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Chapter 998: The Mermaid's Nest

Zang Guoshi, please calm down." Tang Yu held me down firmly: "Commander, he will be fine, but it is your current situation. If you go up there, you will be really in danger."

People are irrational when they are excited, and that's what I am now.

So even if what Tang Yu said was right, I still retorted angrily: "I'm just pregnant and not seriously ill. I'm not as delicate as you said. And..."

"And what?" Before I could finish shouting, I was interrupted by a clear voice.

At the same time, Tang Yu and others immediately shouted: "Chief!"

Although what he just said was very firm, Tang Yu was still extremely excited when he saw that Lin Zhenhua was back safe and sound: "Commander, it's great that you are okay."

"Don't worry, I won't be burned to death by the fire, although the fire is indeed very powerful." Lin Zhenhua said truthfully.

Only then did everyone and I see that there were no injuries on his body but his right hand was severely burned.

"What's going on?" I looked at his right hand and then held it and asked.

I can understand that Tang Yu and other soul-suppressing soldiers were injured, but even if his strength was suppressed, he is the eternal strong and immortal.

Can this ordinary fire burn him like this?

I don't believe it.

"This fire is indeed ordinary, but the oil is not ordinary oil." Lin Zhenhua replied.

"What is that?" I asked.

"It's squid."


Hearing this, I immediately frowned and said, "It is said that the shark's grease burns the lamp and will last for thousands of years. But the shark's grease is not something that is easy to obtain. And what we just saw was that it was swaying like a downpour.

Shark came down. Is it possible that we have really arrived at the shark’s lair?”

Other than that, I really can't figure out where it is.

He is able to use his fat like dirt to such an extent.

"Zang Guoshi, don't all sharks live in the sea? Ours is a real mountain range." Tang Yu also expressed doubts.

In fact, I was not sure, so I finally turned my attention to Lin Zhenhua.

"It has been recorded in "Natural History" that there are sharks in the South China Sea. They live in the water like fish, they do not waste time weaving, and their eyes can weep beads. "Shu Yi Ji" also said that the sharks are the ancestors of Quanxian, and

Famous spring guest. There is the Dragon Thread Palace in the South China Sea. Where the spring first weaves yarn, the silk is as white as frost." Lin Zhenhua took over and said: "But these two books mention the South China Sea. But the Weihai area is far away from the Nanhai

It can be said to be polar opposites.”

"Could it be that the position of the sea water has changed because it has been too long?" Tang Yu asked again: "Maybe the way people recorded at that time was different from the way we record."

"This possibility cannot be ruled out." Lin Zhenhua nodded, and then said loudly: "Everyone, we may enter the shark's nest now. So everyone must act with great vigor."

"Yes, Chief." Everyone accepted the order in unison.

But I secretly regretted it. If I had known that this was the case, I should have tested whether they were sharks when I was at the market.

After all, sharks are still alive in a certain sense.

If it had been detected at the beginning, we wouldn't have to be so passive now.

"Even if it was detected at the beginning, we might not dare to believe it." Lin Zhenhua comforted me with a gentle smile.

As soon as he said this, I thought about it carefully and it was right.

Shark King Shark Tan has appeared, but we still don't know where his lair is.

Who dares to believe that the home of the giant sharks in the world is not only in the Middle Earth, but also in the Weihai area. It is really unbelievable to say this.


"Commander, I finally understand why they attacked Wei Hai in the first place." I said truthfully.

Because it's close.

Of course you have to be the first to get it right at your doorstep.

"Well, it seems so now." Lin Zhenhua did not dislike my hindsight, but nodded in agreement.


"Commander, it's no use just agreeing. What should we do next?" I asked with some worry.

I am very happy that Lin Zhenhua can treat me like this.

But happiness can't solve the actual problem. Before I came here, I had a fleeting look at this mountain range, but it was quite big.

"Ling'er, the formation seems to be ever-changing, but in fact it is nothing more than a combination of virtuality and reality." Seeing my anxiety, Lin Zhenhua said bluntly: "So if you want to really solve the problem, you have to..."

"Start with the talismans we saw at the market before?" I took over Lin Zhenhua's unfinished words and said.

"That's right." Seeing that I really understood, Lin Zhenhua nodded happily.

But he was happy, but I couldn't help but look more serious: "But I really can't decipher those talismans for a while."

The talismans of this ancient country are inherently different from our modern runes.

So it is not an easy task to crack it.

"It doesn't matter, just take your time and let us move forward. In this way, it can be considered a two-pronged approach." Lin Zhenhua said matter-of-factly.

Hearing what he said, I felt a little relieved.

At the same time, I also began to seriously study the talismans recorded before.

We also encountered many organizations in the follow-up, but under the leadership of Lin Zhenhua, we were able to defeat them one by one smoothly without any danger.

And we are about to leave this mountain range.

But at this moment, Lin Zhenhua suddenly motioned for all of us to stop.

Seeing this, Tang Yu asked: "Chief, what's wrong?"

"Send someone to scout ahead, remember to be careful." Lin Zhenhua said.

"Yes, Chief!" Tang Yu immediately accepted the order.

But I couldn't help but have some doubts. I must know that Lin Zhenhua was the first to bear the brunt of this and helped everyone clear the way.

Why is it suddenly different this time?

"There seems to be something ahead." Lin Zhenhua said bluntly: "If we don't investigate clearly, we may have problems if we go there rashly."

After hearing what Lin Zhenhua said, I understood that the thing in front of me was probably very troublesome.

Lin Zhenhua was confident before that he dared to continue with so many people, but now it is obvious that he is not completely sure.

Our group also walked a lot, and through this exploration, everyone rested in place.

At first we didn't think anything was wrong.


Twenty minutes later, none of the exploring team came back.

Lin Zhenhua stood up immediately: "Tang Yu, how many people did you send?"

"There are fifteen people in total back to the commander, divided into five teams, with three people forming a team." Tang Yu reported carefully: "They moved in four directions: southeast, northwest and southeast, and one group was used as a substitute."

There is nothing wrong with his arrangement.

But there is a problem, that is, no one from the team has come back so far.

Obviously Tang Yu also realized it, so he immediately said: "Chief, how about we send someone to take a look?"

"Perhaps the forest ahead was too dense and they didn't get back in a while?"

This possibility cannot be ruled out, but I have a vague feeling that it is not that simple.

Lin Zhenhua pondered for a moment and said: "This time I am afraid that only a small team, that is, a trio will go. Tell them that they must return within twenty minutes whether they are found or not."

"Yes, Chief." Tang Yu took the order again and then sent someone.

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Chapter 998: The Shark’s Lair is free to read.
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