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Chapter 993: Ancient Shark City, Living People

Probably shocked by Lin Zhenhua's aura, the boss quickly averted his gaze and said, "No, it's okay. I just think the way my wife is seriously writing the paintings is very beautiful."

As soon as he said these words, Lin Zhenhua's face darkened visibly.

It happened that Tang Yu also came back with someone, and couldn't help coughing angrily.

Now the boss was even more panicked and hurriedly explained: "Guest, please don't get me wrong, I mean that my wife is very similar to a little master who draws talismans in our city. Seriously, she looks very good."

Tang Yu naturally didn't buy his remarks.

But I spoke before him: "The little master who drew the talisman? Where is he?"

And what did he just say, this is a city?

Apparently Lin Zhenhua also heard about this.

"He lives in the south of the city, his name is Tangyue. Yes, ours is an ancient tourist city called Guxiaocheng. Don't the guests know this?" the boss pretended to question.

"Oh, we were in a hurry and didn't read the travel guide." I said with a smile, "But it seems your place is not big, just a few markets. How can it be called an ancient city?"

In fact, there is no way there is a home here, let alone an ancient city.

"Hey, madam, what you said is wrong. Although we are small, we have all the internal organs. There are only a few streets in the market. But the mountains behind are full of people. By the way, the place where we live is in the mountains.

Over there. Madam, if you want to stay overnight, go over there." The boss introduced enthusiastically.

"Okay, thank you boss." I smiled and nodded.

The boss also left. After confirming that he had left, Tang Yu saw the private room door closed and said, "President, there is nothing wrong with this teahouse, and there is no secret passage."


"Say." Seeing him hesitating, Lin Zhenhua said bluntly.

"This place is really big. I just received responses from several groups of pathfinders. It doesn't look like a market. It looks like a complete ancient city." Tang Yu said with an ugly expression.

"What about the other groups?" Lin Zhenhua then asked.

Tang Yu looked even uglier since he never wanted to mention the other teams.

Seeing him like this, I thought for a moment that those small teams might have had an accident, and I was about to ask.

In the end, Tang Yu was the first to speak: "They all explored the market, and the feedback they received was that the people in these markets were not evil spirits, but living people. Even the pets they held in their hands and the poultry they sold were alive.


"Alive?" I frowned slightly.

"Well, alive." Tang Yu nodded truthfully: "Master Zang, this..."

I finally understood why Tang Yu looked so ugly.

This place is much larger than we expected, and there are still living people inside.

Obviously the problem is much more difficult than imagined.

"I haven't thought of a good solution either, why don't you ask the chief." I said truthfully, then lowered my head and began to study the talisman attentively.

I have never seen this thing before, but it still has great implications.

Moreover, Lin Zhenhua said that this should be a formation similar to trapping and sacrificing spirits. Then I should not be wrong if I study in this direction.

"I'll go and see for myself." Lin Zhenhua took a deep breath and said.

It doesn't matter if the place is big, after all, illusory things can be big or small. If this is really a living person, it will be troublesome.

But Lin Zhenhua was about to leave, which made me raise my head and look at him.

The latter patted my hand clearly, and Ren Wei still sat there without moving. Tang Yu also sat opposite him, and started to taste tea seriously with him.

But Tang Yu and I both knew in our hearts that Lin Zhenhua left his body behind, but his soul left his body.

But fortunately, he is now an eternal strong man, and his soul is stronger than his body.

Moreover, leaving like this is not easy for the teahouse owner to notice, so Tang Yu and I both agree with this.

"Zang Guoshi, do you think this boss just revealed it to us on purpose?" Tang Yu asked.

After all, after the teahouse owner finished speaking, Tang Yu also found the same information.

"I think so." I nodded truthfully. After a moment, I thought of something and added, "But there is one thing I think it's not."

"Which point?" Tang Yu asked.

I raised my eyes to meet his eyes and replied, "Tangyue."

This was obviously something he blurted out because he was frightened by Lin Zhenhua.

Moreover, there are talismans everywhere in this ancient Shark City, so there must be a talisman master there.

But there is no need for them to reveal this news to us.

"Zang Guoshi, you mean that everything here was written by Tangyue? That little talisman master?" Tang Yu didn't believe it.

I thought about it for a moment: "I'm not sure, but let's go to the south of the city and have a look later."

Thinking like this, I finally lowered my head and started studying the talismans that I had already described.

It's a pity that the painting was painted, but I still don't understand what it means.

At this moment, Lin Zhenhua suddenly coughed lightly.

Tang Yu and I immediately raised our heads at the same time, because we knew that his soul had returned.

"Chief, how are you?" Tang Yu asked impatiently.

"At least it looks like they are alive here." Lin Zhenhua replied.

The meaning of what he said was very clear, so I immediately said, "You can't even deal with them?"

"No." Lin Zhenhua said: "Ling'er, you are a goddess and you should know that killing innocent people for no reason will lead to heaven's punishment. And this punishment is useless to demon cultivators and evil spirits, because they have been abandoned by heaven in the first place.

.But it is useful to us."

"Chief, we can go." Tang Yu couldn't help but interject after hearing this.

"If I'm not wrong, your combat power with the Rune Saber, including all the equipment we carry, is inactive here. The only way you can use it is to fight hand-to-hand." Lin Zhenhua said bluntly.

"Then let's fight." Tang Yu didn't flinch: "Both the Soul-Suppressing Soldiers and the Dingnan Regiment can fight ten, or even dozens."

Lin Zhenhua didn't speak, but I shook my head: "I'm afraid, Vice-General Tang, things are not as simple as you think. The terrain here is special, and the Five Harmonies in Feng Shui are used. If there are unknown talismans in the city, I'm afraid they are not only

It’s very possible that a living person can’t be beaten to death.”


Tang Yu was extremely shocked when he heard what I said, and the soul-suppressing soldiers behind him also looked stunned.

"Zang Guoshi, how can he not be beaten to death if he is alive?" Tang Yu couldn't help but retorted: "If you can't be beaten to death, can you still call him a living person? Isn't this contradictory?"

"Yes, those who cannot be beaten to death outside are not called living people. But maybe the living people in this ancient Shark City cannot be beaten to death. Because the trip to Wuhe is also called the trip to Wuhe. Generally, people trapped in this Feng Shui layout

People or living things there will have more or less abnormal situations, but these abnormalities have become normal here." I explained helplessly and truthfully.

In short, the other party was definitely prepared because they had the right time, place, and people.

"Then we can only be so passive?" Tang Yu was a little unconvinced.

In fact, Lin Zhenhua's complexion is not very good either.

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Chapter 993: Ancient Shark City, free reading for living people.
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