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Chapter 872 Restlessness (Part 2)

Chapter 872 Restlessness (Part 2)

Kumbha's youngest son, Tamir, was grazing Centurion's pony beside the camp with other children. When he saw his father returning, he hurried over.

This child has been smart since he was a child, and Kunbuha loves him very much. In the past two days, when Tamir helped the centurion to mount his horse, he accidentally got the centurion's robe and feet stained with mud, and he was whipped for a while.

, now the bare back was covered with blood stains and whip marks, and a piece of skin was even lifted off by the riding crop. Kunbuha rushed to protect his child, but also received several whips.

Because of this, Tamir was frightened and cowered a little. He also curled up in front of his father and hid at the door, like a frightened squirrel who saw everyone as a terrible natural enemy.

"You didn't tell anyone what we saw that day, right?" Kunbuha asked.

His voice was already very gentle, but Tamir was still surprised and kept saying: "No! No!"

"That's good! You follow me, together..."

Having said this, Kunbuha suddenly changed his mind: "No, you should stay here and wait for my return with peace of mind!"

After coming out of the tent, Kunbuha quickly arrived at Abul's tent.

Abel was holding a wine skin and lying among the piles of skins, completely drunk.

Genghis Khan hated the spread of alcohol in the army. He issued orders to abstain from alcohol more than once, saying that drunk people would become blind, deaf and mute. He also required alcoholics not to hold military positions above ten captains. But the Mongolians were born

There is no way to change the addiction to alcohol. In the past two years, ordinary Mongolians not only enjoy the original kumiss, but also like to exchange any money and materials they have for good wine to drink.

Kunbuha smiled bitterly and remembered that because his youngest son made a mistake, Abul conveyed the centurion's intention and fined Kunbuha a sheep. But the centurion himself soon forgot about it, so Abul used the penalty

The sheep came and exchanged it with the centurion for a large bag of wine, which is what he drinks now.

Kunbuha bent down low and shouted several times in a long voice.

After a while, Abul squinted his eyes and recognized Kunbuha's skinny figure wrapped in fur.

At that time, he was one line away from the Centurion, and the strength of his troops was no worse than that of Naminfu. However, since his arm was broken, most of the old troops defected to Naminfu and followed him on the Western Expedition.

The new centurion looked down on a useless person like him. Except for a few old cronies, the people assigned to him were all old, weak, sick and disabled, who were not worthy of a useless person like him. Among these people, Kunbuha was barely a decent person.

With a wink, I can do something for him.

At that moment, Abel shouted in a rough voice: "You old guy, why did you come to me?"

"There is important news that has spread all over the grassland these days. Do you know?"

Abel sneered: "How could I not know? Two captains offered a reward for a missing man..."

At this point, his eyes suddenly widened: "Why are you bringing this up?"

Kunbuha laughed twice: "About this matter... I have a clue."

Abel sat up straighter: "What clue?"

"I've seen that man! I've seen the man for whom a bounty was placed!"

"Huh?" Abel jumped up, the drunkenness disappeared from his face, and stared at Kunbuha with bloodshot eyes: "Say it again!"

"I've seen that guy!"

Kunbuha lowered his voice and spoke every word: "Four nights ago, I was collecting limonium in the saline-alkali land in the north. I saw two Han boys rushing their horses to run away, followed by nearly a hundred Tatar people in hot pursuit. Then

The two teenagers are very familiar with the road, and the Tatar people chased them, but they kept being thrown away!"

Abel pondered for a long time: "How do you know those two? Belgutai and Yeliyasi only said that they were nobles in Han'er's caravan, but did not say their specific appearance, nor did they say they were two young men!


"Captain Ten, who is behind those Tatar people? How can they hide it from us? In the past few days, Yeligasi sent cavalry back and forth to sweep them, just to find someone! He should be in the hands of the Tatar people.

, but not found... Do you think it's because these two people escaped early and got rid of the pursuing Tatar people? "

"Are you sure the Tatars didn't catch them?"

"That night I waited in the weeds for half the night, and watched with my own eyes those Tatar people who were extremely frustrated and scattered back the way they came... If they were caught, this would not be the case!"

Abel sneered continuously: "North of Galibo, there are endless grasslands and deserts. The two men fled there, like hares running on the grasslands, sparrows flying in the clouds... The Tatar people couldn't find them.

How can we find it?"

"We can find it! Because I know where those two men are going. I heard them riding by!"

Abel jumped to his feet, first looked to see if there was anyone outside the tent, and then turned back: "I forgot, you understand Han'er's words... what did they say?"

"They said that they relied on familiar roads to escape this time, but no matter how far they were, they didn't know them; so they had no choice but to go to Usha Castle to escape!"

Abel's eyes rolled around, and after a while he leaned over and asked again: "Those Tatar people, after chasing Han'er all night, at least know the direction of Han'er's escape, why don't they bring this news to them and make some profit?"


"Captain Ten, Yeli Yasi wiped out their entire tribe. Now that the two families are enemies, how can they talk about it? As for Belgutai, he is the brother of the Great Khan and a nobleman of the Golden Family! These

Even if the Tatar people want to report, they still have to be able to do so..."

Abel's eyes became increasingly red: "Then you would be willing to tell me?"

This look made Kunbuha a little scared. He buried his head in his hands, with the back of his hands close to the ground, and replied: "Captain, I know this, so what can I do? I am old, even the crotch

I don’t have the strength to kill a goat, let alone a green lamb hiding in the mountains?”

He turned his face, looked at Abel, smiled, and made a gesture with his hand: "Captain Ten, if we find that Han'er, no matter which Qianhu, no matter how much they give, it will be yours; I only need

Just a little, a little will do! Five horses and fifty sheep, just for my son!"

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Abul was smiling, and Kunbuha said: "However, every time someone walks on the road, there will be traces left. Yeli Yasi Qianhu must still be chasing the remaining Tatar people. In these days or two, as long as one is caught

Two of them will know where Han'er has escaped!"

Abel casually grabbed the short knife, inserted it into his belt, then opened the felt tent and went out, shouting to several of his close subordinates: "We have something to do! Bring your horses and bows and arrows!"

Old herdsmen like Kunbuha have a better understanding of the terrain based on decades of continuous accumulation, and are indeed better than ordinary Mongolians. He led Abul and his companions through meadows and salt-alkali land, full of confidence along the way.

, because he has walked through this barren slope and swamp more than once.

Sometimes he stopped to check the traces on the ground, or climbed to a high place to take a look, and then continued to urge his horse on. In his eyes, the faint traces never stopped, and they always pointed to the mountain in the distance.

It was a fortress heavily garrisoned by the Jin Kingdom in those days.

Both he and Abel knew that there were no secrets on the grassland, so they had to act quickly... Maybe at this time, someone else had gotten wind of the news and started to turn their attention to Usha Castle.

Just as Kunbuha thought, there are many people with a keen sense of smell on the grasslands. There are even such people in the Central Plains.

For example, at this moment, Zhao Xuan was kneeling on one knee, covered in sweat.

Seeing the sweat drops crackling on the dry land and making no less than a dozen marks, he made up his mind, bowed his head and said: "Probably near Wusha Castle... The young master is most familiar with that place. Now that he is in danger,

Nine times out of ten, we will avoid there."

"Usha Castle?"

Guo Ning put up a pergola with his hands and looked north.

It was noon, and a wind howled from the west, stirring up sand and dust at every turn, making his vision dim. Guo Ning raised his eyes and looked for a long time, only to see the vast sky and the dozens of military flags fluttering nearby.


"Usha Castle..." He chanted the name loudly, but said no other words.


This chapter has been completed!
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