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Chapter 1134: The left side of the hospital

"Where to run?" I looked at Lei Ming and asked.

"Left." Lei Ming hurriedly pointed the way: "The end of the left is a long corridor. There won't be too many people. Then I should be able to get rid of them by walking straight."


Without further ado, Lei Ming and I turned around and ran away. Of course, Lei Ming did not forget to leave a secret message before leaving, allowing the soul-suppressing soldiers to take the opportunity to disperse and leave, and then wait for the next instruction.

After about twenty minutes of this, Lei Ming and I got rid of everyone.


"This is someone arranged by Hu Qing." I said bluntly: "They did it on purpose."

"Chief, this is not necessarily true. You and the chief are already very recognizable. In addition, you are both heroes who saved Middle-earth. It's not surprising that people want autographs and photos." Lei Ming said as he spoke.

Looking around.

It seemed that the human-naval battle just now had left him, the hidden second-in-command, with lingering fears.

"Not necessarily?" I raised my eyes and sneered: "Maybe it's not necessarily true if it's somewhere else, but where is this place? This is the largest hospital in Longnan. What do the people who come to the hospital do?"

They are either sick themselves, or their family members and friends are sick.

Under such circumstances, even if they admire me and Lin Zhenhua, they should beg us to save them. Instead of blindly asking some gossipy and boring questions.

After all, I have never seen someone who has patients at home and is so relaxed and relaxed.

"That's right." When I said this, Lei Ming reacted as if he was enlightened: "And you can see them all running away. Their hearts are not beating and they are out of breath. It doesn't look like they are sick."

"What should the leader do now? Do you want us to order Changqing Hospital to be sealed off?" Lei Ming frowned.

We all know that there are many complicated forces behind Evergreen Hospital.

But I really didn’t expect it would come so quickly, nor did I expect that they would have so many ways to use ordinary people to stop us.

But everything has advantages and disadvantages.

So, I smiled calmly and said: "No, if Changqing Hospital is really sealed off, what will happen to the patients here? They know how to use the common people to cause trouble. This will play into their hands."

"What?" Lei Ming looked confused, wondering what I should do next.

I just said to the communicator: "All the soul-suppressing soldiers immediately put on the invisibility charm, and then secretly observed where those chasing us were running. Remember, we can only observe and not alert them."

"Yes, Master Zang." The response came quickly through the communicator.

At the same time, Lei Ming and I also put on invisibility charms painted with ghost seals.

But Lei Ming is still a little worried: "Chief, why are you asking about their whereabouts? Do we have to hide from them? In that case, wouldn't we be able to search the entire Changqing Hospital?"

Since the search cannot be completed, it is natural that the Fox Immortal and Longnan Zhenhun General may not be found.

So Lei Ming can't help but feel a little regretful and disappointed.

But my smile did not change: "Before, we had no one to lead the way, so we had to do our own thing. Now that there is someone to lead the way, why should we worry."

After hearing this, Lei Ming finally came to his senses: "Chief, you want to use the trick to determine the location of the Fox Fairy through them. But are you prepared in advance for dealing with it?"

"No matter how prepared they are, it is human nature to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages. As long as this fox fairy hides people and corpses in this hospital, they will definitely not let us get close to that area. Not even nearby.

"I paused for a moment, raised my head and said with a smile: "In order to prevent us from getting closer, what do you think they can do now?"

"Surround." Lei Ming said without thinking: "Just like before, everyone swarmed up. The slogan was that they admire you and want to get your autograph and take a photo with you."

"That's right." I nodded.

Lei Ming was a little confused: "But the place where they gathered may be a hiding place. But we can't enter."

Apparently Lei Ming was still speechless as he was almost squeezed to death by a bunch of ordinary people just now.

I smiled helplessly at this: "Captain Lei, is your super level 4 peak strength just for show? Is it difficult for you and I to join forces and quietly pass by a bunch of ordinary people?"

Unless that ordinary person is anything but ordinary.

Upon hearing this, Lei Ming understood completely and couldn't help but smile with relief: "It's really not difficult."

"Besides, we still have soul-suppressing soldiers. If necessary, we can also attack in the east and west." I spoke again.

No matter how many of them there are, they will be tricked by these soul-suppressing soldiers.

What's more, each of them has ghost seal patterns drawn by me.

If you want to pretend to be Lei Ming and I, high-level experts won't be able to tell, but for ordinary people, it's no different from seeing real people.

Soon I saw that most of the people chasing us were gathered on the left side of the hospital. I said, "Lei Ming, tell the soul-suppressing soldiers to attack from the east to the west. I think the Fox Fairy Empress is hiding nearby."

I pointed at the location transmitted by the communicator.

Lei Ming immediately complied, and soon there were soul-suppressing soldiers pretending to be me and him, and lured most of the people away.

There were not many people left, and Lei Ming and I both wore invisibility charms, so we avoided them without any effort.

But when we came out of the stairs on the left, Lei Ming and I suddenly felt a chill coming our way.

Lei Ming couldn't help but shuddered: "Chief, why would the Fox Fairy choose such a place?"

In fact, what he wanted to ask was whether this was a fox cave or an ice cave.

Don't all foxes always want a dry and warm cave?

I raised my eyes and looked around, and then said: "Foxes like clean and warm things, but if you want to hide so many corpses, you can't find such an environment. Otherwise, no matter how much demonic power you have, they won't be able to preserve the corpses from decaying.


After saying that, I opened the Darkest Black Flag and said, "Li Hongmei, come out and take a look. Your body should be nearby here."

It's so cold here even though it's indoors, probably because the walls here have been remodeled.

It is said to be a wall, but in fact it is a layer of ice that does not melt all year round.

Hearing what I said, Li Hongmei and a group of undead immediately rushed out of the Darkest Black Flag.

Many impatient people even said as soon as they came out: "This is it! It's this biting cold feeling. I'm sure my body is around here."

"Yes, I also have the impression that the last thing I saw was this white wall."

"Yes, and the smell of this damn disinfectant, I will never forget it in my life."

Compared with the excitement of everyone, Li Hongmei seemed much calmer. She just stretched out her hand to signal everyone to quiet down. Then she said: "Master Zang, thank you. I didn't expect you to find the place so quickly. But where are our bodies? They are all storing them."

Where is it?"

I am very pleased that Li Hongmei can accept that it is no longer her body, but a corpse.

After all, the difference between the two is still huge.

This chapter has been completed!
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