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Chapter 96 Major Events (2)

In the direction Guo Ning was looking at, Prince Sheng Wanyan Congjia was deep in thought.

According to Wanyan Congjia, since the founding of the Jin Dynasty, the conflicts between the emperor and the clan have never stopped for a day.

In the early days of the Republic of China, Wanyan Zonghan received support from the imperial court and set up a marshal's palace to govern half of the country, even interfering in the selection of the crown prince. Both Taizong and Xizong were deeply concerned about this. Wanyan Zongbi also used old officials of the Song Dynasty as his wings to control military and political power alone.

To cover the sky with one hand.

Later, Wanyan Liang committed regicide and established himself as the emperor. In order to consolidate the imperial power, he massacred the clan, so that many famous Wanyan families were exterminated. Emperor Shizong relied on the power of the clan nobles to launch a coup and overthrew Wanyan Liang. After he ascended the throne, he treated the clan a little more leniently.

Immediately, many clans formed an intertwined force in the court, and they could not lose their tail.

When Emperor Zhangzong succeeded to the throne as the grandson of the emperor, Emperor Sejong's disciples were very dissatisfied. The conflicts between the two generations of clans quickly intensified. Finally, the rebellion of King Zheng Yongbu and King Hao Yongzhong broke out, which caused turmoil in the court.

Many ministers in the hall were implicated.

But Emperor Zhangzong had many calculations and eliminated all the clans that he felt were untrustworthy, but in the end he was tricked by the seemingly mediocre and kind-hearted Wanyan Yongji.

It was clear that Emperor Zhangzong had an edict that his unborn prince should be his heir. As a result, before his body was cold, one of his two pregnant concubines died and the other had an abortion. Wanyan Yongji came to power proudly.

Wanyan Congjia was studious since he was a child and was familiar with the history books of the Han Dynasty. He only felt that since ancient times, the emperor and the clan had been fighting against each other, and their calculations were probably more intense than in this dynasty.

The reason is actually very simple. When Emperor Taizu was here, the system of Dajin was primitive and rough, and all aspects could only be relied on the clan. Later, when the imperial system gradually improved, the emperor's prestige was not enough, so it was difficult to force the clan to transfer them.

Get used to the power in your hands.

Under this situation, if there was any slight turmoil in the court, the clan would blame the emperor's incompetence and nominate someone else they thought could be used. And once the person they thought was useful came to the throne and wanted to make a difference, they had to turn over their hands first.

Eliminate the many clan constraints.

It goes on like this from generation to generation, seemingly forever, and the elite of the clan and the vitality of the court are exhausted.

Wanyan Congjia had understood this a long time ago, so he tried his best to keep a low profile to avoid being involved in the chaos. Ever since Emperor Zhangzong sent him out to punish Yongding, Zhangde and other troops, he had not been in contact with Zhongdu for twenty years.

Even though Wanyan Yongji blatantly violated his promise and ascended the throne that day, he had no reaction at all.

Unfortunately, Wanyan Yongji is too incompetent and does a terrible job!

Unfortunately, although I don't actively seek wealth, wealth comes to me from others!

Unexpectedly, Wanyan Gang and the royal family and important ministers in the court were so kind that they insisted on entrusting me with this heavy responsibility!

Wanyan Congjia is fifty years old. In his fifty years of life, he has watched the situation with a cold eye and seen a lot, which has led him to have higher expectations for himself. His low-key, tenacious and meticulous way of doing things has also won many favors from the court.

The important ministers secretly appreciated it.

At this moment, Dajin was facing difficulties in dealing with the fierce rise of the Mongols, and Wanyan Yongji had acted inappropriately for two consecutive years, and the important officials in the imperial court could no longer stand it.

In this case, who but me can turn the tide?

The emperor's throne is right in front of him. These days, Wanyan Congjia often thinks of what he saw in Zhongdu City, the magnificent palace, and the emperor's throne high up in the palace that overlooks everyone. The throne looks like

It exudes magical power, making people think about it day and night, making them fascinated and unable to extricate themselves.

It had been five days since he had been isolated to the west of Hejian Mansion. During these five days, Wanyan Congjia had barely slept a single day. His patience had been exhausted, and his tolerance for certain people in the court had also come to an end.

Look, smoke is rising from the north. God knows what happened... We can't wait any longer and we must make a decision as soon as possible!

It’s time to follow the example of Emperor Sejong, cut through the mess quickly and settle the chaos in one fell swoop!

Wanyan Congjia stared at the low city in front of him and asked impatiently: "Puca Ali hasn't arrived yet? Why did he delay on the way?"

Behind him, Zhang Wei, the transport envoy of Hebei West Road, said cautiously: "Yesterday the envoy reported that Marshal Pucha personally picked up five thousand men and rode them. He has been traveling day and night and has passed Taihang. The time of arrival is not today, but tomorrow."

"Traveling day and night? Still so slow? We have to do big things, how can we tolerate the hesitation of Tu Xun?" Wanyan Congjia snorted coldly: "Ziming! Send someone to rush you immediately! Tell him not to worry about how many horses are killed!"

Zhang Wei hurriedly bowed: "Yes, yes!"

He faced Wanyan Congjia, took a few steps back, and then hurriedly waved to summon his subordinates.

Zhang Wei was a Jinshi in the 25th year of Dading, but he was not an orthodox Confucian scholar. After becoming an official, he first served as a military judge in Jiazhou, then moved to the left police patrol in Zhongdu, and then became a member of the Transfer Department, a Tongzhi The transfer envoy of Xijing. When Taihe conquered the Song Dynasty, the imperial court summoned Zhang Wei and asked him to plot various warehouses, except for the three secretaries... In short, it was all trivial financial management chores.

No matter how well you do your job, you won't get any praise. If something goes wrong, you'll be pushed out of the tank immediately.

Previously, when Xu was in charge of governing the country, he could still treat practical ministers like him fairly. But when Mr. Xu fell, Confucian ministers in the court came to power one after another, and each one explained the truth with great generosity, but Zhang Wei had nothing to do with him.

Zhang Wei is a person who is very keen on official career, and of course he is not satisfied with this, so he participated in this conspiracy to coup, intending to take a chance and gain political benefits for himself.

Zhang Wei knew that this time, the really powerful bosses in the court took a fancy to King Sheng and wanted to use him to replace the incompetent current emperor. However, Zhang Wei had been in contact with King Sheng for several days, but he was vaguely worried that the people in the court would There's something wrong with the big guys' vision.

Perhaps, they hope too much to welcome a new person who is different from the current emperor, so when choosing, they strive to have a personality different from that of the current emperor.

Compared with the weakness, elegance and laziness of the current emperor, the diligence and meticulousness of King Sheng are in sharp contrast.

But with a character like King Sheng, could it be that he is too trivial? Too harsh?

Just like urging Pucha Ali, what's the point of urging him now?

Pucha Ali mobilized all the cavalry on Hedong Road and ran at full speed regardless of the cost. The marching speed was already as fast as lightning. Even if Zhang Wei sent someone to go, there was a high probability that he would arrive at the same time as Pucha Ali, and he would not be able to give the news of the king's promotion in advance. .

However, now that we have boarded the ship, it is impossible to exit now.

Zhang Wei had no choice but to do what King Sheng said.

Wanyan Congjia ignored Zhang Wei. He turned to the guard chief Wuyan Weike who was standing on the other side and said: "In the past few days, the thieves in Pinglu Village have not dared to come and cause trouble. I think, Their number must be limited. When Pucha Ali brings his people, you can lead a thousand riders to surround the stronghold. Pucha Ali and I will cross directly and rest at Hejian Mansion first."

Wuyan Weike was inspecting the defenses around the camp. He was suddenly called over to discuss the arrangements after crossing Pinglu Village. He was a little confused.

But no one disliked the increase in strength at hand. When he heard that he could get the command of a thousand cavalry, Wu Yanwei was very happy and quickly bowed.

As he bowed down, he suddenly felt a strange burnt smell slowly rising up from below.

He sniffed and took another sniff. The smell seemed to be that large tracts of dead grass were set alight at the same time, and then kerosene was added to aid the combustion?

Where is the fire here?

As soon as this idea came to my mind, more than ten grass balls suddenly flew up in the ravines on both sides of the road.

Each of those grass balls was as big as two people hugging each other. When they were thrown into the air, they caught fire. When they fell to the ground, they turned into fireballs that erupted in flames!

The sergeants and civil servants in the camp were suddenly frightened. Many people hurriedly retreated, but were blocked by people further behind, so they pushed and jostled each other and made a mess.

Those fireballs continued to roll, and some people were caught by the fireballs and their bodies were stuck with kerosene, so they shouted wildly and rolled around on the ground. Some people ran away quickly, but they gave way to the vehicles stacked with food and supplies.

The fireball hit the grain truck, and the flames suddenly shot up, reaching a height of two to three feet. And the smoke spread everywhere.

"What are you doing standing still! Put out the fire quickly!" Wanyan Congjia shouted at Wuyan Weike.

Among those materials, Zhang Wei brought to support Zhongdu to prepare food for the army, and Wanyan Congjia specially raised money to reward the officials after arriving in Zhongdu. These are for the prince and for the festival. Decades of accumulation is no small amount!

Wanyan Congjia was extremely impatient at the moment.

Wuyan Weike has more experience in the battlefield, but he knows that it is not the problem of fire.

He pulled out his sword, raised it high and shouted: "There is an enemy attack! Don't panic, everyone, form a formation!"

"Where is the enemy invading? Where is the enemy?" Wanyan Congjia retorted: "Put out the fire first!"

At this moment, he saw Wuyan Weike's mouth wide open, eyes wide open, showing a very strange expression, and his body suddenly stopped moving.

Wanyan Congjia thought he was blinded by the smoke, so he quickly rubbed it and looked again. It turned out that it was not dazzling, but a long arrow shot from Wuyan Wike's mouth and came out from the back of his neck.

Wuyan Wike's eyes were still rolling, but blood was pouring out from his mouth and the back of his neck like a fountain, and in the blink of an eye, most of his body was dyed bright red.

This was too sudden.

Wu Yanwei was not an ordinary guard chief. He was a close confidant of Wanyan Congjia. He had once served as the deputy commander of the military and horsemen of Zhongdu! If Wanyan Congjia became the emperor as he wished, Wuyan Weike would definitely be the emperor of the court. One of the few important generals!

Why did he die? Could he have died so hastily?

Wanyan Congjia shouted twice and squatted down suddenly to avoid a hail of arrows.

He looked back and saw rows of troops suddenly emerging from the smoke.

In the middle of the army were infantry and soldiers. Each of the soldiers held a shield at an angle, and the shields connected the city, like the Great Wall. From the gaps between the shields, iron spears and spears poked out, flashing with cold light.

The soldiers rushed out from the ravine and out of the smoke, always maintaining a neat queue and order.

On both sides of the soldiers, there were red flags flying to lead the way. The cavalrymen in full armor and belts spread their wings, quietly urging their horses forward to outflank them.

"Be careful! Be careful!" Someone shouted in the queue: "Have you seen the thin man in the brocade robe? That's an important person, catch him quickly!"


Note: Wuyan Weike, a native of Meng'an on Long'an Road. He supplemented the pro-insurgent army and served as a guard. He was the judge of the general administration of Yidu, the deputy commander of the army and horses of Zhongdu, and the governor of Huizhou. Zhenyouchu was the general of Zuowei. , Commander-in-Chief of Guarding Zhidu, Deputy Commander-in-Chief of Shandong Army, and Jiedu Envoy of Anhua Army. The bandits took Jiuxian Mountain as their lair. They were afraid of the crowd but could not attack, and the thieves became more and more fierce... In the fourth year of Xingding, the Taiding Army was changed. This is the year In the fifth month, Gunzhou was destroyed and he died.

This guy still has a lot of roles in the outline, but I can't change my old habits, and my hands are starting to slip... Forget it, just die! There is no shortage of one or two people!


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