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Chapter 884: Loyalty (Part 2)

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It was a bit unexpected that a mere general stationed at a border fort would dare to ask about military and national affairs like this.

But Guo Ning only chuckled: "Old Tian, ​​you are very eager to fight."

He looked at the people around him, beckoned the generals to come closer, lowered his voice, and said slightly reproachfully: "You guys, are you too eager to make meritorious deeds, and only want to fight in your head? Things on the battlefield are just shaking.

Is it majestic?"

The troops stationed in northern Xinjiang not only need to be brave and capable, but the first and most important thing is actually loyalty. For the forts everywhere, especially those with important strategic positions, the forts that will be the first to lead the army, and the responsible garrison generals are

An old man from the navy.

For example, in the Jinlianchuan Fort to the east, the defense envoy actually responsible for military affairs was Zhang Shao, the fourth prince of Mongolia who was dragging mines with an arrow from the defeated troops of Yehuling.

The general stationed at Badger's Mouth did not have a high official position, but he talked and laughed with Guo Ning and Qiu Huiluo freely. Of course, he was also a veteran. His surname was Tian, ​​and his name was Tian Xiong. He was Guo Ning's earliest

Liu Ran, who was born as a bodyguard and is now a judge of the Nanjing Road Military and Horse Capital, was under his command when he first joined the Dinghai Navy.

However, having an old relationship with Guo Ning does not mean that he will surely rise to the top. To stand out in a chaotic situation, you need connections, but also talent and luck. Tian Xiong lacks some luck.

He had not made any meritorious service in several consecutive battles before. No matter how many acquaintances he had in the army, he could not be promoted. Later, he was involved in a lawsuit and was implicated. Therefore, after several years of delay, he still remained at the position of the capital general.

in position.

But such a figure is at least absolutely reliable in northern Xinjiang. His experience is enough to ensure that the Zhou Dynasty's ears and eyes are clear on the grassland.

Hearing what Guo Ning said, Tian Xiong grinned and sighed:

"Your Majesty, there are winners and losers in wars. My talents are limited and I may not win every time. So if I am timid, I will not seek war frivolously."

He glanced at Qiu Huiluo: "Shuai Qiu put me here, and he didn't want me to rush to fight."

Huiluo nodded when he saw his enemy, and Tian Xiong continued: "It's just that in the early years, I was a Bianpu soldier here in Badgerzui. My whole family was killed by the Mongolian army that went south, so for more than ten years, I was filled with anger and thought about it day and night.

Revenge, even now, I have married a wife, had children, and settled down in Shandong, but I still can’t let go of the hatred in my heart. Over the years, the imperial court has gradually penetrated northward with swords and money, which makes me more and more hopeful. I always feel that

One year I will be able to march into the grasslands and kill my enemies with my own hands to eliminate the strongholds in my heart."

Guo Ning nodded slowly: "I heard from my old enemy that you built a tomb for your family members and paoze in the mountain valley behind Badger's Mouth... Take me to see you later, and I will also offer you a stick of incense."

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

Tian Xiong gave Guo Ning a military salute and opened his mouth. He hesitated for a moment and lowered his head.

Guo Ning was not in a hurry, just waiting.

After a while, Tian Xiong raised his head. The expression on his face was originally like a loyal hound, but now it was a little cunning and eager. He said: "However, I am a little eager to fight these days, but I am not.

Because of hatred, but because... Ahem, Your Majesty, I heard that the imperial court has made a final decision on the grassland?"

"How can you be so well-informed!"

Guo Ning was taken aback and couldn't help but laugh again. He then remembered that Tian Xiong was a guard, and there were quite a few high-ranking officials among his peers. Even though he was at the outermost edge of the Great Periphery, he was much smarter and wiser than ordinary people.

As Tian Xiong said, this matter has indeed been settled, and it is not considered a secret. The joint documents of several relevant yamen are being issued level by level.

In the past few years, the Great Zhou Dynasty was busy sorting out internal affairs and replenishing finances. Apart from gradually restoring the defense lines built by the Jin Kingdom, there was no special action on the grassland. But since this year, Xu Ding has taken a group of civil servants who are proficient in financial planning and has taken the opportunity.

It is planned to increase the number of immigrants around the military towns behind the Monan Mountains starting next year.

Part of the source of immigrants is the people who came out of the mountains and rivers after the stability of the Central Plains and were re-incorporated into household registration; the other part is the descendants who were demoted to hard labor during the previous wars in the Central Plains. The total immigrants

The number is about 100,000 to 200,000, and it will take about three years to complete.

After completion, the entire defense line from Huanzhou to Fengzhou on the eastern edge of the grassland will be basically leveled. There will be a military state with elite cavalry, a fort with hundreds of people that is difficult to attack, and a large area will be reclaimed.

There are tens of thousands of acres of land on each grassland with dense rivers, and countless cattle, sheep and war horses are grazed.

Importantly, in order to increase the attractiveness of grassland reclamation, the land distribution system is very different from that in the Central Plains. It is not limited to one hundred acres per household. Military households are given preferential treatment. The higher the status in the army, the more land they receive.

If you can walk up somersaults, you will get nearly a thousand acres of land, and if you reach the Qianju level or above, the land will be calculated in terms of how many hectares it takes!

The previous policy of the Great Zhou Dynasty had always been to allow and encourage soldiers to participate in equity and business, but it was strictly prohibited to break through the imperial system and purchase land on a large scale. Anyone who bullied others and engaged in land annexation under the military household system would be severely punished and would be severely punished every year.

Several heads.

But the Han people are a farming nation after all, and their desire for farmland and land has been ingrained in their bones from generation to generation. Even if their financial income is generally abundant, the soldiers will inevitably feel a little regretful when it comes to not being able to camp and pass on their fields and houses to future generations.


At this moment, the imperial court suddenly opened its mouth in Northern Xinjiang. Immediately, some people got wind of the situation and planned to fight in Northern Xinjiang to report the national flag. The number of officers who proposed to be transferred to serve in Northern Xinjiang was more than ten times greater than usual.

Guo Ning explained: "Lao Tian, ​​do you know that these allotments will not be actually managed by you? There will be someone on the business side who will help set up the farm and run it on your behalf. The income from the land will eventually be converted into money and distributed."

"That's my land too! Your Majesty, I've inquired about it, and every piece of land has a title deed, just like the rules in the Central Plains! Even if the farmland must be managed, the homestead is your own, and you can build a village!"

When Tian Xiong said this, his eyes shone: "To get these lands, we must ensure the normal development of reclamation. To ensure the normal development of reclamation, we must drive away the Mongolian forces far away. It is best to rush to Mobei.

! Your Majesty, we have to fight a big battle, and we must fight hard! This cannot be done by relying solely on the Mongolian tribes, but must rely on us! Only our naval officers have such majesty!"

Having said this, Tian Xiong obviously got a little excited and his voice became louder and louder.

"The soldiers in northern Xinjiang have been resting for several years. All day long, they only listened to their comrades in charge of the south eating meat and drinking soup. Now the weakness of the Mongols is undoubtedly revealed. Your Majesty, it's time for us to take a few bites of fat!"

Guo Ning laughed.

"Seeing others get benefits, are you also greedy for it?"

Tian Xiong nodded heavily.

"You want to eat fat, but there are dozens of forts in northern Xinjiang, 34,000 regular soldiers, and 41,000 auxiliary soldiers. Do you want to eat fat?"

"Your Majesty, everyone has been waiting impatiently for a long time, and I am not just talking nonsense. The imperial court has given so many benefits over the years, and everyone has long thought about killing the enemy and reporting results... Now, killing the enemy and reporting results can earn more, without the need for military orders. Everyone has been grinding

The knife is roaring."

"If we really want to fight on the grassland, it is different from the routine of cutting off gates and seizing cities in the Central Plains. We often drive thousands of miles, go deep alone, and have no help in all directions... All the soldiers have this determination? We are all witnessing the ferocity of the Mongols with our own eyes.

I have seen that even if their main force is transferred away by Genghis Khan, there are still a lot of ruthless characters among the grassland tribes... Do all the soldiers have such courage?"

Tian Xiong rubbed his neck and said repeatedly: "Yes! Yes!"

Guo Ning sat down on the carriage shaft and thought for a while. He asked Qiu Huiluo: "Does the military's morale and morale seem to be usable?"

Qiu Huiluo squinted his eyes and looked at the old comrade in front of him.

It seems that this time, the grassland is not only in chaos, but is about to be turned upside down?

Over the years, Guo Ning has always gotten into trouble no matter what he gets involved in. No matter how much he claims to restrain himself, the result is the same. To be honest, when a person with such a temperament becomes the emperor, it is really hard for the ministers under his command.

His Majesty the Emperor does whatever comes to his mind without hesitation, and he succeeds every time, so everyone has to be convinced.

"Ahem, before we start a big fight, we should find Lu Shu first."

Qiu Huiluo paused for a moment, then lowered his voice and added: "In addition, the financial and food support has been more generous than last year, but it is still a little insufficient. Should we wait for a while and wait for Prime Minister Xu to come and discuss it again?"

"There's something I just forgot to mention..." Guo Ning turned to Qiu Huiluo, showing a relaxed expression that was rare in these days, and then showed a bit of laughter: "This morning, news of A Shu came from the north...

...If that news is true, the shortfall in money and food seems to have been solved by Ah Shu."

These two things are completely unrelated, how come they are related?

Qiu Huiluo was stunned: "What?"

This chapter has been completed!
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