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Chapter 92: Pulling Out the Camp (1)

At the Xijunhe camp, Wang Shixian stared at the north. At the end of his sight, a straight line of wolf smoke rose into the sky. There was another line of smoke in the distance, but it was lighter.

Of course, this beacon of smoke was not the one lit by Monk Luo in Suizhou, but was quickly transmitted back along the beacons placed every ten miles.

After Guo Ning gathered a crowd at the Heli Camp of the Feeding Army, the generals in the inner circle knew that he had no intention of staying in Hebei for a long time, and they agreed with his opinion. After all, everyone was a wandering soul who had struggled to survive on the battlefield, and everyone understood it.

, If you want to rely on this hastily gathered strength to fight against the terrorist forces on the grassland, that is not brave, it is seeking death.

Therefore, although the scale of the entire camp continues to expand, the furnishings inside and outside are very rough, and the main energy is placed on defense facilities and checkpoints.

After all, all the generals are veterans. They have laid out trenches, fences, watchtowers, pavilion passages, etc. one by one without omissions. According to Guo Ning's repeated requests, more than ten semi-permanent checkpoints were installed, especially in the north of the camp, and all of them were capable.

The manpower was stationed in turns, checking the surroundings day and night, and reporting back at any time.

There are many ways to report military information. Usually, when the ten-man team stationed at the checkpoint changes, they will bring back the records of the personnel passing by in the past two days. If there is an emergency, the fast horses equipped at each stronghold will go directly.

The most dangerous times are when beacon fires are set off.

There was only one beacon fire, and it was the result of Monk Luo's personal visit. Then, the message conveyed is the simplest and clearest: the Mongols are coming.

No matter how far the checkpoints at the Xijunhe camp are set, they can't cross the Yanshan Mountains, and the terrain in Hebei offers too few obstacles for the Mongolian cavalry. From Suizhou to the Xijunhe camp, even if there are ponds and ponds, the distance is still

It was only a hundred miles away. The Mongolian outpost cavalry traveled south from Suizhou at full speed and could arrive in one and a half hours.

Wang Shixian only had this hour and a half to prepare.

Considering the marching speed of the main force of the Mongolian army, based on the usual distance between the Mongolian army and Aljinchi when it marched, the time when the main force of the Mongolian army passed through Suizhou and invaded Anzhou was about an hour and a half later.

In other words, three hours later, at dusk today, the Mongolian army will enter Anzhou.

In the battle at Migukou last year, the imperial court of Jin Dynasty ordered Xiao Rui to select infantry and cavalry, and sent troops to the countryside. It was known as a million people, and everyone was skilled. The result? The death of countless Paoze comrades led to the death of Xiao Xiao who followed Wang Shixian to Hebei.

The tribe was almost destroyed, and almost all of Wang Shixian's uncles and brothers died under the sword of the Mongolian army.

He would recall that fiasco every day, and be horrified by the Mongols' thunderous power every day; he even thought more than once, should Guo Liulang be a reliable person, right? The things Guo Liulang arranged and promised... would not

Is it nonsense?

Wang Shixian stroked his beard subconsciously and accidentally pulled off two stems.

Of course, this is the worst-case scenario. Perhaps although the Mongolian outpost has arrived in Suizhou, its main force will go straight to Zhongdu like the year before last?

However, this guess has been repeatedly calculated by generals and is considered unlikely.

The leader of the Mongolian army is to use the strength of the cavalry to launch ultra-long-distance separate attacks, penetrate deeply into the weak points of the rear and flanks, and launch fierce attacks at the right time and terrain. And during the march, they did not even carry a large number of troops.

The baggage was purely taken from plunder to support the needs of the entire army.

Last year and the year before last, the Mongolian army crushed the huge Jin army twice in field battles. However, since then, one in Zhongdu and one in Datong Prefecture in Xijing, they failed to capture the strong city. The time they attacked Xijing, even Temujin

I was all injured.

The Mongols are like the most terrifying and cunning wolves. They will never suffer the same loss a third time. Then, when they launch an attack for the third time, they will definitely find a way to avoid the fortified city and dangerous passes, and instead

Where there is emptiness and weakness, run as fast as you can.

So, where is the weakness?

Of course, it is the Tangpi area to the north of Hebei East Road, to the west of Zhongdu Road, with Anzhou as the center and including the four prefectures of Xiong, Bao, Sui and Ansu.

In this area, even the dignified military governors and state governors could not form a reliable city garrison. They could only watch the local volunteers grow in strength, and even neglected the imperial court militarily and economically. It was so weak.

The leaders of the defeated troops, including Guo Ning, were all aware of this situation.

Of course, this situation was due to the imperial court's incompetent governance, and the defeated soldiers' efforts to fuel the flames were in vain. Otherwise, they would not have been able to live in peace for half a year.

And now, since the Mongols have arrived in Suizhou, it proves that they also know this very well. Because Suizhou is a wedge between the rolling mountains in the north and the depressions and lakes in the south. Now that the Mongolian army has arrived, the next step must be

It is to penetrate the empty pond area and then go deep into the Central Plains.

They saw so accurately that this attack was probably aimed at a fatal place!

The Mongols should not have been so knowledgeable about the situation in Hebei. Even though they attacked Daikin twice, they failed to penetrate deeply into the interior and lacked a direct understanding of the dangers of mountains and rivers and the advantages of using troops to defend and attack.

The person who taught them this knowledge must be someone from the Jin Dynasty.

For example, Shi Moming'an, Guo Baoyu and others who surrendered to Mongolia in Wushabao the year before last, Liu Bolin, Jiagu Changge, Shi Mogaonu and others who surrendered to Mongolia in Weining last year.

In all likelihood, someone would have surrendered at this moment. Otherwise, the Mongolian army would not have wings from two threats. In any case, they should not have crossed Yanshan so easily.

I just don’t know who surrendered? Perhaps it was Zhao Gui of Wanhu who was stationed at Feihukou, or Wang Lao, the deputy commander of the army stationed at Zhulu Pass. Although these people are all high-status warriors in the Kingdom of Jin, it is well known that the higher the status, the higher the status.

The more the warriors become, the more timid and afraid of death they become.

If they really faced the Mongolian army, Wang Shixian would not be surprised by what choice they made.

Even Miao Daorun, Zhang Rou and others were suspected. After all, Genghis Khan had a big heart. As long as you try your best to get used to the Mongolian customs, you will definitely get more from joining the Mongols than what the Jin Kingdom can give you.

Wang Shixian couldn't help but sigh heavily.

At this time, he and several of his trusted subordinates were standing on a high slope outside the camp. Below the high slope, the shouts, trumpets and neighing of horses from the soldiers were mixed together, forming a noisy wave of sound.


There were even screams and cries from women. They were not the women who were kidnapped in the camp, but the wives and children of the people living in the surrounding areas. Many of those women and children took shelter in the Xijunhe camp and worked in the camp.

Some sewing or cooking.

After all, the location of the Xijunhe camp is easy to defend and difficult to attack. With the surrounding woodland, high slopes, lakes and acres of land scattered around, it can be self-sufficient. And the generals led by Guo Ning are not exploitative, and even treat the common people

It's quite generous.

Under the current situation, in the eyes of the vassal people, this place has become a comfortable place that is difficult to dream of.

Now, this comfort zone has suddenly been overturned.

Wang Shixian didn't want the news of the Mongols' arrival to spread too quickly, but there was no way. In the past few months, the soldiers and the local people had gotten along well. Now that the smoke of war fell into everyone's eyes, the military situation could no longer be concealed.

Then the trouble started.

In order to deal with the situation at hand, Guo Ning and his close subordinates have made many plans. However, no matter how perfect the plans are, they will eventually be implemented. In fact, many people simply cannot understand or accept this status quo.


Some civilians began to argue desperately with the soldiers, trying to block the entrances of warehouses or camps to prevent the soldiers from entering or exiting. It seemed that this would prevent the soldiers from leaving and allow them to continue to maintain their comfort zone.

Some women cried and stretched out their hands, clutching the carts loaded with supplies, praying that the soldiers would take them with them, or at least their children, when they left.

But at this time, knowing that the Mongolian army was coming, how could the soldiers delay?

The more experienced the soldiers are, the more they know how terrible the Mongols are. At this time, they want to abandon everything that is not necessary... However, in a chaotic situation, people are the most burdensome, and if there are too many burdens, it will be really fatal!

Seeing the commotion among the people in the camp, some impatient soldiers immediately pulled out their swords, banged their shields with the blades and roared loudly, hoping to scare these reckless guys.

In normal times, the people would have given in long ago. But now, the Mongolian army is coming...

In the past few years, the common people either had personal contact or heard too much about the brutality of the Mongolian army. They were already overwhelmed by blood and fear, so how could they give up the only straw they could grasp?

Seeing that the situation was getting more and more chaotic, the arrangements for breaking out of camp slowed down halfway.

At this time, we really cannot tolerate the kindness of women! Wang Shixian's face was filled with murderous intent, and he looked at the guards on his left and right.

When he was about to give the order, a personal guard rushed up from behind the slope: "General, the young lady of the Lu family wants to see you."


This chapter has been completed!
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