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Chapter 954 New Blood (Part 1)

Chapter 954 New Blood (Part 1)

After all, the size of the Goryeo Kingdom was too small and too closed compared to the Central Plains Kingdom. The battles on this land for thousands of years were like blood flowing from a snail's horn. In recent decades, as the military officials

The rule became increasingly strict, and everyone including the royal family, literary nobles, monks, common people, lower-level soldiers, farmers, merchants, and slaves were repeatedly purged.

In this country, there are no real secrets at all. Any political, military, or economic power or group has been discovered and fell under the control of the corresponding leader. In this situation

Under this situation, no one can extract new power that is not controlled by others.

Even if someone finds something new, they can't hide it from competitors, and they will immediately be attacked by a group of people. This kind of thing has happened many times in the past twenty years, and the most recent one was used by more than a dozen people.

Monks in the monastery.

This is also an important reason why the living monks who can still stay in the royal city are so kind and harmless.

Now, the real moment has arrived, but no one can do anything. All available power is on the table, and all movements are under the eyes of others, so there is nothing anyone can do.

The side at the top has more room for advancement and retreat, and all it does is use polo competitions or other such opportunities to show off its strength and try to win the support of smaller forces.

Everyone is waiting for Cui Zhongxian to die. Only when he dies will the situation return to chaos and everyone can fish in troubled waters.

However, this situation where there is no new force to rely on does not mean that there is no room for change.

Although the Goryeo Kingdom is closed, it is not completely isolated from the Central Plains Dynasty. The border line stretches for hundreds of thousands of miles, and at least in recent years, a large amount of new blood has flowed into it.

A few years ago, the Kingdom of Jin came to an end, and there was great chaos in Northeast China and Liaodong. Two outstanding men took advantage of the situation and established political power in the vast land across the river from the Kingdom of Goryeo.

One of these two outstanding men was a Jurchen named Pu Xianwannu, and the other was a Khitan named Yelvliu Ge.

Their combined regime was in turmoil, and was soon defeated by Guo Ning, the current emperor of the Zhou Dynasty. He himself was also dead. Their remnants were scattered everywhere, and a considerable part of them entered Goryeo. Although its scale was insignificant compared to the Shang Dynasty, it was

In Goryeo, it was already a huge armed group and once caused great turmoil.

Li Yun, the chief minister of the Great Zhou Dynasty, took this opportunity to open the door of Goryeo and realize the commercial cooperation between the powerful ministers of the Great Zhou Dynasty and Goryeo.

The huge benefits brought by this move helped Cui Zhongxian firmly control Goryeo. However, the many Khitan people and Jurchens who fled to Goryeo were always regarded by the Goryeo people as unreliable and hostile people, and were strongly ostracized and completely suppressed.

Isolated from the political system of Goryeo.

This situation is a tacit understanding shared by all parties in Goryeo, and it is also the political bottom line that must be followed.

After the Khitan and Jurchens' power in Liaodong collapsed, many people were unable to leave their homeland and chose to stay locally and surrender to the Zhou Dynasty. Those who went all the way to Goryeo were undoubtedly a particularly wild and untamable part of the ethnic group.

They traveled long distances to escape, not to mention the hardships and hardships on the way. After entering the territory of Goryeo, hundreds of thousands of people were poor and helpless, had no food or water, and had to plunder Goryeo.

The Koryo Kingdom initially tried to raise troops to conquer, but they were unable to compete with these ruthless people who escaped from the mountains of corpses and blood. Cui Zhongxian took the opportunity to eliminate dissidents. As a result, several armies of the Koryo Kingdom collapsed one after another, costing tens of thousands of lives.

Fortunately, these Khitans and Jurchens have long since lost their foundation. After a few battles, their own strength is no longer sustainable. They are just a makeshift refugee team without a stable organization. The Khitan and Jurchens are in the same position internally.

, the Khitan people and the Jurchens were divided into many factions with distinct latitude and longitude because of their old grudges in the Central Plains and Northeast China.

At that time, Zhou Dynasty came forward as an intermediary to allow these people to stay in the northern area of ​​Goryeo. After a few years, these people could not establish themselves, and they gradually dispersed and scattered.

The people in various parts of the Goryeo Kingdom were able to absorb them at first, but as time went by, conflicts continued to emerge. Because most of these Khitan and Jurchen people were strong, they would do anything for a meal, and their numbers were astonishing, which would inevitably disrupt the originally stable society.

Local order, robbing local Korean people of their jobs.

The area from Kaesong to Yeseong Port is fine. These places have a developed economy, prosperous commerce, and can accommodate a large number of laborers. In other places, whenever there are northern refugees, they will definitely have fierce friction with the Korean people. In the past few years, hundreds of thousands of

Conflicts on a human scale have broken out more than ten times, often causing dozens or hundreds of casualties.

Under such a situation, how could the ordinary people in Goryeo have any kindness towards the Khitan people and Jurchens who went south? It is not an exaggeration to say that the public was outraged and criticized by thousands of people.

All parties in Goryeo naturally pretended to plead for the people and were busy grabbing political capital. Who would risk the world's openness to hook up with those bereaved dogs?

These foreigners came to Goryeo from the central plains or the northeastern hinterland. Many old, weak, women and children were killed or injured, and the rest were young and middle-aged men. Moreover, almost all of them could fight. They were all good at riding and were warriors who had been tempered over time.


As long as all parties in Goryeo recruit them, they can easily increase their own military force and form an overwhelming advantage over their opponents. However, due to the fierce public opinion in the country, many things cannot be done openly, and at most they can only be contacted and blended in secret.

The leaders of all forces knew that if they wanted to recruit this group of people on a large scale, the biggest worry was not this. Goryeo's domestic hierarchy was very strict, and no matter how resentful the common people were, it would not affect the nobles at all.

At best, the reputation is damaged.

What they fear is that people who are not from our race will have different hearts. What they fear is that these foreign warriors maintain private ties with the Central Plains Dynasty and will become a knife to subvert the political situation of Goryeo.

They were even more afraid that the wealth and wealth that their family had built in Goryeo would fall into the hands of others, and that their own power would also lose control and become a puppet under the influence of Zhou Dynasty.

There are even many people who are worried that Cui Zhongxian himself will introduce the power of the Central Plains Dynasty to completely destroy the local Goryeo aristocracy. After all, the title of "King of Koryo State Power" given by the Central Plains Dynasty that day was really exciting.

The then marshal of the capital of Jin Dynasty has now become the emperor of Zhou Dynasty. Who can guarantee that Cui Zhongxian will not play a big trick before his death and transform himself from King Quan to the real King of Goryeo?

In this case, whoever cites the Khitans and Jurchens from the Central Plains in large numbers is any different from opening the door and bowing to the robbers?

In the past two years, such worries have become widespread in the Koryo Kingdom. So when Yin Chang arrived, all forces sent people to investigate, all suspecting that he was a key figure sent by the Emperor of the Zhou Dynasty to fight with the countless Khitan people stranded in the Koryo Kingdom.

The Jurchens work together to do something.

It turned out that everyone got it wrong.

The Zhou Dynasty did not put its thoughts on the Goryeo Kingdom, and Yin Chang was not specially sent by the Emperor of the Zhou Dynasty. Strictly speaking, Yin Chang, like the Khitan people and the Jurchens, were all bereaved dogs who had been defeated in the Central Plains. However, Yin Chang was still alive.

There is a group of friends who are good at running a low-income business, so they came to Korea to make money!

No matter how ridiculous you think this is, it is true! Those officials from humble backgrounds in the Zhou Dynasty were really so shameless!

In this case...the identities of those Khitans and Jurchens are also different.

They were originally full of suspicion and no one dared to use them; but if we no longer worry about their connection with the Great Zhou Dynasty, these foreigners are fat meat, and one bite of fat meat can make one's strength skyrocket!

Nowadays, the weakest force among all the forces in the King of Goryeo is Cui Yu, the Deputy Privy Envoy. Cui Zhongxian can conclude that in the past few days, his eldest son will be searching for polo players to prepare for the polo competition.

, recruiting a large number of foreigners to his ranks.

How can this kind of thing be delayed? Those Khitan people and Jurchens are all evil ghosts who are crazy about poverty. Whoever can start to lure them a day or two earlier may have hundreds of more fierce warriors in hand, who can fight at the critical moment.

Play a huge role!

Cui Zhongxian immediately reminded Chi Yunshen and asked him, his second son Cui Jue and others to quickly follow up and divide the country, so as not to fall behind others.


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