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Chapter 962: Miracle Doctor (Part 2)

For several days after that, people inevitably asked many of Yin Chang's stewards and doctors, wanting to know what they had seen after working hard these past few nights, and whether they could provide any information that would help them. But Yin Chang is also a really wonderful person.

Since he made it clear that carriages and horses were not involved in Goryeo's political situation, he would not allow any omissions to occur.

Anyone who responded to the invitation and went out late at night to diagnose and treat people was placed in different courtyards by him. Each time there was a fixed group of people who responded to a certain party, and different courtyards had little contact with each other. So the Koreans asked

I asked again and again, but to no avail.

However, the medical skills of the doctors were highly praised, and in a blink of an eye, there were rumors of wonderful rejuvenation. The medical skills of Goryeo were obtained from the teachings of the Central Plains, and the two Taiping Shenghui prescriptions regarded as medical classics were completely introduced from the Tang and Song dynasties.

The doctors from Goryeo gathered together. Therefore, several people from the Song Dynasty in the caravan were particularly respected. One day, noble people actually came to seek medical treatment in broad daylight.

At this time, who knows whether the so-called nobleman really wants to seek medical treatment or is taking the opportunity to gather information? Naturally, such people were rejected by Yin Chang and said that they might as well wait until after the polo match.

The time for the polo competition is getting closer and closer, Kaesong maintains a superficial calm, while all parties seize the time to collect and rectify the strength at hand. In the process, the mutual restraint and pull between the parties will inevitably become more and more intense.

However, compared to what will most likely happen at a polo match, these are just minor changes. The deaths of a few insignificant people were all suppressed by Yusi who knew it.

Whether there were changes or not, it did not affect Yin Chang's activities in Kaicheng. Taking advantage of the good time when officials from all parties gathered in Kaicheng, he calmly visited many senior officials who were qualified to send people to participate in the polo competition, and talked with them, or

Their capable staff carefully checked the entry process.

The entire set of procedures he came up with has been implemented in the crowded Kaifeng Mansion for decades or hundreds of years, and its perfection level simply surpasses the one created by the Koreans themselves. Therefore, all preparations are progressing smoothly, probably because there are so many people praising them.

, Yin Chang was also summoned by Cui Zhongxian. Accompanied by Chi Yunshen, he entered Cui Zhongxian's mansion alone and left after more than an hour.

The distinction between scholars, farmers, industry, and merchants in Korea was a hundred times stricter than that in the Central Plains. A businessman who led people to manage football matches, no matter what his previous status was, was really honored to be received by the king of Korea. Moreover, Cui Zhongxian was very important during the interview.

Although he was often in a daze, he showed that he was very much looking forward to the polo match. After that, he summoned Yin Chang twice in succession and gave some random instructions.

After each summons, it was inevitable that someone would approach Yin Chang under various pretexts and ask in a roundabout way what Cui Zhongxian had to say.

Yin Chang is very shrewd. Whether it is a drinking buddy who meets unexpectedly in a wine shop or a Korean official who comes to discuss business under the guise of official business and asks questions, he can understand the purpose of the person. He is also very practical and does not deliberately conceal his experience. He tells the truth.

Tell about what you saw and heard.

He said that Cui Xiang did not tell him any unnecessary words, and he did not say anything to Cui Xiang. This was mainly because Cui Xiang was feeling sleepy day by day. When he was summoned for the first time, he could still speak for half a moment.

If so, during the second summons, I would only have the energy to say three or five sentences, and then I would have to rest for a long time.

During these two meetings, the conversation was all about the polo match. Cui Xiang recalled with great interest the heroic demeanor of riding a powerful horse when he was young. At the third meeting, Cui Xiang was talking, but his voice was too thin, and Yin Chang and Chi Yun

I couldn't even hear what exactly was said.

After making several inquiries from various sources, they compared Yin Chang's story with the inside story that they had learned in a roundabout way from Prime Minister Cui's mansion. As expected, they were both consistent.

In this way, Yin Chang's every move was gradually overshadowed by the increasingly tense atmosphere in Kaesong. All parties had their own priorities to pay attention to, and they were all seizing the last moment before Cui Zhongxian's death to expand their strength. No one cared much about it.

At most, they were just studying the process of the polo match over and over again, figuring out how to proceed at this time.

After a few days, the polo match finally started.

This event was first introduced to Goryeo in the Tang Dynasty. Later, when Daliao and Jin were powerful, the nobles of the two countries also liked it. So Goryeo gathered officials and nobles to hold the event ceremoniously every year to show the goodwill between the country and the previous country.

The polo matches popular among the Khitan and Jurchen tribes are much more bloody and cruel than the rituals preserved in the Song Dynasty. Dangerous actions such as collisions, beatings and even horse trampling often occur during the matches, and it is not uncommon for people to lose their lives.


During the reign of the Liao Dynasty, Han Derang, the favored minister of Empress Dowager Xiao, was playing polo with others and was knocked down by the Yeluhuli clan of the Khitan royal family on the field. Empress Dowager Xiao immediately beheaded the Yeluhuli clan, and no one in the royal family dared to speak out.

This is because polo matches are full of danger and are often used as a semi-open excuse for killing people.

The Koreans learned a lot from this and made the games very bloody. Every game became a stage for wealthy families to show off their strength or take revenge on their opponents, with limbs and arms broken at every turn.

It wasn't until a few years ago that the Central Plains dynasty changed, and the Khitan and Jurchen tribes were in a visibly embarrassed state, and the Goryeo Kingdom was temporarily unsure of the customs of the Central Plains court, that the official stopped organizing this traditional event, leaving it to the people to make a fuss.

There has been no competition for several years, but the rammed earth flat in the center of the court and the surrounding high platforms have not been abandoned and have been well maintained. Therefore, this place is also the execution ground for killing criminals in the Goryeo Kingdom, and the founding monarch of Wang family was massacred here.

There are many soldiers who have conquered the enemy. They have been followed for hundreds of years, and no one knows how much blood has been poured here.

Cui Zhongxian killed more political opponents in the court. For example, he killed political opponents Li Yimin and others with more than 700 people from three tribes in the early days of coming to power. Another example is the military generals Zhao Chong and Sun Yong who were killed by him not long ago because they complained.

Hundreds of people.

The funny thing is that Kaesong was cramped after all, and the ball court was the only place with open terrain in the city, so it had to be used for multiple purposes. This place was not only a place of execution and killing, but also a place where the King of Goryeo held the Eight Passes and watched music and dance;

When the harvest is good, the king personally feeds the country, and people over eighty years old are also here.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! With the memory of various past ceremonies, Yin Chang arranged everything properly on the first day of July.

Since early in the morning, there have been continuous queues of knights in full body armor gathering at various mansions in the city. They are like gurgling streams that merge into a torrent, or like hundreds of rivers flowing into a lake, rushing towards the north of Shenfeng Gate.

Yin Chang had divided the dozens of areas in the court with long fences in advance. They were originally only used to accommodate the players participating in the polo competition. At best, they could also include the nobles participating in the competition and their entourage to prepare horses. But at this time, the people who arrived

, much more than he expected.

In just one hour, the knights and the warriors who followed on foot filled up the space around the entire court. All parties then dispatched their men to the buildings outside the court, and unceremoniously drove away the people occupying the high platform outside.

and flying bridge, wanting to see the lively ordinary people and grab the best seats... It seems that so many people really love the football game fanatically.

Then, the nominal king of Goryeo appeared first and sat under a canopy surrounded by colorful flags. This king has never dealt with politics since he succeeded to the throne, and has rarely appeared in public in recent years, so the noise in the hall did not stop.


It wasn't until the man who really held the power of Goryeo was leaning on his shoulder cart and being respectfully carried to the Lupeng position on the same level as the king that the ministers suddenly became awe-struck, danced and knelt down, and they didn't know whether the person kneeling down was a young puppet or a dying man.

Aging powerful minister.

At this moment, countless colorful flags were rolling, countless drums and horns were beating in unison, hundreds of drums were being beaten, and thousands of people were praying respectfully. Yin Chang and his small team felt at ease.

Except for those who maintained order at the scene and arranged for some local acrobats to perform on the stage, the rest were sitting under the Shenfeng Gate in the south of the court to enjoy the cool air. A subordinate hurried over and whispered: "Everyone is here, the first game will begin soon.


Yin Chang chuckled twice.

"In the early years, I watched Jurchens playing polo in Shandong, and people were often killed. The Jurchen nobles often used well-equipped cavalry to fight against the prisoners in the prison, and used polo poles to beat their opponents directly on the field. This way of death

, called 'Mengshuang Special Gu' in Jurchen language..."

Before he finished speaking, a roar like a mountain roaring and a tsunami came from the direction of the court.

Yin Chang turned his attention and looked past the densely packed flags and spears, only to see blood mist rising out of thin air in the smoke and dust in the center of the field.

Without Yin Chang's instructions, the doctors stood up one after another and prepared to start work.

This chapter has been completed!
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