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Chapter 88 Tiger Thief (Part 2)

A few days later.

To the west of Pinglu Village, close to an abandoned delivery shop in Raoyang County, Shenzhou.

A large-scale material convoy has been staying here for three days. The soldiers guarding the convoy were all recruits in shabby clothes and lacked training. They were obviously a little agitated at the moment. They fell to the ground and scattered. Sitting everywhere, throwing their own weapons and khaki military flags everywhere.

Some people complained that there was no place to take a good rest in the wilderness. Then the officer came over and scolded them, and the two parties became noisy.

Wearing casual clothes and dressed like a middle-aged wealthy businessman, Wanyan walked out from behind a row of large cars from Jiazheng.

He looked at the noisy scene coldly and walked slowly to the other end of the road.

Hejian Prefecture is a prosperous place, with a household registration of more than 30,000, and it also produces fish, shrimps, crabs and other aquatic products. It would not have been so remote in the first place. Wanyan Congjia remembered that after the water transport of the Hutuo River flourished, Anzhou's textile industry also continued to move southward. , there are only five Lingjin Courtyards in the world under the supervision of Shaofu, one of which is in the river. There are thousands of workers and embroidery workers in the courtyard, and the damasks and silk produced in the courtyard are sold in the Southern Song Dynasty.

The last time he passed through Hejian Prefecture, he saw that the peace had been long and the people were prosperous. The fierce men who moved here were also diligent in farming and settled down in their homes. On both sides of the road, there were waves of wheat and rice. The categories are endless, and you can know the mulberry, mulberry, hemp, wheat, sheep, hog, pheasant and rabbit without asking.

How many years ago was that? It should be the first year of Da'an when Yongji became emperor and Wanyan was promoted to king from Jiajin.

It's only been five years from now.

In just five years, Madage had been the emperor for twenty years, and the results of twenty years of management were ruined by the idiot Wanyan Yongji who wanted to cross the Liao and Song Dynasties and imitate the governance of the Han and Tang Dynasties!

It was already July, and there should have been scenes of prosperous crops and farmers working hard in the fields around the road. But when Wanyan Congjia looked around, he only saw deserted fields that were cracked due to drought and covered with thatch and thorns. .The buildings that used to be restaurants and shops along the road only have broken walls, no smoke, and no people.

There are no living people, but there are dead people.

Right under Wanyan Congjia's eyes, a skinny skeleton was lying in the grass. It had a big belly and no one knew what it had eaten, which turned it into such a miserable appearance.

This place must not have been plundered by the Mongols, so why is it so desolate? If all the Han people fled and starved to death, what could the Jurchens eat on this land?

Wanyan looked far away from Jiazai and saw the setting sun sinking into the gloomy sky, with the dim red light slowly disappearing behind the black clouds.

He asked: "Is the road still open?"

Wearing armor and a strong physique, Wuyan Weike, the captain of the guard, said in a low voice: "The group of thieves from the direction of Suning County are very tough. After they captured Pinglu Village, they went south and north and captured several villages in a row. At the military fort. I heard that Hejian Prefecture sent troops to conquer and was defeated by them. Zhang Wei is contacting the armies in Xianzhou and Anzhou, asking them to send troops to support as soon as possible, otherwise, we really dare not advance rashly."

Wanyan Congjia sneered repeatedly.

God knows where these strong thieves come from. Although this person is despicable and deserves to be killed, Zhang Wei is not necessarily reliable. This guy is famous for his utilitarianism and lack of integrity. His popularity among officials is very bad. He We are stuck in a dilemma halfway. The governors of Xianzhou and Anzhou can only laugh at the jokes, so where can we get support?

Wait, no, Anju?

Wanyan Congjia broke out in a cold sweat and said sternly: "Go and tell Zhang Wei not to disturb Anzhou! That disciple Shanhang in Anzhou was the deputy envoy of the Internal Affairs Bureau when he was still called disciple Zhangseng.

, he recognizes me and he recognizes you!"

Wu Yanweike was stunned: "Your Majesty, that Tu Shanhang is Tu Shanyi's nephew, and Tu Shanyi had some dealings with us before...? Now the king will take action, and it is just right for Tu Shanhang to contact us.


"Stupid!" Wanyan Congjia lowered his voice and cursed: "Wanyan Gang's power is all in the army. It can be used before the matter is accomplished. After the matter is accomplished, a piece of imperial edict can take away his military power. But Shan Yi is just the opposite.

, that old man is secretly cultivating party members in the court, and the old officials are all over the world. He just wants to put an obedient dog on the throne so that everyone in Dajin will be at his mercy! Therefore, until the matter is completed, not only can we not count on him

, you have to be careful! Go tell Zhang Wei immediately and don’t disturb Anzhou!”

Having said this, he walked back and forth hurriedly twice, and veins appeared on his thin face: "No, don't say these words in front of Zhang Wei! Just say, the autumn is high and the horse is fat, the Mongols can go south at any time, don't

Use these trivial things to alarm Mr. Tudan and even affect the court affairs... No, no, this won't work either, you go and ask Zhang Wei to come, I'll tell him directly!"

In an instant, his thoughts changed two or three times. Wuyan Weike seemed to have gotten used to it, and he bowed and waited until Wanyan Congjia made up his mind, then turned around and ran away.

Wanyan Congjia came back to her senses and breathed calmly, trying to soften her somewhat ferocious face so that she could maintain her usual gentle and friendly attitude in front of Zhang Wei. As a result, when she lowered her head, she saw the starving corpse in the grass again.

, looking at himself with a strange expression on his face.

He flew up and kicked the hungry corpse away, and he staggered a few steps.

When autumn comes, the Mongols will definitely attack, the front line will be fought hard, and the court will be in chaos.

At this time, Wanyan Yongji's stupidity and cowardice are the most hated! The courtiers can tolerate his stupidity for one or two years, but they will never tolerate the third year. Therefore, once the Mongols go south this time, they will

I have been waiting for the best opportunity for a long time. With the tacit understanding of several forces, I will be able to win over this idiot Wanyan Yongji and return the Kingdom of Jin to its true master!

According to Wanyan Gang's arrangement, once the Mongols move south, he will start the campaign in Zhongdu. And only by being in Zhongdu can I win over the people who need to be won over in advance, protect my authority as the emperor, and be able to mobilize at the critical moment.

Always show up in time! Can't delay here, must return to Zhongdu as soon as possible!

He asked subconsciously: "Do you think Wanyan Gang's arrangement is really reliable?"

Wuyan Weike had just left, and the other servants bowed their heads deeply, and no one dared to answer.

At the same time, Juyongguan, North Exit.

A few days ago, the Mongolian army used a strategy to lure the enemy into Xuandezhou and Dexing Prefecture, and then stormed Jinshan. The solid defense line prepared by Wanyan Gang and Shuhu Gaoqi for a whole year was ineffective, and the sky collapsed for the 200,000-strong army.

The ground seemed to collapse violently.

Fortunately, Juyong Pass was still there, and tens of thousands of defeated troops rushed into the city to defend the city.

The Mongolian army followed closely and attacked day and night.

The offensive at this time was far more fierce than last year and the year before that. Because the Mongols have become more powerful. In the past two years, they have obtained a large number of servants from the tribes in northern Xinjiang, and they have also obtained the ability to build ladders and flying towers.

and other siege equipment capabilities.

In the past three days, the Mongolian army used its own elite to supervise the battle, driving the servant tribes to attack for four to five hours every day. At the bottom of the slope below Guancheng, the corpses of enemy and friendly soldiers were piled up in several layers, and blood was also layered on the ground.

The solidification of the layers changes from bright red to dark red, and from dark red to black, attracting mosquitoes and flies like dark clouds to circle and dance.

The buildings at the top of the city were smashed to pieces by the stones thrown by the Mongolian army's trebuchets. Many soldiers were hit by the boulders and their bodies were shattered. Most of the stones were pushed down again by the defending soldiers, but the deceased's broken arm

Stumped limbs, even broken internal organs, and ribs were left scattered on the ground or in the corners, like an overturned butcher shop.

The weather was too hot, and swarms of maggots were writhing and crawling out of the flesh, making it even more disgusting.

Shuhu Gaoqi stood at the top of the city holding a long sword. In front of him was another group of Mongolian servants coming in like a tide, while the main Mongolian army, covered by dark clouds in the distance, remained motionless.

He looked back and saw that the city was devastated, and the soldiers running back and forth were all frightened and frightened.

Shuhu Gaoqi was a famous general who repeatedly defeated the Song army and was known as General Pingnan Huwei. In the eyes of others, this situation might make him shake, but there was no look of fear on his face. Everyone died on the left and right.

These are Khitans and Bohai people. What should we feel sorry for? On the battlefield, human life is just a number.

He said in a deep voice: "Don't worry, Zuo Cheng, there is nothing to fear if the Mongols fight this stupid war with us! We can withstand it!"

Wan Yan Gang is Shu Hu Gao Qi's old boss, so there is no need to be polite between the two.

At that moment, Wanyan Gang nodded: "Then you can bear it! I'll go back to Zhongdu!"

He touched his waist knife and said confidently: "Although the previous battles have failed, as long as Juyongguan is in hand, the situation will not be overturned... On the contrary, if the news of the defeat spreads to Zhongdu, it will definitely cause chaos. That is our good idea.

Opportunity! When the major events in the capital are decided, I will lead the emperor to personally conquer the Central Plains, and the people from Guan and Shaanxi will come here to fight Temujin decisively!"

Shuhu Gaoqi solemnly performed a military salute: "Don't worry, Zuo Cheng, although the field battle failed, I have strong troops to occupy Xiongguan, so there is no reason for failure."

To the west of Juyong Pass, a yellow sheep ran for three days and three nights.

Genghis Khan held his knees and took a few breaths. If he rode a horse, he could run hundreds of miles in a day, but if he climbed the mountain on two legs, it would be a bit hard. However, this kind of hard work feels like

After chasing for hundreds of miles, the hunter on the grassland finally approaches the prey, exhausted but happy.

Thinking that he would soon be chasing enemies everywhere, plundering their property, and listening to their wives and children crying loudly, even this fatigue disappeared.

"What's the name of the mountain to the west?" he asked.

Genghis Khan's close servant, Huiren Zhabal Huozhe, replied: "That's the Wuhuiling Pass. Go over the pass and go west, and the road leads to Datong Prefecture, which we attacked last year."

Genghis Khan frowned: "Let Muhuali lead the people to occupy this pass. The remaining tribes, each thousands of Nayanmen, divided their troops into three groups according to the previous instructions. Shuchi, Chagatai, and Ogedai will be my right wing.

, go all the way south along the mountains. Hasar and Ochen Nayan will be my left wing, and go all the way east to the Zhongdu City. I will bring the tow mines and sweep the Central Plains with the Chinese army!"


This chapter has been completed!
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