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Chapter 967 Substitution (Part 2)


The earliest batch of veterans of the navy have generally become older in recent years. After reaching the age of forty, no matter how brave and tenacious the soldiers are, they cannot avoid the pain and pain accumulated in the killing field, and they will soon usher in a period of energy.

and the process of rapid physical decline.

Therefore, most of them no longer personally participate in fighting and killing. Their status in the Great Zhou Dynasty is also special. As hundreds of old brothers who can maintain personal contact with the emperor, no matter where they choose to settle, they will

It has long been offered up.

There are only a few people who are as high-spirited as Zhao Bin and always participate in various new things at sea and in foreign countries. But even if Zhao Bin can lead people to death at this time, his main purpose is not to take action seriously, but to supervise most of them.

The number of guards Yin Chang brought to Kaicheng was very small, and there were only a dozen people following Zhao Bin. But they walked leisurely around the court, and the sound of fighting in the court inside the circle shook the earth, and outside the circle

There were many mansions, taverns, swords and swords, and thick smoke rising... but no one hindered them, as if they had become invisible inside and outside Kaicheng.

Of course, the iron hook on Zhao Bin's hand is still shining silver and extremely dazzling. Whether it is the Koreans who want to escape over the wall or the Khitan people who are rampaging and killing, they can all see it at a glance.

Wang Erbai immediately held the sword in his hand, eager to try, but the Koreans who bumped into them often turned around and ran away, while the Khitan people would usually bow slightly to signal, and then slashed more swiftly.

After completing a circle, they were about to return to the Shenfeng Gate. What they saw was that, and there was nothing else that required them to show their bravery.

This made Wang Erbai a little disappointed. He said bitterly: "It's better to have fun at sea."

As the interests from the sea continued to expand, the size of the Zhou Dynasty's fleet at sea increased rapidly. However, most of the new additions belonged to various trading houses. Those who truly gained the trust of the high-level officials of the imperial court and would cooperate with the imperial court in performing various tasks were still

Zhao Bin et al.

Therefore, in the past few years, Zhao Bin and Wang Erbai have never stopped running around at sea. They have participated in various actions, including large and small raids and instigations, all along the coast, and even as far as Zhuya and Champa Kingdom.

, he occasionally played a guest role as a pirate and engaged in gangsterism.

This time Da Zhou intended to reach out to Goryeo, and had arranged a large-scale personnel gathering beforehand. Wang Erbai thought that he would participate in a vigorous military operation.

But they never thought that the protagonists were the Khitans and the drama was the internal strife of the Koryo people. They were just taking a look.

Really I just watched the whole thing, as if I was visiting a market in a foreign country, and happened to bump into a local rehearsing a fight show, so I stopped to watch the excitement. As the group walked around the outer wall of the court, they bumped into the city several times.

Ordinary people, these people could only be frightened. Everyone fled into a nearby courtyard to hide as fast as possible, without the slightest thought of participating or resisting.

It didn't take long for them to circle back to Shenfeng Gate. There was no blood on their robes, only dust and sweat stains.

Compared with the tall gates and huge doors in the Central Plains cities, the Shenfeng Gate is not a large building, so the city gate corridor is also very short, and it does not appear deep and dark. But at this moment, the smoke and dust kicked up by people and horses were everywhere in the ball court.

The sun is blocked. Standing in the doorway of Shenfeng Gate and looking out, the line of sight is also blocked. It is impossible to distinguish the scenery from more than a hundred steps away.

Everyone could only hear the sound of fighting in the distance, which was like waves rising and falling, from silence to roaring, and then from roaring to silence again, and so on three or five times without stopping.

In the end, the silence became longer and longer, and shouts in Korean came and went in the court, but they were not shouts to kill, but orders to kneel down or some other order. Following this, the smoke and dust in the air gradually fell. , the vision became clearer, but the smell of dust filled the nasal cavity, which felt very choking.

Chen Zixin listened for a long time and asked in a trembling voice: "It seems that the Khitan people's voices have disappeared? Are they dead?"

Yin Chang laughed and took a few steps outside.

At this moment, there was a sudden sound of fierce footsteps. It turned out that a group of people, using the cover of tents and reed sheds, approached the Shenfeng Gate in many twists and turns. They planned to approach quietly, and then suddenly He was coaxed out, but he never thought that Yin Chang would step out.

The leader felt guilty and thought he had been discovered. He immediately shouted and led the people to charge wildly.

When they rushed more than ten steps away from Yin Chang, a group of Khitan knights arrived from behind. Those Khitan people wore robes of different colors, representing their status as belonging to different Goryeo nobles, and perhaps they also relied on many Goryeo nobles to stand up. The beautiful expectation of being superior. Unfortunately, at this moment, the meaning represented by the robes has completely disappeared, and they are just Khitans who are killing heartily.

Several Khitan knights rode through the middle of the Koryo queue, splitting the team in half from back to front like a giant ax cleaving the backbone of a beast. The following cavalry followed closely, surrounding and slashing.

When it comes to cavalry tactics, the warriors of the Great Zhou Dynasty think very highly of themselves and do not think anyone can compare with them. However, these Khitan people in front of them have gone through countless hardships and hundreds of battles, so they are naturally extraordinary. Yin Chang nodded in admiration. , in front of me were corpses lying scattered on the ground.

There were only two or three people who looked like they were of extraordinary status, so the Khitan people did not kill them for a moment. They held four or five long and short knives against their chests and necks, and then went to summon their leaders, probably to recognize them and confirm these few people. How much merit does a person deserve?

One of them had blood all over his head and face, and Yin Chang and the people around him didn't recognize him at all. This man was trembling against the sword before, but he happened to catch a glimpse of Yin Chang.

"Yin Gong! Yin Gong, why do you have to do such a thing! If the Shangguo has any instructions to Goryeo, isn't it just a word, an edict? Why is this! Why is this! What does the Emperor of the Shangguo want, or Yin Gong You can ask for anything you want at any time! There is absolutely no reason why I can't do it!"

The man held his neck and screamed repeatedly. As his throat rose and fell, the outer skin was scratched by the blade. But he didn't care at all. He just yelled at the top of his lungs: "Mr. Yin, we have something to talk about! Please be merciful! I can Those archers ambushing outside the court, thanks to your help, I remember this friendship! Ah, Mr. Ding is here too, please stop those Khitans!"

This location is too close to the entrance of Shenfeng Gate. This person's Mandarin Chinese is very accurate at the moment. He really wants to get angry and shout loudly in Korean... I'm sure Yin Chang and his party will be put in the polo match. The name before and after the competition was cleared up, and the actual deeply involved matters were revealed and heard by the Korean people running around in panic outside.

It doesn’t matter if the two countries are at war and each other is dead and wounded. It doesn’t matter what hatred they have. Da Zhou did not regard Goryeo as an enemy country. Da Zhou just wanted to intervene more deeply, to get more involved in the Goryeo Kingdom, and to integrate it more smoothly into its own side.

into the constructed economic system.

This process will not only be beneficial to the Zhou Dynasty, but will also bring unprecedented opportunities to Goryeo, which has a poor land and poor people. However, during this period, many Goryeo nobles who were once collaborators of the Great Zhou Dynasty have become obstacles.

This group of rigid-minded household dogs clings to the ever-increasing trade system, but because they are all too full and fat, they have no motivation to further deepen cooperation, and instead indulge in conflicts with each other. Their choices determine their fate.

Yin Chang's trip to Goryeo was about to get rid of them and replace them.

This is a decision made purely from the perspective of interests. It is a complete bully of the weak and extremely cruel, but there is no right or wrong. All because only when the old people go, can the profit space be freed up for the new people to share, and let the Goryeo Kingdom

Subsequent political groups chose to be deeply tied to the Great Zhou Dynasty.

But during this period, Koryo as a whole was still a friendly neighbor of Zhou, and Koryo could never be hostile to Zhou. If there was general hostility between the two countries, Koryo would no longer be a source of interest, but

If you continue to draw on the source of profits and lives, you will be disappointed by many new dignitaries in the Great Zhou Dynasty.

Once that happens, Yin Chang will be blamed for his incompetence. I'm afraid Li Yun will be the first to jump out and add insult to injury. But Yin Chang doesn't have that strong confidence and feels that he still has a second chance to atone for his sins.


Therefore, some things should be kept in the stomach, some ridiculous rumors should not appear at all. Some gossips should not be spread out at all.

"Ahem, what nonsense is this person talking about! I don't understand it at all!"

Yin Chang said this, took a few steps forward and took a closer look, only to realize that this person was actually Chi Yunchen.

The whole fight in the court was the flashpoint between Chi Yunshen and others and Cui Yu. People like Chi Yunshen who are active in the center and directly control huge power have long been on the must-kill list.

, ranked very high. Unexpectedly, this person was really tough and capable, but he actually struggled out of the Shura field and jumped in front of Yin Chang!

Before Yin Chang could think of how to respond, Dr. Ding suddenly jumped out and raised his hand to give Chi Yunshen a hard scratch on the ear.

"Fart! Mr. Yin came to Goryeo to do business. People like us are even more serious doctors! Have you ever heard of the benevolence of doctors! We have all read the books of sages, how can we interfere in the political situation of Goryeo? There is internal strife among your own powerful people.

, fighting each other to death, what does it have to do with us!"

At this point, Mr. Ding put his hands on his hips and was filled with righteous indignation: "Besides, these Khitans are all sinners who escaped from our Zhou Dynasty! They have nothing to do with our Zhou Dynasty! They are even less likely to obey our orders! I, Ding

If someone doesn't respond to your request, you won't be able to see them at all, how could it be possible..."

Just as he was about to conduct a detailed analysis and pull his group away from Chi Yunshen's slander, Xiao Nieli, a Khitan knight leading the team, rushed over.

Xiao Nieli had been very worried earlier. He thought that the Khitan people were going to do dog fighting for the Goryeo nobles for a little profit, and fight each other on the polo field for the benefit of the Goryeo nobles. Until a moment ago, his clan leader Yelu

Tonggu Yucai told him that everything had been arranged. The enemies were the Goryeo nobles, and they must be killed without hesitation. At the same time, those Han who were present must not be offended under any circumstances.

When he was in Liaodong in his early years, both Han'er and the Khitan people were ordered around by the Jurchens. Xiao Nieli had a good impression of Han'er, who was also a fallen person from the end of the world.

Not to mention that late at night a few days ago, Dr. Ding was prescribing medicine for him and his friends. Xiao Nianli remembered the appearance of Dr. Ding, and he also remembered that he specially took out the medicine when prescribing and treating diseases.

time, contact the clan leader privately.

At that moment, Xiao Nieli said earnestly: "Mr. Ding, even though this man is a high-ranking official in Goryeo, if he wants to be killed or released, he will obey your orders!"

Mr. Ding was just getting rid of it. After hearing this, he couldn't hold it in one breath and felt like he was suffocating himself to death.

Chi Yunshen's reaction was quick. His eyes were as wide as bells, and he immediately wanted to explain that he didn't hear anything.

It was a pity that it was too late. This sudden sentence was enough for Yin Chang to make up his mind to end the worthless lives of the Korean people in front of him.

"Let's kill him." Yin Chang sighed and waved his hand, and the Khitan knights waved their swords in response.

Chi Yunshen was injured one after another, and blood spurted out from several wounds on his body. He wailed like a demon and rolled around on the ground.

Xiao Nieli felt that he was afraid that he had said something he shouldn't have said, and he was a little panicked, so he wanted to be more positive. He quickly took a spear from his companion and stabbed it at Chi Yunshen. The tip of the spear

It penetrated Chi Yunshen's neck and made him unable to move again.

This chapter has been completed!
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