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Chapter 1060: Longqing Jibu Mountain

"Of course, as a condition of cooperation, I can help you find Lin Zhuo." After a pause, Hei Xuan added: "Your and Lin Zhenhua's child is called Lin Zhuo, right?"

"Yes." I was surprised that Hei Xuan actually knew the child's name, but he didn't show it on his face and nodded calmly to admit it.

"Brilliant and bright, you and Lin Zhenhua's son can bear this word." After receiving my affirmative reply, Hei Xuan smiled: "Zang Ling'er, are you willing to cooperate with me under such conditions?"

The conditions were very favorable and suited my heart.


"Sorry, that's not possible either." I shook my head and said, "This matter also requires Lin Zhenhua's nod."

Then, before Hei Xuan could speak, I explained: "Because Lin Zhenhua is both the president of China and the head of the family, so if he doesn't make a final decision, this matter won't happen."

"Hahaha. Zang Ling'er killed people and punished people. You did a great job." Hei Xuan laughed up to the sky. After a long time, he stopped laughing and asked: "If you had met me first, or if you hadn't met Lin Zhenhua at all, would you have done it?"

Will the outcome between us be different?"

"No." I said decisively: "Because love accounts for too little in your life Hei Xuan. And what I want is to give it wholeheartedly."

There is no falsehood or any conspiracy.

"Go and ask Wu Bai and the others to come." After Hei Xuan got my answer, he stopped continuing the topic and regained his cold expression.

Seeing him like this, I didn't say much, but nodded to him, then opened the door and left.

After a while, Wu Baisheng, Wu Buwen, Jingdu Zhenhun General, Lei Ming, and Ouyang Xuan all returned to the house.

Of course, I informed them of the situation before they came.

So Third Uncle Wu Baisheng was the first to speak: "Where is the entrance to the Nine Netherlands? Now that we are all here, please ask Demon King Xiu to speak frankly."

Hei Xuan kept his promise and quickly revealed the specific location without hesitation.

But after listening to what he said, I couldn't help but be surprised: "You said that the entrance to the Nine Netherlands is actually at Longqing Jibu Mountain in Middle Earth? How is this possible?"

If nothing else, you must know that Longqing Jibu Mountain is a veritable Flame Mountain in China.

Due to its topography, that place has the strongest solar radiation in the entire Middle Earth. In addition, rainfall is scarce all year round, so both Yang Qi and heat can be accumulated in one place very quickly.

As a result, even when a full-scale war broke out in China, the Yang Qi in Jibu Mountain was so strong that there was basically no evil intrusion.

Therefore, the local Weizang Zhenhun General did not deploy many troops in Longqing Jibu Mountain.

But such a place turned out to be the entrance to a very dark and cold alien world like the Nine Netherlands.

It's really incredible.

"Xiu Demon King, since you have made a promise, should you show some sincerity?" Apparently Kyoto's soul-suppressing general Jiao Mujiao didn't believe this either.

"Zang Ling'er, I am telling the truth, General Zhenhun of Kyoto. And haven't you ever heard of the saying that everything that flourishes must decline?" Faced with our doubts, Hei Xuan did not have the slightest worry. Instead, he talked eloquently: "It's great."

Most people think that in the Yang world, the time when Yin energy is strongest is at midnight. But in fact, this is not the case. The real time when Yin energy is at its strongest is actually after twelve o'clock at noon. Because twelve o'clock at noon is the time when Yang energy is strongest in the day.

.But once this time passes, Yang Qi will decline, and the moment just passed is the time when the alternation of prosperity and decline is most obvious. This is the so-called peak must decline."

"So what you're saying is that the Nine Netherlands is a very cold place, so its entrance should be in a very hot place. This is the so-called prosperity must decline, and all things are conserved?" Ouyang Xuan listened carefully.

After finishing what Heixuan said, he asked a question.

"That's right, that's what I mean, Academician Ouyang." Hei Xuan smiled: "It's good to talk to educated people, don't put too much effort into it."

But when faced with the compliment, Ouyang Xuan was not happy at all. Instead, he turned his attention to me: "Zang Guoshi's theory is reasonable, but the other world is different from Middle-earth. So we can't rule out that Demon Xiu is deliberately setting a trap for us."

Hearing Ouyang Xuan's words, Hei Xuan's smile froze, as if he had praised Ouyang Xuan in vain.

However, Ouyang Xuan didn't care at all about this. Instead, he continued: "Besides, Mr. Zang Guoshi, Mr. Wu San, I think there is a high possibility that Demon King Xiu will set a trap for us."

As soon as Ouyang Xuan said these words, my third uncle and I hadn't spoken yet.

Hei Xuan couldn't help but said first: "Academician Ouyang, I respect you as a knowledgeable and cultural person, but you are targeting me like this? Are you serious?"

"Xiu Demon King, I don't need to tell you who you are. The land of Jiuyou is extremely dangerous. I'm just doing my duty as an academician." Faced with Hei Xuan's words, Ouyang Xuan said neither humble nor arrogant.

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"Okay, very good." Faced with Ouyang Xuan who looked like this, even Hei Xuan couldn't help but sigh: "He is really not afraid of danger. It seems that Lin Zhenhua has a better eye for selecting people than I do."

However, after the compliment, Hei Xuan got back to the point and preached: "Zang Ling'er, where are you from Wu Bai? Do you believe what I say?"

The implication of Heixuan's words is very clear, that is, if we believe it, we should quickly set off to Longqing Jibu Mountain, so that we can enter the Nine Netherlands as soon as possible.

If we don't believe it, then there is no need for him to stop talking nonsense.

My third uncle and I didn't answer him immediately after hearing this. Instead, we looked at each other meaningfully before saying, "We believe you."

This was not said by me but by my third uncle Wu Baisheng.

"What about you? Zang Linger?" For some reason, Hei Xuan actually asked again.

In fact, Wu Baisheng made it very clear just now. He was talking about us, and this "we" was naturally referring to me.

But what surprised me even more was that Wu Baisheng actually said: "Niece Zang, King Xiu Demon is asking you something. Answer truthfully and say everything you want to say."

Where is this song coming from?

I looked at my third uncle, Wu Baisheng, and then at Hei Xuan, who had an expectant look on his face.

In the end, I could only say truthfully: "I believe you too."

Originally, I was planning to ask more about what Hei Xuan was up to.

Unexpectedly, before I had a chance to ask, Hei Xuan said: "Since this is the case, Zang Ling'er, you can contact the local soul-suppressing general now. It's better to do it sooner rather than later."

Is he changing the topic, or is he ordering me on purpose?

I was very puzzled, but seeing Wu Baisheng give me a casual look, I finally decided not to worry about this matter anymore. Instead, I looked at Hei Xuan and replied: "You don't need to worry about the personnel arrangements here in China.

Now I will reattach your broken arm."

After finishing speaking, before he could refuse, I said again: "When we go to the Nine Netherlands this time, we need to be a helper, not a burden. Do you want to take a piece of Shark Tan with you?"

Regarding cooperation or something, I can’t give him an answer at the moment.

But if we can really enter the Nine Netherland through Longqing Jibu Mountain, then out of gratitude I should satisfy Hei Xuan's request.

"No need, he belongs to the Shark clan, and he can't help in the Jiuyou Land." Hei Xuan refused.

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