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Chapter 944 Where to Go (Part 2)


"Goed directly to Haizhou?"

"Yes, Yin Chang left Kaifeng in July and arrived in Jiaxiang. Many of his old subordinates when he was the military governor of Xingde Army heard that he had been dismissed from their posts and came to greet him one after another. But he did not respond, even

Even my family members who were resettled in Jinan were missing. I rushed to Haizhou one day in advance along the waterway, passing through Xuzhou and Pizhou."

"Hmm..." Guo Ning flipped through the file and asked again: "The ones staying in Haizhou seem to be a group of people recruited from the Song Dynasty who arrived later. I remember that there are no heroes from the Southern Dynasties among them.

Most of the scholars are poor scholars, small traders and the like?"

Xu Qing bowed slightly: "This group totals 346 people. Most of them come from Bashu, Jinghu and other places in the Song Dynasty. They gathered at various ports along the way. They arrived late. As His Majesty said, most of them are

He is weak and incapable of wielding a sword or a stick."

"Old Yin is a shrewd man. He specially selected this group of people and must have an idea of ​​what to do... But the whole thing cannot be left to him. Let Zhao Bin keep an eye on it..."


"However, although Lao Yin is disgraced, his spirit has not been lost."

It is a serious crime for a soldier to make a claim without permission. Previously, Guo Ning asked Li Yun to bring several ferocious forest captives to see Yin Chang, which actually contained some murderous intent.

Before Li Yun arrived in Kaifeng, many of Yin Chang's cronies, old troops, and other military officials involved in the relationship were already dead. Guo Ning was not a good man, but a powerful leader who was generous on the outside but ruthless on the inside. Then he dealt with a deputy left behind.

, and will not bring any psychological pressure to him.

It's just that as the commander-in-chief of hundreds of thousands of warriors, Guo Ning didn't want to cause chaos in his family's base. In addition, Yin Chang suddenly rose to a high position that year because Guo Ning used Yin Chang as a golden horse bone to recruit the red coat army.

Yubu and Guo Ning also did not want the whole incident to become too violent and arouse the suspicion of the generals with Red Coat Army background.

Only then did Guo Ning give Yin Chang a chance to die in an accident. But Yin Chang, with luck and vigilance, actually seized this opportunity and saved his life.

Fortunately, Yin Chang was only confused for a time, and now he understood, he behaved appropriately along the way, and stopped trying to manage his network. In this case, Guo Ning did not think too much of himself.

Over the years, he has come to understand more and more that most groups are essentially grassroots groups brought together by different people driven by fate and with the same interests and demands.

The same is true for the martial arts group formed by Guo Ning. The military aristocracy of the old era and the military regime derived from it are not the red army of the new era after all, and they cannot ask for too much.

As the leader of this group, Guo Ning often raises scholars like raising eagles. When hungry, they are used, and when full, they are eaten away. The propriety between them is very interesting.

The reason why military aristocrats are military aristocrats is because their interests come from expansion. They hope to continue fighting to ensure the status of the army, and hope to satisfy their interest demands from expansion and conquest.

This is by no means a bad thing. If the military aristocrats lose their desire for expansion, it means that they have embarked on the path of corruption. If they can only squeeze the people and only absorb the flesh and blood of the dynasty, then they will be different from the greedy bureaucrats of the Southern Song Dynasty.

What's the difference?

Guo Ning is happy to see the enterprising spirit of the warriors, but the goals he plans for the warriors are not just the land and the people. The place where the warriors can perform is not limited to the domain.

Yin Chang's goal of making meritorious deeds was set a long time ago. But now, the opportunity is just right.

Guo Ning turned around and stared up at the huge map hanging on the wall.

This map is the result of Guo Ning's repeated verification of the contents of his dream memory with many contemporary maps. It is extremely perfect in terms of proportion, accuracy, mutual integration, closeness, height, obliqueness, and straightness.

Accurate. The map covers the Zhou Dynasty, Song Dynasty, Xia Dynasty, Khwarezmo captured by Mongolia, and even Dali in the south and Srivijaya in the South China Sea. If spread to the outside world, there will be no

Doubts will become treasures pursued by those who are interested.

On the map, the ocher-red territory of the Great Zhou occupies a huge area, which is similar to the previous time when the Great Jin was at its peak. But those who are qualified to see this map will not think that the national power of the Great Zhou is similar to that of the Great Jin.


Although the founding of the People's Republic of China was only three years old, the Great Zhou Dynasty took Han'er as the foundation, and its political power was more stable than that of the Jin Kingdom; the Great Zhou Dynasty relied on warriors as its backbone, and its military might was stronger than that of the Jin Kingdom; and the scope of interests of the Great Zhou Dynasty was almost unlimited.

It is simply beyond the imagination of previous generations.

The sources and routes of these interests are marked one by one with long blue lines on the map. The lines drawn in small regular script represent annual income of around 10,000 yuan; the thicker lines in medium regular script represent annual income of around 100,000 yuan;

There are also several lines drawn with broad strokes, representing the terrifying figures of more than one million.

If this number were known to the shipping department sent by the Southern Dynasty, I am afraid that a huge turmoil would immediately arise and a large number of loopholes in the trade would be rigorously investigated.

The long and short lines intersect with each other, like a large net. The area covered by this net is much larger than the territory of the Great Zhou. Most of the areas with dense lines are outside the territory of the Great Zhou.

When Guo Ning was appointed as the Dinghaijun Jiedushi, he rose to prominence with huge trade profits. Even after the establishment of the Great Zhou Dynasty, the entire country still attached great importance to industry and commerce. It can be said that the operating rules of the Great Zhou Dynasty were different from those of countries that had been based on farming since ancient times.

In other countries, the larger the land and the more people, the more benefits they can accumulate, and then use the benefits to support the ruling institutions and violent organizations, and use this to acquire more land and people.

If the monarch is wise and the ministers are capable, this expansion will snowball faster and faster, and the momentum will become stronger and stronger. Until a certain point, the benefits obtained from the land are equal to the cost of maintaining the land, and the snowball will

Unable to continue rolling, the country's expansion has reached its limit.

But the Great Zhou Dynasty was different. Guo Ning was not in a hurry to snowball, nor was he in a hurry to bring the country to this limit.

The source of Dazhou's interests is not only the land itself; the sources of Dazhou's interests and the territory it controls do not completely overlap. In addition to snowballing, Guo Ning has other options.

In addition to land and farming, the Zhou Dynasty relied on industry and commerce as the backbone of its interests. The interests of industry and commerce were not affected by national borders at all. For example, the Qingyuan Mansion of the Southern Song Dynasty and Fuzhou, Quanzhou, Guangzhou and other places are all on this map.

There is a very thick line across the ocean, leading to Tianjin Prefecture, Denglai Prefecture and other places under the rule of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

In addition to the thick and heavy lines of the same specifications that connect to the Southern Dynasties, there are two others. One leads to Goryeo and the other leads to Japan.

Goryeo was an important foreign trade partner of the Zhou Dynasty, or in other words, a partner who joined hands to gain benefits from the Song Dynasty in the Southern Dynasties. As a large country in the east of the sea, many of Goryeo's specialties were marketed in the Zhou and Song Dynasties, and also exported through sea ships.

South China Sea.

Among them, the one with huge output and particularly huge profits is the so-called Goryeo celadon, or Goryeo secret color porcelain. This has been since the time of Emperor Zhenzong of the Song Dynasty in the Southern Dynasty. He set up envoys in Dengzhou and Mingzhou to set up a fleet to sail to the far north.

For more than a hundred years, Song Dynasty and Goryeo maritime merchants traveled to and from each other. There were dozens of batches every year, transporting millions of Goryeo porcelain, whose value is inestimable.

In the eyes of the Song Dynasty and Nanhai merchants, Goryeo celadon, together with Duan inkstone, Jiancha, Ding porcelain, and Zhejiang lacquer produced in the Song Dynasty, were the most famous products in the world. They believed that "although other places can do the same, they will never be as good as it."


Daeju strives to stabilize the production and sales of this product. Last year, Zuosi spent a huge amount of money to get a share of the pie and bought a celadon factory in Kangjin County, Jeolla Province. Just this factory alone produces annual production of

It can bring benefits of nearly 100,000 guan, and there are ten factories of the same size in Jeolla Province!

It is a pity that the sale of many important goods in Goryeo, including celadon, ironware, paper, etc., has always been in the hands of a few wealthy merchants. And behind the wealthy merchants, who firmly controls everything, is the old friend of Zhou Zuosi

, a small shareholder of many trading houses in the Great Zhou Dynasty, Cui Zhongxian, the leader of the Korean military people who was named Zhongshu Ling Jin Kanggong by the King of Korea.

Cui Zhongxian was in charge of the Goryeo court for twenty-five years. During this period, he turned his hands into clouds and rain, established four kings, deposed two masters, and suppressed more than ten coups. He was regarded as a hero of the moment. The cooperation between the Zhou Dynasty and Zhou Dynasty cannot be said to be negative.

It went smoothly, but it was never able to penetrate to a satisfactory level, and the merchants of the Great Zhou Dynasty were never able to gain dominance in many commodity trades.

Since last year, Cui Zhongxian has been seriously ill and has been unable to govern normally this year. It is said that he will not die soon. Therefore, the Goryeo royal family and Cui's political opponents, who have been suppressed by the Choi family for more than 20 years, are all trying to make a move, and the money bag that the Cui family relies on to gain a foothold is

Naturally, we were the first to bear the brunt and suffered successive blows.

In recent months, the situation inside and outside Yeseong Port outside the King of Goryeo has been strange. Many fleets have been stranded on the sea. On land, warehouses have been burned down, merchants have been killed, and even officials have been assassinated.


The Cui family issued orders one after another through the Dufang and Jiaoding Dujian organizations in an attempt to stabilize the situation. However, many people who were originally close to the Cui family saw that Cui Zhongxian was running out of money, so they gathered their strength and pretended to be deaf to the government orders.

Be dumb.

It is true that Dazhou is the suzerain state of Goryeo, but Guo Ning is not Cui Zhongxian's biological father. Guo Ning does not care at all what happens to the Cui family. But where the political situation of Goryeo will go is related to Dazhou's own interests, and Dazhou will inevitably


What is different from the last time he intervened is that Dazhou is stronger. Even if it is limited to various factors, Dazhou is not suitable for attacking Gangge, and various forces suitable for investment are already being quickly dispatched.

If Cui Zhongxian is really going to die, and those who succeed him lack enough wisdom, Zhou Dazhou will not mind using his power to pry open the layers of defense shell of the Korean people in one go, and put more things in this country into the palm of his hand.

"Our situation in Goryeo was managed by Li Yun. I guess Lao Yin definitely doesn't want to lose to Li Yun, and will definitely rack his brains and exert all his strength to do things beautifully. But..."

Guo Ning casually patted another stack of files on the table. The entire stack of files was all about Japan, and it was more than twice as thick as the one used to record the situation in Korea. This was of course because the domestic situation in Japan was more complicated.

Also because Japan’s specialties have special significance, they are extremely important to the Great Zhou Dynasty.

"Japan is more critical than Goryeo. Their domestic situation is gradually coming to a head... Tell Yin Chang that preparations can be slow, but once they are launched, they must act quickly. I hope that before winter begins,

A complete and stable Goryeo. If we can control Goryeo, we can then influence the Japanese state."

This chapter has been completed!
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