Wang Jiuling let the restaurant serve their best food and wine. Now Wang Jiuling is a rich man. He can earn a lot of money from just selling a record. In his previous life, including this life, he never had any good food. Now he is rich.
You should enjoy it properly
Wang Jiuling would not sit at the same table with them to eat, but the four of them would eat at the same table. Wang Jiuling and others were at the same table. Wang Jiuling didn’t know how long it had been since they had eaten meat. Anyway, it was all eaten up as soon as it was served. Tian Dan
Thinking about listening to them tell stories and watching the dead people finish eating, they just took a few mouthfuls of rice and said that they were full and went to listen to their stories. Wang Jiuling had to go with him. Xu Sanduo wanted to go, but Wang Jiuling reassured them.
When eating, safety is not only a concern here
"You guys really have lofty ambitions. This beggar can have such big ambitions. Personally, I think it would be better if you start some business and then find a wife and have a few kids." Wang Jiuling treated Zheng Shuang.
They didn't speak. Tian Dan interjected without opening his mouth.
A few people looked embarrassed and glanced at each other. Looking at Tian Dan, he seemed to also want to know their answers. Zheng Shuang seemed to have made up his mind and breathed a long sigh of relief and said: "You two are not only inviting us beauties.
If you want to eat and give us the ocean, I will simply tell you two and we are destined to be together." After that, Zheng Shuang told Kashgar about his life story...
After a long time, Tian Dan lay on Wang Jiuling's shoulder and burst into tears. He didn't expect them to be so pitiful, and Wang Jiuling didn't expect that he could actually see the living eunuchs.
Looking at Tian Dan and listening to their stories, these people are also somewhat educated and understand etiquette, so they are more pleasing to the eye. Wang Jiuling feels that he has to help them both in public and private affairs, "How about this, I still lack manpower, I
I see some of them are well-educated, so come over and help me, so as not to live on the streets every day!" Wang Jiuling said seriously.
Several people looked at each other, wondering if they were deaf, but the young master in front of them actually wanted to take in some of them eunuchs and old beggars. They couldn't believe it. They stared at Wang Jiuling with wide eyes and said with a wide mouth: "Ah?"
Wang Jiuling repeated it again, and only a few people were sure that they heard correctly. They should agree immediately to such a good thing, but a few people hesitated because there were too many reasons.
"A few of you are not willing!" The recruiter must do the whole thing. If you say a few more words, you won't die.
"No, no... we are worried that we will cause trouble for you. After all, we are not young, and we are still eunuchs. We eat as much as others, but we may not do more work than others." Zheng Shuang said, he spoke from the bottom of his heart
I really want to go, but they are indeed quite old
"It doesn't matter. There are thousands of people eating here, and the four of you are not too many. As for doing things, you don't have to do manual labor. I see that you are all literate, so I will naturally give you other tasks. Anyway, you can rest assured.
As long as you have done nothing wrong to me or betrayed me, I will pay for your medical treatment when you are old. I will naturally support you when you are old. Of course, when you die, I will also take care of your funeral arrangements."
"'s not that we doubt you. Let me ask you, are you not a ****?" Zheng Shuang has been traveling all over the Three Sichuan and Five Mountains for so many years, so he naturally knows about ****.
"It's not easy. You even know about it. It seems that you have not been living on the streets in vain all these years, but I can tell you that we are not," Wang Jiuling said
"Oh! Then I'm relieved!" Zheng Shuang said
Wang Jiuling was surprised. Looking at Zheng Shuang's relieved look, he seemed to be afraid of ***, "Why do you look like that? Are you afraid of ***?"
"That's not true. I just know a little bit. I heard that *** doesn't like class elements. People like us who once served the biggest class elements are probably not welcomed by others. Besides, we are useless now."
"So that's the case, but don't go by hearsay. If you don't follow me, maybe joining the Communist Party is a good option. At least you can have a living."
Tian Dan echoed: "Come here, my husband is very rich!" Tian Dan knew that Wang Jiuling was now very rich based on the last betrothal gift.
Zheng Shuang felt that if he refused again, maybe they wouldn't force him anymore. He and the others were just eunuchs and beggars who were about to die, not Zhuge Liang. "Mr. and Madam unexpectedly persuaded them to stay, so we will follow you. Come over and see your boss."
The other three are also very clever. Although they have not served in the palace for more than ten years, their cleverness is still there.
"Master, I am Zhang Zhao, the second son," said a slightly fat eunuch.
"Master, I am Zhang Yao, the third child," said a tall eunuch with a sallow complexion.
"Boss, I am Laosi Wang Bao." The man who called himself Wang Bao was very calm, and there was no joy on his face.
Wang Jiuling nodded towards them. Seeing that Xu Sanduo and the others were full, Wang Jiuling shouted: "Xu Sanduo!"
Xu Sanduo immediately ran over and wanted to say: "Yes" as usual, but Wang Jiuling glared at him and immediately changed his words: "Master, what are your orders?"
"Bring a hundred yuan and take them to buy some clothes. Remember to take a shower!" Wang Jiuling said the last sentence to Zheng Shuang and the others.
"Thank you, boss," several eunuchs nodded sheepishly and said, but who doesn't want to be clean, but if you wear such clean clothes, you will starve to death, who would give money to a very decent person!
"After buying, we will arrange a room for them to rest," Wang Jiuling said, and took Tian Dan out of the restaurant and walked towards the inn.
When Wang Jiuling arrived in the room, he immediately took off Tian Dan's coat and put it on, which made Tian Dan scream. However, Wang Jiuling didn't do anything. He just held Tian Dan while Tian Dan lay in Wang Jiuling's arms and said: "
Husband, you are so good to me!"
Wang Jiuling didn't know why Tian Dan said that, so he responded, "Is it true?"
"Well, I know you took them in because I like to hear their stories, right?" After saying that, he looked at Wang Jiuling with wide eyes.
Can Wang Jiuling say it's not the case? But the main reason is really that I deceived you. Wang Jiuling touched the back of Tian Dan's head, pinched Tian Dan's face, and shook it vigorously, indicating that it was like that
Tian Dan smiled sweetly and lay on Wang Jiuling's body, with his lovely wife in his arms. Where did Wang Jiuling live? He went up without hesitation...
The next day, Wang Jiuling first crossed the river to Anqing. Because he had a gun, he had to rent a boat to Chongqing, and then rent a boat in Chongqing to go to Panzhihua. Tian Dan and the four eunuchs suffered a lot along the way. Tian Dan had never traveled far, so he took the boat to Anqing.
On the boat, he swayed from side to side and vomited pile after pile. Wang Jiuling had to take a break midway.
Although the four eunuchs begged all over the country, they only walked on the road with their legs. They never took long-distance boats! By the time Wang Jiuling returned to Panzhihua, it was already early October. Wang Jiuling couldn't help but sigh that half a year had passed since he fled from Shanghai.
But I haven't accomplished anything, so I have to hurry up in the future, time waits for no one!