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Chapter 888 Hundreds of Skills (Part 1)

Lu Wusi has the courage and ruthlessness to kill, but in terms of martial arts, he has nothing to brag about. Most of this defensive judge's daily experience is spent in business and some underhanded methods. He is used to walking in the shadows. Once faced head-on,

Under the impact of the Mongolian cavalry, most of them would not survive more than a few breaths.

Even if the Mongolians he faced were subordinates of the weaker Qianhu in the Mongolian army, it would not be difficult to kill such an ordinary man holding a short sword.

Unless there are hundreds of people who are as skilled in martial arts as Lu Wusi and are not afraid of death, they will swarm out and take advantage of the panic of the horses to surround the cavalry and cut off their speed advantage. Next, these people will have to sacrifice their lives.

Only by slashing randomly with your sword can you have the possibility of victory.

Does Lu Wusi have so many companions around him?

There are so many companions.

However, Lu Wusi estimated that how they deal with it depends on their courage and determination to fight for their lives.

A few days ago, Lu Wusi arrived at Wusha Castle and finally found Lu Shu and A Duo, who were running like hares. At that time, they also came together with some of Yeli Yasi's trusted cavalry. When these cavalry saw

After arriving at Lu Shu and A Duo, he immediately offered to take them south overnight and escape while the grassland was in chaos.

From the perspective of maintaining the safety of the two of them, this is the best suggestion. Lu Wusi was the first to agree.

From Yeli Yasi's point of view, as long as Lu Shu leaves, there will be no reason for the chaos in the grassland. No one will investigate the identity and background of the Tatar people. No matter how angry the Emperor of Zhou is, he will send troops to attack Bel.

It’s enough to kill Gutai for a few rounds, and everyone can continue to live their normal lives.

But Lu Shu said he would leave a few days later because on his way to Usha Castle, he bumped into a few skinny slaves picking up wild fruits nearby. When he asked, he found out that these people were Han people who were detained in the meadow to the north.

Son slave.

Most of these Han slaves are from craftsmen's households. Because there has been neither iron nor cloth on the grasslands in the past two years, there is no handiwork to do at all. Now they are regarded as the lowest boul in the tribe.

They were responsible for collecting wild fruits and vegetables. If they were not satisfied, they would be killed or beaten by the Mongols.

Lu Shu asked a few more questions and found out that they had also recruited Sichangzhou to rule in the northeast of the Jin Kingdom in their early years, and they might have had a relationship with him.

As the old saying goes, don't forget each other even if you are rich and noble; how much more so when you are on the horizon and encounter people who are wandering and miserable?

Lu Shu immediately proposed that since all the Tatar people who captured him had been killed, there were actually no enemies on the grassland, and the return trip would be safer with the help of Yeli Yasi's trusted cavalry. In this case, it might as well wait a while.

On the same day, these fugitive slaves were taken away together with their families.

Lu Wusi felt that it was not difficult to carry two burdens, and it would not be difficult to carry five or ten. Moreover, Lu Shu's trip was to clean up the tombs of Guo and Lu's parents. After ensuring his own safety, he could save a few people casually.

Count your good deeds and accumulate blessings.

He immediately agreed to Lu Shu's proposal.

Unexpectedly, after Lu Shu proposed bringing people back to the Central Plains, the news spread very quickly among the Han slaves in the surrounding areas.

The Han slaves were treated as animals and tortured for a long time, and they were already numb. Some people simply became walking zombies, completely losing hope. They were still alive in the world because they could not make up their mind to die. But some people still thought about their hometown and wanted to die.

I think about my loved ones and want to live a life that normal people should live.

The latter group suddenly heard that someone was willing to gather them at the ruins of Usha Castle and take them out of the sea of ​​misery. They became almost fanatical and excited. In just two or three days, people rushed from the surrounding meadows and river valleys to gather at Usha Castle.

, there are hundreds of people.

God knows how come so many slaves gathered in this deserted place, and God knows how they heard the news!

For two or three days, some people ran for dozens of miles without sleep, with beef tendon ropes tied around their ankles, so that the tendons rubbed their feet to pieces. Others ran out of gas and energy on the road and ran to Usha.

Castle, entrusting the children and teenagers around him to die immediately.

At this point, Lu Shu and Lu Wusi had no choice but to escape quickly.

Now that the news that they have gathered Han'er's slaves has spread, under Belgutai's order, the Mongols who want to capture him will arrive soon. Even if they don't go to the neck with swords and guns, there will definitely be a lot of trouble; and

Li Yasi's subordinates are bound to be unable to compete with Qianhu Nayan of the Golden Family.

In this case, the only way is to gather more people and go back together while taking advantage of the chaos on the grassland!

If you want to return home, you have to be brave enough. The scattered Mongolian pursuers in front of you are the object of courage training, and they are a necessary means to select available people from among the slaves!

The sword flashed, and Lu Wusi chopped hard.

In front of him, the faces of the Mongolian pursuers showed ferocious smiles. Behind the pursuers, he saw several Mongolian teenagers who were obviously only fourteen or fifteen years old, also wielding iron knives or heavy sticks, with smiles on their faces.

In their eyes, chasing slaves is as easy as chasing small animals on the grassland, and there is absolutely no chance of anything going wrong. Even if the horses are frightened by the burning grass balls, don't they still have to use swords and guns to decide the outcome in the end?

Speaking of fighting, who were the Mongolian warriors afraid of?

When a Mongolian fell from his horse, he was facing Lu Wusi. He rolled twice on the ground with one hand, then immediately got up and drew his sword at him.

However, the moment he stood firm, there was a muffled "bang" sound, and the Mongolian fell softly.

Lu Wusi was charging forward with his knife, when he felt his face became hot, and the warm liquid splashed across his face, making him unable to open his eyes.

He used his right hand to cover his figure with a knife and flower, and wiped his face with the sleeve of his left hand. When he opened his eyes, he saw that the Mongolian's head was torn apart like a watermelon that accidentally fell to the ground, and the red and white pulp flowed to the ground.

.Beside it was a stone covered in blood and brain matter.

The one who threw the stone was a scrawny man among the people who had fled earlier. It was unknown what kind of life he had lived on the grassland. His beard and hair were all knotted, and he gave off a foul stench.

Seeing Lu Wusi turning sideways and looking back, the man grinned and limped forward.

Another Mongolian was startled by the flying rocks, and his reaction was a little slow. He was knocked down by the thin man with all his strength. The two men rolled on the ground one after another.

The Mongolian's fighting experience was naturally a hundred times better than that of the Han'er craftsman. He was stout and probably much stronger. He quickly grabbed the thin man's back and wrapped his other hand in front of him, intending to

He stabbed back with a knife and cut his opponent's throat.

It was too late to say, but soon, Lu Shu stepped forward, kicked the knife out of the Mongolian's hand, and then stabbed randomly with the knife. After three or five stabs, blood surged out like a fountain. The Mongolian wailed twice and was wasted.

The man pushed it over with all his strength.

Later, the Mongolian cavalry behind them became frightened and angry. Several of them had already restrained their horses, and now they roared and urged their horses forward.

Unexpectedly, the vision suddenly dimmed, and several huge fishing nets were thrown out with all their strength, covering several feet in an area, covering their heads and faces.

Although the Mongols are nomadic people, they also have the custom of fishing. However, most of the fishing nets they use are horsetail nets or wool nets. This kind of animal fiber easily absorbs water and corrodes, so it is neither strong nor durable.

In the past few years, Han'er slaves have been starving on the grasslands. However, many of them used bark and miscanthus to weave fishing nets and catch fish to feed themselves, so there were many people who knew how to weave fishing nets.

The slaves who defected to Wusha Castle in the early stage were generally very skilled. In just a few days, they used the grass and thorns around the ruins of Wusha Castle to urgently make fire-kindling grass balls, and also made several large nets. This time

Large nets were thrown down from the sky and covered the ground, and the Mongolians slashed at them with knives. However, the fishing nets were wrapped vertically and horizontally, and it was useless to cut one or two of them. People and horses were immediately entangled.

A few people were particularly unlucky. When they were caught in the fishing net, they actually got entangled with the burning grass. The fishing net was naturally not resistant to high temperatures, but how could they endure the burning in the moment before the fishing net broke?

The Mongolians screamed fiercely, and dozens of figures rushed out from the pits on both sides of the road where grass balls had previously flown out!

Shouts, shouts, the sound of horse hooves, the sound of footsteps on the ground, the crisp sound of wooden sticks breaking bones, the muffled sound of blades tearing blood vessels, and the hissing sound of blood splattering all broke out at the same time, forming an indescribable sound.


When the Mongolian cavalry arrived from behind, several Han slaves were so mad that they jumped on the horses, grabbed the bodies of the Mongolian cavalry with their hands, tried to pull them off, and even bit them with their mouths, eager to swallow them.


On the battlefield since ancient times, those who are not afraid of death will win three points first. When the Mongolian army swept across the Central Plains, it was because of the tens of thousands of Mongolians who were as thick as hair and drank blood that they were not afraid of death, just like wild beasts. But the Mongols plundered, massacred and

Abuse has created a life like hell, and also created a large number of slaves on the grassland who are not afraid of death.

Since these slaves were kidnapped to the grassland, they have been bullied every day, risked death every day, and lived a life worse than pigs and dogs; they suffer every day while living, and every day they feel that they might as well die early.

But once such slaves see hope, they undergo earth-shaking changes. Some rekindle the hope of rebirth, while others ignite the fire of revenge and backlash. They are not afraid of death, just like the Mongolians are not afraid of death!

This chapter has been completed!
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