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Chapter 869 Search (Part 2)

Chapter 869 of The First Drum of the Jade Account. Searching for more than twenty riders on the grassland is not a force. These people followed Zhao Xuan northward just for basic protection. It can even be said that they are necessary for the defense of Jinshan.

Guard of honor. Zhao Xuan also told them in advance that they should not worry about anything else and pay more attention to Lu Shu who was hiding in the caravan.

As a result, Belgutai used elite cavalry directly under the Golden Family to forcibly control the reservoir area. These people did not dare to make the slightest move. Who would have thought that after being distracted for a moment, Lu Shu would disappear immediately?

Although it is indeed difficult for Lu Shu to take care of the white dragon fish suit, these twenty or so people have also been extremely derelict in their duties.

The soldiers of the Great Zhou Dynasty are treated extremely well, and accordingly, the military laws are also very strict. If such a bad thing happens this time, if Lu Shu cannot be recovered in full, the whole group will be severely punished after they return.

My head is not stable either.

For these experienced warriors, death in battle is nothing more than that. After so many years of blood boiling, they no longer care.

In the past few years, Guo Ning has been instilling this concept in the army: a good man kills the enemy and performs meritorious service, and his body is wrapped in horse leather. After death, his soul returns to the Martyrs' Shrine and is worshiped by the world. His heroic name is praised by all people.

In addition, we should provide care for our families and never let down the heroes who died in the war. From another perspective, if a man died under military law instead of on the battlefield, it would be recognized as a great shame and humiliation.

Losing one's head is not the most worrying thing. What the knights are most worried about is that if the family is deprived of their status as a military household after losing one's head... wouldn't that bring harm to the family for several lifetimes?

Thinking of this outcome, everyone's heart felt like an evil fire was burning. Hearing Lu Wusi's words, everyone couldn't hold back immediately.

"Okay! In that case, let's rush back and quickly find our little father-in-law!"

The cavalry didn't say anything more, and each put on their armor. They were all wearing light armor that was easy to finish. They finished arranging in a moment, drew their horses with their backhands, and moved forward with their bows and arrows.

More than twenty cavalry suddenly stood out and were immediately discovered by the Tatar people in the camp.

Whistles came and went inside and outside the camp. Some people rushed to their horses, while others turned back to their tents to get weapons. These Tatars dared to act mischievously under the eyes of the Mongols. They were very courageous. As shepherds who grew up on horseback,

Daily life is inseparable from war and fighting. Even when you are relaxed, you can quickly enter a fighting state.

But a group of them who are particularly good at riding and shooting angrily chased the two escapees last night, and only now are they turning back one after another. The remaining people are facing the well-trained knights of the Zhou army.

Totally difficult to deal with.

Based on instinct, hundreds of Tatars quickly gathered together, but their queue was very confusing. Some were not equipped with saddles, some were holding bows but did not know where the quivers were, and some were wielding meat-picking knives.

Twice, and finally bent down to pick up a wooden stick from the ground. Several leaders-looking men waved their arms and shouted to the well-equipped men to urge their horses to the front.

At this time, the Zhou army cavalry who rushed out of the meadow immediately gathered their ranks upon seeing this.

After the Great Zhou Dynasty took control of Jinshan Province and reestablished the three major recruiting divisions in the north, the exploration of the grassland never stopped. On the one hand, trade with the grassland was encouraged everywhere. On the other hand, the merchants who entered the grassland suffered a little loss.

Some cavalry immediately retaliated.

Qiu Huiluo, Han Xuan, Zhao Jue and other marshal's elite cavalrymen all had the experience of going deep into the grassland in turns, raiding the pasture of a small tribe, and killing or capturing the tribal leader. Jinshan where Zhao Xuan was located was a business place

The central area of ​​​​the city is also the main force holding swords to defend business rules. This kind of assault by small groups has been practiced very well.

They found that the Tatar people were more chaotic than expected. They also felt that the enemy's formation was disorganized and full of flaws. They immediately tied up the loose formation and prepared to forcefully attack and defeat the enemy with one blow.

The cavalry leader urged his horse while shouting: "Scatter them and arrest them immediately for questioning! Find the young master first!"

As the distance between the two sides quickly approached, there was a dull trembling sound from the bowstring. The arrows landed on the ground in front, rear, left and right of the Zhou army's cavalry, and a clump of reeds seemed to appear from time to time.

But the cavalry didn't care about these arrows at all.

They did not wear heavy armor and could not confront the main force of the Mongolian cavalry, but the light armor they wore was enough to deal with the Tatars' flimsy cavalry bows; not to mention that most of the arrows shot by the Tatars were

Bones. Unless you are unlucky enough to be shot directly in the face, there is no lethality at all.

There were more than 20 cavalrymen, carrying a total of more than a dozen arrows. Some people grunted, but no one fell off the horse or was shot to death. On the contrary, the cavalry bows in their hands were all high-quality, and they shot down several Tatars.


The cavalry were getting closer and closer to the camp. The leader of the cavalry took the lead in putting away his bow and drawing his straight sword. At this moment, he saw huge fear in the eyes of the enemy...

To be honest, the grassland peoples are more ferocious than ordinary men, and they are used to seeing cavalry charges, so they rarely show such fear.

Are these twenty people like me so intimidating? The leader of the cavalry suddenly felt a little suspicious.

In the moment before urging the horse to accelerate, he subconsciously turned his head, looked at his companions on the left and right and behind him, and then reined in the horse with all his strength.

Seeing his actions, his companions reined in their horses at the same time. Someone asked sharply: "What's wrong? What happened?"

Then everyone turned back together.

Behind them, more cavalry, nearly a thousand cavalry, came like a torrent. Their dirty furs, gray and strong horses, and weapons as messy as overgrown shrubs gathered together like a turbid flood.

There was so much noise and commotion that even the clear sky seemed to be obscured by this noisy scene.

"Damn it, this is the Mongols' five-shot crowd. Are the Mongols going to fight us?" a cavalryman asked angrily.

Another cavalryman responded: "That's fine. It's not unfair to die on the battlefield."

Others were shocked and angry: "Our defense envoy is still in the market! What if his old man..."

At this time, Lu Wusi was panting and urging his horse to arrive, shouting: "Don't panic, they are here to kill the Tatar people! They are Yeli Yasi's subordinates!"


Several cavalrymen were confused: "Ye Li Yasi, is this guy so flattering?"

Yeli Yasi has been doing business with Da Zhou before and is considered a very reliable collaborator on the grassland. But no one expects him to give Da Zhou any support in terms of force. Both parties understand that business is business and nothing will change.

The political and military confrontation between the two families, at the end of Genghis Khan's Western Expedition, was the time when the two families were fighting each other to the death.

But at this moment, Yeli Yasi's troops actually traveled nearly a hundred miles to help in the pursuit?

Even the several Mongolian tribes near Jinshan who had long been attached to the Zhou Dynasty were not so active in doing things. Why did Yeli Yasi get so crazy that he came to do this?

When the cavalry were at a loss, the Mongols roared past them and rushed towards the Tatar camp and queue. The cavalry captain reacted at this time and shouted: "Follow! Follow! The troops are in chaos.

Yes, don’t let them accidentally hurt our people!”

Hearing this shout, everyone, including Lu Wusi, urged their horses again and rushed forward with the Mongols.

Li Xu and Li Yasi looked at them and touched their foreheads with some thankfulness.

There are some things that the Zhou cavalry cannot understand for a while, and it is best never to understand them, but Yeli Yasi understands them.

Yesterday afternoon, Yeli Yasi's concubine Li Zuoming was crying and fussing, rolling all over the tent. At one moment he threatened to wipe his neck and hang himself, and at another he scratched Yeli Yasi's face with bloodstains on it. Yeli Yasi waved his hands to defecate at first.

After fighting and making a fuss until the end, he finally figured out the whole thing:

The Zhou army's cavalry were clearly following an important figure, and the only black hands who were responsible for arresting people and kidnapping people around the Gouluo salt field from time to time, bringing some special benefits to Yeliyasi, were the Tatar tribe.

The reason why this Tatar tribe can often do this is because they themselves are Yeligasi's collaborators, or in other words, they are Yeligasi's dogs.

Yeli Yasi has already suffered a big loss at the hands of Belgutai and lost the financial resources that he had made in the past two years. If he offends the Han people again because of this kind of thing, he will have no hope for the rest of his life.


Best of all, he is just a Qianhu driven by Genghis Khan to charge into battle, nothing more.

Although he has always entrusted his business to his concubine Li Zuoming, he is not a fool, and he will figure it out after all. So there is a trade-off that cannot be circumvented no matter what:

Would it be possible to gain more from being an enemy of the Great Zhou than from being a friend of the Great Zhou?

After weighing it and looking at the situation he faced, Yeli Yasi came up with some new ideas.

This business was originally done in secret, and Yeli Yasi was a little guilty and did not dare to leak it to the public. But Belgutai came to such a trick, and everyone got into the water together, and they also planned to take advantage of the Han merchants.

Get the benefits, don't tell anyone.

The problem is, it’s not enough that Belgutai robbed financial resources, he also killed so many people! Even if he is a member of the Golden Family, even if Genghis Khan comes back, I still have to defend myself against this!

Even if Genghis Khan cannot come back for a while, I still have to fight for my own interests!

Yeli Yasi touched the bloody stains on his face again, and whispered to a householder next to him: "You keep an eye on it personally. After we enter the camp, we will immediately kill all the Tatar people who know the inside story. Then, find a way.

Find the missing Han'er. We need this person alive and use this person to show goodwill! We want Han'er to know that there are not only wolves with ulterior motives on the grassland, but also good friends who are loyal and kind!"

"Yes!" Baihu turned his horse forward.

Ye Li Ya thought for a while, and then said to another hundred households: "You don't have to wait here, take people and run around immediately to spread the news... Just say that a noble man in Han'er has disappeared in the grassland, and I also said to Li Ya

I want to lead people everywhere to track, rescue, and offer rewards, so we must ensure the safety of this Han'er friend!"

"Yes!" Another hundred households waved their whips repeatedly and led people away.

A few days later, a news spread throughout the eastern part of the grassland, saying that a young nobleman from the Great Zhou Kingdom came to the grassland with a caravan. As a result, Belgutai Nayan made trouble on the way and disappeared. The revenge of the Great Zhou Dynasty was imminent, and Yeli Ya

Si Qianhu was trying his best to find this noble man, and promised everyone that as long as the noble man was brought to him safely, he was willing to reward fifty good horses and a thousand sheep.

This chapter has been completed!
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