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Chapter 1058: The Heart of the Demon King

"Niece Zang, we can't go to this meeting." Wu Baisheng looked at me seriously and said, "You can only go alone."


I was extremely shocked when I heard what he said.

Wu Buwen, the four generals of Kyoto Zhenhun, Lei Ming, and Ouyang Xuan were even more confused.

"Third brother, do you know what you are talking about? Why do you want niece Zang and King Xiu to talk alone?" After a moment, fourth uncle Wu Buwen asked.

I don’t understand. Apparently my fourth uncle Wu Buwen didn’t understand very much.

Wu Baisheng did not answer his question, but looked at me with a deep look: "Niece Zang, don't you understand either?"

Seeing that the doubts on my face still hadn't dissipated, Wu Baisheng said again: "Think carefully first and don't answer me in a hurry."

After hearing what he said, I didn't dare to answer rashly but pondered seriously for a moment before saying, "Uncle Third, do you want me to talk to Hei Xuan about our old relationship?"

This statement is obviously inappropriate, but I really can't think of any other possibilities.

And as soon as I said this, everyone's expressions were very wonderful.

Especially the upright Jiao Mujiao, the soul-killing general of Kyoto, immediately said: "Mr. Wu San, are you going to let Master Zang fall in love with Demon King Xiu while the chief is away?"

"If this is the case, I will be the first to object!"

"Kyoto's soul-killing general." Hearing Jiaomu Jiao's words, I rubbed my forehead in pain.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with him, and I can understand his mood.

But what he said was a bit too exaggerated.

Upon seeing this, Lei Ming pulled him back and said, "Kyoto Zhenhun will be careful when speaking, Mr. Wu San definitely doesn't mean this."

Everyone, please go and try it soon.】

It was just that Lei Minggang persuaded the Jiaomu Jiao to stop.

Ouyang Xuan actually said: "Mr. Wu San, with all due respect, I also think this method is inappropriate. Even if the soul-killing general in Kyoto is a bit overkill, Demon King Xiu does have an old love for Zang Guoshi. I'm afraid it's inappropriate for you to let Zang Guoshi take advantage of this."


Is this because one person was persuaded and another one came?

I had a headache about this, and I was about to ask Wu Bai to help him find some compensation.

I never thought that before I spoke, Wu Baisheng was the first to say, "Fourth, after they have finished speaking, don't you have nothing to say?"

I was stunned when I heard what Uncle San said.

What does it mean?

Could it be that he still hopes that others will report his mistakes?

Fourth uncle Wu Buwen was also stunned: "Third brother, you are going to be the target of public criticism. Do you really want me to say anything?"

"Say it." Wu Baisheng said without caring at all.

"Third brother, I also think your approach is inappropriate. Niece Zang is alone now. The commander is not here. We all know who Xiu Demon King is. Don't lose your wife and lose your troops when the time comes." Wu Buwen got it.

After agreeing, he said it without hesitation.

Now everyone present has finished expressing their opinions, except me.

But Wu Baisheng, who never interrupted others and even encouraged others to speak, actually said: "Niece Zang, can you let your third uncle say a few words before you speak?"

"Of course." Although I was a little confused, I nodded immediately.

"I plan to let niece Zang have an old relationship with Demon King Xiu, but can there only be feelings between men and women? It has nothing to do with romance, can't it just be sincerity?" Wu Baisheng looked at me and everyone else and asked.

At this point, all of us were speechless.

But after a while, I still asked uncertainly: "Third uncle, do you think Hei Xuan has ever been sincere to me?"

If he says that Bai Luo, whose whereabouts are still unknown, has sincere feelings for me, I believe him.

But does Hei Xuan have it?

I doubt he has any heart at all.

But what I didn't expect was that the third uncle actually said: "Are you really not? If it is true, who was it that sacrificed his life to save you several times in the past?"


Faced with what my third uncle said, I was speechless for a moment.

"Niece Zang, actually the Demon Cultivator had a chance to kill you, but you survived in the end." Wu Baisheng looked at me who was silent and spoke again: "It is the Demon Cultivator who unified China and resurrected a hundred thousand Demon Cultivator army.

It is true that he is not as sincere and sincere towards you as the commander-in-chief. But it cannot be said that there is no trace of sincerity at all."

"Some people take their feelings seriously, but some people are born to put their feelings in a less important position."

After listening to Wu Baisheng's words, I smiled knowingly and said: "Third uncle, you want to tell me that in Heixuan's heart, feelings may only account for two percent of his life, but I am the two percent.

Is everything correct?"

"Yes." Seeing that I really understood, Wu Baisheng nodded and said, "So niece Zang, do you know what to do now?"

"Yeah, I understand." I replied.

"What about you guys?" Wu Baisheng turned his eyes and looked at everyone: "Do you understand?"

Ouyang Xuan's face turned slightly red and he nodded.

Kyoto Zhenhua Jiaomujiao said bluntly: "Sorry, I misunderstood Mr. Wu San."

Lei Ming also nodded: "I understand."

As for the fourth uncle Wu Buqi, he didn't say anything. He just looked up at Wu Baisheng and smiled slightly.

And this smile has explained all the problems.

Finally, I walked towards the next room under the watch of everyone. Before I entered, Jiaomu Jiao ordered someone to take Jade Tan to another room and hold him alone.

"Master Zang, why are you the only one planning to use a honey trap?" Hei Xuan looked behind me and asked with a sneer.

"Yes." I raised my head to meet Hei Xuan's eyes and admitted frankly.

He probably didn't expect me to say that. Hei Xuan was stunned when he heard what I said. It took him a while to come back to his senses: "Zang Linger, are you crazy?"

"Why do you think I will accept a married woman who has given birth to children?"

"Hei Xuan, do you know that you reveal your inner feelings even more when you look like this?" I looked at the extremely excited Hei Xuan and couldn't help but say.

From love arises sorrow, from love arises fear. If we stay away from love, there is no sorrow and no fear.

"You..." Hei Xuan heard this, his face remained unchanged but his ears turned red: "Zang Ling'er, it was Wu Baisheng who pointed you out. Just because you want to ask about the entrance to Jiuyou Land, you are really willing to go out of your way.

.If Lin Zhenhua knew what you were doing, how do you think he would feel?"

"Given his uprightness, I'm afraid he would rather die than want you to behave like this." At this point, Hei Xuan couldn't help laughing.

It's just that he looks like he's laughing recklessly, but in fact I know.

He was not as happy as he appeared on the surface at all. Instead, it seemed more like he was trying to hide his inner thoughts by laughing so wildly.


"What about you? Hei Xuan, are you happy that I'm talking like this?" I raised my eyes and looked at him: "Or maybe the reason why you came to Lin Zhenhua's substitute to absorb strength is actually because you wanted to drop by to see how I was doing.


If I were saying this normally, I would definitely not say this, let alone think this way.

But after what my third uncle said, I suddenly felt that I should change my mind.

"Zang Ling'er, what are you talking nonsense about?" As I expected, Hei Xuan said excitedly: "Why should I drop by to see you? I just want to have more power."

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