdom? I'm sure it will involve other things. For example, in order to get weapons and armor, I sold several people to go south.

The small part of the plunder...if that matter is leaked, it will be really fatal!"

Seeing Mrs. Li's face full of fear, Ye Li Ya wanted to drag her up and continued: "Anyway, you should be stricter these days and don't talk nonsense outside. There is a large group of cavalry under Belgutai Nayan, and they have already

I went to Yanchi to check. I guess they will always make a fuss and grab something... If the business suffers some losses, don't worry about it and think of a solution slowly. I don't know how long this business can last..."

At this point, he saw that Mrs. Li's face was extremely ugly, as if she had seen a ghost in the daytime, and he couldn't help but feel a little pity: "Does your face hurt? I was in a hurry just now, so don't blame me."

Mrs. Li cried loudly: "Have you forgotten? The official of Zhou Dynasty in the south is in Yanchi right now. You have to see him tomorrow!"

This chapter has been completed!
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