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Chapter 868 Search (Part 2)

Genghis Khan led the Mongols to rise, but also changed the Mongols forever.

Before Genghis Khan, Mongolians lived on the grasslands for generations. They grazed, hunted, fought against natural disasters, and survived like weeds. The stars flowed, the years changed, everything never changed, and people remained the same from generation to generation. Thoughts

Simple and unsophisticated.

But after Genghis Khan brought them together into a unified army and political power, and launched large-scale conquests and plunders, the Mongols, at least the Mongolians with high enough status, understood the bigness of the world and what wealth, glory and superiority are.

of true happiness.

Their lives were very different from their ancestors, so people became more and more shrewd and cunning. When Genghis Khan failed to continue to bring victory and wealth, their loyalty became wavering.

This is the reason why Genghis Khan immediately launched a large-scale western expedition when he could not gain benefits from the war in the Central Plains.

Because without an expedition to the west, the appetites of the Mongolians would not be satisfied. Without an expedition to the west, the interests of the grasslands would not be able to accommodate the Mongolians who have opened their eyes to the world.

However, after the main force of the Mongols marches westward, will those who remain behind be safe?

The Mongolian people used to feel warm wearing smelly wool, and they used to drink milk mixed with animal feces and felt delicious. Everyone was a beast who only knew how to fight. But now they want silk, tea, and medicine.

, there are even people who love sweets. Previously, these needs were fulfilled by Yeli Yasi, so his status in various Mongolian ministries has increased significantly. Now that Belgutai wants to take over the trade with the Central Plains, is it possible to have a stalemate with Zhao Xuan?

He pondered for a long time and whispered: "Seven people in your caravan died and two people are missing. I will give you enough heads as compensation, and then arrange for capable people to search around and find your two companions.


Zhao Xuan nodded. What Belgutai meant was to hand over a few lowly Mongolians to the throne. Zhao Xuan really didn't mind this. Because he only cared about those two companions from the beginning to the end.


"We need to look for the two missing people carefully! They are the children of wealthy merchants in Zhongdu. They want to see their bodies when they are alive, and they want to see their corpses when they die!"


Belgutai didn't want to discuss any more. He puffed up his chest and stood up in an imposing manner. He took a few steps towards his horse, stepped on the stirrups, and then turned back: "In the future, this salt field

As well as the reservoir area, I am in charge... I will count the heads now and find someone for you! But you can no longer deal with other people without my permission!"

Zhao Xuan nodded again: "This is natural. Don't worry!"

He immediately left the Belgutai. He also took most of the knights who came with him away, while the remaining people galloped towards the surrounding areas of the Kurdistan Region.

On the outskirts of the reservoir area, there are some traces of old battlefields, as well as some abandoned piers and villages left by the Jin Army. In the past two years, Yeligasi has recruited many people to live here, and also arrested many tribal people as

Slaves. Among them, those with a higher status worked as laborers for merchants to carry the goods, while those with a lower status worked as coolies in making salt.

In the eyes of the businessmen, after the management of the Kurdish area changed hands, these people were naturally taken over by Belgutai, which just seamlessly connected the business affairs. However, the Golden Family maintains its rule by force, and must deter dissatisfaction at any time.

Obviously different from Haner.

At this moment, the village was filled with fire and smoke, and the people hiding inside were also found. They were driven to the beach one by one, and then checked one by one. After making sure that they were not members of the fleeing caravan, the men were dragged out and chopped

Head, only women and some children can survive.

The Mongols' methods of searching for missing persons were not so explosive. What Zhao Xuan was most concerned about was not the seven people who died in the caravan. Belgutai chopped off seven heads at random, and the matter was over.

I never thought that Belgutai would feel aggrieved after all, and he would vent his anger whenever he got the chance. He was afraid that he would not be able to give away three or four hundred heads.

When the Mongols kill people, they are similar to how they kill livestock. The movements are very skillful and effortless. They just press the person they want to kill on the ground and stab the person in the neck with a meat-cutting knife.

The blade of the knife easily penetrated deep into the muscle, cutting off the major blood vessels. When it was pulled out, blood poured out like a fountain. The person who was stabbed first twitched violently, soon suffocated, and finally froze to death. Number of people detained on the beach

There were many of them, and they didn't resist. They just watched indifferently one by one. They were driven forward and killed one by one, and their heads fell into the white salt fields.

Zhao Xuan watched them squeezing forward, and used the firelight to identify their faces. After confirming that they were not Lu Shu or A Duo, he nodded slightly. After nodding, the Mongols immediately killed them, and some people

He was not from Han. The Mongols didn't bother to wait for Zhao Xuan's confirmation and killed him directly.

This operation was repeated over and over again, and Zhao Xuan stared at it for half the night.

He suddenly felt that the many tribes on the grassland were not one. In the eyes of the Han people, it seemed that all the grassland people were tigers and wolves running rampant in the Central Plains. In fact, there were many poor people among them, and they were just raised to eat meat.

Just cattle and sheep.

It was not until daybreak that the smell of blood on the beach filled his nostrils, almost overwhelming the smoke from the burning warehouses in the reservoir area. The corpses on the beach were lined up for more than a hundred steps, and Zhao Xuan inspected them one by one, his eyes sore from staring.


Several merchants boldly went out, and when they saw this situation, they suddenly gasped.

Zhao Xuan glanced at them and said calmly: "They killed our people, so they have to use these heads to pay for it."

"But... isn't this too much killing?" the merchants trembled.

Zhao Xuan shook his head and said nothing more.

To ordinary people, this ferocious nation that regards itself as a beast and the lives of others as nothing but grass is almost like a nightmare.

When the northern border trench defense collapsed, the Mongolian army marched into the Central Plains, killing and destroying wherever they went. Their ferocity was far greater than when the Khitans took over Youyun, and their desire to conquer was far greater than when the Jurchens took over the Central Plains, so they almost

All the Han'er felt that it would be another conquest of the Han'er by the barbarian people, and no one could stop it.

It's a pity that the situation is different now. For Zhao Xuan, this kind of killing scene is not enough to deter him. Even the ferocity of the Mongols itself is actually just that.

Among the generals of the Great Zhou Dynasty, Zhao Xuan was not considered to have outstanding military exploits. However, the two marshals Luo Monk and Qiu Huiluo valued him very much because he had been responsible for army logistics for a long time. After Guo Ning established the military household shadow household system

, and is very keen on the implementation and improvement of the system.

In Zhao Xuan's view, the reason why the Mongolian army is strong is because every Mongolian has been grazing and hunting since childhood. It is equivalent to practicing fighting since birth, and it took more than ten years to create himself into a natural warrior. But the killing field

There are only a few skills that can be learned over and over again. This is not an insurmountable gap. A Han'er soldier who has been working hard for two or three years while out of work is only about the same difference. Not to mention that he still occupies the equipment.

Huge advantage, and horses are not lacking either.

At this time, the main force of the Mongolian army is not in the grassland. If the Zhou Dynasty wants to massacre, it can send troops northward to kill people at any time. These Mongol slaves who are being killed in front of them may not be qualified to fight with the Zhou army, and they will be drafted directly.

To accompany the soldiers and civilians.

In this case, how could the Mongols scare Zhao Xuan if they killed these people to relieve their anger?

He watched the whole process, but he was worried that the Mongols would kill Lu Shu and Aduo who were mixed in the crowd. At this moment, he saw that there were no living people on the beach, and the surrounding ruins and grass that could hide people were all destroyed.

The Mongolian thought it over, and he became more and more anxious, but he could not show it in any way.

Under Belgutai's command, the Mongolian knight with a scar on his face stepped over the corpse, glanced indifferently at the women who were cowering and kneeling at the edge of the beach, and said to Zhao Xuan indifferently: "You should be compensated.

I have compensated you. I have also looked for the person you are looking for, but I haven’t seen it.”

Zhao Xuan took a long breath and waved his hand: "Forget it then."

The Mongolian knight was really suspicious before, thinking that the two missing people were important characters. He looked at Zhao Xuan for a long time, and when he saw that Zhao Xuan was speechless, he felt vaguely frustrated, so he got on his horse and left.

However, in the final analysis, the Mongolians are still careless in what they do.

They did not notice that more than 20 people and many horses were missing from the caravan where Zhao Xuan was. These people were nominally the guards hired by the caravan. If they were around, Zhao Xuan would be able to face the Mongolian gold

The family's large cavalry team will also be more confident, but they have stopped showing up since yesterday evening. Including several elite players around Zhao Xuan himself, they have long since disappeared.

When the sky was dimming, Lu Wusi led more than 20 cavalrymen and walked slowly among the meadows. When Lu Wusi stopped, the cavalrymen also saw the Tatar camp.

The camp is located deep in a remote wilderness, with clear rivers meandering nearby, and white clouds floating in the sky from time to time. The wind is strong, and it makes people feel comfortable when it blows on them.

When the wind blew and the grass was low, the cavalry also noticed that there were no sheep in the camp. The camp was very small, and there seemed to be no women or children. The entire camp had only a hundred or so people at most, very lazy... This was simply above their own heads.

There are four words written on it: "The origin is not right".

"It was them who robbed people!" Lu Wusi said with certainty: "They took people away from the salt marsh and walked two sections along the muddy lake, so after we saw the footprints in the swamp, we lost track of them.

Fortunately, they arranged to pick up the cavalry at Maowunaoer, east of Gouluo, so I can't hide this!"

Speaking of this, Lu Wusi's face turned a little dark and became more and more gloomy.

He came from a humble background and felt that he was as worthless as a piece of grass. After he killed a thousand Mongolians out of anger, Zhao Xuan and Ge Qingshu said they would promote him, but he still didn't know the value of this promotion. A few years later,

Only after he has experienced a lot does he know what kind of glory and wealth it represents.

Such wealth was all due to Da Zhou, but Da Zhou's noble relatives disappeared under his nose!

Different from Zhao Xuan's anxiety, this situation made Lu Wusi feel extremely humiliated.

This feeling of being humiliated made him very unhappy, so when he stared at the Tatar camp, he felt a strong sense of violence. This is something only people who have lived under great pressure for a long time and often kill people can have.

the breath.

It sounds a bit mysterious, but the soldiers around me are all familiar with it, because the masters who kill without blinking an eye in the army more or less have this kind of aura, but it's just not as intense as Lu Wusi showed.

The few guards around Zhao Xuan had all fought with Monk Luo. I thought that in terms of finding traces, there would be no one better than Monk Luo in the world, but I never thought that there would be someone like Lu Wusi who relied on the moonlight in the middle of the night.

If you use color, you can chase dozens of characters for hundreds of miles in one go.

At that moment, someone asked in awe: "Then what should we do next?"

"You go, kill anyone with two legs on sight, just bring back Lu Shu and A Duo..."

Some people still have some doubts about Lu Wusi's tracking ability: "What if Lu Shu and A Duo are not here?"

"Even if we are not here, we still have nothing to do with them."

Lu Wusi pulled out two knives from behind his back and scratched each other with the blades, making a hoarse and harsh sound. He said seriously: "If you can't find anyone, bring their leader and I will interrogate them."


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