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Chapter 864: Generous (Part 2)

"Eat! It's for you!"

A short and stocky Mongolian staggered over and threw several dark things to Lu Shu. Lu Shu reached out to catch them, but with the slightest movement, his neck, shoulders and ribs all suffered severe pain.

, didn’t catch it.

More than half an hour ago, this group of people suddenly jumped out of the mud in the salt pond behind Lu Shu, and hit A Duo with a sap from behind. A Duo was caught off guard, fainted immediately, and was dragged away the next moment.

They dragged Lu Shu into the mud again. Lu Shu tried to resist, but he received several hard blows on his body, and two of his molars flew out. He was not stunned. He saw someone holding a dagger beside him, and he knew

This group of people didn't care about killing people at all and immediately surrendered.

I thought that these people were Belgutai's men, but I never thought that they grabbed Lu Shu and A Duo and drove them waist-deep into the mud. Lu Shu was dragged along the whole way and half-fed.

of sewage, and then hung head and feet on the horse's back while galloping... By this time, Lu Shu's mouth was full of blood and mud, and he had turned into a clay figure, with bruises and scratches all over his body. He felt

Only half of his life is left.

Even half a life was important. Lu Shu did not want to offend the other party, so he gritted his teeth and bent down to pick up the things. The sky was getting dark, and when he took them in his hand, he realized that they were potatoes newly dug from the ground.

When Lu Shu was a child, he often went out with his parents and sister to dig wild vegetables in the fields outside Wusha Castle. The best harvest was to dig out the burrows of voles and eat all the voles, grains and voles. If you can dig up soil,

Potatoes are also something that makes people happy, at least they can make them half full.

The Lu family has been practicing medicine for generations, so his father often said that potatoes can strengthen the spleen and replenish deficiency, cure various deficiencies and injuries, and cure five types of fatigue and seven injuries. Eating potatoes is better than eating corn and wheat.

In the past few years, Lu Shu's life has undergone earth-shaking changes, but it has been a long time since he had eaten this food.

He hesitated for a moment, and the Mongolian was a little unhappy. He took a step forward and said, "Aren't you going to eat?"

Lu Shu looked up.

This Mongolian man was wrapped in a black and yellow sheepskin jacket, and he had a strong smell of sheep mutton, mixed with the stench of human feces, urine and sweat. His face, hair and beard were all greasy, probably from birth.

I haven't taken a shower since. Even the braids of my hair and beard have not been combed for a long time. They are all tangled together in dark clumps, covering my face.

This kind of person is probably the lowest slave among the Mongolians. They are like wild beasts and have no reason to explain. Lu Shu grinned and whispered: "I will eat it. This is what I am used to."

He answered in fluent Mongolian, which first surprised the Mongolian.

Then he picked up a potato, picked up a small stone next to him, scraped off the soil attached to the potato, and then chewed it with the skin. This casual attitude made the Mongolian

The man's irritable mood eased a little, and he turned around and left.

The sweet potato tastes bad when eaten raw, and can easily cause abdominal pain, not to mention that Lu Shu ate it with the sand. But he was jolted on the horse for a while, and all the overnight meals he had eaten a few days ago were spit out.

, I was so hungry now that I quickly ate one.

He picked up the second one and peeled it with a stone. He moved a little more carefully and carefully scraped off the soil. The juice of the potato can cause itching on the skin, so he had to process a few more roots while there was still sunlight, and wait.

After waking up, you can fill your stomach.

Lu Shu knew that it was not cruelty to feed him potatoes, which were also commonly eaten by the lower class Mongolians.

In the imagination of many Han people, the Tatars on the grassland eat meat and drink milk every day, so they are all as fierce as wolves, but this is not the case.

In ordinary Mongolian tribes, people's food mainly consists of dairy products and supplemented by hunted meat. Even though they raise many cattle and sheep, they are reluctant to eat them. Once there is a black disaster or a white disaster, all livestock will often die.

.And the grassland is so vast, disasters occur almost every year, so every year there are tribes whose economic foundation is destroyed by disasters, and they have to rely on hunting or plundering to survive. Even if they survive the most difficult times and the herds reproduce again, they are still

Not willing to eat.

When Lu Shu went to the fields to dig vegetables and fruits when he was a child, he often bumped into the little Tartars who were also digging in the soil. In the first few years, the two sides looked at each other and went about their business. Later, the older children followed

I brought a knife, but that was just in case. After all, both sides were digging potatoes, so there was really no value in fighting over them.

However, the group of Mongolians in front of me didn't look like a tribe.

Lu Shu noticed that the several Mongolian tents in the distance were very shabby, and there were no old people or women in sight. Those responsible for lighting the bonfires were all middle-aged men. Occasionally, there were a few round-faced children holding firewood.

, running towards the camp from Lu Shu, their skin color was all dark and red, with large scars from sunburn and frostbite on their faces, making them look a bit vicious.

Beside the bonfire that had been lit at the other end of the camp, several Mongolians took off their outer robes, revealing their strong muscles, and were wrestling. There were also many people who did not leave the field and only concentrated on cheering for others. Lu Shu was startled and looked again, confirming

Many of them are missing arms and legs and are actually disabled.

As he was looking at the scene, the sound of horse hoofs sounded beside him. A Tatar passed by Lu Shu on horseback and stretched out his hand to grab him. This man was so strong that he could lift Lu Shu up with only one hand and drag him back and forth in the camp.

Benz for two laps.

Lu Shu's physique was slightly younger than the average young man, but he was also several dozen pounds heavier. When he fell into the Tatar's hands, he was like a feather. He ran up and down, and even made a throwing motion in the air.

Lu Shu was shocked and thought he was going to die this time. Unexpectedly, his robe tightened behind his back, and the Mongolian used half of his strength to catch Lu Shu again, and then threw him back to where he was with contempt.

Lu Shu landed on his shoulders first, and his head immediately followed him. He was knocked to pieces with two bangs, and his mouth began to feel fishy and salty again.

He muttered a few curses and heard Ado's voice coming from behind him: "Who are these people? Are they thieves?"

Lu Shu turned around and rushed over, hugged A Duo and shouted repeatedly: "A Duo, are you awake?"

"Don't move! Don't move!" Ado waved his hands repeatedly: "My head and neck hurt, I'm very dizzy, and my eyes hurt, don't shake."

Lu Shu calmly let go and placed the potatoes in front of A Duo, asking him to eat some slowly to regain his strength.

A Duo's eyes were extremely bloodshot. He opened them slightly and took a potato, then closed his eyes and continued to lie there.

They were in a temporary stable built with wooden boards and animal sinews. Outside the stable, there were several Wu Lachi, also known as grooms, each holding a chicken heart iron lao and patrolling back and forth.

In addition to the two of them, there were several horses in the stable. One of the horses licked Ado and ate the potatoes in his hand.

Ado closed his eyes and still lay still.

Lu Shu looked at him, and then at the increasingly gloomy camp. After a while, he patted his forehead: "I heard Lu Wusi say that after the business of Gouluo Farm is booming, there will be frequent contacts.

The merchants were robbed by horse thieves. That’s why the outer walls of the reservoir area were raised earlier, and Yeligas was asked to add watchtowers and arrow towers outside the reservoir area. Maybe the person who captured us is a certain group of horse thieves? "

"They are not horse thieves."

A'duo still closed his eyes and shook his head: "There are not many Mongolians among the horse thieves on the edge of the grassland today. Instead, more than half of them are stragglers from the Jin Kingdom, especially the Wanggu and Khitan people... I don't seem to have listened.

When we arrived at the camp of this group, there was no sound of Wanggu or Khitan people speaking, but not a single one."

"As expected..."

Lu Shu stood up, leaned on the fence of the stable and looked out: "But they don't look like serious Mongolian tribes. Mongolian tribes on the grassland, as long as they are of some size, have maintained Han craftsmen in the past two years. Blacksmiths make weapons and fight.

Horseshoes; carpenters and tanners make tents and horse gear; there are also women who are seamstresses and can make clothes with finer craftsmanship than Mongolian women..."

"But there are no craftsmen here either."

Lu Shu nodded: "There have been no wars in the Central Plains in the past two years. Many craftsmen are trying to escape from the grassland. The Mongols from various tribes are watching them very closely. In the past, they were all detained in the camp, but now they are ordered to follow the packhorse team closely.

…The Tatar just dragged me and galloped around the camp twice, and I didn’t see a single Han craftsman.”

"That's strange. It's not horse thieves or the Mongolian tribes under Genghis Khan. What is it?"

This chapter has been completed!
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