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Chapter 1140: He is the real Seven Star Venerable

Its purpose is just to lure me into taking the bait?

But if this is the case, then they have an unclear relationship with Tiandao Palace.

Before I had time to think deeply, Hu Qing shook his head: "How could the Fox Fairy Empress be fake? If he is fake, then these things are beyond our control."


"Is the fox fairy a man?" I frowned.

Hu Qing smiled even more: "Fox Fairy Queen, you can be either male or female, it's not something ordinary people can understand."

"Bah!" I said speechlessly: "What are you talking about being so elegant? He's just a dead demon."

Later, I wanted to ask something else, but Hu Qing said instead: "Zang Guoshi, just stay here by yourself. I heard that you have gained divine power and restored your divine body. I don't think you will be hungry for ten days and a half."

I won’t kill you.”

After that, no matter how I called Hu Qing, there was no response at all, and he left without looking back.

And as he left, I heard a huge sound of the gate being opened.

It is impossible for an ordinary door to make such a big noise, which means that Hu Qing has completely isolated the left side of the hospital.

In this way, no one from the outside can get in, and I am trapped inside and cannot get out.

As long as Lei Ming's message is not delivered, even if the third and fourth uncles are suspicious and send people or come to Daqing Hospital in person, they may not be able to find out the clues.

High, really high.

It seems that even if the Fox Fairy Empress is real, they plan to take this opportunity to verify whether the commander-in-chief of Kyoto is actually a substitute.

Fortunately, I had this plan at the beginning.

This doesn't mean I'm completely passive, but will Lin Zhenhua still help me now?

There is a difference between gods and demons, I'm not sure.

But since I was locked up here, I didn't sit idle, but began to study the wall seriously.

But what I didn't know was that while I was studying the wall here, Lei Ming outside was encountering the biggest difficulty and obstacle in his life.


Lei Ming knew how to combine the power of everyone, so after he went out, he first released Li Hongmei and a few more powerful undead to avoid helping him escape back to Kyoto.

Unfortunately, things turned out to be the opposite.

"Captain Lei, we have made inquiries and found that there are soul-suppressing soldiers setting up checkpoints at all intersections out of Longnan. And from the looks of them, it doesn't look like they want to help you." Li Hongmei said truthfully.

The undead and ghosts are the best at discerning people's hearts, so no matter how anxious the soul-suppressing soldiers are on their faces, their inner thoughts cannot be hidden from Li Hongmei.

"Which place has the weakest guards and the fewest people?" After hesitating for a moment, Lei Ming gritted his teeth.

"Liangbei Avenue in the southwest has the weakest guards and the fewest people." One of the undead reported truthfully.

Obviously, with Lei Ming's super level 4 strength, it is not difficult to injure these soul-suppressing soldiers and escape.


"Captain Lei, I advise you not to do this. Because in addition to these soul-suppressing soldiers, they have also deployed many heavy weapons, and there are even some men in black who we can't even get close to. No one knows the so-called weakness.

Could it be that there is a back-up plan secretly?" Li Hongmei raised objections.

And these men in black were also the ones chasing Lei Ming all the way.

They all have extraordinary skills, and after several confrontations, Lei Ming couldn't even tell whether they were humans or ghosts.

Not to mention thinking of ways to deal with them.

Upon hearing Li Hongmei's suggestion, Lei Ming remained silent.

This also undoubtedly shows that Li Hongmei's view is not wrong, because Lei Ming is indeed a super level 4. But he is not a god. If anti-aircraft shells and heavy muskets are used, he will die if he is shot straight away.

"Captain Lei, don't you have any other way to contact Kyoto besides the communicator?" Another undead said: "Even a phone number will do."

"If it's not convenient for you to show up, we can take advantage of the night to possess a living person, and then call Kyoto. Wouldn't it mean that no one is aware of it?"

Lei Ming knew that these undead wanted to help him, so he did not criticize or sarcastically, but patiently explained: "It's useless. The communicator is the most powerful yin-yang communication device in Middle-earth. They can even intervene forcibly."

.Then I think they will not let go of any call made to Kyoto. So if we do that, we will not gain anything except falling into a trap."

"Since we can't run away, how about we retreat and do the next best thing." After thinking for a moment, Li Hongmei said.

Of course Lei Ming understood that what she meant by retreating was to go back and save me.

Lei Ming didn't want to do this, but he understood that the result of this would be that not only would he not be able to save me, but he would also have to pay for being here with these undead souls.

"This won't work, that won't work either, so what should we do?" the outspoken undead said.

"It's better to just stay."

Suddenly, an extremely ethereal voice came.

Wearing a moon-white soft satin dress, with long black hair as long as flowing water, which was tied up high with a handful of white jade crown, leaving most of it scattered around the waist, a man with thick eyebrows and clear eyes walked out.

In other words, he is so beautiful that he does not differentiate between male and female, more like a figure in a painting.

"So beautiful. Sister Hongmei, I have never seen such a beautiful person."

"There is such an incredibly beautiful person in this world. Could he be a god?"

Unlike the other undead who were surprised and shocked, Li Hongmei was only wary of people who suddenly appeared.

Seeing this, Lei Ming snorted coldly and said: "There is no such beauty in the world. It is either a demon or a fox. You must be the fox fairy empress, right?"

"Captain Lei has really good vision. It's a pity that such a good person cannot survive tonight." The Fox Fairy Empress said with a half-smile.

Only then did the undead react, and couldn't help but said angrily: "You were the one who hid our bodies? Was it you who tricked us into going to the damn Seven Stars Palace?"

"That's right, it's me." The Fox Fairy Queen did not deny it, but still smiled like a flower: "Why do you regret it?"

The undead who had been so aggressive just now suddenly stopped talking.

It's not that they were unable to speak due to something that happened to them, but that they were completely captivated by the smile of the Fox Fairy Empress.

"He's so good-looking."

"He smiled at me."

"A bunch of idiots without brains." Li Hongmei was furious and immediately shot a white light into their minds.

At this time, several undead people suddenly reacted: "Ms. Fox Fairy, you actually bewitched us again!"

"Captain Lei, let's help you get rid of him."

After finishing speaking, before Lei Ming could respond, a group of undead rushed forward.

Seeing this, Li Hongmei had no choice but to follow her, but in the end, the Fox Fairy Empress just smiled and waved her hands, and they were thrown heavily to the ground without saying a word.

Some of those with poor cultivation even started to see their bodies become transparent.

Seeing this, Lei Ming hurriedly stepped forward to protect them behind him, and then said: "Are you the real Seven Stars Venerable?"

"Captain Lei is worthy of being the second-in-command of the Hidden General. Yes, I am. As for Huayue, he is just a shield, just like the one sitting in Kyoto now." The Empress of the Fox Fairy said with an even brighter smile.
This chapter has been completed!
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