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Chapter 1011: Where is the king?

Suddenly all the talismans on the table began to fly around, and some even glowed green.

You should know that this is a copied version and should have no effect.

And even if there were, it wouldn't be as crazy as a demon dancing wildly.

Could it be...

After realizing something was wrong, I quickly turned my attention back to Xiao Bing. After all, although the copied talisman was important, it was not as important as a human life.

However, what I didn't expect was that Xiao Bing suddenly opened his eyes.

The small leather drum that he originally held in his hands and beat had disappeared, and the tunes he sang in his mouth also stopped.

Instead, he just stared at me with intense eyes.

"Who are you?" I quickly realized that the person in front of me was definitely not Xiao Bing.

The real Xiao Bing is both brave and polite, and would never look at me so unscrupulously.

"Who are you?" The arrogant and disdainful tone was about to come out. Even though it was the same voice, I was immediately convinced of my judgment.

He is indeed not Xiao Bing.

Since he is not Xiao Bing, he is using Xiao Bing's body.

Then he can only be one person.

"I am the National Master of China. I wonder who you are?" After a pause, I added: "We are very grateful to have you here to help me."

There is no doubt that this is the god invited by Xiao Bing.

But the so-called invited gods may not necessarily be the real gods invited. They may be mountain spirits and wild monsters with powerful magic. They may also be some heroic spirits who stay in the Yang world.

Therefore, it is necessary to find out the identity of the other party.

"I have never thought of helping you, such ants." Unexpectedly, the other party actually said this.


Where did the king come from who is so stinky?

"Are we a generation of ants?" I sneered: "Okay, if that's the case, please tell me where to go."

If we don't want this god, we can always go back the way we came.

"Yellow-haired girl, who do you think I am? Do you come and go when you call me?" After the 'Xiao Bing' in front of me shouted angrily, I suddenly felt the whole room trembling.

If I had thought before, this person just had a loud voice but no real strength.

Well now I have to change my point of view.

Because he is just an invited god, he only has three-thirds of the strength of the original god at most. But such strength can actually shake mountains and earth.

It can be seen that this deity is quite powerful.

"Senior, please calm down. It's because I don't have the eyes to see Mount Tai." Thinking of this, I hurriedly said: "I am so grateful that you came all the way. In fact, if it weren't for these ancient talismans, I would not dare to invite my senior here rashly.


As I said that, I tried to grab a talisman from the air that was flying around.

Unexpectedly, after several attempts, they all failed.

In the end, 'Xiao Bing', who was not far away, snorted coldly and directly took a talisman in his hand: "You can actually know that this is an ancient talisman, which proves that you are not completely ignorant."

"Thank you for the compliment, senior." I said truthfully: "But I only know the surface of these talismans but not their meaning. And to be honest, senior, we are trapped here now because of these talismans."

There is nothing to hide in front of a master, because your efforts to hide it are just a joke to him.

Seeing that I was so honest, the person in front of me softened my attitude: "This is the talisman of the ancient Shark Kingdom. This country only existed for two hundred years in the world of Yang. If I were not familiar with human affairs, I would not have recognized this talisman."

Kosame Country?

"It turns out that all of this really has something to do with the shark clan." I frowned and whispered.

"Sharks?" The person in front of me frowned when he heard my words: "Weren't they extinct tens of millions of years ago? You yellow-haired girl must have been deceived."

"Senior, he is indeed a shark, and the King Shark has also appeared." After a pause, I added: "Not the fish woman clan, but the real shark clan."

Most people in the world can't tell the difference between a fish woman and a mermaid.

In fact, the two are distinguished by the yin and yang realm, just like ghosts and wandering spirits. Ghosts are the powerful and independent shark race that have existed for thousands of years. Fish women are wandering spirits. They seem to be similar to ghosts, but in fact they are.

Essential difference.

The two are at best similar.

"You actually know about the fish woman?" The person in front of me finally raised his eyes and glanced at me: "You, the little national master, do have some knowledge. Okay, then tell me how you were trapped here by this talisman.

.How did you get into trouble with the long-vanished shark clan?"

I was very happy to see that he was willing to listen to me.

He immediately told us what happened with Sametan, and also explained the situation at hand clearly. After all, he might not know about the other world.

But we are here anyway, so he can't not know where we are.

But what I didn't expect was that after I finished telling everything, I would not get support and help from him. Instead, I would get a burst of thunder and anger.

"Xiao Xiao's disciples dare to shake the foundation of our human race. Do you really think that this king is dead!"

Not to mention the house, even the ground was shaking violently.

I had to say quickly: "Senior, please calm down, you can easily attract Shark Master like this."

"How can I be afraid of her?" the person in front of me said without fear.

But I rubbed my sore forehead: "Senior, you are not afraid of her. We, Shark Lord, are eternally powerful, and she has the final say in this other world. We have not found a way to break the formation, so we did not ask for it by rashly attracting her here.

Is it troublesome?"

Not to mention, there is this great god in front of me.

I'm sure that in her current state, she is definitely no match for Mr. Same.

Just kidding, do you really think that the immortality of the eternal strong is a joke?

Fortunately, although this man was arrogant, he still listened to my advice. After listening to my words, although his face looked bad, he still calmed down his aura.

After feeling that everything had returned to calm, I breathed a sigh of relief: "Senior, this is what happened. Do you have a solution now? And what exactly does this talisman mean? Can you decipher it?"

"It is very complicated and difficult to break this spell. The most important thing is that a level 5 strong person must be in charge. Where can you find a level 5 strong person who is willing to help you now?"

Xiao Bing looked around and said speechlessly.

Then, before I could say anything, he said again: "Girl, many things in this world are destined. I can see that you have worked hard. Otherwise, this kid wouldn't be able to invite me here. But this is not the present world.

Please God is not a true god. As you said, even I, the King, cannot compare with Shark Lord in this formation. So you should just accept your fate."

"Senior, what kind of complicated method is this?" I asked: "You may not know something, but I am proficient in the sacrificial formations of the mountains and seas. I have also studied the formations of Middle-earth and other countries."

So what seems complicated to others may not be complicated to me.

"How do you know the sacrificial array of the Mountain and Sea Realm? It is also one of the other worlds."
This chapter has been completed!
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