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Chapter 89 Outpost

Since he moved Chu Cai to the Xijunhe camp, he has single-handedly taken on many military and political affairs, and has become Guo Ning's right-hand man. But in fact, in the eyes of the three-state defeated soldiers, the real people are always those who have experienced

Comrades who have experienced running away together.

Therefore, when Guo Ning led his army south, Monk Luo and Wang Shixian, who were responsible for staying at the Xijunhe camp and acting as command, were his true confidants.

Monk Luo has a carefree temperament and is very rough. He always talks with fists as big as jealous bowls, but in fact there is a subtlety in the roughness. That kind of pure recklessness has long since died in the great defeat and collapse in the past few years.

Can't survive today.

Wang Shixian looks gentle, even a little soft, but he has a team of ancient Wang people, which is the one with the largest number of cavalry under Guo Ning.

In the early morning of this day, before dawn, Monk Luo went to see Wang Shixian. On the way, he probably saw some soldiers who were loose and in a bad mood. After leaving Wang Shixian's camp, their faces were still livid.

After a while, Wang Shixian was probably sprayed by Monk Luo, and he was a little disgraced. He immediately ordered the entire army to assemble urgently to prepare for marching training in full gear and heavy loads.

This kind of training is often organized by Guo Ning. The generals found it frustrating at first, but later gradually realized the beauty. Through marching training, not only can the physical fitness and will of the soldiers be tempered, but also the mutual assistance between soldiers and officers and soldiers can be cultivated.

Friendship, through competitions in various capitals and industries, also enhanced the cohesion of the soldiers.

Marching training is divided into several specifications, the most common ones include light-armed assaults and heavy-armed forced marches. These two kinds of training occur at least once every ten days. By now, the soldiers have learned the terrain of Anzhou and other places very well.

The training that is relatively sparse is the full-loaded marching training that is equivalent to an emergency breakout from camp. Of course, this is not ignored. However, although most of the facilities in the camp are temporary and easy to dismantle, it is not a pity to abandon them. But every time

A march with full load-bearing equipment will inevitably involve several consecutive days of hard work, so I have done this training before, but not often.

At this time, Wang Shixian suddenly ordered to prepare to break camp. The soldiers in the camp and the people who were gradually gathering all lamented, feeling that Wang Shixian was too troublesome. Was he using a tiger skin as a banner? Some people relied on their seniority and ran to Wang Shixian and complained for two times.

As a result, Wang Shixian immediately used military law to deal with him, took him out and beat him with twenty sticks.

Now everyone knew that Mr. Wang was serious, so they did not dare to neglect and took the order one after another. Each department prepared tents, armor, weapons, dry food, drinking water, horses, vehicles, tools, etc. to carry during the march.

According to the military order, all preparations must be completed within half an hour and return to the central military tent to give orders. Those who disobey orders will be executed, those who delay will be executed, and those who are in disarray will be executed.

Some people noticed that Monk Luo, as one of the two lieutenants, was not in the central army. His junior brother, Monk Pei, took part in the military meeting on his behalf.

When preparing to leave the camp, someone inevitably asked. Monk Pei wrote lightly: "Senior brother has something to do and is out of town."

At this time, Monk Luo had quietly left for a while. Just now he received urgent news, which represented a certain possibility. But he was unwilling to have this possibility shake the morale of the army at will, so he quietly went out and went to investigate in person.

He took more than ten horsemen, each with two horses, and marched rapidly upstream along the beach beside the Xiangjun River. At the western edge of Wuguandian, he met up with the famous local shopkeeper Xu Wei and his party, and then walked along the water swamp.

Continue north along the less traveled road and enter Suizhou at high speed.

Suizhou, like Anzhou and other places, were both military fortresses built by the Song Dynasty to fight against the Khitan. In the early years, there were Liangmen Village where the Jingrong Army was stationed, and Suicheng County where the Weilu Army was stationed. Both places have the reputation of being dangerous.

.For hundreds of years, it still has the reputation of Tongliangmen and Tiesui City.

Today, both Liangmenzhai and Suicheng County are almost deserted. Suizhou was originally a small state, with only one Suicheng County below it. There were many ponds, swamps and little cultivated land in the county. In the past two years, the county was full of young people.

They were all deployed and never came back. It was estimated that they all died on the border, so the old and weak people in the county fled to their relatives one after another.

Since last year, there has been a vacancy for the governor of Suizhou, and the imperial court probably has not bothered to pay attention to it, so it has just made do with it. This year, Guo Ning from Anzhou, Miao Daorun from Yizhou, Zhang Rou from Dingzhou and other powerful figures have emerged one after another, and they have each attracted people.

Most of Suizhou was turned into a no man's land.

However, Guo Ning never neglected to be vigilant in this direction, so Xu Jin was entrusted by him and often sent people to patrol.

After Monk Luo and Xu Wei entered Suizhou, they walked along the road for a short time. Xu Wei stopped and said, "Two groups of patrols I sent to Suizhou have not returned in time. The third group reported back.

, found this..."

Monk Luo followed Xu Jin's direction and saw a series of corpses beside the road.

These corpses were obviously killed while fleeing south. Most of them were naked and disheveled. It was obvious that the stronghold was suddenly attacked in the middle of the night. These people fled in panic, but their legs could not outrun the horses.

There were knights chasing after them, and it took about a moment to kill all of them, so about two hundred corpses were laid out on the road for two miles.

Xu Jin had a lot of contacts and knew a lot about everything, including autopsy. He got off his horse and looked at several corpses carefully. He found that almost everyone died neatly, and the people who killed them were very skilled in riding and sword skills.

It passed by and killed with a single blow, instantly freezing the frightened expression on the deceased's face.

The bodies were searched, and money, food, or better clothes were taken away.

Monk Luo also dismounted.

He strode across the two-foot-high grass beside the road. In the direction he went, he found the bodies of a family.

The man who looked like his father probably turned around halfway through, trying to hinder the enemy's cavalry. As a result, he was stabbed in the neck, and his head fell immediately, with only a little flesh remaining attached to his body.

The mother led an older child and held a younger child, and died only a few feet away from the forest. Both she and the older child were shot by arrows in their vests, while the younger child was held tightly in her arms, and then the mother and child

They were all trampled to death by horse hooves.

Monk Luo knelt down and touched the wound on the deceased's back.

The arrow cluster that had penetrated the flesh was roughly pulled out. The deceased probably struggled for the last time, and the wound was violently torn. Then blood spurted out from the wound and solidified into tofu-like puddles on the ground.

"Master Huifeng!" Xu Jin called out and showed an arrow cluster he picked up to Monk Luo: "This is the arrow used by the shooters of Zhongdu Weijie Army!"

Monk Luo glanced at it and stood up slowly.

"They are arrows used by the Weijie Army, but they are not the hands of the Weijie Army. Even if the imperial army takes action, it cannot bypass the people of Jing'an in the east and Zhang Rou in the west. They are farting hundreds of miles away. We

You can hear the noise. It's not the imperial army! It's the Mongols fighting with captured arrows. The Mongols are coming!"

Xu Jin's expression froze, and he subconsciously said: "Are they really Mongolians? But how come the Mongolians are here..."

"What a fool, why bother asking? Some pass in the north must have been breached, it's all rubbish!"

Monk Luo couldn't help but sprayed a few foul words.

He strode back to the road, looked back and forth several times, and looked for traces carefully. Soon he found distinctive hoof prints on the road, and also found a wolf commonly used by Mongolian shepherds, made of cowhide or leather.

Water bag made of sheepskin saltpetre.

Because the nitrate was not completely prepared, the water bag had a strong odor. It must have been that the leather strap broke during the massacre, so it was discarded directly by its owner. Monk Luo also has such a water bag, which is of course much more refined. Then

It was a trophy obtained by killing a Mongolian warrior with his own hands when he fled to Hebei last year at great risk.

The specifications of this water bag are slightly different from those of the Mongolian headquarters. Monk Luo recognized that this was a specific piece of equipment belonging to an old rival.

"It's the Mongolian outpost elite cavalry, Aljinchi from the Hongji tribe." Monk Luo gritted his teeth.

His huge body swayed slightly, and he spoke in a deep voice in Mongolian. Then he turned to Xu Jin and repeated in Chinese: "The enemies are ahead, and we are willing to be the vanguard to rush forward. When hunting cunning beasts, we are willing to be the vanguard."

Go and catch up."

"This is Aljinchi who is specially driven by the Mongolian Khan! They are here to explore for the army a certain way to advance, a certain way to attack, and a certain way to have enemies... The main force of the Mongols is in the rear.

It’ll be far away! They’re already here!”

At this point, countless horrific scenes in his memories rolled through Monk Luo's mind like a tidal wave, causing veins to burst out on his forehead.

He raised his voice extremely rarely and shouted: "Light the smoke as a warning, and then we leave immediately! Quick! Quick! Quick!"

Even if Monk Luo is like this, his subordinates can hardly suppress their panic.

After being stopped by Monk Luo, they hurriedly dismounted and gathered a large pile of branches and firewood.


This chapter has been completed!
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